S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day - Page 16

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  1. ISO #751

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Day 4

    Slaol was killed last night. His role was

    Spoiler : Alive :

    The Lawyer Arsonist
    Banshis Glip

    Spoiler : Dead :

    Light_Yagami - Citizen(Town) - Hit by the mafia night 1
    Marshmallow Marshall - Cross Reality Bus Driver(Town) - Lynched day 2
    Damus_Graves - Cross Reality Gunsmith(Town) - Hit by the mafia night 2
    Stealthbomber16 Slaol - Citizen(Town) - Hit by the mafia night 3
    Bahkieh - Citizen(Town) - Modkilled day 4

    Day length is 48 hours.

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00


    5 votes to hammer.

    Reminder, this is a double lynch day. The countdown will reset after the first player is lynched.
    Last edited by Auckmid; March 9th, 2019 at 01:02 AM.

  2. ISO #752

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    @Kenny @Arsonist @Efekannn02 @Yayap @Mike @Ganelon @Glip @Eclipse

    Make sure to read this post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auckmid View Post
    Another Game Update:

    I am having to show some discretion with this ruling. Due to issues getting into contact with any of the reserves and due to me being unwilling to leave the slot vacant any longer, I am modkilling Bahkieh's slot.

    Bahkieh has been modkilled. His role was

    Since modkilling without compensation would unfairly disadvantage the town, I am making the decision to make this day a
    double lynch day. If someone is lynched, the countdown timer will reset and the town will have the option of lynching a second player. The roles of lynched players will NOT be revealed until the day end, even if they are the first player hammered.

    Additionally, if a single player ends the countdown with 4 votes on them, they will be lynched.

    As always, this decision was not made lightly. Prepare for the start of day 4 momentarily.

  3. ISO #753

  4. ISO #754

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Roleblocked again. I figure this is Lylo day. So hard claim time.

    I am indeed the reality sheriff, roleblocked everynight so no checks to share. I still have that gun damus gave me n1 thanks to being roleblocked.

    Here is the PM I sent Auckmid for my action:

    Check ganelon
    Use gun: shoot slaol

    I'm gonna guess 4 man mafia team. Mike, ganelon, slaol and efe.
    They just did vote management during the day to ensure no one was lynched.

    Mike unvoting efe because he was at l-2 was pure stupidity from a town point of view when day was already in overtime from an extention.

    Ganelon was siding with Mike against me for the worst reason I've ever heard: rather lose to Mike than me - then votes Mike at end of day to balance out votes.

    Slaol goes back to Mike as soon as efe becomes a possible lynch. And I don't believe his story about him being scum with no chat in past.

    Efe is by far obvious scum and everyone knows it.

    Entire town is afk/lurking. Kenny is the only one that bothered to try. Had to consolidate our forces to agree on a lynch with him.

    Arsonist never came back.

    Banshis never should have signed, Glip never showed.

    Bahkieh is excused for rl reasons but could easily have cast a vote (saw him online long enough)

    Eclipse never voted...

    So by my math, tomorrow becomes a 5v4 and lylo if I don't kill someone, 4v4 scum win if I hit town.
    Only way for town to win is if I don't die before I use my gun and I have to make it count, sadly I'm out of time. With no confirmation that there is any healing roles left in the present (maybe a Bodyguard is alive if I'm lucky), I might be killed tonight, maybe mafia won't block me at the same time so I gotta take a shot. I have to trust that Kenny can figure this out so I'm gonna shoot who I think Kenny will least suspect.
    Obviously, my read on Slaol was wrong - but I still stand I had the right reasons to suspect him. I did not think he would be nightkilled though, would have thought Kenny or myself, but maybe scum didn't want to risk healing/lookouts on either of us since we are the most dominant voices in day. That kinda makes my job easier that I don't have to try to read Slaol when he lurks.

    I'll wait for anyone else to claim feedback and thoughts before casting my vote.

  5. ISO #755

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Roleblocked again. I figure this is Lylo day. So hard claim time.

    I am indeed the reality sheriff, roleblocked everynight so no checks to share. I still have that gun damus gave me n1 thanks to being roleblocked.

    Here is the PM I sent Auckmid for my action:

    Obviously, my read on Slaol was wrong - but I still stand I had the right reasons to suspect him. I did not think he would be nightkilled though, would have thought Kenny or myself, but maybe scum didn't want to risk healing/lookouts on either of us since we are the most dominant voices in day. That kinda makes my job easier that I don't have to try to read Slaol when he lurks.

    I'll wait for anyone else to claim feedback and thoughts before casting my vote.
    To be fair, Banshis was a reserve in the first place and replaced me before game start because I was going to be too busy for the start due to helping my girlfriend move countries, then the plan was for me to take back over once I got back and he got busy. I just underestimated the rigamarole to deal with when helping someone move to another country, and dealing with living together with a partner for the first time. So, I haven't had much time to come back to and pay attention to this game. My bad.

    Auckmid told me that the 20 years ago thread was pretty much irrelevant now and I didn't need to pay much attention to it, so I've tried to focus on very brief skimming through this present day thread, but I really have very little free time to focus on this game. I can only promise that I'll be active enough to cast a vote when necessary, but I still have very little idea what's going on in the game currently. If someone (*cough* *cough* Yayap) could give a summary of important interactions and reads thus far, that would be very helpful.

  6. ISO #756

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Well, I'm headed to bed. Still waiting for Kenny to show up and throw his 2 cents in. Banshis still hasn't met the required posts for a single day here and no indications that he is being replaced out yet - don't know if that means anything or not.
    I guess I'll find out who takes Bahkiehs place soon enough - good luck to whoever has to do all the catching up.
    I'll find out when eod ends up being when Auckmid finally sets it.

    So far the claims are:

    Hidden Mafia - mafia doctor Efekannn
    Hidden Mafia - ???

    HiddenAny - scum traitor Damus (confirmed with no night chat & allies didn't know about him)
    HiddenAny - scum Stealth/slaol
    HiddenAny - ???

    Hidden Town - Vigilante Yagami (Confirmed by eclipses death feedback and claim during convergeance)
    Hidden Town - Mason Eclipse (confirmed)
    Hidden Town - Mason Lawyer/Arsonist (99% confirmed)
    Hidden Town - Doctor Kenny (confirmed)
    Hidden Town - Detective Bahkieh who followed Gan n1 and me n2 = both resulting in us going nowhere in the past
    Hidden Town - Bulletproof Ganelon
    Hidden Town - Cit Mike
    Hidden Town - ??? Yayap (didn't go anywheres n2 - according to det Bahkieh)

    Banshis - ???
    Marshmallow - ???


    Hidden Mafia - Consort (roleblocking me n1 and n2 - only have my word so far as evidence)
    Hidden Mafia -

    HiddenAny -
    HiddenAny -
    HiddenAny -

    Hidden Town - Cit Yagami (confirmed)
    Hidden Town - Gunsmith Damus (confirmed) I claimed preflip that n1 he gave gun to me
    Hidden Town - Bus Driver Marshmallow (confirmed)
    Hidden Town -
    Hidden Town -
    Hidden Town -
    Hidden Town - Architect Mike (architect confirmed, town alignment still in question)
    Hidden Town - ??? with a gun Yayap

    Everyone else has claimed town but has not indicated any roles, which is ok.
    Notable missing claims: n1 there were 2 attacks in present - possible drug or possible 2nd kpn + a healer in present (this feedback is still MiA)
    Since there is literally only 1 possible TPR spot left in the past, I wager that the sheriff is in the present reality.
    @Banshis - what were you in past? If scum - do you think Efekannn had tmi from present reality? might be too hard to judge considering his trolly attitude or if your chat had low posts. Do you know anything that can help confirm Slaols story, was he an anonymous scum or known scum just not part of the chat?
    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Day 3 is pretty much Yayap vs Mike so far. Unless someone has a valid argument to lynch someone else, it will most likely stay that way.

