World Mental Health Day

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  1. ISO #1

    World Mental Health Day

    As your aware. World mental health day was on october 10 2018. Please be aware of your friends and family that suffer from mental illness. As i am aware of my mental illness. I take steps to counter act all the pain and agony and distress that comes through my mental illness. I suffer from a wide range of different mental illnesses. I will be the first one to admit my flaws. And i hope you can share your testimony of your mental illnesses too! And i hope that i can inspire you to take your medication when you need to take it. Always take your medications because your psychatrist ultimately knows whats best for you. Im qualified to talk about mental illness because i suffer greatly from it. And you know at first, i didnt think i was even going to survive. I suffer from anxiety attacks -depression - schizophrenia - and PTSD and a couple more things as well. Lets look out for one another as today i am celebrating World mental health day. Now id say my worst symptoms are when im suffering from schizophrenia and PTSD. All results from being deployed to afgha istan because i was a US army soldier. You dont have to thank me. Just please dont rip on me and call me retarded for joining the military because i actually dont appreciate that. Seeing as how i worked hard to make sure all of you guys could play sc2 mafia without being bothered by hodgies(taliban). But anyways im not here to boast about my military career or anything like that im just here to celebrate World Mental Health day. So be nice and kind to those that suffer from illness because you never know....someday you might suffer from illness too! Goodnight! -Rachyl

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    That you have mental issues, I think we can all agree.

    I find it hard to believe you're in the military when you act like an autistic 10yo girl lol.

    Also since you know you have issues, you should try harder not to be a detriment to society. People might think you're not being sincere when you say "I'm trying" and that you're just giving hollow platitudes. Actions speak louder than words; no action, stop talking.

    Failing that, you should distance yourself from the rest of society so that you don't burden them with your mental illness.

    It's nobody's fault that you developed this way. I think it's quite unfair to impose yourself on the rest of society and make them suffer as if it's THEIR fault. It's the height of self-entitlement to think that just because you developed a certain way, you can get away with behaving however you like, yes? You really must spare a thought for others and try not to be so selfish. The needs of many (the larger society) outweigh the needs of one (you). It's not their fault you suffer from a mental illness; don't punish them for it.

    There are plenty of people with mental illnesses who can still lead fairly normal lives, without negatively affecting the people around them. You, however, are not one of them. You've been giving the same empty apologies for years - it's time for action. If you're truly sincere and sorry about your behaviour, change it immediately or go somewhere where you can't burden anyone ever again.

    Otherwise, all your talk and sentiments are just meaningless barking. If so, you really must spare us from listening to such garbage in future. You're just wasting people's time more than you already are.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 17th, 2018 at 11:57 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    That you have mental issues, I think we can all agree.

    I find it hard to believe you're in the military when you act like an autistic 10yo girl lol.

    Also since you know you have issues, you should try harder not to be a detriment to society. People might think you're not being sincere when you say "I'm trying" and that you're just giving hollow platitudes. Actions speak louder than words; no action, stop talking.

    Failing that, you should distance yourself from the rest of society so that you don't burden them with your mental illness.

    It's nobody's fault that you developed this way. I think it's quite unfair to impose yourself on the rest of society and make them suffer as if it's THEIR fault. It's the height of self-entitlement to think that just because you were born a certain way, you can get away with behaving however you like, yes?

    There are plenty of people with mental illnesses who can still lead fairly normal lives, without negatively affecting the people around them. You, however, are not one of them. You've been giving the same empty apologies for years, it's time for action. If you're truly sincere and sorry about your behaviour, change it immediately or lock yourself in a padded cell.

    Otherwise, all your talk and sentiments are just meaningless barking. If so, you really must spare us from listening to such garbage in future. You're just wasting people's time more than you already are.
    hi 2017 exeter i hate you
    I Like Ice Cream

  6. ISO #6

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    hi 2017 exeter i hate you
    “Oh here’s a big post”

    “Yeah I don’t like that”
    -Efe, right now
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Maybe you should tolerate my individualism. I'm just being myself bro.
    I tolerate you but i dont tolerate your attacks on rachyl because its fun protecting her and its the right thing to do

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    “Oh here’s a big post”

    “Yeah I don’t like that”
    -Efe, right now
    I Like Ice Cream

  8. ISO #8

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    That you have mental issues, I think we can all agree.

