[Approved Experimental] S-FM Dueling Smiths (13P)

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    S-FM Dueling Smiths (13P)

    S-FM Dueling Smiths

    Mafia Hidden
    Mafia Hidden
    Mafia Hidden

    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden
    Town Hidden

    Arms Dealer


    Spoiler : Town :
    You are fantastic!

    At night, you may gift a player of your choice a Gun.
    You may not target yourself.

    At night, you may gift a player of your choice a Vest.
    You may not target yourself.

    At night, you may target a player, and receive a full list of when and what items they have received.

    At night, you may target a player, and remove all items in their possession from play.
    The player you target is informed.

    At night, you may target a player, and either watch who they visit or watch who visits the player you targeted.

    During the day, you may check one item in your posession, and find out if it is Real/Fake/Rigged

    At night you may target a player, if they try to use an item that night, that item fails.

    At night, you may target a player, you will discover which role their last item or items has come from.

    At night, you may activate your ability, which will cause all guns that night to fail. This ability is one use.

    You may use up to two items at night.

    Spoiler : Mafia :
    At night, you may gift a player of your choice a Gun or a Vest.

    At night, you may gift a player of your choice a fake Gun, or a fake Vest.
    The fake items appear as real ones to the owner.

    At night, you may target a player, you will receive all of their items.
    The player you target is informed.

    At night, you may target a dead player, you will receive all of their items.

    At night, you may target a player, finding out who they visit and who visited them.

    At night, you may target a player, if that player can create items, they are then blackmailed to make an item for you.
    The player is not informed.

    At night you may target a player, if they try to use an item that night, that item fails.

    You may use up to two items at night.

    You have no special abilities.

    At night, you may rig a players last recieved item.
    Any attempt to use a rigged item will result in the item failing and the players death.
    The rigged items appear as real ones to the owner.

    Arms Dealer
    Spoiler : Arms Dealer :
    Arms Dealer
    At night, you may gift a player of your choice a Gun.
    Your goal is to have your guns kill at-least one player on each side.
    You may not gift yourself.
    When you win, you leave the game.

    Special Mechanics

    • At the 24 hour mark of each day - a Duel will happen.
    • 2 hours before the Duel, challenge phase starts.
    • Everyone can challenge everyone during the challenge phase, and everyone can accept or decline any challenge.
    • Each player can only be part of 1 "duel pair" at a time.
    • Which "duel pair" will actually duel will be determined by votes. Whichever pair has more votes combined between them.
    • Duels are done in a separate Forum Thread. It's a set of 5 questions - who answers them first. (polish your F5 keys, and don't come on a mobiles)
    • Winner of Duel will choose between either killing the one they beat in the duel, or receiving a random item for themselves.

    Special Mechanics 2

    • Using an item forfeits any other night action.
    • You may pass one item per night to another player, this DOES NOT forfeit any other night action.
    • Mafia have a factional blacksmith ability, allowing a member to gift a gun/armour/vest in exchange for their night action, may gift self.
    • If player has multiples of same item type received at different times - they can choose which one to use.

    -Plurality+Majority Lynch (after the dueling event)
    -Days last 72 hours. Nights last 24 hours.
    -Last Wills are allowed.
    -Death Notes are not allowed.
    -The mafia have a night chat.
    -No Suicides.

    Possible Items
    Spoiler : Items :
    Kill someone at night.
    Item has 1-time use only.

    Protect yourself at night.
    Item has 1-time use only.
    First Aid Kit
    Protect someone else at night.
    Item has 1-time use only.
    Follow someone at night. Find out whom they visited.
    Item has 1-time use only.
    Roleblock someone during the night.
    Item has 1-time use only.
    Possible Feedback
    -You got lynched.
    -You got killed.
    -You have received [item]!
    -All your items have been taken!
    -Your target was visited by [Player x, Player y.]
    -Your target visited [Player x]
    -You have completed your audit and the results are as followed:
    Night [x] Item [y]
    -Your targets last item/items where received from [Role x], [Role y]
    -You have checked out [Item x] and your conclusion is that it is Real/Fake/Rigged
    -You got Roleblocked.
    -Your got targeted by a Disabler.
    (healing has no feedback)

    Win Conditions
    Town: Have 1 Town alive and eliminate all Mafia.
    Mafia: Have 1 Mafia alive and eliminate all Town.
    Arms Dealer: Have your guns kill at-least one Mafia and one Town. When you win, you leave the game.

    Order of Operations
    1.All Gun/Vest gifts.
    7.Armour/Vest activated
    8.All Gun/Rigged kills

    Rules of Conduct
    1. Forum Mafia Rules
    2. To ask the Host a question, you must highlight the question in green, and mention the host.
    3. Directly quoting any feedback or PM by the host is forbidden.
    4. Stay active! (Host is the judge of that)
    Last edited by OzyWho; January 11th, 2020 at 03:13 AM.



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