[WIP] FM Pokemon Ultimus

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    FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Pokemon Ultimus v0.7.1 - Return

    Welcome to Ultimus Kanto! In this once of a lifetime event, you will have the front row seat to witness the greatest pokemon battle of the century! Players will be given command of a pokemon to work with from a random pool of our fine selections, between the lowly Magikarp, and the ominous Mewtwo! Don't be fooled, in this mega battle royale, you will need to work together to bring down the threats.

    And the term "threats" is definitely right, because we have managed to get access to every single pokemon from the Kanto Region! So there will definitely be a diverse cast of pokemon!

    Don't forget about the TMs which will become available throughout the event, which could ultimately change the tide of battle!

    Here's our lineup!

    Random Pokemon

    Random Pokemon

    Random Pokemon

    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon

    Very Important Mechanics!
    Every pokemon has a typing!
    Typings effect how your role is fundamentally played! Each one has its own bonus and weakness.
    The typing of each pokemon is determined by its primary typing in the pokemon series.
    Example: Onix is a rock type and Rhyhorn is a ground type, even though they both have the same two types, their primary typings are different.
    TMs and HMs!
    Every 24 hours a random TM or HM will go on sale.
    The TM or HM is given at random, and pokemon can choose to opt in to the giveaway by privately messaging the host.
    At night, the owner of the TM or HM may choose to forego their night action to teach the TM or HM to a player (including themselves), giving them another night action. The full list of TMs is available in the setup, along with which pokemon can learn each TM.
    The giveaways end when each cycle ends, meaning that 3 TMs go on sale during the day at different period of time, but all 3 will end at the same time.
    Oh yeah, and evolution!
    All pokemon with evolutions in Gen 1 have their evolutions available in the game.
    Pokemon will not start evolved.
    Evolution will take place based on specific events, which are layed out in each rolecard that is capable of evolution.
    Combat Explained
    Combat is the same as always, just represented a bit differently.
    +1 is considered to be a doc heal
    -1 is a basic attack
    -2 is a powerful attack
    and so on.
    If at any night your "life total" goes below 0, you are killed. It's much simpler than it sounds.

    Spoiler : Rolecards :

    Spoiler : Confirmed Roles :

    Mewtwo #150
    Psychic Type
    {Passive} Unnerve: You have permanent +5 protection.
    {Passive} Insomnia: You are immune to sleep.
    {Passive} Legendary: You are 3x more likely to receive your first TM or HM.
    You may choose to use one of these abilities at night.
    Psyshock: Attack a player at night with a powerful attack, dealing -2 to them.
    Psystrike: Lie in waiting near a player. If another player visits them, you go on a rampage, dealing -1 to your target and any of their visitors.
    Zapdos #145
    Electric Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    {Passive} Pressure: You have permanent +1 protection.
    {Passive} Legendary: You are 3x more likely to receive your first TM or HM.
    You may choose to use one of these abilities at night.
    Ancient Power: If target player is a Wild Pokemon, convert them to be Your Alignment. They retain any abilities. You may use this ability twice. This may not be used if a member of your alignment died during the previous day or night.
    Ice Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    {Passive} Pressure: You have permanent +1 protection.
    {Passive} Legendary: You are 3x more likely to receive your first TM or HM.
    You may choose to use one of these abilities at night.
    Ancient Power: If target player is a Wild Pokemon, convert them to be Your Alignment. They retain any abilities. You may use this ability twice. This may not be used if a member of your alignment died during the previous day or night.
    Fire Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    {Passive} Pressure: You have permanent +1 protection.
    {Passive} Legendary: You are 3x more likely to receive your first TM or HM.
    You may choose to use one of these abilities at night.
    Ancient Power: If target player is a Wild Pokemon, convert them to be Your Alignment. They retain any abilities. You may use this ability twice. This may not be used if a member of your alignment died during the previous day or night.

    Spoiler : Pokedex 1-20 :