    I find it hard to believe you're in the military when you act like an autistic 10yo girl lol.

    Also since you know you have issues, you should try harder not to be a detriment to society. People might think you're not being sincere when you say "I'm trying" and that you're just giving hollow platitudes. Actions speak louder than words; no action, stop talking.

    Failing that, you should distance yourself from the rest of society so that you don't burden them with your mental illness.

    It's nobody's fault that you developed this way. I think it's quite unfair to impose yourself on the rest of society and make them suffer as if it's THEIR fault. It's the height of self-entitlement to think that just because you developed a certain way, you can get away with behaving however you like, yes? You really must spare a thought for others and try not to be so selfish. The needs of many (the larger society) outweigh the needs of one (you). It's not their fault you suffer from a mental illness; don't punish them for it.

    There are plenty of people with mental illnesses who can still lead fairly normal lives, without negatively affecting the people around them. You, however, are not one of them. You've been giving the same empty apologies for years - it's time for action. If you're truly sincere and sorry about your behaviour, change it immediately or go somewhere where you can't burden anyone ever again.

    Otherwise, all your talk and sentiments are just meaningless barking. If so, you really must spare us from listening to such garbage in future. You're just wasting people's time more than you already are.
    First of all you stupid retarded reprobate, i AM autistic. And i WAS in the military. I even have a DD214 to back up my claims and was discharged under honorable conditions and recieved an army good conduct medal. Stupid ass. You know you look like a complete coward for picking on the mentally ill right? Theres times when im not responsible for my own actions especially like when i hallucinate and dissociate you stupid fucking prick ass retarded bully. Your such a cheap shot artist that its not even funny. I suffer from extreme PTSD you stupid non military civilian an area that you know absolutly NOTHING about probably because you are a jerkoff loser that has been working at mcdonalds theyre hole life . Come back and talk to me when youve seen the dead bodies that i have and smelled the corpses you stupid ass. Your a really big coward you log into forums after youve hidden who you really are from everyone else and you attack a girl that fought for your stupid ass in afghanistan while you were playing mafia you stupid coward. While i was deployed i didntbeven know if a mortar would land on my cop killing me instantly. You are literally the worst human being walking this earth. Please check yourself into a hospital to be checked out for anti social personality disorder. As willy wonka would say. You LOSE good day sir

  9. ISO #9

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Sorry, I'm not very tolerant of people who know they're being a nuisance and whine about "trying" to change, but aren't actually trying at all.

    What a waste of space.

    All they do is drag down their "friends" and families and complete strangers who have the misfortune to be in the same place as them.

    They should be locked up for the entirety of their lives just so they don't bother other people.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 17th, 2018 at 12:13 PM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Sorry, I'm not very tolerant of people who know they're being a nuisance and whine about "trying" to change, but aren't actually trying at all.

    What a waste of space.

    All they do is drag down their "friends" and families and complete strangers who have the misfortune to be in the same place as them.

    They should be locked up for the entirety of their lives just so they don't bother other people.
    youre a enemy of individualism let people be people dont hate people for being themselves you untolerant troll!
    I Like Ice Cream

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    "Right thing to do" lmfao.

    Maybe you should be getting her to do the right thing instead of preaching to me. Just because she's got an illness doesn't absolve her of all responsibility. If her condition was that severe, she has no business interacting with society and should be locked up in isolation for the rest of her life immediately lol.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    "Right thing to do" lmfao.

    Maybe you should be getting her to do the right thing instead of preaching to me. Just because she's got an illness doesn't absolve her of all responsibility. If her condition was that severe, she has no business interacting with society and should be locked up in isolation for the rest of her life immediately lol.
    youre just trying to find shitty reasons to bully her ffs if you dont like her then dont read it we argued a few minutes ago in the freaking discord!!!
    I Like Ice Cream

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    At least she didn't mention the Bible, though.

    Also I see you're blue now. Congrats.

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    youre just trying to find shitty reasons to bully her ffs if you dont like her then dont read it we argued a few minutes ago in the freaking discord!!!
    Yeah, not gonna rehash that conversation LOL.

