[Abandoned] S-FM Mix N' Match

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    S-FM Mix N' Match

    Mix n' Match



    All standard S-FM Rules apply
    Pictures are allowed within reasonable size. Hopefully I don't need to specify what "reasonable size" is.
    Videos are allowed as long as autoplay is off.

    Standard Mechanics
    48 hour days.
    24 hour nights.
    Last wills allowed and death notes allowed.
    Suicide is allowed at host discretion.

    Special Mechanics
    All players will receive a 3x3 table of options to create a custom rolecard for the game.
    One side of the table will be for night actions, the other side will be for passive bonuses/hinderances.
    The game will open on a 48 hour night 0, where mafia has access to their night chat, and players assemble their rolecards.
    Each player will receive a different table and the tables are handpicked by the host.

    Spoiler : TPR 1 :
    Townsmen 2 Shot Sheriff 2 Shot Doctor Witch
    Compulsive You must investigate a player at night (if you have charges), learning their alignment. This ability has two uses. You must heal a player at night (if you have charges), healing them if they are attacked. This ability has two uses. You must control a player at night, redirecting their night action onto a target of your choice.
    Sloth Every other night, you may investigate a player at night, learning their alignment. This ability has two uses. Every other night, you may heal a player, healing them if they are attacked. This ability has two uses. Every other night, you may control a player, redirecting their night action onto a target of your choice.
    Framing You may investigate a player at night, learning their alignment, and making them appear as Mafia to any investigative roles (including yourself). This ability has two uses. You may heal a player, healing them if they are attacked, and making them appear as Mafia to any investigative roles . This ability has two uses You may control a player at night, redirecting their night action onto a target of your choice, and making them appear as Mafia to any investigative roles

    Spoiler : TPR 2 :
    Townsmen 2 Shot Vigilante Escort Bus Driver
    Miller You may shoot a player at night. This ability has two uses. You appear as Mafia to any investigative roles. You may roleblock a player at night. You may not be roleblocked. You appear as Mafia to any investigative roles. You may switch the locations of two players at night. You appear as Mafia to any investigative roles.
    Crackhead You may shoot a player at night. This ability has two uses. You appear as Neutral to any investigative roles. You may roleblock a player at night. You may not be roleblocked. You appear as Neutral to any investigative roles. You may switch the locations of two players at night. You appear as Neutral to any investigative roles.
    Sloth Every other night, you may shoot a player at night. This ability has two uses. Every other night, you may roleblock a player at night. You may not be roleblocked. Every other night, you may switch the locations of two players at night.

    Tables are still a work in progress and hosts should stick to more traditional, familiar roles if they wish to edit this setup, due to its highly volatile nature.
    Spoiler : Roles :

    1 Shot Sheriff
    You may investigate a player at night, learning their alignment. This ability has one use.
    2 Shot Sheriff
    You may investigate a player at night, learning their alignment. This ability has two uses.
    2 Shot Doctor
    You may heal a player at night, healing them if they are attacked. This ability has two uses.
    You may control a player at night, redirecting their night action onto a target of your choice.
    1 Shot Vigilante
    You may shoot a player at night. This ability has one use.
    2 Shot Vigilante
    You may shoot a player at night. This ability has two uses.
    You may roleblock a player at night. You may not be roleblocked.
    Bus Driver
    You may switch the locations of two players at night.

    Edit: I’m never gonna finish this. Thread locked lemme know if you want to expand the idea

    Edit edit: lmao I can’t lock this thread
    Last edited by Stealthbomber16; January 15th, 2020 at 02:09 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.



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