    Bulbasaur #1
    Grass Type
    You have no night action.
    You evolve into Ivysaur on Day 3.
    Ivysaur #2
    Grass Type
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Sleep Powder: Put a player to sleep, roleblocking them. This ability does not work on grass types.
    You evolve into Venusaur on Day 5.
    Venusaur #3
    Grass Type
    {Passive} Chlorophyll: You have basic protection from fire type attacks. (+1 when attacked by fire types).
    You may choose to use one of these abilities at night.
    Sleep Powder: Put a player to sleep, roleblocking them. This ability does not work on grass types.
    Vine Whip: Learn what a player's alignment is.
    Charmander #4
    Fire Type
    You have no night action.
    You evolve into Charmeleon on Day 3.
    Charmeleon #5
    Fire Type
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Ember: Attack a player, dealing -1 to them. This ability may be used one time.
    You evolve into Charizard on Day 5.
    Charizard #6
    Fire Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    {Passive} Solar Power: You are immune to roleblocking and redirection effects.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Flamethrower: Attack a player, dealing -1 to them. This ability may be used two times.
    Squirtle #7
    Water Type
    You have no night action.
    You evolve into Wartortle on Day 3.
    Wartortle #8
    Water Type
    {Passive} Withdrawl: You have +1 protection at night.
    You have no night action.
    You evolve into Blastoise on Day 5.
    Blastoise #9
    Water Type
    {Passive} Withdrawl: You have +1 protection at night.
    {Passive} Rain Dish: When targeted by water types, you gain +.5 protection for the night.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Bubble: Place a bubble around a player, granting them +1 protection for the night.
    Caterpie #10
    Bug Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Metapod on Night 1.
    Metapod #11
    Bug Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Butterfree when you are visited twice or more in one night.
    Butterfree #12
    Bug Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Stun Powder: Paralyze a player, roleblocking them. This ability does not work on electric types.
    Weedle #13
    Bug Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Kakuna on Night 1.
    Kakuna #14
    Bug Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Beedrill when nobody visits you at night.
    Beedrill #15
    Bug Type
    {Passive} Sniper: When nobody visits you at night, you gain another charge of your ability.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Fell Stinger: Attack a player at night, dealing -1.
    Pidgey #16
    Normal Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Pidgeotto after a captured pokemon is lynched.
    Pidgeotto #17
    Normal Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Keen Eye: Watch a player, learning who visits them at night.
    You evolve into Pidgeot after a captured pokemon is lynched.
    Pidgeot #18
    Normal Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Big Pecks: Watch a player, learning who visits them and who they visit at night.
    Rattata #19
    Normal Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Raticate after a Wild Pokemon is lynched.
    Raticate #20
    Normal Type
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Focus Energy: Focus your energy to learn what role a player is. NOTE: This tells you their role, not their alignment.

    Spoiler : Pokedex 21-40 :

    Spearow #21
    Normal Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You may choose to use this ability during the day.
    Assurance: Motivate a player, allowing them to use two actions at night. They may either use one action two times, or two different actions at the same time. You may not self-cast Assurance.
    You evolve into Fearow after using Assurance twice.
    Fearow #22
    Normal Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You may choose to use this ability during the day.
    Assurance: Motivate a player, allowing them to use two actions at night. They may either use one action two times, or two different actions at the same time. You may not self-cast Assurance.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Mimic: Replace mimic with the ability your target uses at night. If they do not use an ability, then Mimic is removed. This fails if the target used Ancient Power or Psystrike.
    Ekans #23
    Poison Type
    {Passive} Intimidate: When visiting a player, you steal any TMs or HMs they have not used.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Leer: Visit a player. Does nothing. May be used twice.
    You evolve into Arbok after you learn another move.
    Arbok #24
    Poison Type
    {Passive} Intimidate: When visiting a player, you steal any TMs or HMs they have not used.
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Glare: Visit a player and learn who they visited that night.
    Pikachu #25
    Electric Type
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Double Team: Gain +1 protection for the night.
    You evolve into Raichu after gaining +2 protection for a night.
    Raichu #26
    Electric Type
    You may choose to use one of these abilities at night.
    Thunder Wave: Paralyze a player, roleblocking them. Does not work on Ground types.
    Substitute: Gain a one use auto-vest. This ability may be used once.
    Laser Focus: Watch a player at night, learning who they visit.
    Sandshrew #27
    Ground Type
    You may choose to use this ability during the day.
    Dig: Gain +2 protection during the night. You are roleblocked.
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Sandslash on day 4.
    Sandslash #28
    Ground Type
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Earthquake: Attack a player with a powerful attack, dealing -2. Pokemon which are flying are not effected.
    NidoranF #29
    Poison Type
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Helping Hand: Target player may not be roleblocked for the night.
    You evolve into Nidorina on night 2.
    Nidorina #30
    Poison Type
    You may choose to use this ability at night.
    Helping Hand: Target player may not be roleblocked for the night.
    You evolve into Nidoqueen after being transported.
    Nidoqueen #31
    Poison Type
    {Passive} Toxic Spikes: When a target survives an attack from you, they are poisoned, dealing a -1 attack to them at the end of the day.
    You may choose to use one of these abilities at night.
    Helping Hand: Target player may not be roleblocked for the night.
    Earth Power: Strike the earth so hard that it shakes the ground, dealing -.5 to a player. Flying types are not effected by this ability.
    NidoranM #32
    Poison Type
    You may choose to use your ability at night.
    Pursuit: Follow a player, learning who they visit at night.
    You evolve into Nidorino Day 3.
    Nidorino #33
    Poison Type
    You may choose to use your ability at night.
    Pursuit: Follow a player, learning who they visit at night.
    You evolve into Nidoking after being transported.
    Nidoking #34
    Poison Type
    {Passive} Sheer Force: Your attacking moves have an extra -.5 damage.
    You may choose to use one of your abilities at night.
    Pursuit: Follow a player, learning who they visit at night.
    Drill Run: Charge at a player with your horn, dealing -1. Flying types are not effected by this ability.
    Clefairy #35
    Normal Type
    You do not have a night ability.
    You evolve into Clefable after being transported.
    Clefable #36
    Normal Type
    You may choose to use your ability at night.
    Wish: Heal a player for +1.
    Vulpix #37
    Fire Type
    You do not have a night ability.
    You evolve into Ninetales on Day 4.
    Ninetales #38
    Fire Type
    {Passive} Drought: You are immune to any form of attack during the day. (+999)
    You may choose to use your day ability.
    Sunny Day: Extends day by 24 hours. This is revealed at the end of the day. This may be used one time.
    Jigglypuff #39
    Normal Type
    You do not have a night ability.
    You evolve into Wigglytuff after being transported.
    Wigglytuff #40
    Normal Type
    {Passive} Pickup: Your chance at getting a TM is quadrupled.
    You do not have a night ability.