    A few key points off the top of my head for any reader to take in:

    1. Ignoring her when she's actively targeting players she dislikes in-game is akin to asking us to ignore a flashlight shining in our eyes. I can't just "ignore" getting killed n1 when she decides to throw a fit; emotions aside, my time is being wasted.

    To be fair, that doesn't happen to me anymore, but I know she's still doing it to other players, and that there are many players who actively want her out. It's not all about myself. To reiterate: she's a detriment to the community, not just to me.

    Also, I could just avoid it by leaving the community, sure. But I won't. She acts up and somebody else leaves? No way. It's the whole "Don't punish society for your mental illness" thing again.

    2. I could just report it, sure. I've even got the replays set aside. But that's the hard method. This is the soft method, talking things out.

    3. Her mental illness doesn't absolve her of all responsibility.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Why is this topic a thing? And it's honestly quite disgusting how everyone is just trolling. If she is actually mentally ill, then you're doing something immoral by attacking her lol. It's also just a game, jeez.
    Don't be soft.

    As if banning her for griefing is any better. Her griefing comes from her... challenged way of thinking - it all comes back to the same thing. You're punishing her for the same reason, except I'm actually allowing two-way interaction rather than just slapping a hard penalty on her. Maybe you'd feel better because you don't have to think about the "why"s, just look at her behaviour in a handful of replays and punish accordingly. But that seems quite short-sighted to me, especially since this pest doesn't seem to want to go away anytime soon; she'll just come back with smurfs to continue plaguing the community.

    Also, isn't she permabanned? Isn't that why she's using a smurf? Or am I just getting my hopes up?
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 17th, 2018 at 01:36 PM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Why is this topic a thing? And it's honestly quite disgusting how everyone is just trolling. If she is actually mentally ill, then you're doing something immoral by attacking her lol. It's also just a game, jeez.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Why is this topic a thing? And it's honestly quite disgusting how everyone is just trolling. If she is actually mentally ill, then you're doing something immoral by attacking her lol. It's also just a game, jeez.
    not everyone is trolling im sorry for correcting you
    I Like Ice Cream

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    you cant ban a crazy person for being dumb

    and also screw you just report her idc but stop bragging about it and also if you get killed n1 by her JUST USE A DIFFERENT NAME THEN! FFS!
    That's how I avoided her hissy fits in the past lol. Can't make a case against someone if I don't lift a finger to improve my situation, right?

    But even then you'll see her actively hunting for me all game anyway and constantly insulting me in day chat as if daring me to retort so that she can kill me straight after (which has happened to other players that she targeted). Sometimes it's funny cause you can just exploit her spastic fit to get somebody lynched ("7 is exter! lynch that cocksucker!") or guard the player that she's hunting for an easy BG kill, but overall, not a nice experience.

    Stop defending her atrocious behaviour, thanks. Mentally-ill people are not exempt even from the law, though there are provisions for them. Just because she's mentally ill doesn't mean she's free from all responsibility.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 17th, 2018 at 01:31 PM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Being patient with family members and even acquiantances dealing with mental illness is an understated difficulty, but extremely important nevertheless. Trying to understand others is a much more fulfilling pasttime than trying to judge them.

    Happy Mental Health Day. (Or day after heheh)
    I confirm. Happy Life everyone
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  23. ISO #23

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Rachyl didn't actually do anything wrong by making this thread.
    Not sure why she's getting dunked on like this.
    There are much better places to show your dislike for Rachyl.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post

    Rachyl didn't actually do anything wrong by making this thread.
    Not sure why she's getting dunked on like this.
    There are much better places to show your dislike for Rachyl.
    Indeed, and Rachyl actually did good. Even people that you hate do good things. I can understand disliking, but bullying someone for something that can only do good things and has obviously no manipulative intent is being mean. Even when *insert the name of someone that I hate, and that the people who know me know who it is but I don't want to make this thread a fight* does good things, I say it and thank/congratulate that person. Rachyl is far from being malicious IMO. Yes, maybe dumb or different sometimes, just as we are all. If you aren't being annoyed by someone, don't get on and hit on that someone for no reason. And even if you will say that I am being weird here, you will live a happier life if you do that than if you just hit on people to feel better than them.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  25. ISO #25

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post

    Rachyl didn't actually do anything wrong by making this thread.
    Not sure why she's getting dunked on like this.
    There are much better places to show your dislike for Rachyl.
    The fact that she, of all people, is writing this thread to promote tolerance for her behaviour is just too much to stomach.