    Basically the summary of the argument is that I'm accusing Mike that he used all the info I gave him in the architect chat as well as in code day 2 for scum purposes in both realities: I was roleblocked 2 nights straight, Yagami was attacked n1, I get a gun and tell mike in code who I think gave it to me, Damus dies n2. Kenny gets invited to chat n2 and tells mike he is doctor in past who healed yagami - Kenny dies n2 in past.
    And I'm accusing him of willingly leaking/heavily hinted info in day chats relating to the roles I claimed to him - sheriff and cit.
    He claimed that he shared my code with Kenny, which I was ok with, but when I go to confirm by asking Kenny to translate a coded post, Mike translates it before Kenny posted. AND to prevent me from doing the same with a different post, he released the entire chat to the public including the code.
    So now I think he is a scum architect.
    I also point out that with his architect claim, its easy to confirm if he was saying the truth so investigative roles would tend to avoid him and check someone else. I, on the other hand, encouraged investigative roles to check me n1 in the present because I know I'm hard to read - even tried to cleared away the bus driver for them to be able to do that. In short, wifom manipulation evidence also supports me being town and him being scum.

    Mike says that because he is architect (socialite) that means that he is 100% confirmed town - which I say he is not and show the setup saying roles can be uncommon alignments. Mike accuses me of scum painting him and says I am scum/scum. I say that day 2 vote on damus was evidence that I was town (which I now know isn't since he was an unknown ally to the mafia in the past), and that he pushed to defend Damus instead (mafia would know there was no blackmailer and would identify a fake blackmail that as an ally signal) and I have you, Bahkieh, you claimed you followed me in the past n2 and said I didn't go anywhere. So I have evidence (not proof) that I was town cit and he has none. I don't know who else has evidence on me and I'm fine if they stay hidden. Gives them another night to get more intel. Unless I'm pressuring a town cleared person, they can keep quiet.

    I think that sums most of it up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post

    Why do I feel like I'm trying to come up with a better defense for mike than mike himself. I give Glip an opportunity to claim scum in past and confirm mike wasn't - Mike gets mad at me for trying to figure out what is going on.

    I've lost count how many times Mike has told us his RP - which I don't give a rats ass about since Auckmid said RP solving is not recommended and things are in place to safeguard against it. Yet Mike makes it sound soo important.

    Your entire argument against me Mike is that I'm scum painting you so I must be scum - you ignore everything I've given as evidence of why I think you are scum (I even summed it up in a single post). You aren't looking for any other explanation or scumhunting anyone else. You are tunneled on me with no evidence. You think I was scum in past where I have a claimed detective saying I didn't go anywhere n2. I'm trying to find out Efe's partner that had a chat with him - does it look like I'm afraid of who it was? If Efe is s/s and lies about it and says it was me, then the real scum partner can easily cc that claim and expose Efe. Same goes for if he says it was you - and you weren't. Are you scared that I'm eliminating the possibility that it was Banshis/Glip and it narrows it down to MM or you?

    Present MM bus drove me in the past, if MM was scum in past - what was he trying to accomplish? Scum targeted to kill yagami n1 and failed, so he wasn't trying to mess up a heal on their target. Ganelon was considered scummy in present so he wasn't a priority kill target so he wasn't trying to get present scum to kill me in past. If anything, it may have messed up any investigative role checking me in past n1 - they would have gotten future Ganelon info: I haven't seen any strong push against present Ganelon since so either I wasn't checked in past n1 or Ganelon is town present (or t/t if it was a reality sheriff check). To me, it makes more sense if MM was not the scum in past based on his action.

    So in my logic: it's either Glip or someone lied about their past claim, Efe knows the answer and I don't know why he is concealing it. I do find it interesting that he sided with you against me. With the extended day - it seems that the Yayap vs Mike issue will not be concluded and will most likely end in a no lynch if we push this further. So, I think it's best to turn my focus on Efe. Maybe I can eliminate the consort who is blocking me. Even if Mike is scum, a scum architect is less valuable than a consort.

    -vote Efekannn02
    @Glip Those post are probably the most relevant. I wanted to know what your role in the past was to confirm Efe's claim - possibly try to look at the scum night chat to see any info leakage from present day.

    Then + the post I made at start of day that sums up the end of day vote swapping. Not much else has happened.

  7. ISO #757

  8. ISO #758

  9. ISO #759

  10. ISO #760

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Bet you won't release that chat since it would be full of other scums posts.
    Yayap you are scum Rb everyday that is so full of crap.

    here you go scum painting again.

    And the chat is full of garbage.

    I even baited hopeing mafia would kill me. saying I knew who all the mafia where and was going to out. becuse I thought he was scum.
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  11. ISO #761

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    AuckmidPerson was signed in when posted
    09:52 PM ET (US)
    Dude Mike
    07:14 PM ET (US)
    I know who the scum are and I will prove it tomorrow. I just found a few slips knowing the ones who died are town. I will let town know tomorrow.
    I am not going to tell you tonight because I belive you to to be mafia.
    Dude Mike
    07:10 PM ET (US)
    ok i am town pr socialite mm town pr BD how many more pr can there be?
    06:45 PM ET (US)
    I already claimed it - I'm citizen
    Dude Mike
    06:31 PM ET (US)
    I am town. I am not going to let you know kenny role. because I believe him to be town. Yayap I believe to be scum. He claimed sheriff that is role blocked every night I don't bye it. What is your role?
    06:12 PM ET (US)
    I didn't ignore you at all. I tried to get you lynched yesterday because Yayap thought you were 100% scum, and yet he wasn't voting you. that smelt fishy as fuck to me so I pushed you, cuz he was trying to get Efe lynched, a null read, instead...

    I think that it's almost impossible for both of you to be town, so I decided to push you
    Dude Mike
    06:08 PM ET (US)
    The fact you ignore Kenny who is town and me is why I am scum reading you.
    Dude Mike
    06:08 PM ET (US)
    exactly. a town role. anyways what makes you town?
    06:05 PM ET (US)
    hi. honestly I think you're scum. but Yayap is acting very funny. I discredited him yesterday quite hard, I don't see how that makes me scum with him?
    anyway I still don't see what makes you think you're confirmed town, Auck's posts only calls you the socialite
    Dude Mike
    05:26 PM ET (US)
    So tell me about you. You know all the info about me and this chat proves I am town so Spill it.
    Dude Mike
    05:25 PM ET (US)
    You know Yayap your scum partner will shoot me tonight IF he has a working gun.
    Dude Mike
    05:24 PM ET (US)
    Is this the MAfia team? you Slaol And arson or is Yayap on your scum team?

    I am guessing you Slaol yayap
    Dude Mike
    05:23 PM ET (US)
    fekannn02 (2 [L-4]):
    Yayap, Kenny
    Mike (3 [L-3]):
    Slaol, Ganelon, Arsonist
    Slaol (1 [L-5]):
    Dude MikePerson was signed in when posted
    05:17 PM ET (US)
    Hello, tell me why you are not scum?
    AuckmidPerson was signed in when posted
    04:36 PM ET (US)
    Gift QT Pro
    Upload pictures, customize the look, and more.
    Do Not open this spoiler under any condition!!!!!!!
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  12. ISO #762

  13. ISO #763

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Hmmm, rather convincing chat - maybe the 2 of you are not on a team. Good to know I don't have to check Ganelon again.

    I hardclaimed claimed sheriff Mike,

    you'll need to convince town that the sheriff role is scum
    you need someone to CC me. Even someone claiming to have been sheriff in the past will do - which, only Glip can (MM is still unknown role though). And that doesn't eliminate the possibilities of 2 sheriffs (but if there is 2, I assume I've already been checked and was a match or else he would have hard pushed me yesterday). Day 4 now, a different sheriff outting himself now with 4 nights worth of checks is beneficial if there is one so I don't mind.

