S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk




    Everyone will pick a role for a random ally on night 0.
    Mafia will be in their night chat and able to collaborate, and will select 2 roles for the Town, each getting to decide 1.
    Town roles will random and then Mafia selections for Town will override the Town selection.
    Town must pick Town for their team.
    Mafia may pick Town or Mafia for their selections.
    Mafia will also select the Benign.

    Day will be 48 hours long, hammers will close day but not rotate time early.
    Night will be 24 hours, always rotating at a time that works for me (most likely 9pm central, but any adjustments will be noted)

    Role List
    Spoiler : Roles List :
    Spoiler : Town :
    Invite two players during the day to share a night chat the following night.
    You may not invite yourself.
    You will not be able to view the chat.
    Armor a player with a manual use bullet proof vest at night, or Arm a player with a 1-use gun at night.
    They may use this bulletproof vest in addition to their night actions.
    Bulletproof vests protect from an infinite amount of basic night kills.
    They must sacrifice their night action to use the gun at night.
    Guard a player at night. Should they be attacked you will protect them.
    You will take the attack for them, and deal the damage back to the attacker.
    You will share a 24/7 chat with the player you save following a successful guard in which you parish.
    You can be healed to prevent death from a successful guard.
    You may not guard yourself.
    You have a 1-use Heroic Save allowing you to Guard yourself or Guard someone else with no risk of death.
    Bus Driver
    Swap 2 players at night. Those that visit one will effect the other.
    Should your swapping cause a killing role to attempt to kill itself it's attack will pierce invulnerability.
    Your Last Will will be public upon your death.
    The last remaining Citizen will earn a 1-use bullet proof vest.
    Autopsy a dead player at night.
    You will learn their Role, Death Description, Night Targets, and Last Will.
    Track a player at night. You will learn the player that they visited.
    Heal a player at night. This player can survive an additional attack at night.
    Upon successfully healing someone you and the patient will be notified.
    Lure a player at night. They will be forced to target you for that night.
    Repel a second player. Should the second player visit you they will visit and effect the player you Lured.
    You can not Lure or Repel yourself.
    Role Block a player at night. This prevents them from using their action unless they are Immune to role blocking.
    Should you role block an immune player you will be notified.
    Jail a player during the day.
    You may only Jail following days in which a player was not day killed.
    They are removed from any night chat the following night.
    They are prevented from acting that night, regardless of Immunity to role block.
    They are prevented from taking damage from basic kills.
    You may anonymous interrogate them.
    You may Execute them.
    Executions bypass all Invulnerability.
    Captives are released at the start of the next day.
    You may not Jail yourself.
    Interview a player during the day.
    At the start of the following night the player will be notified of the interview and will write an Article for you to anonymously publish the following morning.
    Watch a player at night. You will observe all players that visit the Watched player.
    Reveal during the day to announce and confirm yourself as a Marshall.
    Revealing as a Marshall allows for multiple lynches in a single day as long as the Marshall is alive.
    Match 2 players at night. Actions that effect one will also effect the other.
    Causing a killing role to effect itself will cause the attack to bypass invulnerability.
    Reveal during the day to announce and confirm yourself as a Mayor.
    Revealing as a Mayor allows the Mayors vote to count for X.
    Prescribe a player with a shot of Adrenaline that they may use later.
    Use of Adrenaline allows a player to use their ability 2x as many times for a single night.
    Use of more than one Adrenaline at a time will stack.
    Use of more than one Adrenaline will kill the player.
    Switch 2 players at night.
    They will operate as if they had targeted the player the other Switched player targeted.
    You may not Switch yourself.
    Non-actions operate as self-targets.
    Schedule a study time with a player during the day.
    You will share a night chat with them, starting the following night, until your death.
    At the time of your death your Protegee will gain all of your abilities in addition to their role powers.
    You will also observe all Roles that visit your Protegee, but not the player attached to the role.
    Manipulate a dead player to force them to act out their night power once again.
    You will not gain the feedback from the night action.
    You may force dead players to visit yourself.
    Check a player at night. You will learn the player's alignment in relation to yourself.
    Players you can win with will appear as "Friendly".
    Players you an not win with will appear as "Enemy".
    Spy on a player at night. You will detect any information passing between other players and them via role abilities.
    You also detect the Mafia night kill.
    At night you can survive an additional basic night attack.
    Prep a target at night, or Unprep a target at night, or Sabotage all actively Prepped targets.
    Your Sabotage bypasses invulnerability.
    You may not Prep yourself.
    Alert at night to kill all visitors as well as Recover from night attacks.
    You may Alert on the house of anyone you share a night chat with at the cost of your Recovering from attacks.
    Shoot someone at night and attempt to kill them.
    You may leave Death Notes.
    You may not shoot yourself.
    Recruit a player at night. If they are a Citizen they will become a Mason.
    You share a night chat with the other Masons.