    It's like slapping you in the face, saying "Whoops it was my mental illness" then holding up a placard saying "Support World Mental Health Day! Don't blame autists for their behaviour, we can't help it. Help spread awareness, thanks!" Don't expect me to pat her on the back for doing good, and hell, don't even expect me to just ignore it, because she's suckering you guys into letting her shit slide and it'll just end up biting me deeper in the ass the next time I confront her, cause more of you bleeding hearts will be defending her.

    "Hey guys I know I have issues but please tolerate me ok? In the meantime I will continue to spaz out as much as I like while pretending I'm working on it" Don't make me puke LOL.

    If it was any other mentally ill member in our community - and we have many - I would probably be okay with it, because none of them are as big a troublemaker as Rachyl. To me, this thread is just a tool to get people to be more "tolerant" of her bullshit, effectively letting her get away with more crap.

    However, I think that when you see a spoilt child, you should discipline it rather than just letting the situation worsen. It's a distasteful job, but it needs to be done. Yall think you're doing the right thing by being soft, but you're not. You're just encouraging her to behave however the fuck she wants to behave.

    Don't be soft. Failing that, don't get in the way.

    She's a troublemaker, full stop. Her mental illness doesn't absolve her of all responsibility.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Indeed, and Rachyl actually did good. Even people that you hate do good things. I can understand disliking, but bullying someone for something that can only do good things and has obviously no manipulative intent is being mean. Even when *insert the name of someone that I hate, and that the people who know me know who it is but I don't want to make this thread a fight* does good things, I say it and thank/congratulate that person. Rachyl is far from being malicious IMO. Yes, maybe dumb or different sometimes, just as we are all. If you aren't being annoyed by someone, don't get on and hit on that someone for no reason. And even if you will say that I am being weird here, you will live a happier life if you do that than if you just hit on people to feel better than them.
    Nah, she's malicious alright. Maybe you've never seen her actively targeting people in-game and spewing endless streams of incoherent filth about people and their families from her mouth. Or talk to her post-game and see how proud she is of her wrongdoing. She knows she's being a massive bitch and she's not ashamed of it. That shit is not acceptable.

    This thread where she tries to be all goody-goody, sorry, it just makes me want to puke.

    As for just ignoring her behaviour and moving on, read this post:

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    1. Ignoring her when she's actively targeting players she dislikes in-game is akin to asking us to ignore a flashlight shining in our eyes. I can't just "ignore" getting killed n1 when she decides to throw a fit; emotions aside, my time is being wasted.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 18th, 2018 at 12:01 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    let me translate those big texts...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    First of all you stupid retarded reprobate, i AM autistic. And i WAS in the military. I even have a DD214 to back up my claims and was discharged under honorable conditions and recieved an army good conduct medal. Stupid ass. You know you look like a complete coward for picking on the mentally ill right? Theres times when im not responsible for my own actions especially like when i hallucinate and dissociate you stupid fucking prick ass retarded bully. Your such a cheap shot artist that its not even funny. I suffer from extreme PTSD you stupid non military civilian an area that you know absolutly NOTHING about probably because you are a jerkoff loser that has been working at mcdonalds theyre hole life . Come back and talk to me when youve seen the dead bodies that i have and smelled the corpses you stupid ass. Your a really big coward you log into forums after youve hidden who you really are from everyone else and you attack a girl that fought for your stupid ass in afghanistan while you were playing mafia you stupid coward. While i was deployed i didntbeven know if a mortar would land on my cop killing me instantly. You are literally the worst human being walking this earth. Please check yourself into a hospital to be checked out for anti social personality disorder. As willy wonka would say. You LOSE good day sir
    Rachyl swears and rages at Exeter and says that she is mentally ill and was working for the millitary

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Yeah keep playing the mentally ill card like that excuses all your behaviour. Oh yeah, and keep playing the mentally ill card to pull people's heartstrings.

    You're like a spoilt child who acts all tall and mighty in a private conversation, so damn proud of all the wrongdoings that you've managed to get away with, but when dragged into the spotlight you play the scared innocent child who bursts into tears so that everybody fusses over you instead of punishing you.