    Spoiler : Pokedex 41-59 :

    Zubat #41
    Poison Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Golbat on Day 2.
    Golbat #42
    Poison Type
    {Passive} Flying: You are immune to some abilities.
    You may choose to use your ability at night.
    Fly: Transport two pokemon to different locations, swapping them. This is a transportation effect.
    Oddish #43
    Grass Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Gloom after a Wild Pokemon dies.
    Gloom #44
    Grass Type
    {Passive} Effect Spore: Your toxic body absorbs poison, giving you powerful protection during the day (+2).
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Vileplume after two additional Wild Pokemon die.
    Vileplume #45
    Grass Type
    {Passive} Effect Spore: Your toxic body absorbs poison, giving you powerful protection during the day (+2).
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Natural Gift: Transport two pokemon to different locations, swapping them. This is a transportation effect.
    Paras #46
    Grass Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Parasect after two Wild Pokemon die.
    Parasect #47
    Grass Type
    {Passive} Dry Skin: Your exceptionally dry skin absorbs water, giving you basic protection until the next night (+1) when visited by a water type. This effect does not stack with itself.
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Rage Powder: Enrage a pokemon, forcing them to target you.
    Venonat #48
    Bug Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Venomoth after being transported.
    Venomoth #49
    Bug Type
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Supersonic: Fire sonic rays at a player, learning their alignment.
    Diglett #50
    Ground Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Dugtrio after two pokemon are lynched.
    Dugtrio #51
    Ground Type
    {Passive} Multiple Heads: Your increased senses from having multiple heads allows you to learn who visits you every night.
    You have no night ability.
    Meowth #52
    Normal Type
    {Passive} Pickup: You start the game with a TM.
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Persian on day 5.
    Persian #53
    Normal Type
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Assurance: Motivate a player, allowing them to use two actions at night. They may either use one action two times, or two different actions at the same time. You may not self-cast Assurance.
    Psyduck #54
    Water Type
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Firefighting: Learn if a player is a fire type or not.
    You evolve into Golduck after successfully finding a fire type.
    Golduck #55
    Water Type
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Water Gun: Fire a bolt of water at a player, dealing a basic attack (-1) to them. This ability has two uses.
    Bubble: Bubble: Place a bubble around a player, granting them +1 protection for the night.
    Mankey #56
    Fighting Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Primeape upon receiving a night ability.
    Primeape #57
    Fighting Type
    {Passive} Anger Point: You may use two night actions per night. This may either be one night action twice, or two different night actions once.
    {Passive} Vital Spirit: You are immune to sleep effects.
    You have no night ability.
    Growlithe #58
    Fire Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Arcanine after three Wild Pokemon are lynched.
    Arcanine #59
    Fire Type
    You may choose to use your day ability.
    Nobility: Reveal yourself as Arcanine, increasing day by 24 hours and gaining an extra vote. The vote lasts for just that day. This ability cannot be used in MYLO/LYLO. Note: This does not reveal alignment, only role.