    As for scum roles, so far consort is the only feedback we are consistently getting. Will have to see if anything else turns up like the attack and healed Damus got. The fact that Kenny and I are still alive suggests scum might know that there is a confirmed healing role out there and are avoiding the obvious priority targets. Which could also mean 1 of the scum roles had a 1 shot extra kill that was used on Damus. Other roles could be stuff that don't leave feedback like framer, consig, evil doc like past efe?, oh and of course architect.

    Either way Mike, your push against me is futile. Try scumpainting someone else. You'll have more success against lurking afk people who can't defend themselves.

    I know who the scum are and I will prove it tomorrow. I just found a few slips knowing the ones who died are town. I will let town know tomorrow.
    I'd love to see what you come up with.

    And @Ganelon , if you think it's odd of me joining Kenny in voting Efe when I'm sure mike is 100% scum -> I was looking at the voting power available, I wasn't going to be able to convince Kenny to vote Mike and I'm quite sure we only had a few votes to spare as town so joining power to vote someone I also thought was scum is logical. The fact that Mike and Slaol jumped off as soon as Efe was at L-2 with Eclipse, Glip, Bahkeih and Arsonist possibly lurking reading the chat pretty much sealed towns fate into a no-lynch. Just another drop of evidence against Mike.

  14. ISO #764

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    "I didn't ignore you at all. I tried to get you lynched yesterday because Yayap thought you were 100% scum, and yet he wasn't voting you. that smelt fishy as fuck to me so I pushed you, cuz he was trying to get Efe lynched, a null read, instead...

    I think that it's almost impossible for both of you to be town, so I decided to push you" @Ganelon can you please leave some words about this part of your chat with Mike? I find it odd.

  15. ISO #765

  16. ISO #766

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    So I'm down to Efe and Mike + lurker/afks as scum.

    I figure if Mike did screw with the chat, Ganelon will quickly point it out. In either case, I'm confident that it isn't just a exert out of the scum chat so Mike+Ganelon not s/s. (yes there is the slim possibility of a scum mastermind that prepared that for Mike to copy/paste but the odds are too slim for even me to consider)

  17. ISO #767

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    @Kenny is there anything other than your present day role that was said in your chat with Mike n2? If not, would you mind sharing the chat? (if you still truly believe Mike is town, you can replace any info you think scum shouldn't see with "(deleted by Kenny)")

    I'd just like to eliminate the small lingering 1% doubt I have on you. In essence, I'm abusing the fact I don't think scum would be prepared to post a full fake night chat and thus am using that as a replacement for my blocked sheriff checks.

  18. ISO #768

  19. ISO #769

  20. ISO #770

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    So I'm down to Efe and Mike + lurker/afks as scum.

    I figure if Mike did screw with the chat, Ganelon will quickly point it out. In either case, I'm confident that it isn't just a exert out of the scum chat so Mike+Ganelon not s/s. (yes there is the slim possibility of a scum mastermind that prepared that for Mike to copy/paste but the odds are too slim for even me to consider)
    heeey i'm not scum in neither of realities
    [SIGPIC]Why you hold cursor on my signature picture?[/SIGPIC] A very annoying SC2Mafia player.

  21. ISO #771

  22. ISO #772

  23. ISO #773

  24. ISO #774

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Honestly, cit.
    But doc/bodyguard/vet are possible - donno what you told Mike but scum seem to be not targeting you so I'm I'm thinking not a healing/protecting type - they seem to be hunting a healer or I would have been killed. It's getting near impossible to mislynch me so I don't see why they would leave me alive unless they think I'm being guarded.

  25. ISO #775

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    ... I would like a response to the question a asked you Kenny. Dodging my question with a question directed back at me won't work.

    I'm still trying to understand how you seem to still be town reading Mike or at least you are giving off that impression and keeping your thoughts on Mike concealed and that doubt is naggin at me.

    "There are currently 12 users browsing this thread.*(1 members and 11 guests"

    I know people are lurking -

  26. ISO #776

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Alright. This is the chat:
    Spoiler : :



    02:40 PM ET (US)





    01:39 PM ET (US)

    We'll see. Personally I'd likely believe him if he retracts his claim once things get serious. So far it didn't look like he'd have intended it as cc for lynching at least.


    Dude Mike


    01:01 PM ET (US)

    if he is not dead in the past. he is mafia. is the way I look at it.




    12:57 PM ET (US)

    I must admit, I did not see that. But if Efe becomes a target for trolling with his doctor efe thing, that'd pretty much be the best thing that could happen to us.


    Dude Mike


    12:44 PM ET (US)

    Light things Elfe healed him not you. Light has him as confirmed doc




    11:39 AM ET (US)

    If I end up dying in both realities tonight do me a favor and push for the past reality please. I put much more effort and am also a fair bit more confident in my Yayap + Ganelon read for the past, compared to the junk that is Efe and Arsonist in the present.




    08:59 AM ET (US)

    Now to what I think why he would suggest to make me your Socialite invitee.
    Yayap does not know me well. He realized I scumread him, he thought adding me to this chat, telling me about his sheriff role and letting me see the code would convince me to see him as town in both realities. On top of that he realized when Yagami got healed that the doctor does not go after the obvious active townplayer, but instead goes for more hidden tpr players. He obviously didn't know I'm doctor, but he realized I wouldn't get healed. Tonight I will get killed. He will then use the chat to convince everyone, including me, on voting the present. He is sheriff in the present, he knows that I do not scumread him there. This gives Yayap a solid chance of achieving a town win, while sacrificing his doomed scum team.




    08:49 AM ET (US)

    So here's what I believe has happened: Damus, Ganelon, Yayap are scum in the past. They used the night chat to get to know each other. Yayap convinced them of the advantages of using the scum chat of one reality to hold town discussions about the other. All 3 of them ended up gaining a strong town read on each other, Damus revealed his role. He would only want to give a gun to someone who he A) trusts and B) can talk with privately, to ensure that the kill does not go in an unwanted direction. He chooses Yayap first. This allowed Damus to know who the person he gave a gun to is gonna shoot, effectively letting him secure the kill in a way. Now, if this is true what I believe is gonna happen next would be either:
    1) Ganelon gets the gun. Case closed, Damus only gives guns to people he has a chat with, we vote the past, gg ez, detective Kenny for MVP
    2) You get a gun. Yayap trusts you, he has a code to communicate with you. Damus knows this, as such he makes use of this. If this were to happen we would not have the confirmed connection towards Ganelon, along with not having the confirmation that he doesn't just go for townreads of the daychat, as you obviously are a townread.
    3) I get a gun. This would definitely mean he goes after townreads of the daychat. It clears Yayap, as I believe he himself has realized I would not 100% follow his orders on gunshots. Then my theory would be either wrong or we'd have a case of wifom, which is also not something we could work with.
    4) Someone else entirely gets the gun. This would straight up mean it's not even likely that Damus is blacksmith, or it could mean that the blacksmith is a neutral role. In either case it'd prove this theory of mine to be wrong. It'd still be weird that Damus thought of a blacksmith role when the only one Yayap has told about his gun is you however. I believe 4) to be unlikely. In any case if Damus would be blacksmith and went for option 4) it'd mean we can't close connections towards a scumteam from the gun target alone.

    I hope this makes sense.




    08:07 AM ET (US)

    Then there's another thing I noticed that would further point towards my Damus + Yayap past scum team theory: Damus claimed blacksmith in the past. Yayap did never publicly reveal that he got a gun (I think?). What are the odds of Damus randomly thinking of exactly that same role in this kinda hidden setup to defend himself?