    Spoiler : Mafia :
    Arms Dealer
    Equip a player with a different death description at night. Any kill acted out by that player will have the death description you give them until you change it, or Arm a player with a 1-use gun, or a fake 1-use gun.
    Use of guns requires sacrifice of a night action.
    Real guns fail and are lost if given to Mafia members.
    Fake guns act as real guns but will not fire.
    You can Equip yourself.
    You share a night chat with he other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Prep a target at night, or Unprep a target at night.
    After your death the Mafia members may select to Sabotage all players prepped by yourself.
    You do not partake in the Mafia night chat naturally.
    You do not share any night action information.
    You do know the Mafia members.
    Your Sabotage kills bypass Healing.
    Charm all players at night, causing them to effect your target should they visit you.
    You start with 1 charge, and earn 1 charge every night that you take no action.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Eliminate a player 1-time, guaranteeing that that player dies that night. This bypasses all healing, all misdirection, all armor.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Swap 2 players at night, causing those that visit one to effect the other.
    You may swap yourself, as well as any member of the Mafia.
    Should your Swap cause a killing role to effect itself it's kill will bypass all invulnerability.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Inspect a player at night, learning their exact role.
    If you have a Godfather in your Mafia he will also receive the information at the same time you do.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Role Block a player at night, preventing them from using their night action.
    You are immune to role blocking.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Drug Dealer
    Drug a single player with any amount of any feedbacks, or Blackout a single player, preventing them from receiving their feedback for the night.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Frame a player at night to appear to be Mafia and visiting the Mafia factional kill, or Forge a player at night, replacing any Last Will or Article they submit with your own.
    Forging is permanent until you change it.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Marry a player into the Mafia, 1-time, turning them into a Mafioso and brining them into the Mafia night chat.
    You will be Immune to role blocking, Invulnerable to night attacks, and Invisible to detection until you marry a player into the family, and then again after the player has died.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Spy on a player at night. You will detect any information passing between them and other players via role abilities.
    Should you be the target of Mason, Cult, Circus, Gang, Establishment, or Organization conversion you will gain access to their night chat permanently.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Kidnap a player during the day.
    You may only Kidnap on days in which no player was day killed.
    They are removed from any night chat the following night.
    They are prevented from acting that night, regardless of Immunity to role block.
    They are prevented from taking damage from basic kills.
    You may anonymous interrogate them.
    You may Execute them.
    Executions bypassa all Invulnerability.
    Captives are released at the start of the next day.
    You may not Kidnap yourself.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Death Notes may be written and attached to kills acted out by you.
    Death notes will appear the same as Last Will when on Citizens.
    Your Last Will will be public upon your death.
    As long as you are in the Mafia any member of the Mafia may act out the Mafia factional night kill without sacrificing their night action.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Autopsy a dead player at night.
    You learn their role, death description, night targets, Last Will, and feedbacks.
    You also rob them of a 1-use charge of their ability that you can utilize at any time instead of using your night power.
    You also pick up any items they had on their body at the time of death.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Dress a player at night as either any possible role, or as ???.
    The dressed player will appear as your dressing upon their death.
    Dressing is permanent until you change it.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Rob a player of their feedback.
    During the next day you may analyze their feedback, and should you properly guess the players role you will gain the ability to Act as their role permanently.
    You may select to Act as any role you own at any time of day or night. Should you die you will appear to be that role.
    You may select to Act as any Sheriff investigation you own at any time of day or night. Should you be checked by a Sheriff you will appear to be that alignment.
    Should you fail to guess the player's role they will receive their feedback at the end of the day following the robbery.
    If you Act as a Citizen upon your death your Last Will will be public.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.
    Track a player at night learning whom they visited, or Watch a player at night observing all those that visited them.
    You share a night chat with the other Mafia members.
    You may sacrifice your night action to act out the Mafia factional kill.