    Spoiler : Pokedex 60-80 :

    Poliwag #60
    Water Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Poliwhirl on day 4.
    Poliwhirl #61
    Water Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Poliwrath after two Wild Pokemon are lynched.
    Poliwrath #62
    Water Type
    {Passive} Swift Swim: Your abilities ignore transportation and you cannot be roleblocked.
    You may choose to use your ability at night.
    Submission: Deliver a powerful blow to an opponent (-2).
    Abra #63
    Psychic Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Kadabra on night 5.
    Kadabra #64
    Psychic Type
    You may choose to use one of these night abilities.
    Teleport: Hide behind a player, rerouting any things that target them to that player. Two uses.
    Psybeam: Confuse a player, forcing them to target themself. Does not use day abilities. Does not use charges of abilities. Targets are notified of being confused. Two uses.
    You evolve into Alakazam after running out of charges for one of your abilities.
    Alakazam #65
    Psychic Type
    You may choose to use one of these night abilities.
    Teleport+: Hide behind a player, rerouting any things that target them to that player.
    Confusion: Confuse a player, forcing them to target themself. Does not use day abilities. Does not use charges of abilities. Targets are notified of being confused. Three uses.
    Psybeam: Attack a player at night with a powerful attack, dealing -2 to them. One use.
    Machop #66
    Fighting Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Machoke after being visited at night.
    Machamp #67
    Fighting Type
    {Passive} Guts: You are immune to roleblocking.
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Machamp after being visited by two people in the same night.
    Machoke #68
    Fighting Type
    {Passive} Guts: You are immune to roleblocking.
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Dynamic Punch: Deals an incredible attack (-3) to any player who visits you.
    Bellsprout #69
    Grass Type
    {Passive} Poisonous: You cannot be healed at night but are immune during the day (+999)
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Weepinbell after day 2.
    Weepinbell #70
    Grass Type
    {Passive} Poisonous: You cannot be healed at night but are immune during the day (+999)
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Synthesis: Heal a player for the night (wow), granting them a basic heal (+1). They are notified of being healed if they are attacked.
    You evolve into Victreebel after successfully protecting a target from death.
    Victreebel #71
    Grass Type
    {Passive} Poisonous: You cannot be healed at night but are immune during the day (+999)
    {Passive} Chlorophyll: You have basic protection from fire type attacks. (+1 when attacked by fire types).
    You may choose to use your night ability.
    Synthesis+: Heal two players at night (wow), granting them a basic heal (+1). They are notified of being healed.
    Geodude #72
    Rock Type
    You have no night ability.
    You evolve into Graveler after day 3.
    Graveler #73
    Rock Type
    You may choose to use your night ability
    Rock Throw: Throw a rock at a player. If they have the {Passive} Flying, then they take a powerful attack (-2). You are notified if you attack a target.
    You evolve into Golem after attacking a target or learning an attacking move that isn't Rock Throw.
    Golem #74
    Rock Type
    {Passive} Rock Head: When using an attacking move, you have a passive basic night immunity (+1).
    You may choose to use your night ability
    Rock Throw: Throw a rock at a player. If they have the {Passive} Flying, then they take a powerful attack (-2). You are notified if you attack a target.

    Spoiler : TM and HM list :

    First: a brief explanation of TMs/HMs.
    These machines may be used to add a night action to the person you use it on. The new night action is permanent unless otherwise stated.
    These actions remain through evolution.
    Each one comes with a list of pokemon able to use it.
    Giving a TM or HM unable to learn said move will result in a failure of teaching that move.
    The machine will be discarded, and no feedback will be given to the teacher.

    Spoiler : HMs :

    beep beep lettuce

    Spoiler : TMs 1-10 :

    TM01 Mega Punch
    Punch your opponent, dealing a basic attack (-1)
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Mega Punch :

    Charmander #4, Charmeleon #5, Charizard #6, Squirtle #7, Wartortle #8, Blastoise #9, Pikachu #25, Raichu #26, Nidoqueen #31, Nidoking #34, Clefairy #35, Clefable #36, Jigglypuff #39, Wigglytuff #40, Psyduck #54, Golduck #55, Mankey #56, Primeape #57, Poliwhirl #61, Poliwrath #62, Abra #63, Kadabra #64, Alakazam #65, Machop #66, Machoke #67, Machamp #68, Geodude #74, Graveler #75, Golem #76, Slowbro #80, Gengar #94, Drowzee #96, Hypno #97, Cubone #104, Marowak #105, Hitmonlee #106, Hitmonchan #107, Lickitung #108, Rhydon #112, Chansey #113, Kangaskhan #115, Mr. Mime #122, Jynx #124, Electrabuzz #125, Magmar #126, Snorlax #143, Mewtwo #150, Mew #151
    TM02 Razor Wind
    Whip up a strong wind, switching 2 players' locations, transporting them.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Razor Wind :