    08:00 AM ET (US)

    Yea Yayap should see a match for both realities on me. About the gun, didn't he say he got it in the present, not the past? That means it was targeted at him without bd swap, and unless he told you something else, all there is about him in the past is citizen, and bd swapped. Which is also about twice as much as there is about me in the present tbqf.
    Do you think the scum would try to go for Yagami again in the past anyway? Or even you? Or would you say you're pretty much cleared from being a target, unless the scum team is someone completely else than I think?
    I want to have this understanding of your mafia night kill view for wifom btw. Imo it's safe to say that no matter what, you and Yayap can't both already be in a scum chat. Otherwise you would have wasted a night action after all. If I die I want to know who thinks that I would die, and who thinks that someone else would die, as I can still discuss in the convergence chat as long as I'm alive in the other reality.


    Dude Mike


    12:35 AM ET (US)

    I agree with Ganelon in past being scum and he scum swiped ie why I been pushing on him in the past. I town read Yayap because why would he tell me he got a gun. We can keep the color code. just remember if you change to set 2 you can still use colors just use the colors for the second set if you know what I mean.*

    Let me know if you get any feedback in the morning. if you die in present you can still use the code in the past lol. yayap thinks you may be target number 1. I believe he will be checking you tonight. so your alignments are both town correct?




    08:21 PM ET (US)

    Seems like Auckmid extended the night by 17 hours lol. Guess I'll still have the time to reread a bit and discuss with you then. Was totally thinking the night is ending and I'm locked into healing without wifom now.




    08:09 PM ET (US)

    It'd be simpler and at the same time less obvious towards overs to keep the colors. Then just replace the slots like you suggested for slot 2 if there's anything Yayap shouldn't know.
    But yes, I do believe Yayap is town in the present. I can only see him teamed with Ganelon and Damus. Damus pretty much confirmed himself as scum in the past, I wouldn't want to assume anyone of those to be double scum for now. Or maybe I just lack the skill for that double-reading idk.
    Do you agree on my reads about the past btw? Ganelon scumslipping with roles and meta, Yayap doing his narrative-control and passive pushing towards the present where he has a better standing?
    Considering all this, our votes tomorrow would also be to choose between having more information about each other in the present versus having no dead town and a more responsive scum in the past.


    Dude Mike


    07:16 PM ET (US)

    if you end up being scum well our code is screwed lol


    Dude Mike


    07:16 PM ET (US)

    that will give him code set 1 but not code set 2. we only use code set 2 if we find out he is scum or suspect he is scum.


    Dude Mike


    07:15 PM ET (US)

    it is simple i say #FFD699 =1, #FFD700 = 2, #FFD701 = 3 and so on so on. He will get it


    Dude Mike


    07:13 PM ET (US)

    he does not know I am going to make it to numbers. yet. I plan on letting him know in day chat. not hiding the code going to say the code openly but no one will know what it means


    Dude Mike


    07:11 PM ET (US)

    That was in the chat..


    Dude Mike


    07:11 PM ET (US)

    06:17 PM ET (US)
    So for code, I'm thinking of using color codes. If you see any gold text in my post, quote it and check the number of the bbc code, each number will correspond to different things - but the color code is so similar that it is impossible to tell the difference between them with naked eye.


    So in that example the bbc color code is #FFD700, I can use any number close to 700 and the color looks the same so #FFD701, #FFD702, etc are all the same to the eye.*
    Use only 1 code per post so people can't see multiple codes numbers unless they multiquote (and even then, it goes unnoticed unless they are really looking at it). If you need to combo codes, just spread them along multiple posts (in the same reality).

    code # - it's meaning

    #FFD699 - end of combo code (use this in the final coded post if a code has multiple posts, so we know where the code stops, that way if we have a new series of code for a different topic we don't get messed up)
    #FFD700 - understood/acknowledge
    #FFD701 - don't understand
    #FFD702 - yes
    #FFD703 - no

    #FFD704 - Bahkieh
    #FFD705 - Banshis
    #FFD706 - Damus_Graves
    #FFD707 - Eclipse
    #FFD708 - Efekannn02
    #FFD709 - Ganelon
    #FFD710 - Kenny
    #FFD711 - Light_Yagami
    #FFD712 - Marshmallow Marshall
    #FFD713 - Mike
    #FFD714 - Stealthbomber16
    #FFD715 - The Lawyer
    #FFD716 - Yayap
    #FFD717 - (replacement player 1)
    #FFD718 - (replacement player 2)
    #FFD719 - (replacement player 3)
    #FFD720 - (replacement player 4)

    #FFD721 - sheriff feedback match
    #FFD722 - sheriff feedback no match
    #FFD723 - sheriff feedback lost (if I'm roleblocked or witched, etc)
    #FFD724 - sheriff suggested target (for end of day)
    #FFD725 - architect suggested target (for end of day)
    #FFD726 - suggestion target was not the target (start of day if I decide to check someone different than I suggested - will be followed by a name in future posts then the result in another)
    #FFD727 - talked to (for you to let me know who you talked to at start of day - include a quote from that person or combo this code with a name in a future post or include a quote from that person)
    #FFD728 - suspect town (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)
    #FFD729 - suspect scum (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)

    #FFD730 - got feedback roleblocked
    #FFD731 - got feedback bus driven
    #FFD732 - got feedback got gun
    #FFD733 - got feedback got armor
    #FFD734 - got feedback witched
    #FFD735 - got feedback attacked + healed
    #FFD736 - got feedback recruited by masons in past reality
    #FFD737 - got feedback blackmailed (will depend on requirements if we can use this one or not)
    #FFD738 - got feedback jailed
    #FFD739 - got feedback operated
    #FFD740 - got feedback got bread (can use ability 2x in same night)
    #FFD740 - got feedback had interview with diff architect*
    #FFD741 - got feedback I wrote the journalist article
    #FFD742 - got feedback doused by arsonist
    #FFD743 - got feedback poisoned
    #FFD744 - got feedback electrocuted
    #FFD745 - got feedback got fake/useless item
    #FFD746 - got feedback that we didn't plan for in codes

    #FFD747 - in Past reality
    #FFD748 - in Present reality
    #FFD749 - in both realities
    #FFD750 - in neither reality

    I try to keep my codes as short as possible and only use more if the person doesn't understand, so just because I made a code to describe something, doesn't mean I'll use it if I don't have to.*

    Anyways, I have to go, don't have time to post much more and don't have time to review the present reality (this is why I like long nights - 24h isn't enough for me to get sleep and review everything)
    So I'll be checking Kenny tonight. If I get a match, I suggest you talk to him tomorrow - will let you know by code if that suggestion changes.
    I should be on the day chats around midnight on my pc, might check on it on my phone before then. Let me know if you think of other codes that would be useful if you think of any. And only share this code after we 100% someone so not before the realities merge - and I guess only if the present wins the vote.


    Dude Mike


    07:10 PM ET (US)

    yayap trust you the most. so my question is do we trust him?


    Dude Mike


    07:09 PM ET (US)

    I can not target anyone dead in present, does not matter if they died in the past.


    Dude Mike


    07:08 PM ET (US)

    reread it he is the one who came up with the code




    05:12 PM ET (US)

    So anyway, about your next target.
    Obviously, Damus is scum in the past, as such you can't target him.
    I believe Ganelon to be scum there as well, which rules him out, too.
    Efekan and Arsonist would be the present day scum, along with being generally bad targets as uninvolved players.
    MM and Yagami are dead.
    This leaves Eclipse, Bahkieh, Banshis and Slaol.
    Out of these I'd rule out Eclipse because of the way he seems to cling to players, that passive buddying. I also do suspect him a fair bit to be scum in one of the realities. Likely the past, if Yayap isn't scum there. Or he's neutral.
    Bahkieh and Banshis are both better targets than Eclipse, but they lack impact in the chat. Overall I'd say go for Slaol.




    04:46 PM ET (US)

    Please elaborate about this part lol.
    Howe does Yayap know about code 1 if you just quoted the whole chat with him and didn't mention it there?