    "Ooh I got a mental illness. You're such a cruel bastard for picking on me boohoo. Please stop you're hurting me." And then everybody goes, "Yeah, stop picking on her you asshole."

    "bully" "picking on me" "mentally ill" "not responsible for my own actions" Yeah keep using those terms to paint a tragic picture that fits your narrative. And yeah yeah, the blame lies with everybody else but you. It's my fault you grief in games and pick fights with people over the dumbest reasons. It's your mental illness's fault that you're such a spiteful and manipulative person. But not your fault. You're perfectly blameless.

    Want me to upload all our private conversations here? Where you're so damn proud of yourself for griefing? If I pull a PTB I'm pretty sure that'll shut you the fuck up instantly LOL. Also pretty sure that'll turn everybody's heads 180 degrees around by revealing your true colours. You're not the poor misunderstood victim, you're a cancer who is very aware of how to exploit the "mentally ill" card and very deliberately play it just right so you get away with so much shit.

    If you're so incapable of controlling your own actions, go isolate yourself somewhere where you can't be a burden to other people, thanks.
    Exeter like the anti american he is doesnt care about what rachyl says and instead says he doesnt believe her bullshit and insults her while trying to look tough and better than ptb

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    The fact that she, of all people, is writing this thread to promote tolerance for her behaviour is just too much to stomach.

    It's like slapping you in the face, saying "Whoops it was my mental illness" then holding up a placard saying "Support World Mental Health Day! Don't blame autists for their behaviour, we can't help it. Help spread awareness, thanks!" Don't expect me to pat her on the back for doing good, and hell, don't even expect me to just ignore it, because she's suckering you guys into letting her shit slide and it'll just end up biting me deeper in the ass the next time I confront her, cause more of you bleeding hearts will be defending her.

    "Hey guys I know I have issues but please tolerate me ok? In the meantime I will continue to spaz out as much as I like while pretending I'm working on it" Don't make me puke LOL.

    If it was any other mentally ill member in our community - and we have many - I would probably be okay with it, because none of them are as big a troublemaker as Rachyl. To me, this thread is just a tool to get people to be more "tolerant" of her bullshit, effectively letting her get away with more crap.

    However, I think that when you see a spoilt child, you should discipline it rather than just letting the situation worsen. It's a distasteful job, but it needs to be done. Yall think you're doing the right thing by being soft, but you're not. You're just encouraging her to behave however the fuck she wants to behave.

    Don't be soft. Failing that, don't get in the way.

    She's a troublemaker, full stop. Her mental illness doesn't absolve her of all responsibility.

    Nah, she's malicious alright. Maybe you've never seen her actively targeting people in-game and spewing endless streams of incoherent filth about people and their families from her mouth. Or talk to her post-game and see how proud she is of her wrongdoing. She knows she's being a massive bitch and she's not ashamed of it. That shit is not acceptable.

    This thread where she tries to be all goody-goody, sorry, it just makes me want to puke.

    As for just ignoring her behaviour and moving on, read this post:
    Exeter tries to explain what Rachyl is doing and rages at her
    I Like Ice Cream

  27. ISO #27

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    First of all you stupid retarded reprobate, i AM autistic. And i WAS in the military. I even have a DD214 to back up my claims and was discharged under honorable conditions and recieved an army good conduct medal. Stupid ass. You know you look like a complete coward for picking on the mentally ill right? Theres times when im not responsible for my own actions especially like when i hallucinate and dissociate you stupid fucking prick ass retarded bully. Your such a cheap shot artist that its not even funny. I suffer from extreme PTSD you stupid non military civilian an area that you know absolutly NOTHING about probably because you are a jerkoff loser that has been working at mcdonalds theyre hole life . Come back and talk to me when youve seen the dead bodies that i have and smelled the corpses you stupid ass. Your a really big coward you log into forums after youve hidden who you really are from everyone else and you attack a girl that fought for your stupid ass in afghanistan while you were playing mafia you stupid coward. While i was deployed i didntbeven know if a mortar would land on my cop killing me instantly. You are literally the worst human being walking this earth. Please check yourself into a hospital to be checked out for anti social personality disorder. As willy wonka would say. You LOSE good day sir
    Yeah keep playing the mentally ill card like that excuses all your behaviour. Oh yeah, and keep playing the mentally ill card to pull people's heartstrings.

