This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

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  1. ISO #1

    This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Now smurf / alt accounts popped up having 100% knowledge to my yesterdays approved report ppl with you know sub 5-50 games and no replays of them in the bank registry and such showing up suddenly talking about it, kinda exposed yourself there, toxic ppl who gets banned and comes back on smurfs to wreak havoc.

    Annyway, so i get another game here, everyone agreeds im government, i claim government day2 trial no one counter claim, everyone says inno, okay so i get innoed and ppl believe i am govern now, i never claimed which government i was i could been crier, mayor, marshall, citizen, etc. i told them i cant reveal on trial (i was marshall) yeah, annyway day 3, they trial me again to grief, some certain specific ppl and back with it again, reveal or lynch, (cant reveal on trial) despite we already agreed previous day that nobody counter claimed my government which nobody did and next day they do it again, cry about not revealing then trials, yet no counter claim.

    First thing with not revealing is waiting for a counter claim so i can smack him, thats one evil or thrower town dead.
    Second, there is still neut evil alive so judge is still possible, simple as that i wouldn't reveal , especially not as marshall.
    third, everyone agreed day2 that i was govern and no counter claims so we went by that, everyone seemed happy with that and understood i was govern.

    day3, ppl go back to lying and saying i promised to reveal and all types of toxic play to get me lynched without evidence and starts with the "reveal or get reported" bullcrap.

    Even i think at that point the people who are so tryhard to lynch a govern claim that got no counter claim and innoed day2 by everyone is the ones griefing the govern player.

    come on, game is getting toxic at this point. after ppl saw that report they think they can guilty everyone who claims marshall/mayor if they dont reveal even if no counter claims or any sort of "reason" to lynch em.

    Its like this now

    1 - There is judge in this save: I dont care, if you dont reveal its guilty and reported.
    2 - There is no one who counter claims your govern: I dont care, if you dont reveal its guilty and reported.
    3 - You were randomed up here and you were accidentaly mayor/marshall day2, day3? Well i dont care, if you dont reveal its guilty and reported.
    4 - You want to reveal next day? Well idgaf what you want, you have to reveal or else its guilty and reported.

    Thats what toxic people are seeing now and yeah, thats basically them being able to not only grief the govern player but also report him and get him banned when its the User who randoms you that is the griefer.

    If mayor/marshall has a reason not to reveal then they shouldn't have to reveal and we shouldn't have to listen to these toxic people saying reveal or reported when all they can do is simply trial someone else for roles and keep playing the game instead of griefing that 1 player who no one counter claimed and its judge in game and we have no clues on him.

    At this point i rather want this a bit more cleared up or else il stop being govern cause lately i wanted to chill some games where i did not want to reveal every single game and what do i get? yeah this shat. now everyone is free to grief the player who claims govern if he doesnt reveal or else reported thats not chill at all its just stupid and ruins the game.

    Last edited by MasterNinja; October 29th, 2019 at 02:19 AM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    1. You are not a significant person nor the centre of this withering community.
    2. When people start using brains instead of shouting slurs and overall showing complete lack of culture and morality, then they will think twice before lynching mayors and marshalls, though mostly mayors. The same with executing said roles as jailor night 1. Until then, I am free to not reveal my mayority to avoid whatever might ensue. Simple examples: being audited the next day after revealing. Being converted the next day after revealing. I would rather play according to my winning conditions on my terms rather than giving to a mass retardation. Thank you.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Reemus View Post
    1. You are not a significant person nor the centre of this withering community.
    2. When people start using brains instead of shouting slurs and overall showing complete lack of culture and morality, then they will think twice before lynching mayors and marshalls, though mostly mayors. The same with executing said roles as jailor night 1. Until then, I am free to not reveal my mayority to avoid whatever might ensue. Simple examples: being audited the next day after revealing. Being converted the next day after revealing. I would rather play according to my winning conditions on my terms rather than giving to a mass retardation. Thank you.
    As town you can simply inno for now until a counter claim and trial other people, playing shit town and only attack the player who got randomed on trial and was forced to say his role until he is dead is mass retardation, thank you.

    Town has a brain too.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Ideally, investigative roles should be leading the town. But theres a lack of consistency both in what types are rolled and what kind of information they're able to attain; particularly useful info.

    I can't comment on the toxicity but breaking the game down to one person mechanically solving is something I'd like to avoid.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Frinckles View Post
    Ideally, investigative roles should be leading the town. But theres a lack of consistency both in what types are rolled and what kind of information they're able to attain; particularly useful info.