    Spoiler : Benign :
    Remember that you were like a dead player at night.
    You will take on their role and win condition, as well as detect their Night Targets, Feedbacks, and Last Will.
    Escape Artist
    Disguise as a player following your public lynching. Killing them but taking on their face in the day chat.
    If your target is killed by other means you will be stopped from Disguising and die.
    If you should take the face of a member of a night chat you will gain access to it.
    You will not have the night chat explained and must determine it's alignment.
    You may act out any night powers the infiltrated faction may give you. Examples: Mafia Factional Kill, Mason Powers, Organization Powers.
    You will receive a target.
    If you are alive at the time of your target's lynching you will gain invulnerability.
    Contract a player during the day, acting out a kill for them the following night.
    Your Contracted player may sacrifice their night action to select someone to have you kill.
    Your Contracted player may decline your Contract in favor of utilizing their natural night action.
    You will be alerted to if they select to use your kill, and whom they target if any.
    If your Contracted player orders you to kill yourself you will instead kill them.
    Infest a player at the end of the day, making them your Host and joining their faction.
    You gain a permanent 1-way chat with them.
    You may speak into the chat, they may read it.
    Your Host is invulnerable to night death as long as you are alive.
    You detect the types of roles that visit your Host.
    Grief the hammer voter, as well as a target.
    You may only Grief following the day of your lynching.
    You may leave Suicide Notes, which will replace the public Last Will if your Grief target's are Citizens.
    You may leave separate Suicide Notes for each target.
    Rule on a player with an anonymous message made public the following day.
    The player need not be marked in any fashion, but must be obvious via reading the message.
    Should the player be lynched within 2 days his entire alignment will be blocked.
    You will still block your target's faction from acting if he is lynched, even if you die.
    Research a player at night, detecting their Last Will.
    You have a target. As long as they are alive you are invulnerable to night death.
    Rob a player of their feedback.
    During the next day you may analyze their feedback, and should you properly guess the players role you will gain the ability to use their night action at night.
    You may not use another role's power 2 nights in a row.
    Mafia Traitor
    You may join the Mafia at the beginning of the game, or be recruited into the Mafia by the Godfather.
    At your time of entry to the Mafia you will receive a Mafia role card and operate as if you were that role.
    Private Eye
    Contract a player during the day, acting out an investigation for them.
    Your Contracted player may sacrifice their night action to select someone to have you investigate.
    Your Contracted player may decline your Contract in favor of utilizing their natural night action.
    You will be alerted to if they select to use your contract, and whom they target if any.
    If your Contracted player orders you to investigate yourself you will instead kill them.
    Haunt a player at night.
    Should they be attacked you will kill the attacker.
    Should you successfully haunt a player there will be no day start information.
    Stalk a target, and Anticipate their target.
    Should you properly guess a Stalked target's Target you will eliminate both.
    Study a player during the day.
    They will become your mentor the following night.
    You will gain a permanent, 1-way, night chat with them.
    Your mentor will be able to speak into the chat, and you will be able to read it.
    Should your mentor die you will take on their role and win condition.
    Survive at night, preventing death.
    You start with 1 charge of Survival.
    You gain 1 charge every time you wait 2 nights to Survive.