    04:45 PM ET (US)

    Dude Mike
    02:35 PM ET (US)
    That was the whole night chat with me and yap

    Dude Mike
    02:50 PM ET (US)
    I posted this in case I am killed tonight. if you and yayap scum team will gg well played. Who would you suggest i take to night chat tomorrow. I will anoouse tomorrow there is a code being used I will not share that code. but you can use it to talk to yayap and me also. remember anything you say in it yayap knows also

    Dude Mike
    02:58 PM ET (US)
    I changed the color code to numbers no point hiding the codeine more*

    fore example 14,31,52,1

    means Marshmallow Marshall suspect scum in Present reality.




    04:37 PM ET (US)

    Wait, so today you used colors as code, but in the night before you and Yayap also already preemptively prepared a new code that does not make use of colors for the next day?




    04:29 PM ET (US)

    Oof. Yea Yagami was my heal. So I take it Yayap claimed cit in the past, sheriff in the present, he got blocked and recieved a gun in the present, was bussed in the past?
    Who do you think should I heal this time? I guess Yayap as a cit wouldn't be the right target. I was personally thinking along the lines of Slaol, MM or Yagami again.


    Dude Mike


    03:29 PM ET (US)

    yayap does not know code set 2


    Dude Mike


    03:29 PM ET (US)

    code set 2

    54 ____
    55 - change to code set 1


    Dude Mike


    03:27 PM ET (US)

    code set 1

    1- end of combo code (use this in the final coded post if a code has multiple posts, so we know where the code stops, that way if we have a new series of code for a different topic we don't get messed up)
    2 - understood/acknowledge
    3 - don't understand
    4 - yes
    5 - no

    6 - Bahkieh
    7 - Banshis
    8- Damus_Graves
    9- Eclipse
    10 - Efekannn02
    11 - Ganelon
    12 - Kenny
    13 - Light_Yagami
    14 - Marshmallow Marshall
    15 - Mike
    16 - Stealthbomber16
    17 - The Lawyer
    18 - Yayap
    19 - (replacement player 1)
    20 - (replacement player 2)
    21 - (replacement player 3)
    22 - (replacement player 4)

    23 - sheriff feedback match
    24 - sheriff feedback no match
    25 - sheriff feedback lost (if I'm roleblocked or witched, etc)
    26 - sheriff suggested target (for end of day)
    27 - architect suggested target (for end of day)
    28 - suggestion target was not the target (start of day if I decide to check someone different than I suggested - will be followed by a name in future posts then the result in another)
    29 - talked to (for you to let me know who you talked to at start of day - include a quote from that person or combo this code with a name in a future post or include a quote from that person)
    30 - suspect town (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)
    31 - suspect scum (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)

    32 - got feedback roleblocked
    33 - got feedback bus driven
    34 - got feedback got gun
    35- got feedback got armor
    36 - got feedback witched
    37 - got feedback attacked + healed
    38 - got feedback recruited by masons in past reality
    39 - got feedback blackmailed (will depend on requirements if we can use this one or not)
    40 - got feedback jailed
    41 - got feedback operated
    42 - got feedback got bread (can use ability 2x in same night)
    43 - got feedback had interview with diff architect*
    44 - got feedback I wrote the journalist article
    45 - got feedback doused by arsonist
    46 - got feedback poisoned
    47 - got feedback electrocuted
    48 - got feedback got fake/useless item
    49 - got feedback that we didn't plan for in codes

    50 - in Past reality
    51 - in Present reality
    52- in both realities
    53 - in neither reality
    54- I think Yayap is scum do not trust him.*
    55 - change to code set 2


    Dude Mike


    03:01 PM ET (US)

    55 - I think Yayap is scum do not trust him.*
    56 - change to code set 2*

    I will post code set 2


    Dude Mike


    02:58 PM ET (US)

    I changed the color code to numbers no point hiding the codeine more*

    fore example 14,31,52,1

    means Marshmallow Marshall suspect scum in Present reality.


    Dude Mike


    02:56 PM ET (US)

    1- end of combo code (use this in the final coded post if a code has multiple posts, so we know where the code stops, that way if we have a new series of code for a different topic we don't get messed up)
    2 - understood/acknowledge
    3 - don't understand
    4 - yes
    5 - no

    6 - Bahkieh
    7 - Banshis
    8- Damus_Graves
    9- Eclipse
    10 - Efekannn02
    11 - Ganelon
    12 - Kenny
    13 - Light_Yagami
    14 - Marshmallow Marshall
    15 - Mike
    16 - Stealthbomber16
    17 - The Lawyer
    18 - Yayap
    19 - (replacement player 1)
    20 - (replacement player 2)
    21 - (replacement player 3)
    22 - (replacement player 4)

    23 - sheriff feedback match
    24 - sheriff feedback no match
    25 - sheriff feedback lost (if I'm roleblocked or witched, etc)
    26 - sheriff suggested target (for end of day)
    27 - architect suggested target (for end of day)
    28 - suggestion target was not the target (start of day if I decide to check someone different than I suggested - will be followed by a name in future posts then the result in another)
    29 - talked to (for you to let me know who you talked to at start of day - include a quote from that person or combo this code with a name in a future post or include a quote from that person)
    30 - suspect town (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)
    31 - suspect scum (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)

    32 - got feedback roleblocked
    33 - got feedback bus driven
    34 - got feedback got gun
    35- got feedback got armor
    36 - got feedback witched
    37 - got feedback attacked + healed
    38 - got feedback recruited by masons in past reality
    39 - got feedback blackmailed (will depend on requirements if we can use this one or not)
    40 - got feedback jailed
    41 - got feedback operated
    42 - got feedback got bread (can use ability 2x in same night)
    43 - got feedback had interview with diff architect*
    44 - got feedback I wrote the journalist article
    45 - got feedback doused by arsonist
    46 - got feedback poisoned
    47 - got feedback electrocuted
    48 - got feedback got fake/useless item
    49 - got feedback that we didn't plan for in codes

    50 - in Past reality
    52 - in Present reality
    53 - in both realities
    54 - in neither reality


    Dude Mike


    02:50 PM ET (US)

    I posted this in case I am killed tonight. if you and yayap scum team will gg well played. Who would you suggest i take to night chat tomorrow. I will anoouse tomorrow there is a code being used I will not share that code. but you can use it to talk to yayap and me also. remember anything you say in it yayap knows also


    Dude Mike


    02:43 PM ET (US)

    in code yap said he received a gun so that means we have an armor smith and with him being bussed was meant to go to someone else.


    Dude Mike


    02:37 PM ET (US)

    I will confirm I am town citizen in the past as well.


    Dude Mike


    02:37 PM ET (US)

    so did you heal Light in the past?


    Dude Mike


    02:35 PM ET (US)

    That was the whole night chat with me and yap


    Dude Mike


    02:35 PM ET (US)

    I hope that explains what I know


    Dude Mike


    02:34 PM ET (US)

    AuckmidPerson was signed in when posted
    09:56 PM ET (US)
    Dude Mike
    09:28 PM ET (US)
    true I do remember that. But I will trust you. I will have to. unless I am proven wrong. I have a gut feeling
    06:19 PM ET (US)
    "mike" I am going to lock you in as hard town no way I see you doing all this as scum if you are scum you derserve the wiin. And if I can not trust you can cost us the game.*

    Trust me, just so you know a bit of meta on me, you can't judge me on that. I do it as scum too. I did it with McDonalds when I (Dominoes) was jailed, remember?
    06:17 PM ET (US)
    So for code, I'm thinking of using color codes. If you see any gold text in my post, quote it and check the number of the bbc code, each number will correspond to different things - but the color code is so similar that it is impossible to tell the difference between them with naked eye.