    You're like a spoilt child who acts all tall and mighty in a private conversation, so damn proud of all the wrongdoings that you've managed to get away with, but when dragged into the spotlight you play the scared innocent child who bursts into tears so that everybody fusses over you instead of punishing you.

    "Ooh I got a mental illness. You're such a cruel bastard for picking on me boohoo. Please stop you're hurting me." And then everybody goes, "Yeah, stop picking on her you asshole."

    "bully" "picking on me" "mentally ill" "not responsible for my own actions" Yeah keep using those terms to paint a tragic picture that fits your narrative. And yeah yeah, the blame lies with everybody else but you. It's my fault you grief in games and pick fights with people over the dumbest reasons. It's your mental illness's fault that you're such a spiteful and manipulative person. But not your fault. You're perfectly blameless.

    Want me to upload all our private conversations here? Where you're so damn proud of yourself for griefing? If I pull a PTB I'm pretty sure that'll shut you the fuck up instantly LOL. Also pretty sure that'll turn everybody's heads 180 degrees around by revealing your true colours. You're not the poor misunderstood victim, you're a cancer who is very aware of how to exploit the "mentally ill" card and very deliberately play it just right so you get away with so much shit.

    If you're so incapable of controlling your own actions, go isolate yourself somewhere where you can't be a burden to other people, thanks.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 18th, 2018 at 12:04 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Stop talking everything so seriously please.

    He is just a successful troll. Idk how anyone responds seriously to his threads lol. Just have a good time people

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  32. ISO #32

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Anyway, I just saw this report on Rachyl:

    This is pretty much the shit that she does to a lot of players. I've got a whole stockpile of similar replays targeted at various players and many are worse. Still think she's harmless? @Stealthbomber16 @Marshmallow Marshall

    How it only warranted a watchlist and not a banlist given her track record, I'll never understand.

    "I hate bullies" -> rants and raves at people and witch-hunts them all-game, regardless of her win condition.

    Commits an offense and gets punished -> plays the victim card. "People are picking on me, I'm the victim here! Why are you punishing me?"

    What a hopeless lunatic. So damn stupid and so damn obstinate. The worst part is you can't even get through her thick skull to make her see she's wrong, because she's utterly impervious to all kinds of criticism. Any attempt to reason with her, and any punishments you mete out to her, just bounces right off her bulletproof skin. Despite her past history of bans and warnings, she's STILL committing the same offenses! What a shameless recalcitrant!

    Oh well. If her online behaviour is any indicator of her real life behaviour, then she must lead a very unhappy life and run into similar conflicts irl too. I'm not gonna bother with this thread anymore. I can walk away in the knowledge that no matter how hard she tries to make people as miserable as her, our lives will never be as miserable as hers.

    Just keep trying to drag people down with you @Rachyl , you'll always be the one suffering the most LOL. Every time you try to act tough and spew your insults like the raving lunatic you are, know that it will always fall short; how can the words of such a worthless loser hurt others? You have no accomplishments to your name, you have no outstanding skills or knowledge, you have no charisma and no people skills, few people like you and many actively hate you, and it's not like you can redeem yourself by performing any job extremely well; your existence is entirely without merit. Worse than that, you are actively creating trouble for many others; your existence has negative value. Therefore your hateful words mean less than nothing.

    What a burden on society you are and what a toxic influence on everybody around you. Every interaction with you is a lose-lose situation; it's not like your spiteful behaviour makes you feel very much better, and it only leads to more trouble for yourself - worse than that, I have to endure your garbage behaviour and I look like an asshole when I call you out for it. I look like an asshole for calling you out for YOUR crappy behaviour. God help me.

    Truly, I pity the people who have to deal with your shit irl.

    Anyway, this is my last reply to this thread. /out
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 18th, 2018 at 09:18 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Anyway, I just saw this report on Rachyl:

    This is pretty much the shit that she does to a lot of players. I've got a whole stockpile of similar replays targeted at various players and many are worse. Still think she's harmless? @Stealthbomber16 @Marshmallow Marshall

    How it only warranted a watchlist and not a banlist given her track record, I'll never understand.