    Butterfree #12, Pidgey #16, Pidgeotto #17, Pidgeot #18, Spearow #21, Fearow #22, Zubat #41, Golbat #42, Venomoth #49, Farfetch'd #83, Kabutops #141, Aerodactyl #142, Articuno #144, Zapdos #145, Moltres #146, Dragonite #149, Mew #151
    TM03 Swords Dance
    {Passive} Attack Raised: All attacking effects gain an additional +2.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Swords Dance :

    Bulbasaur #1, Ivysaur #2, Venusaur #3, Charmander #4, Charmeleon #5, Charizard #6, Beedrill #15, Sandshrew #27, Sandslash #28, Oddish #43, Gloom #44, Vileplume #45, Paras #46, Parasect #47, Bellsprout #69, Weepinbell #70, Victreebel #71, Tentacool #72, Tentacruel #73, Farfetch'd #83, Krabby #98, Kingler #99, Lickitung #108, Tangela #114, Scyther #123, Pinsir #127, Kabutops #141, Mew #151
    TM04 Whirlwind
    Creates a whirlwind around the target, making them unvisitable for the night. Players who visit that target are instead roleblocked, and are notified that they visited a whirlwinded target.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Whirlwind :

    Butterfree #12, Pidgey #16, Pidgeotto #17, Pidgeot #18, Spearow #21, Fearow #22, Zubat #41, Golbat #42, Venomoth #49, Farfetch'd #83, Doduo #84, Dodrio #85, Aerodactyl #142, Articuno #144, Zapdos #145, Moltres #146, Mew #151
    TM05 Mega Kick
    Lunges toward the target with a mighty kick, dealing a powerful blow (-2). You may not use a night action on the following night.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Mega Kick :

    Charmander #4, Charmeleon #5, Charizard #6, Squirtle #7, Wartortle #8, Blastoise #9, Pikachu #25, Raichy #26, Nidoqueen #31, Nidoking #34, Clefairt #35, Clefable #36, Jigglypuff #39, Wigglytuff #40, Psyduck #54, Golduck #55, Mankey #56, Primeape #57, Poliwhirl #61, Poliwrath #62, Machop #66, Machoke #67, Machamp #68, Golem #76, Slowbro #80, Gengar #94, Drowzee #96, Hypno #97, Cubone #104, Marowak #105, Hitmonlee #106, Hitmonchan #107 Lickitung #108, Rhydon #112, Chansey #113, Kangaskhan #115, Mr. Mime #122, Jynx #124, Electabuzz #125, Magmar #126, Kabutops #141, Snorlax #143, Mewtwo #150, Mew #151
    TM06 Toxic
    Poisons the target. They die at the end of the following day. Targets are notified of being poisoned.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Toxic :

    Literally all of them except for Ditto and Magikarp.
    TM07 Horn Drill
    The user rams the target with a powerful horn or limb, dealing a powerful attack (-2). This ability has one charge.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Horn Drill :

    TM08 Body Slam
    Slams a target, roleblocking them for the night.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Body Slam :

    TM09 Take Down
    You guard a player, and if they are attacked at night, you deal a powerful attack to their attacker (-2) and receive their attack instead of their target.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Take Down :

    TM10 Double Edge
    You prepare to attack whoever comes close, dealing a powerful attack to whoever visits you. This does not roleblock them. You have a passive basic night immunity when using this move (+1).
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Double Edge :


    Spoiler : TMs #11-#20 :

    TM11 Bubble Beam
    Creates a confusing beam of bubbles, allowing you to choose who your target visits that night.
    Targets are notified of being manipulated.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Bubble Beam :

    TM12 Water Gun
    Swap two players behind a veil of water, transporting them.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Water Gun :

    TM13 Ice Beam
    Freeze a player at night, roleblocking them and giving them a powerful night immunity (+2).
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Ice Beam :

    TM14 Blizzard
    Create a blizzard at a target player, dealing a (-1) attack to anyone who visits that player. Ability fails if nobody visits the player. 1 charge. The charge is not used if the ability fails.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Blizzard :

    TM15 Hyper Beam
    Launch a massive beam of energy at a player, dealing a powerful attack to a player (-2). If this ability fails or you are roleblocked while using it, you unlearn it.
    Spoiler : Pokemon that can learn Hyper Beam :


    Spoiler : Pokemon Types :

    Pokemon types are modifications to roles based on their typing in the original games.
    Flying has been omitted from the list since flying is not a primary type on any pokemon.

