It took awhile, but judging is over!

Varcron (1-S2-1-1208407) has been declared the winner of the 2019 contest, for his replay as a citizen leading the town to victory. He will receive the MVP achievement, 2500 points, and the forum badge.

Sam (1-S2-1-614445) (nominated by Lawiez), was the runner-up, for the replay with a disguiser beating a 1v3 versus the cult by joining their ranks. He and lawiez will each receive 500 points.

Honorable mentions to
MrMostache: winning as marshall on d2
Xerxes: Witch solo win

@Varcron @Sam @Lawiez
Please contact me to organize a time in-game to receive your rewards.

If you are jealous of them, make sure to submit some entries into the 2020 MVP contest thread!