    Order of Operations
    Spoiler : Order of Operations :
    Order of Operations
    1. Day Chat Opens
    a. Public information
    2. Announcements
    a. Crier Cries, Journalist Publishes
    b. Corrupt Journalist Publishes, Joker Publishes
    c. Amnesiac Announces
    d. Judge Rules
    3. Day Actions
    a. Marshall Reveals, Mayor Reveals
    4. Day Kills
    a. Lynch
    c. Escape Artist Escapes, Executioner Gains Immunity, Judge Stalls
    5. Day Chat Closes
    a. Public information
    6. Captures
    a. Jailor Captures
    b. Kidnapper Captures
    7. Evening Actions
    a. Architect Invites, Journalist Interviews, Professor Schedules
    d. Hitman Contracts, Infestor Infests, Private Eye Contracts, Student Meets
    9. Night Chat Opens
    a. Factional Information
    10. Night Chat Closes
    a. Factional information
    11. Quick Actions
    a. Night Immunities Activate
    b. Jailor Executes, Veteran Alerts,
    c. Kidnapper Executes
    f. Jester Griefs
    12. Misdirection & Role blocks
    a. Bus Driver Swaps, Enchantress Lure & Repel, Escort Role Blocks, Matchmaker Matches, Operator Switches
    b. Beguiler Lures, Chauffeur Swaps, Consort Role Blocks
    13. Protection
    a. Vests Items, Bodyguards Guard, Doctor Heals, Survivalist Survives, Veteran Recovers
    e. Sadist Follows, Stalker Stalks
    14. Miscellaneous (pre kills)
    a. Technician Preps/Unpreps
    b. Associate Preps/Unpreps, Framer Frames
    15. Kill Assists
    a. Arms Dealers Equip, Tailors Dress
    16. Kills
    a. Gun Items, Bodyguard, Technician, Vigilante
    c. Mafia Factional Kill, Associate, Bruiser
    18. Investigation
    a. Coroner Autopsies, Detective Tracks, Lookout Watches, Sheriff Checks, Spy Spies
    b. Consigliere Inspects, Infiltrator Infiltrates, Mortician Autopsies, Thief Robs, Tracker Tracks/Watches
    g. Attorney Investigates
    h. Lawyer Investigates, Locksmith Burglarizes, Private Eye Inspects
    19. Miscellaneous (post kills)
    a. Armorsmith Armors, Blacksmith Arms, Nurse Prescribes
    c. Arms Dealer Arms, Caporegime Retrains, Drug Dealer Drugs, Mortician Gathers Items, Thief Steals Items
    20. Recruiting
    a. Masons Recruit
    b. Godfather Marries

    Win Conditions
    Spoiler : Win Conditions :
    Town: Have 1+ member(s) live to see all Mafia roles eliminated.

    Mafia: Have 1+ member(s) live to see all Town roles eliminated.

    Amnesiac: Take on a new win condition and meet it's demand.
    Escape Artist: Survive to see the Mafia roles eliminated.
    Executioner: Survive long enough to see your target lynched.
    Ghost: Die, then see the faction that killed you fail to meet it's win condition.
    Hitman: Make a contract kill that interacts with every win condition present at the beginning of the game. Killing for a member of a faction or killing a member of a faction would apply.
    Infestor: Take on a host and his win condition then meet it's demand.
    Jester: Be lynched during the day.
    Judge: Survive to see the Mafia roles eliminated.
    Lawyer: See your target live until their win condition is completed, or Survive until the end of the game after they are killed.
    Locksmith: Survive to see the Mafia roles eliminated.
    Mafia Traitor: If you are not in the Mafia: Survive to see the Godfather eliminated.
    If you are in the Mafia: Survive to see the Godfather eliminated, and then win with the Mafia.
    Private Eye: Make a contract inspection that interacts with every win condition present at the beginning of the game. Inspecting for a member of a faction or inspecting a member of a faction would apply.
    Sadist: Survive to see the Mafia roles eliminated.
    Stalker: Survive to see the Mafia roles eliminated.
    Student: Take on a master and either see his win condition is met while he is alive or take on his role after his death and survive to see your dead master's win condition is met.
    Survivor: Survive until the game ends.