    So in that example the bbc color code is #FFD700, I can use any number close to 700 and the color looks the same so #FFD701, #FFD702, etc are all the same to the eye.*
    Use only 1 code per post so people can't see multiple codes numbers unless they multiquote (and even then, it goes unnoticed unless they are really looking at it). If you need to combo codes, just spread them along multiple posts (in the same reality).

    code # - it's meaning

    #FFD699 - end of combo code (use this in the final coded post if a code has multiple posts, so we know where the code stops, that way if we have a new series of code for a different topic we don't get messed up)
    #FFD700 - understood/acknowledge
    #FFD701 - don't understand
    #FFD702 - yes
    #FFD703 - no

    #FFD704 - Bahkieh
    #FFD705 - Banshis
    #FFD706 - Damus_Graves
    #FFD707 - Eclipse
    #FFD708 - Efekannn02
    #FFD709 - Ganelon
    #FFD710 - Kenny
    #FFD711 - Light_Yagami
    #FFD712 - Marshmallow Marshall
    #FFD713 - Mike
    #FFD714 - Stealthbomber16
    #FFD715 - The Lawyer
    #FFD716 - Yayap
    #FFD717 - (replacement player 1)
    #FFD718 - (replacement player 2)
    #FFD719 - (replacement player 3)
    #FFD720 - (replacement player 4)

    #FFD721 - sheriff feedback match
    #FFD722 - sheriff feedback no match
    #FFD723 - sheriff feedback lost (if I'm roleblocked or witched, etc)
    #FFD724 - sheriff suggested target (for end of day)
    #FFD725 - architect suggested target (for end of day)
    #FFD726 - suggestion target was not the target (start of day if I decide to check someone different than I suggested - will be followed by a name in future posts then the result in another)
    #FFD727 - talked to (for you to let me know who you talked to at start of day - include a quote from that person or combo this code with a name in a future post or include a quote from that person)
    #FFD728 - suspect town (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)
    #FFD729 - suspect scum (use this with a quote from who you are talking about instead of combo codes)

    #FFD730 - got feedback roleblocked
    #FFD731 - got feedback bus driven
    #FFD732 - got feedback got gun
    #FFD733 - got feedback got armor
    #FFD734 - got feedback witched
    #FFD735 - got feedback attacked + healed
    #FFD736 - got feedback recruited by masons in past reality
    #FFD737 - got feedback blackmailed (will depend on requirements if we can use this one or not)
    #FFD738 - got feedback jailed
    #FFD739 - got feedback operated
    #FFD740 - got feedback got bread (can use ability 2x in same night)
    #FFD740 - got feedback had interview with diff architect*
    #FFD741 - got feedback I wrote the journalist article
    #FFD742 - got feedback doused by arsonist
    #FFD743 - got feedback poisoned
    #FFD744 - got feedback electrocuted
    #FFD745 - got feedback got fake/useless item
    #FFD746 - got feedback that we didn't plan for in codes

    #FFD747 - in Past reality
    #FFD748 - in Present reality
    #FFD749 - in both realities
    #FFD750 - in neither reality

    I try to keep my codes as short as possible and only use more if the person doesn't understand, so just because I made a code to describe something, doesn't mean I'll use it if I don't have to.*

    Anyways, I have to go, don't have time to post much more and don't have time to review the present reality (this is why I like long nights - 24h isn't enough for me to get sleep and review everything)
    So I'll be checking Kenny tonight. If I get a match, I suggest you talk to him tomorrow - will let you know by code if that suggestion changes.
    I should be on the day chats around midnight on my pc, might check on it on my phone before then. Let me know if you think of other codes that would be useful if you think of any. And only share this code after we 100% someone so not before the realities merge - and I guess only if the present wins the vote.
    Dude MikePerson was signed in when posted
    06:09 PM ET (US)
    *If you want me to take someone to night chat d2 just do a @Mike what do you think of “player name” that will let me know to consider taking them to night chat.*

    I will post in my last post a players name. The post will start with Dude. It will not say anything about me takeing anyone to night chat. But that will be the person I take to night chat. This would be good info for you to have in case I die in both.
    Dude MikePerson was signed in when posted
    05:57 PM ET (US)
    I am going to lock you in as hard town no way I see you doing all this as scum if you are scum you derserve the wiin. And if I can not trust you can cost us the game.
    04:47 PM ET (US)
    I'll just copy past my notes on past reality here - sorry if it's a bit hard to read, I don't really format stuff in notepad. Numbers in () refer to post numbers in the thread.

    Past d1
    RP Templar good - Magic Bad

    Bahkieh 4p
    prefers past - role(116, 120)

    Banshis 4p

    Damus_Graves 53p
    Hate magic users, ()*
    claims not cit with wifom (30)
    RP same person - full RP in 35 about his son, seems to be a discression*
    hints that his rp claim contains role hint (86)*
    non serious vote on mm to get things talking..? (105)*
    first to prod people for reality preferences (112)
    wants to know my preference in reality (134 and less) role hunting me
    Damus adds pressure to me... brings out random posts that have no value? (152)
    prefers reality present (16

    Eclipse 9p
    asks mike for more RP info(60)
    votes afk stealth (261)
    votes afk banshis (263)

    Efekannn02 18p
    claims templar sided, but likes magic, uses professor doctor in name/title, uses being interviewed as RP(34)*
    other wannabe politicians? (91)
    prefers present (226)

    Ganelon 40p
    Claims magic PR user in reality where magic = bad??? (57)
    Ties his RP to Mike with the mill. Vows to protect mike? [game should not be rp solved says auckmid] also strange symbole at end of his post (74),*
    prefers past reality(113)
    wanted to be in chat with mike (122)
    (140) wth is this?
    (146) votes me, tries to show connections with me and others but does a very poor job at it.
    votes kenny? (166) the person who strikes me as cautious and smart in past
    99% town reads mike (197)
    defends damus (297)

    Kenny 48p
    his RP is 2 diff people (2),
    [why does he think future scum would have priority in future over past] (9),*
    thinks convergence is bad? (11)*
    *scum reads damus in past (43),*
    scum reads ganelon (126), *interesting pov on number of tpr claims
    worried about trp claimers + past preference in past (156)
    damus, ganelon, banshis. stealth all scum reads for kenny (277)

    Light_Yagami 26p
    RP playing a stranger with a killing ability (65 69 103)
    gets lawyer to post - small talk with him (136 139)
    town reads stealth?? (303)

    Marshmallow Marshall 32p
    first to ask if RPs are relevant (4)[maybe asking to see how much he has to intertwine his RP with others if scum],*
    his RP may indicate that he is same person 20yrs apart(1
    RP - maybe same person 20yrs apart
    no reality pref (119)
    starts to pref present (225)
    likes light in past (251) light hinting vig
    votes me (259)

    Mike 35p
    RP- Same person, mill worker.

    Stealthbomber16 5p
    points our damus' hypocracy (111)
    Claims cit in one unknown reality

    The Lawyer 6p
    claims cit/cit fisherman and beggar, pref past reality (13

    Yayap 20p
    Dude Mike
    04:11 PM ET (US)
    ok good to know.
    03:50 PM ET (US)
    ok, so got some clarification for s/s results from auckmid.

    Mafia / Mafia would be match
    mafia / neutral killer would be no match
    Dude Mike
    03:33 PM ET (US)
    you can say anything thing for example lets say light says "walks into town " you can say Light is still the same light" or " light do you have any different reads form yesterday" or what ever you want to say. this way there is no code for anyone to see.
    Dude Mike
    03:23 PM ET (US)
    who ever you check is just post here when you lock it in .

    If you get a same alignment in you first post have the word same but not different in it.
    if you get diffrent have the word diffrent in you first post but not same. you can say anything thing.*
    This will be a code no one will understand.
    Dude Mike
    03:20 PM ET (US)
    so kenny check then?
    03:19 PM ET (US)
    Light has been hinting to being vigilante from a different town hired by the Templar in the past. All in RP form - he might be night target for past if scum think the same.
    03:16 PM ET (US)
    fits Lawyers preference to the past reality too. And him being a beggar rp in future. I wouldn't assume that Auckmid made all templar from past scum in future so Kenny having different RPs is possible to make him town.
    03:13 PM ET (US)
    actually even the RP suggests masons.