    I can't comment on the toxicity but breaking the game down to one person mechanically solving is something I'd like to avoid.
    Breaking the game down to one player do you mean breaking the game down to simply try and lynch the same player before moving onto others?

    Yeah just a couple town basic tips here should easily avoid lynching marshalls/mayors who asks to reveal later, like a few tricks to find out if a player is very likely to be town, aslong those criterias are met there isnt any reason to guilty unless you get in with troll players which it seems to be alot of lately... causing all this ruckus.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    Breaking the game down to one player do you mean breaking the game down to simply try and lynch the same player before moving onto others?

    Yeah just a couple town basic tips here should easily avoid lynching marshalls/mayors who asks to reveal later, like a few tricks to find out if a player is very likely to be town, aslong those criterias are met there isnt any reason to guilty unless you get in with troll players which it seems to be alot of lately... causing all this ruckus.
    I meant the idea of revealing, asking for a mass claim and solving as per the roles list.

    If you're actively being witch hunted, that's a different matter. I was just commenting on why players like an urgent reveal from Government roles.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Frinckles View Post
    I meant the idea of revealing, asking for a mass claim and solving as per the roles list.

    If you're actively being witch hunted, that's a different matter. I was just commenting on why players like an urgent reveal from Government roles.
    Yeah when its starting to become few towns left in the game its sweet when mayor/marshall shows up. and the more you need that role the more carefull you are when lynching someone who claims the role with no counter claims.
    Last edited by MasterNinja; October 29th, 2019 at 06:01 AM.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    Yeah when its starting to become few towns left in the game its sweet when mayor/marshall shows up. and the more you need that role the more carefull you are when lynching someone who claims the role with no counter claims.
    Its unfortunately a part of the role as I see it. Nobody can know for certain whether they're lying about being either of those roles (who usually cannot be healed.)

    What exactly fixes the problem here, from your point of view?

  9. ISO #9

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Frinckles View Post
    Its unfortunately a part of the role as I see it. Nobody can know for certain whether they're lying about being either of those roles (who usually cannot be healed.)

    What exactly fixes the problem here, from your point of view?
    I stop targetting the same player if he seems like govern, aslong nobody else counter claims he is govern for now and then i move on to trial new players for roles and lw and check if any invest claims etc.

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    I've seen plenty of instances in which evil roles claim to be the Government in order to be guarded or healed. I've used this strategy myself quite a few times, especially when I'm Neutral Evil or Neutral Killing. So I'm always suspicious of anyone who claims to be Mayor/Marshall without revealing.

    Also, I don't believe that someone who claims to be the Government is confirmed just because there are no counterclaims. Sometimes the real Government wants to stay hidden to avoid being killed.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    This is just toxic, telling everyone they have to play their best because they are known and good players. lmfao we gonna have rules against playing a bit bad too now? all the towns guilting a mayor would be pretty shitty aswell.

    Also, i cant know how shitty the town is when im trying to survive, a WL cant be based on how shit the town plays when the player is not breaking any rules, im breaking rules based on how shit the town is? thats unheard off.

    i had a game here where i got innoed and i clearly said, if i got guiltied there it would been up and reported cuz i didnt reveal. so again all up to how bad the town plays is telling me im gonna get banned or not? what the actual f?

  13. ISO #13

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Omegasaur View Post
    I've seen plenty of instances in which evil roles claim to be the Government in order to be guarded or healed. I've used this strategy myself quite a few times, especially when I'm Neutral Evil or Neutral Killing. So I'm always suspicious of anyone who claims to be Mayor/Marshall without revealing.

    Also, I don't believe that someone who claims to be the Government is confirmed just because there are no counterclaims. Sometimes the real Government wants to stay hidden to avoid being killed.
    You dont have to give your correct role on trial either, you just have to look like a town and survive, pretty sure thats how the rules are. if you are doc and does not want to die at night because you will die, you can try to survive with another role claim and hope it works. or else better get rules up for you have to say your correct role once on trial if thats gonna be against the rules too like how you have to reveal if asked but you dont want to.

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    I don’t get you. You complain about not wanting to play the game as government but then continue to prefer government every match... just stop preferring government.

    For some reason you think as the government that you’re entitled to have every player do exactly as you say or else they’re throwers and griefers... like.. ugh. That’s not how it works. They don’t have to believe you unless you’re confirmed. Maybe they “should”, but they don’t HAVE TO. Playing so entitled actually does the opposite of what you want and makes people WANT to lynch and WANT to do the opposite of what you say.