    "I hate bullies" -> rants and raves at people and witch-hunts them all-game, regardless of her win condition.

    Commits an offense and treats player like shit -> plays the victim card. "People are picking on me, I'm the victim here! Why are you punishing me?"

    What a hopeless lunatic. So damn stupid and so damn obstinate. The worst part is you can't even get through her thick skull to make her see she's wrong, because she's utterly impervious to all kinds of criticism. Any attempt to reason with her, and any punishments you mete out to her, just bounces right off her bulletproof skin. Despite her past history of bans and warnings, she's STILL committing the same offenses! What a shameless recalcitrant!

    Oh well. If her online behaviour is any indicator of her real life behaviour, then she must lead a very unhappy life and run into similar conflicts irl too. I'm not gonna bother with this thread anymore. I can walk away in the knowledge that no matter how hard she tries to make people as miserable as her, our lives will never be as miserable as hers.

    Just keep trying to drag people down with you @Rachyl , you'll always be the one suffering the most LOL. Every time you try to act tough and spew your insults like the raving lunatic you are, know that it will always fall short; how can the words of such a worthless loser hurt others? You have no accomplishments to your name, you have no outstanding skills or knowledge, you have no charisma and no people skills, few people like you and many actively hate you, and it's not like you can redeem yourself by performing any job extremely well; your existence is entirely without merit. Worse than that, you are actively creating trouble for many others; your existence has negative value. Therefore your hateful words mean less than nothing.

    What a burden on society you are and what a toxic influence on everybody around you. Every interaction with you is a lose-lose situation; it's not like your spiteful behaviour makes you feel very much better, and it only leads to more trouble for yourself - worse than that, I have to endure your garbage behaviour and I look like an asshole when I call you out for it. I look like an asshole for calling you out for YOUR crappy behaviour. God help me.

    Truly, I pity the people who have to deal with your shit irl.

    Anyway, this is my last reply to this thread. /out
    I Like Ice Cream

  34. ISO #34

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Anyway, I just saw this report on Rachyl:

    This is pretty much the shit that she does to a lot of players. I've got a whole stockpile of similar replays targeted at various players and many are worse. Still think she's harmless? @Stealthbomber16 @Marshmallow Marshall

    How it only warranted a watchlist and not a banlist given her track record, I'll never understand.

    "I hate bullies" -> rants and raves at people and witch-hunts them all-game, regardless of her win condition.

    Commits an offense and gets punished -> plays the victim card. "People are picking on me, I'm the victim here! Why are you punishing me?"

    What a hopeless lunatic. So damn stupid and so damn obstinate. The worst part is you can't even get through her thick skull to make her see she's wrong, because she's utterly impervious to all kinds of criticism. Any attempt to reason with her, and any punishments you mete out to her, just bounces right off her bulletproof skin. Despite her past history of bans and warnings, she's STILL committing the same offenses! What a shameless recalcitrant!

    Oh well. If her online behaviour is any indicator of her real life behaviour, then she must lead a very unhappy life and run into similar conflicts irl too. I'm not gonna bother with this thread anymore. I can walk away in the knowledge that no matter how hard she tries to make people as miserable as her, our lives will never be as miserable as hers.

    Just keep trying to drag people down with you @Rachyl , you'll always be the one suffering the most LOL. Every time you try to act tough and spew your insults like the raving lunatic you are, know that it will always fall short; how can the words of such a worthless loser hurt others? You have no accomplishments to your name, you have no outstanding skills or knowledge, you have no charisma and no people skills, few people like you and many actively hate you, and it's not like you can redeem yourself by performing any job extremely well; your existence is entirely without merit. Worse than that, you are actively creating trouble for many others; your existence has negative value. Therefore your hateful words mean less than nothing.

    What a burden on society you are and what a toxic influence on everybody around you. Every interaction with you is a lose-lose situation; it's not like your spiteful behaviour makes you feel very much better, and it only leads to more trouble for yourself - worse than that, I have to endure your garbage behaviour and I look like an asshole when I call you out for it. I look like an asshole for calling you out for YOUR crappy behaviour. God help me.

    Truly, I pity the people who have to deal with your shit irl.