    Templars are not the everyday town guy and they are town sided. I'm liking this mason idea more and more as I think about it. Also explains the entire Eclipse "slip". I wouldn't think he would do that as scum, but as a mason, it is very possible.*

    So Kenny, Eclipse, Lawyer masons in past?
    02:57 PM ET (US)
    I'm rereading the past, since my instincts focused on the future while playing. I'm getting very town vibes from Kenny in the past, he might be part of a mason group and neutral killer in present (I'll need to go reread him there again)
    The mass ptr claims for past might suggest that masons can recruit cits too... which kenny also seemed to be looking for.

    Cult can't recruit if there is a cult (Auckmid said roles that change alignments can't be in setup) But RP cult is very possible and there are other cult roles out there other than a cult leader.

    As for Ganelon, I think it's pretty clear that he won't match so I rather not waste a night checking him. (would be different if I could find out which reality he is scum.)*
    I might consider checking MM or Kenny

    For kills, sadly, I think Kenny will bite it in the past. I'm the higher valued target metawise so scum might avoid me due to healing roles leaving Kenny defenseless and a good target based on the day chat.
    For Future, I think I instilled enough doubt that you won't be hit. I might be killed in future, too many people played luker/afk so the target pool is low and I suspect that there is less room for healing PRs in future.


    Dude Mike


    02:32 PM ET (US)

    Yayap gave me code so we can talk in day chat. He told me in code in invite you to this because he reads you as town in both realties


    Dude Mike


    02:31 PM ET (US)

    hey just noticed the email




    10:45 PM ET (US)

    I'll have to reread the thread for the past. I'd like to hear your opinions as well.
    Especially on who you suspect would get attacked, both here and there.




    10:44 PM ET (US)

    If I were to say who I suspect to be tpr in the present it'd be Yayap for doctor, he seemed fairly impacted by the fact his prediction on night kills was wrong, and he believed Damus healed claim far less than anyone else.
    My other tpr guess would really be less informed however. It could be Damus who openly claimed. Or even Slaol. Techically Banshis and Bahkieh could even fill that slot.
    Ganelon seems to be citizen imo, as does Eclipse if he isn't scum.




    10:37 PM ET (US)

    I think it's interesting that the ones claiming to be bus driven are both people who I see as scum candidates for the past. I myself am not convinced that such a role really exists, but I might be wrong. He likely would've went for targets who seem scummy in one and towny in the other reality. That condition does get met by Ganelon and Yayap.




    10:33 PM ET (US)

    Regarding MM, in the end I mostly ended up hammering because of the votes. 3 people who I suspect to be scum in the past were on him, noone of the guys who I suspect to be scum in the present joined. I believe scum would not vote one of their own even in the other reality, in order to keep votes for the convergence. They already lost one, likely they are panicking internally.




    10:30 PM ET (US)

    I've had limited time and didn't exactly read the thread as thoroughly as I'd have liked. Most of my reads are based off the day before. Regardless I still strongly believe Ganelon to be scum in the past. Considering you aren't sheriff I guess I haven't caught a believable soft claim of that kind, like Yayap suggested regarding the present. He pointed at Damus, but Damus lied about his past play. The information thread clearly hints at a mafia team and it also does literally say they have a "factional kill along with other inhividual abilities". That confirms a scum chat imo.
    I'd say it's likely for Yayap to be Damus' scum mate in the past, based of his plays in the present. I don't know what to do with Eclipse.




    10:24 PM ET (US)

    Well thanks for inviting me. I'd think at this point it's a gesture of trust in a way.
    So first off, I'd like to point out that I thought your yellow code with Yayap was a hint at you being sheriff and him not being in a chat. If that was intentional, good job.
    Secondly, as with every jailor in the mod, I'll just tell you my role.
    I'm ____.
    Rp describes me as ____. As I've said in day 1, they are not exactly connected. I mean ____ after all.




    09:37 PM ET (US)

    Mike (Socialite)
    Kenny (Invitee)

  27. ISO #777

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    ... I would like a response to the question a asked you Kenny. Dodging my question with a question directed back at me won't work.

    I'm still trying to understand how you seem to still be town reading Mike or at least you are giving off that impression and keeping your thoughts on Mike concealed and that doubt is naggin at me.

    "There are currently 12 users browsing this thread.*(1 members and 11 guests"

    I know people are lurking -
    I'm on a phone and wanted to reread what was written there. I didn't intend to dodge.

  28. ISO #778

  29. ISO #779

  30. ISO #780

  31. ISO #781

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    Hmmm, rather convincing chat - maybe the 2 of you are not on a team. Good to know I don't have to check Ganelon again.

    I hardclaimed claimed sheriff Mike,

    you'll need to convince town that the sheriff role is scum
    you need someone to CC me. Even someone claiming to have been sheriff in the past will do - which, only Glip can (MM is still unknown role though). And that doesn't eliminate the possibilities of 2 sheriffs (but if there is 2, I assume I've already been checked and was a match or else he would have hard pushed me yesterday). Day 4 now, a different sheriff outting himself now with 4 nights worth of checks is beneficial if there is one so I don't mind.

    As for scum roles, so far consort is the only feedback we are consistently getting. Will have to see if anything else turns up like the attack and healed Damus got. The fact that Kenny and I are still alive suggests scum might know that there is a confirmed healing role out there and are avoiding the obvious priority targets. Which could also mean 1 of the scum roles had a 1 shot extra kill that was used on Damus. Other roles could be stuff that don't leave feedback like framer, consig, evil doc like past efe?, oh and of course architect.

    Either way Mike, your push against me is futile. Try scumpainting someone else. You'll have more success against lurking afk people who can't defend themselves.

    I'd love to see what you come up with.

    And @Ganelon , if you think it's odd of me joining Kenny in voting Efe when I'm sure mike is 100% scum -> I was looking at the voting power available, I wasn't going to be able to convince Kenny to vote Mike and I'm quite sure we only had a few votes to spare as town so joining power to vote someone I also thought was scum is logical. The fact that Mike and Slaol jumped off as soon as Efe was at L-2 with Eclipse, Glip, Bahkeih and Arsonist possibly lurking reading the chat pretty much sealed towns fate into a no-lynch. Just another drop of evidence against Mike.
    Dude you claimed a role that checked if alignment is same or different from past. In what would would I roleblock you. Are you brain dead? I am town in both realities. You are

    1 stupid or 2 mafia. Wit h is is yayap.
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  32. ISO #782

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    More than likely we have min 3 mafia Alive. To match the past. Yapyap has done nothing to help town all game. All he has done is scum paint. Let me put it this way. If there is any world yayap is town I will NEVERplay another mafia game with him again. Yayap has to be mafia. Yayap read sloal as a PR as he stated Sloal is dead. Yayap took the only town confirmed we have ME and scum paired me to get you all not to trust me so he could lead town as mafia. He distracted us from lynching mafia players ysterday. And pushed on town for a mislynch. I am at this point lynch Yayap or me today. I mean only person that can be lynched is yayap or me. I am not dead becuse yayap don’t want to be outed when I flip town.

    He claiming roleblock every night. That is bullshit. He claimed a role that checks alignment matching the past. Not if mafia or town. Wtf I would really roleblock him and not kill him. That is so much bullshit.

    Yayap is mafia we waisted a lynch yesterday. Let’s not let mafia make us just sit on our same thumbs.

    -vote yayap

    Be aware mafia will defend him. If you believe him then lynch me and realize at end of game Yayap Trolled you to get the mafia win

    From my POV

    1 Yayap is a mafia just playing a good game.


    2 Yayap is a troll and thowing the game for town and makeing it so I would never sign a game with him ever.
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  33. ISO #783

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    @Glip Those post are probably the most relevant. I wanted to know what your role in the past was to confirm Efe's claim - possibly try to look at the scum night chat to see any info leakage from present day.

