The town reconvenes once again after another death, this time that of Damus_Graves. However, it is soon realized that is the least of the town's concerns. The anomaly has gotten much worse. Time has completely frozen outside of the town hall and a giant vortex has appeared in the sky. If this doesn't stop soon, it could be the end of everything.

A panick fills the room as people fear for their demise. However, despite this, one of the mages in the room notices something. The storyteller is still continuing with his tale. Quick to bring this to attention, everyone gathers around the storyteller and the nature of the anomaly is soon identified. A powerful spell has been cast on the town which, if allowed to complete, will turn back time. The storyteller, likely under some sort of enchantment, is the crux of this spell. If he can be snapped out of his storytelling, the spell will disipitate.

The town readies and prepares to try and disrupt the storyteller. However, a thought begins to cross peoples minds. Would it really be bad if the spell went through and the past was changed?

The Convergence Voting

Instead of voting for players in the game, votes in the convergence will be cast onto options; Either ChangeThePast or SafeguardThePast (this should work, a makeshift solution will be made if there are any issues).

-If ChangeThePast receives more votes,
20 Years Ago becomes the canon reality and Present Day becomes the dead reality.

-If SafeguardThePast receives more votes,
20 Years Ago becomes the dead reality and Present Day becomes the canon reality.

Besides that, this will play the same as any day thread and discussion may occur openly for the duration of the convergence. After the convergence, the game will continue in the canon reality.

The following players are alive in both realities. Their votes will count for 2:


The following players are alive in one reality and dead in the other. Their votes will count for 1:
@Marshmallow Marshall

The following players are dead in both realities. They may not participate in the convergence:


The convergence will last for 48 hours, with the option with the most votes after weighing the votes will become canon.

  • 00

  • 00

  • 00

  • 00


Alternatively, the convergence can be ended early if at any point 8 people are voting for the same option (regardless of whether their vote counts as one or two).

8 votes to hammer.