    Fire: You are immune to all effects that impact your performance during the day (such as blackmailing), but are not notified when you are roleblocked.
    Water: Immune to attacks and conversion from ice type pokemon, but are roleblocked when visited by a electric type pokemon.
    Ground: Immune to attacks and conversion from electric type pokemon, but most moves do not effect pokemon that are flying.
    Poison: Immune to all forms of attack during the day (+999), but can only hold one TM at a time. Trying to get another one will cause you to drop the one you hold currently.
    Ghost: Immune to effects from normal pokemon, but cannot be healed by non-ghost types.
    Rock: Immune to attacks and conversion from fire type pokemon, but can only use abilities from TMs/HMs once before unlearning them.
    Fighting: Deals double damage, but cannot be healed.
    Normal: Immune to effects from ghost pokemon, but cannot be healed by non-normal types.

    Spoiler : Changelog :

    Version 0.7.1
    Added some TM effects. Did not add a list of who can learn them.
    Version 0.7 - Return Update
    I'm back!
    Buffed scum leaders by giving them a passive 3x chance to receive their first TM or HM.
    Pokemon #66-#74
    Version 0.6
    Pokemon #60-#65
    Oh yeah, fire typing has a thing now.
    More soon to come.
    Version 0.5 - Maginot Update
    Removed the cult birds' Drill Peck ability, making their KPN less consistent and more reliant on what they recruit. This should fix the potential blitzkrieg issues with being able to eliminate town by like day 2 or 3 or something dumb like that.
    Added TMs for Razor Wind, Swords Dance, Whirlwind and Mega Kick.
    Add poison type attribute
    Version 0.4.1
    TM01 Mega Punch
    Version 0.4
    Fucked with some colors
    Added rolecards up to #59, Arcanine.
    Added an explanation about TMs and how they work.
    Yaw yeet my dick is elite
    Version 0.3.1
    Fucked with some colors
    Version 0.3
    Finished up to #40.
    Began working on the typing chart.
    Version 0.2
    Updated the colors for each cult bird to prevent confusion.
    Added rolecards for the Spearow, Pikachu and Sandshrew lines.
    Version 0.1
    Added rolecards for Mewtwo, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, and the Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey and Rattata evolution lines.
    As always, please critique this! It really needs it lol. This is a very rudimentary idea but one that I thoroughly intend on following through with. If you have an interesting idea for a rolecard, post it below, because I've still got about 127 pokemon to go through.
    Last edited by Stealthbomber16; November 10th, 2018 at 08:30 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    If Rachyl doesn't sign


  3. ISO #3

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Not finished. Please post critiques and ideas.

    I'm also looking for a cohost.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    If Rachyl doesn't sign

    There is no fucking way you read it already lol
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Not finished. Please post critiques and ideas.

    I'm also looking for a cohost.


    There is no fucking way you read it already lol
    Haven't gotten around to that, actually! But I've never been in a fully-fledged FM before.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post

    Pokemon Ultimus v0.1

    Welcome to Ultimus Kanto! In this once of a lifetime event, you will have the front row seat to witness the greatest pokemon battle of the century! Players will be given command of a pokemon to work with from a random pool of our fine selections, between the lowly Magikarp, and the ominous Mewtwo! Don't be fooled, in this mega battle royale, you will need to work together to bring down the threats.

    And the term "threats" is definitely right, because we have managed to get access to every single pokemon from the Kanto Region! So there will definitely be a diverse cast of pokemon!

    Don't forget about the TMs which will become available throughout the event, which could ultimately change the tide of battle!

    Here's our lineup!

    Random Pokemon

    Random Pokemon

    Random Pokemon

    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon
    Random Pokemon

    Very Important Mechanics!
    Every pokemon has a typing!
    Typings effect how your role is fundamentally played! Each one has its own bonus and weakness.
    The typing of each pokemon is determined by its primary typing in the pokemon series.
    Example: Onix is a rock type and Rhyhorn is a ground type, even though they both have the same two types, their primary typings are different.
    TMs and HMs!
    Every 24 hours a random TM or HM will go on sale.
    The TM or HM is given at random, and pokemon can choose to opt in to the giveaway by privately messaging the host.
    At night, the owner of the TM or HM may choose to forego their night action to teach the TM or HM to a player (including themselves), giving them another night action. The full list of TMs is available in the setup, along with which pokemon can learn each TM.
    The giveaways end when each cycle ends, meaning that 3 TMs go on sale during the day at different period of time, but all 3 will end at the same time.
    Oh yeah, and evolution!
    All pokemon with evolutions in Gen 1 have their evolutions available in the game.
    Pokemon will not start evolved.
    Evolution will take place based on specific events, which are layed out in each rolecard that is capable of evolution.
    Combat Explained
    Combat is the same as always, just represented a bit differently.
    +1 is considered to be a doc heal
    -1 is a basic attack
    -2 is a powerful attack
    and so on.
    If at any night your "life total" goes below 0, you are killed. It's much simpler than it sounds.