    This is a game played by real people, and if you act in a way that makes them dislike you, they will naturally be biased towards distrusting you and wanting to lynch you.

    And no, it’s not griefing to have a negative bias towards you. It’d be griefing if they KNEW you were mayor and lynched you anyway, or if they chose to kill you based solely on your name without even asking for your role claim. But it is NOT griefing to simply be more suspicious of you, a guy who uses the same colored names every game and prefers the same roles, versus a player with a random name they know nothing about.

    You may not LIKE it, but the reality is if you don’t want people to take their dislike of you into the game, you can either choose to act differently, or stop using a name that everybody recognizes. It is not against the rules to dislike you, or to be biased against you. It’s only against the rules to choose to put that bias above the obvious facts of the game.
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  16. ISO #16

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    For some reason you think as the government that you’re entitled to have every player do exactly as you say or else they’re throwers and griefers...
    So i dont have to listen to people asking me to reveal? nicely said. lol

    compare town random lynching someone vs jailor griefing someone n1 and ending their game 100% on 1 players choise. one of them is on towns choise and other is forced.

    and griefing is targetting people you know personally and you wanting to kill them, in terms of lynching or jailing or killing, you are killing htat player because you dont like him, thats griefing. the question is out of the 13 players u can kill why did you kill this same person so many times n1, oh because you know, i dontz like him.
    see thats griefing. (yeah i guess you said that afterwards i dont know where i have said otherwise lol or made it look like i ever had)
    Last edited by MasterNinja; October 31st, 2019 at 01:17 AM.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    So we are banning people for playing bad now just because we ran out of any valid reports of someone breaking an actual rule? thats all im seeing right now, its not about good bad either its about how the mayor/marshall wants to play the game, if ur not forced to reveal then u can choose not to nomatter how guilty it seems you are, i cant know what town is gonna vote, cant ban people for playing bad lol.

    Aslong i say role and everything, after that its up to town what to do not my fault if they guilty or inno. (unless i ask to die or something)

    isn't that so?

    and im not even playing bad or trying to make town lose or gamethrowing, im just asking not to reveal yet, whats so wrong with that?
    Last edited by MasterNinja; October 31st, 2019 at 01:30 AM.

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Reemus View Post
    He is utterly stupid, due to lack of education or culture I DON'T KNOW but he does not care what you tell him. He thinks this is his game and he can do whatever he wants. You won't be able to fix this.
    you jail and exec ppl you dont like n1 :/ you are a million times worse than trying to play as town and saying role and trying to survive just simply asking to reveal next day.

    So just go away.

    There is nothing wrong with asking to reveal later.

    Like Aamirus said we are grown up people we dont play to win, we play to enjoy ourselfs and have a good time, we play to have fun. yet he is asking me to play my best or else ban. ay
    Last edited by MasterNinja; October 31st, 2019 at 01:44 AM.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    Feel free to highlight where I threatened to ban you for playing poorly... this delusional nonsense is exactly what I’m talking about
    First you say something out of the blue like i think people have to listen to my commands when i have not revealed, who's delusional now? I never said that.

    Obviously im talking about what this entire thread is about, banning ppl over not using -reveal after they said their role etc etc and looks like town.

    Yes im getting reported and in the end banned for not using -reveal that i said in this thread. The only 2 valid reports on me ever has been the same thing, not revealing which is not against the rules and as you said yourself i dont have to listen to what other people request of me and playing poorly is not against the rules as you said too, you're basically confirming all the WL's on me at this point is unvalid.

    I had a town here who refused to play as town annymore, deleted lw's and didnt say who he checked annymore, that was somehow okay and not against the rules.
    I had a town who said before game starteed in the save pick that he was going to kill soul eater n1 and he did it, but somehow that wasnt griefing. (guy admitted he was going to grief me lmfao) but thats fine, totally not grief or trying to ruin for soul on purpose.

    but when soul eater plays a bit poorly or wants to reveal later, now thats not okay. is it just me or this stuff all just rigged.

