"Present Day" Game Thread

For the past 20 years, the town has been ruled by the Council of Mages; a group of of sorcerers and other magic users that gained control of the town after a prior bloody conflict. While significant resentment was felt between both the townsfolk and the mages as a result of this conflict, an uneasy peace was able to emerge. The mages tried to govern fairly, at least for the most part, while the townsfolk resumed their daily lives... with some exceptions. During this time period, a group of anti-magic freedom fighters emerged, unable to let go of their past hatred. While this group had not previously been seen as a large threat, they had begun ramping up their terroristic activities to the point that they have started violently assaulting anyone who they believe to be at all unsympathetic to their cause.

However, it was not some simple assault that caused an emergency meeting to be called in the town hall. Instead, something much more sinister was taking place. By all accounts, time was beginning to unravel around the village. Birds were seen flying backwards, butterflies would enter cocoons only to emerge as caterpillars, and a giant crack had appeared without warning through the face of the clock tower above the town hall as if to symbolize these bizarre events.

Despite any misgivings they might have had, the townsfolk had no desire to restart their previous conflict with the mages. The only group with a motive to orchestrate this type of event were the freedom fighters themselves. If the town is to remain stable, this group must be eliminated.

The town hall seemed almost too peaceful for the violence the townsfolk knew was going to ensue in an effort to avert the upcoming catastrophe. Children were gathered around the town's storyteller, who could be heard saying "Magic has always existed in this world...".

There was no point in delaying their meeting any further. The townsfolk had to figure out who was responsible for this event or they risked losing everything in their lives...

Spoiler : Alive :

The Lawyer
Marshmallow Marshall

Spoiler : Dead :

None... yet.