    Anyway, this is my last reply to this thread. /out
    I don’t like Rachyl either. That doesn’t mean I won’t respect the fact that some people have issues. I don’t treat her differently for that, and if she’s gonna rub her opinion in our faces then I’ll rub mine right back. You’ll see this exemplified in the fact that there are like 6 threads making fun of her religious posts right now. I also don’t let her sign for my FMs, and a few other players also share this sentiment. You can only do so much. There’s a point where complaint and demonstrations don’t improve your point. This is that point. Like it or not, her point in this thread is still valid, regardless of how good she is as a person.

    She also called me a retard so I dunno if she actually has mental illness because if she does she’d probably be more mindful of her insults. Self diagnosis? Whatever. Not my business. Just block her and move on.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    I don’t like Rachyl either. That doesn’t mean I won’t respect the fact that some people have issues. I don’t treat her differently for that, and if she’s gonna rub her opinion in our faces then I’ll rub mine right back. You’ll see this exemplified in the fact that there are like 6 threads making fun of her religious posts right now. I also don’t let her sign for my FMs, and a few other players also share this sentiment. You can only do so much. There’s a point where complaint and demonstrations don’t improve your point. This is that point. Like it or not, her point in this thread is still valid, regardless of how good she is as a person.

    She also called me a retard so I dunno if she actually has mental illness because if she does she’d probably be more mindful of her insults. Self diagnosis? Whatever. Not my business. Just block her and move on.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: World Mental Health Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Anyway, I just saw this report on Rachyl:

    This is pretty much the shit that she does to a lot of players. I've got a whole stockpile of similar replays targeted at various players and many are worse. Still think she's harmless? @Stealthbomber16 @Marshmallow Marshall

    How it only warranted a watchlist and not a banlist given her track record, I'll never understand.

    "I hate bullies" -> rants and raves at people and witch-hunts them all-game, regardless of her win condition.

    Commits an offense and gets punished -> plays the victim card. "People are picking on me, I'm the victim here! Why are you punishing me?"

    What a hopeless lunatic. So damn stupid and so damn obstinate. The worst part is you can't even get through her thick skull to make her see she's wrong, because she's utterly impervious to all kinds of criticism. Any attempt to reason with her, and any punishments you mete out to her, just bounces right off her bulletproof skin. Despite her past history of bans and warnings, she's STILL committing the same offenses! What a shameless recalcitrant!

    Oh well. If her online behaviour is any indicator of her real life behaviour, then she must lead a very unhappy life and run into similar conflicts irl too. I'm not gonna bother with this thread anymore. I can walk away in the knowledge that no matter how hard she tries to make people as miserable as her, our lives will never be as miserable as hers.

    Just keep trying to drag people down with you @Rachyl , you'll always be the one suffering the most LOL. Every time you try to act tough and spew your insults like the raving lunatic you are, know that it will always fall short; how can the words of such a worthless loser hurt others? You have no accomplishments to your name, you have no outstanding skills or knowledge, you have no charisma and no people skills, few people like you and many actively hate you, and it's not like you can redeem yourself by performing any job extremely well; your existence is entirely without merit. Worse than that, you are actively creating trouble for many others; your existence has negative value. Therefore your hateful words mean less than nothing.

    What a burden on society you are and what a toxic influence on everybody around you. Every interaction with you is a lose-lose situation; it's not like your spiteful behaviour makes you feel very much better, and it only leads to more trouble for yourself - worse than that, I have to endure your garbage behaviour and I look like an asshole when I call you out for it. I look like an asshole for calling you out for YOUR crappy behaviour. God help me.

    Truly, I pity the people who have to deal with your shit irl.

    Anyway, this is my last reply to this thread. /out
    I don't say I like Rachyl. But when someone does something good, don't hit on it. If you are angry at her or something, go say it in an appropriate place: somewhere where she actually offended you or something. But this is just uncalled for, and here, whatever you say, she is the victim... maybe you think she deserved it at some other places. But if you hate her THAT MUCH, well just block & kick from lobbies and you will live an happy life on SC2 Mafia.

    Also, I have doubts about her mental illness but the message is still the same.

    I think a moderator should do something here. Lock the thread, make another thread for the fighting posts, something like that.

    Edit: Stealth's reply is basically what I wanted to say here.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :



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