    Gotta say i was a bit trolly in the replay but thats about it, i gave role and lw and everything, not required to have to use -reveal, at best it should just be labelled as bit trolly but no harm. atleast not per rules if these other people can go ahead and stop playing as town on purpose and removing lw's and say shit town randomed me on trial day 2 or day 3 so im not playing annymore cya shitheads that was somehow okay and not gamethrow, and im nowhere near close any of dat, i mean simply not using -reveal but saying role is nowhere near any of that.
    Last edited by MasterNinja; October 31st, 2019 at 09:10 AM.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    part of the problem is that you make it stupidly obvious who you are every game

    I played my first 5 games in the last 2 years all in the last 2 days and I could tell who you were in each one of them

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    People aren't obliged to trust a government claim - it's the same as any other claim.
    I doubt an evil would counterclaim a government role, when the Government role is self-confirmable (apart from the rare situation where you're actually Crier but you don't have time to self-confirm at night).
    Last edited by ; October 31st, 2019 at 12:02 PM.

  25. ISO #25

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    People aren't obliged to trust a government claim - it's the same as any other claim.
    I doubt an evil would counterclaim a government role, when the Government role is self-confirmable (apart from the rare situation where you're actually Crier but you don't have time to self-confirm at night).
    im gonna counterclaim the marshall just so one of us has to reveal and get killed by Judge!
    I Like Ice Cream

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    part of the problem is that you make it stupidly obvious who you are every game

    I played my first 5 games in the last 2 years all in the last 2 days and I could tell who you were in each one of them

    who is this then you think? slol

  28. ISO #28

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Guys. Please stop being so childish. If you wanna fight over something do it in your PMs, not publicly.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    I, or another moderator will lock this thread if we see more personal attacks on this thread.

    I'd rather not though. I feel like there could be some constructive stuff boiling out of this.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  30. ISO #30

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    I, or another moderator will lock this thread if we see more personal attacks on this thread.

    I'd rather not though. I feel like there could be some constructive stuff boiling out of this.
    Just edit their comments saying removed by moderator if you can. his attacks has been for no reason the whole way.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    I, or another moderator will lock this thread if we see more personal attacks on this thread.

    I'd rather not though. I feel like there could be some constructive stuff boiling out of this.
    Your feelings are dulled then, regrettably. Not your fault, not many survived properly functioning in your line of work.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Reemus View Post
    Your feelings are dulled then, regrettably. Not your fault, not many survived properly functioning in your line of work.
    What does this accomplish? Dopamine?

    You’re literally just acting like a textbook keyboard warrior over a social game
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Hey look at this, this would be ultra gamethrow compared to Saying role and LW on trial

    mostacho doesnt even know why he's putting valid reports on me annymore, trolly behavior one game has never hurt annyone and never been against the rules, and he has not made any statements here about not revealing on trial, you dont have to so it cant be gamethrow and its not like ur doing anything wrong or bad so it cant be gamethrow yet so far he put what 2 of it as valid and people bulllshitting and griefing r better players somehow, those r ignored. people that actually ruins the game on purpose by jailing ppl you know n1 and exec etc, compared to something everyone can just inno on.

    and reemus hasn't said anything in this entire thread what he thinks about this, he has just been Toxic and trolling the entire time, his comments didnt get deleted either, just the tiny comments he made so far is worth a ban too. exacly the kind of people we want here, yeah why side with him again Efekannn02? he even flamed at a moderator here asking people to calm down, first thing he does is Flame back at the admin. waow how is this guy still here?
    Last edited by MasterNinja; November 6th, 2019 at 12:43 PM.

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Reemus View Post
    removed quote reference by Voss
    Then report said player for griefing.
    Last edited by Voss; November 7th, 2019 at 01:58 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  39. ISO #39

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    Hey look at this, this would be ultra gamethrow compared to Saying role and LW on trial

    mostacho doesnt even know why he's putting valid reports on me annymore, trolly behavior one game has never hurt annyone and never been against the rules, and he has not made any statements here about not revealing on trial, you dont have to so it cant be gamethrow and its not like ur doing anything wrong or bad so it cant be gamethrow yet so far he put what 2 of it as valid and people bulllshitting and griefing r better players somehow, those r ignored. people that actually ruins the game on purpose by jailing ppl you know n1 and exec etc, compared to something everyone can just inno on.

    and reemus hasn't said anything in this entire thread what he thinks about this, he has just been Toxic and trolling the entire time, his comments didnt get deleted either, just the tiny comments he made so far is worth a ban too. exacly the kind of people we want here, yeah why side with him again Efekannn02? he even flamed at a moderator here asking people to calm down, first thing he does is Flame back at the admin. waow how is this guy still here?
    I side with any Villain that can be of use to me
    I Like Ice Cream

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

    Re: This whole marshall/mayor trial is getting annoying :)

    Closing this thread due to it going off the rails. Feel free to open up another more civilized one if necessary. Otherwise, report bad behavior per the usual channels.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)



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