    Tie Breakers
    Spoiler : Tie Breakers :

    Mafia roles if there is a Mafia Traitor in the Mafia
    Non-Citizen Town roles
    Last edited by Slaol; December 3rd, 2018 at 10:32 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    2 mafia

    7 town

    1 benign

    everyone will select the role of a random fellow aligned player, but the mafia will select 2 for the town and the benign

    OoO is sc2
    Fuck else do i need
    no u

    You do realize that Mafia is just going to pick like... Citizen and Citizen, or Drug Dealer or something lol... right?

    Also, I guess mafia has a factional kill there? A night chat? They know eachother's identities? Etc etc?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    lmao I have an idea for this setup. it's a bit like the April fools' game.

    assign accounts to every player in the game, but make those accounts based off of the accounts of the signing players. for instance:
    if Magoroth, Kenny and MM signup, make three accounts (I can do that for you btw) that are identical to the players' own, and then give them out at random. it should be hilarious. would work well with that escape artist

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    You do not have corrupted journalist, crier, or joker as possible roles but they are included in your OoO. If these roles are being included in the game what are the win conditions>?
    They arent. This needs editing

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Isn't the Bodyguard chat (which I understand to be post-mortem) OP? I get that the roles are quite strong for mafia too, but still, having a permanent chat with the guy you saved as a confirmed town is REALLY strong.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Slightly stronger than Mason. but its only upon death from my understanding.
    It is after death. The bodyguard can not vote and has no information. Merely allows the players to bounce ideas off eachother.

    Given the BG cant offer any new things it is most certainly not OP

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk


    How does the Mafia Traitor get "recruited"? Is it by the Godfather's Marry action only?

    If someone takes no action, is he considered as self-visiting, for Stalker purposes?

    What does the Sadist's action do exactly? Which kind of "day information" is denied?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    It is after death. The bodyguard can not vote and has no information. Merely allows the players to bounce ideas off eachother.

    Given the BG cant offer any new things it is most certainly not OP
    Well since it's sort of a Mayor without votes who can talk to someone who's very probably town.... It's strong, but I guess that a lot of roles have a lot of things, and this role cannot singlehandly change the outcome of the game with actions. I like it :P
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  20. ISO #20

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post

    How does the Mafia Traitor get "recruited"? Is it by the Godfather's Marry action only?

    If someone takes no action, is he considered as self-visiting, for Stalker purposes?

    What does the Sadist's action do exactly? Which kind of "day information" is denied?
    it would be just the godfather yes, though I think ill cut that out given the scale of the game


    other than the day opening, timer, and vote counter - all of it.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Well since it's sort of a Mayor without votes who can talk to someone who's very probably town.... It's strong, but I guess that a lot of roles have a lot of things, and this role cannot singlehandly change the outcome of the game with actions. I like it :P
    it could be mafia, and it still has no impact. Please check s-fm turnabout for how little a confirmed town role matters without powers.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    it could be mafia, and it still has no impact. Please check s-fm turnabout for how little a confirmed town role matters without powers.
    I disagree

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

    Re: S-FM: Sent from my laptop using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    go on
    I'm not saying the bg having the chat with the person they saved is too OP for this game. Only meant to pop in and say that having a confirmed town, even 'powerless' around to talk and influence the votes doesn't matter so little. I don't want to detract from this thread though.

    I think it doesn't matter here because the person in the night chat won't be confirmed town. Or if they are they'll be dead. I suppose that could lend itself to some interesting scenarios like

    "OH BUT THE DEAD town BG THINKS YOUR SCUM" when in reality the bg is saying the opposite.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)



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