    Then + the post I made at start of day that sums up the end of day vote swapping. Not much else has happened.
    Thanks for posting this, but what claim did Efe make that I'm supposed to be confirming?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    More than likely we have min 3 mafia Alive. To match the past. Yapyap has done nothing to help town all game. All he has done is scum paint. Let me put it this way. If there is any world yayap is town I will NEVERplay another mafia game with him again. Yayap has to be mafia. Yayap read sloal as a PR as he stated Sloal is dead. Yayap took the only town confirmed we have ME and scum paired me to get you all not to trust me so he could lead town as mafia. He distracted us from lynching mafia players ysterday. And pushed on town for a mislynch. I am at this point lynch Yayap or me today. I mean only person that can be lynched is yayap or me. I am not dead becuse yayap don’t want to be outed when I flip town.

    He claiming roleblock every night. That is bullshit. He claimed a role that checks alignment matching the past. Not if mafia or town. Wtf I would really roleblock him and not kill him. That is so much bullshit.

    Yayap is mafia we waisted a lynch yesterday. Let’s not let mafia make us just sit on our same thumbs.

    -vote yayap

    Be aware mafia will defend him. If you believe him then lynch me and realize at end of game Yayap Trolled you to get the mafia win

    From my POV

    1 Yayap is a mafia just playing a good game.


    2 Yayap is a troll and thowing the game for town and makeing it so I would never sign a game with him ever.
    Hey Mike, Yayap is making a good case for you being your usual loud distracting self that I've seen in our previous games together. Yayap has an actual narrative that fits, explaining his and others actions and night actions. Yayap is showing effort in solving the game. All I've seen you parrot so far is "that's bullshit, yayap is mafia". Do you have a counter narrative, do you have anything at all to say about anyone else in this game, or do you want to rest this game's conclusion on the shoulders of your OMGUS against Yayap?

  34. ISO #784

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    yeah, that seems to be the original chat. doesn't seem like anything was changed

  35. ISO #785

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    "I didn't ignore you at all. I tried to get you lynched yesterday because Yayap thought you were 100% scum, and yet he wasn't voting you. that smelt fishy as fuck to me so I pushed you, cuz he was trying to get Efe lynched, a null read, instead...

    I think that it's almost impossible for both of you to be town, so I decided to push you" @Ganelon can you please leave some words about this part of your chat with Mike? I find it odd.
    Mike is pushing Yayap calling him a liar for denying his confirmed town status
    that doesn't seem like something Town would do... Mike literally claimed he was confirmed Town but he clearly isn't; he claims "Socialite" can only be a Town role. which isn't true, one of the first games I've ever played on this site had a Mafia Architect

  36. ISO #786

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    anyway... I assumed Mike was lying about the "confirmed town" thing. He was heavily pushing this narrative, but it wasn't an outright lie; I think I can see a TvT world right now, and would be ok with an Efe/Mike lynch rn

  37. ISO #787

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Glip View Post
    Thanks for posting this, but what claim did Efe make that I'm supposed to be confirming?

    Hey Mike, Yayap is making a good case for you being your usual loud distracting self that I've seen in our previous games together. Yayap has an actual narrative that fits, explaining his and others actions and night actions. Yayap is showing effort in solving the game. All I've seen you parrot so far is "that's bullshit, yayap is mafia". Do you have a counter narrative, do you have anything at all to say about anyone else in this game, or do you want to rest this game's conclusion on the shoulders of your OMGUS against Yayap?
    Dude did you read the convergence?

    Yayap claims why would I tell mike in code that i have a gun. I found that townie of him. Then I started rereading the posts. he came out the gate in convergance picking fight with me to make me look like scum. because I took the bait. This is GETTING to mylo. Confirmed towns are bad for mafia to hide. IE why he got in everyones midset I am not town.

    He had not contributed only derailed.

    Ge has claimed Roleblocked everyday. The reason I am calling Bullshit to that is because it would only make any sence if i was mafia. Since I know I am not mafia I know it is a lie. Why would Mafia be Roleblocking him every game. Also from My POV Why Roleblock him for a difrence check. If I am scum scum as he claim's why not let him check me and get a confirmed. As mafia I can work with that. As a mafia player I dont just randomly do things for no point. I do things for end results. I derail town. I have not been derailing town. Yayap got under skin so I stoped posting so as not to derail town.

    Do not say this is the same play I normaly do that is FALSE. I have been more laid back as not to derail town. And to analize the game. As scum my normal play you have said before is nothing more that to derail and cause so much confusion that town has no clue. So think about that.

    You think I am more scummy than Yayap then Lynch me over him it is that simple. I am telling you Yayap is scum. If he is not his trolling on me when I town read him going in to convergance is just Bad play. I only outed the code and his information in convergage is becuse I saw him scumpainting and that is traits of mafia. Keeping that info to myself only hurts town when I scum read him.

    this is my POV

    Day 1 start Scum read Yayap, mid day day 1 changing mind on Yayap, EOD day 1 Town read him put in for him to be in Night chat.

    Day 2 start Hard Town read Yayap. Yayap starts off telling me in code he has a Gun Openly says he was Bussed and RB. Still town reading him, midday day 2 Still town read him yayap sends me code to trust Kenny kenny was town in both reailties to take kenny into night chat. Eod day 2 Still trusting yayap ( back of mind scared he might be haveing me go into night chat with his scum partner.) But I disreguard that thought. and take Kenny into night chat. Kenny convinsed me he was Lock town in that night chat. Told me he was doc in past and citzen here.

    Convergance start: Yayap starts off with Mike is not town mike is scum mike is not to be trusted. Mike ordered the Roleblock and kills. I like presant becuse I could be confirmed town with my role. then Remembered what Kenny said in night chat. That we have an easy town win in the paast. So I wanted to preserve past. becuse odds where all dead will be town and we have 1 scum dead in past. Yayap pushed for the presant. (Scum move) I see why Kenny did becuse He is only alive here. This is where I truly hard Scum read yayap Ie why I outed his fake claim and our night chat.

    Day 3 yayap starts off with round 2 baiting me into keeping the fight going to keep town off track.

    Night3 slaol dies. yayap states he thought he was a PR.

    How does everyone not see the puzzle fitting togather. I will back up everything I have said Yayap has not backed shit up yet.
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  38. ISO #788

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganelon View Post
    anyway... I assumed Mike was lying about the "confirmed town" thing. He was heavily pushing this narrative, but it wasn't an outright lie; I think I can see a TvT world right now, and would be ok with an Efe/Mike lynch rn
    You see a TVT on me and Yayap yet you would be ok with a efe/mike lynch???

    Dude who saved efe????? the answer is YAYAP not me.
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  39. ISO #789

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    You see a TVT on me and Yayap yet you would be ok with a efe/mike lynch???

    Dude who saved efe????? the answer is YAYAP not me.
    I can see a TvT. Amn't right now because you're just acting scummy as fuck now lol

  40. ISO #790

  41. ISO #791

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post

    Night3 slaol dies. yayap states he thought he was a PR.
    Don't remember saying that at all, quote plz. Feel free to quote your mafia buddy in your chat if you can't find me saying it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post

    Dude who saved efe????? the answer is YAYAP not me.
    You are the one who unvoted, not me.

  42. ISO #792

  43. ISO #793

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    -vote Mike

    either you or efe

  44. ISO #794

  45. ISO #795

  46. ISO #796

  47. ISO #797

  48. ISO #798

  49. ISO #799

    Re: S-FM Converging Realities: Present Day

    No one can read me but I can read everyone if I want to

    My Scumlist still stands

    It was either MM or Magoroth and since MM was already dead when I wrote it it is Magoroth and whoever he kept sheeping/defending from me (slaol yayap and mike are all the same person for me they have no uniqueness in them)
    I Like Ice Cream

  50. ISO #800



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