    Spoiler : Rolecards :

    Spoiler : Confirmed Roles :

    Spoiler : Pokedex 1-20 :

    Spoiler : Changelog :

    How does 'typing' influence one's role? Does it determine the evolutionary progression? And how do you determine the primary typing?

  6. ISO #6

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    How does 'typing' influence one's role? Does it determine the evolutionary progression? And how do you determine the primary typing?
    I haven't actually typed all the typing stuff out yet. I might actually just scrap it if it turns out to be too messy.

    Primary typing is indicated by the actual pokemon from the pokemon games.

    The example I used in the thread was onix and rhyhorn. They are both part rock and part ground, so in the games, they'd be considered the exact same typing. What I've been doing here is just removing the second part of their typing, making whatever comes first their typing in the rolecard.

    For Onix, rock comes first, so onix will be a rock type. For rhyhorn though, ground comes first. So rhyhorn will be a ground type.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    I haven't actually typed all the typing stuff out yet. I might actually just scrap it if it turns out to be too messy.

    Primary typing is indicated by the actual pokemon from the pokemon games.

    The example I used in the thread was onix and rhyhorn. They are both part rock and part ground, so in the games, they'd be considered the exact same typing. What I've been doing here is just removing the second part of their typing, making whatever comes first their typing in the rolecard.

    For Onix, rock comes first, so onix will be a rock type. For rhyhorn though, ground comes first. So rhyhorn will be a ground type.
    Oh okay. Is typing somewhat like alignment? It seems to be that way, given the setup.

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Oh okay. Is typing somewhat like alignment? It seems to be that way, given the setup.
    No. It's more like a secondary thing that effects all roles with that typing.

    this isnt what im going to do with it but
    imagine that all roles that were normal type appeared as mafia members to investigative roles, but they could be either town or mafia

    can't really think of a good way to explain it right now

    think about it without the typings at first, because this is, in its esscence, a massive ass triple cult setup with a powerful NK role.
    Last edited by Stealthbomber16; July 30th, 2018 at 03:15 PM. Reason: ddoot
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    No. It's more like a secondary thing that effects all roles with that typing.

    this isnt what im going to do with it but
    imagine that all roles that were normal type appeared as mafia members to investigative roles, but they could be either town or mafia

    can't really think of a good way to explain it right now

    think about it without the typings at first, because this is, in its esscence, a massive ass triple cult setup with a powerful NK role.
    Basically, typings get a buff/debuff about some actions. Right? Like fire will counter ice or something like that?

    Also how do you plan getting that many players xD
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Basically, typings get a buff/debuff about some actions. Right? Like fire will counter ice or something like that?

    Also how do you plan getting that many players xD

    Recruitment. It's 30 players if I counted correctly, and I might shift the numbers around later. This seems like a perfectly reasonable goal to me, considering we're numbering around 15 for each S-FM including reserves. Yeah, it'll be a bit tight, but I think we can pull this off.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post

    Recruitment. It's 30 players if I counted correctly, and I might shift the numbers around later. This seems like a perfectly reasonable goal to me, considering we're numbering around 15 for each S-FM including reserves. Yeah, it'll be a bit tight, but I think we can pull this off.
    if we (as in the community) can pull this off.... we could double our playerbase... therefore it would be less dangerous to get rid of trolls.... we could improve quantity AND quality...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  15. ISO #15

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post

    Recruitment. It's 30 players if I counted correctly, and I might shift the numbers around later. This seems like a perfectly reasonable goal to me, considering we're numbering around 15 for each S-FM including reserves. Yeah, it'll be a bit tight, but I think we can pull this off.
    When do you plan the game start (Like 1 month or 6, would like to know)? Because I can already start recruiting ^^
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  16. ISO #16

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    if we (as in the community) can pull this off.... we could double our playerbase... therefore it would be less dangerous to get rid of trolls.... we could improve quantity AND quality...

  17. ISO #17

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Sounds like you need to start recruiting people from MafiaScum =P
    Maybe you'll get Firebringer back
    Unless he's actually got a lifetime-ban or something
    Last edited by ; July 31st, 2018 at 01:25 AM.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Sounds like you need to start recruiting people from MafiaScum =P
    Maybe you'll get Firebringer back
    Unless he's actually got a lifetime-ban or something
    Oh, but I am, sir... hehe. It's why I asked this. Also why are you opposed to it? You could recruit people too. Unless you're scum
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Eerm. Don't recruit for this yet. It's nowhere near done. I've got a lot of work to do.
    Okay! I'll just keep telling people how wonderful our community is when I can

    (p.s. this clearly means 6 months...)
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    Bro why did you just spam 5 messages in a row
    Why did you not read them to the point of thinking they were all from me?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  22. ISO #22

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Okay! I'll just keep telling people how wonderful our community is when I can

    (p.s. this clearly means 6 months...)

    Why did you not read them to the point of thinking they were all from me?
    Bro telling people that this is a wonderfull community is a complete lie, i now scumread you
    -vote marshmallow marshall

  23. ISO #23

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Why did you not read them to the point of thinking they were all from me?
    Masterfully baited
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    Bro telling people that this is a wonderfull community is a complete lie, i now scumread you
    -vote marshmallow marshall
    Why are you here then? Your logic is flawed, and I think you know it.
    -vote blinkskater
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  26. ISO #26

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    MM, we need to do something about our avatars :rofl:

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    What the fuck is the obsession with squirrels about on this site

    Come on man, stop being rude. You just made two comments that were absolutely useless on this thread. Please let your next post be about the setup if you make another post. So, there's a clan called Skwirl on sc2, it's the reason of all that squirrelmania.

    The setup says "Most moves do not affect[...]". What are those "most moves"? Also, the "Random Pokemon" from the cult factions at start are like the other Random Pokemons for Town?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  31. ISO #31

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post

    Come on man, stop being rude. You just made two comments that were absolutely useless on this thread. Please let your next post be about the setup if you make another post. So, there's a clan called Skwirl on sc2, it's the reason of all that squirrelmania.

    The setup says "Most moves do not affect[...]". What are those "most moves"? Also, the "Random Pokemon" from the cult factions at start are like the other Random Pokemons for Town?
    You're getting trolled as fuck right now.

    The moves that do not effect those pokemon are specified in the move description.
    Yes. All "Random pokemon" are pulled from the same pool of 147 pokemon, excluding Mewtwo and the three cult leaders.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    So I like the idea but this is 23 2 2 2 1 and almost every single townie has some sort of night actions.
    That seems incredibly unbalanced and especially mewtwo looks totally helpless here. Buff it to +3 prot and let it do 2 actions at once. Then nerf every basic townie.
    Read the rolecards for Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos pls
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    I did but like half the pokemon are detective + lookout + exact role inves combined and then many others can kill. Mewtwo also can't be recruited.
    yeah i havent gotten to the ones i want to be cits yet
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    4+ nightly kills but only one lynch also feels weird.
    Makes the setup really random
    Yeah I might rework Mewtwo but I’ll revisit the KPN after I finish more roles. This is a game where town grows stronger as the game goes on, so high KPN is needed to balance it out.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    No. Don't tell me how to post, squirrel fucker. Show some god damn respect to the BananaCucho.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Version 0.6 has launched!

    I'm about a third of the way done with the roles (little bit more then 1/3) but the end still is not really in sight. I am looking for your help to get through this.

    If you have a cool idea for a TM or HM, please message me! The list can be found here
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  44. ISO #44

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Love the idea for this setup, but imo it's a wasted opportunity to have the "cult" factions be legendary birds instead of Trainer Red/Blue/Yellow (with the recruits being "catching" a Pokemon - you could even give them a pool of different Pokeballs that either have a random chance for failure as in the games, or interact with typing in certain ways; so each trainer might have one Master Ball that guarantees a recruit, and then a variety of other balls that either guarantee recruit against certain types or are chance based). Oh man, if you went that way you could even have purple be Giovani. I would love a 4-way Cult themed setup, with Team Rocket getting special abilities that trainers might not have (like the ability to "steal" Pokemon from the other factions).

    Then you could give powerful abilities to the legendary birds, add them to town pool, and nerf some of the other town roles. I like how you made the unevolved Pokemon Citizens.

    Is it possible to roll evolved Pokemon from the beginning? Imo, I think it would be more interesting if all Pokemon started out unevolved without abilities (except for the few that do not have evolutions / the legendaries - they could have abilities from the start). Then the emphasis becomes catching strong Pokemon before they start evolving / trying to cripple town before a point where they all get strong powers. lol who knew reading could be so complicated?


    I also love the idea of type messing with the feedback you receive in addition to the other effects.

    EDIT 2:

    Controversial idea: no dead chat, add an ability that allows KO'ed Pokemon to be revived (maybe Chansey or Mew?).

    EDIT 3:

    If you were to go with trainer idea from up above, make it so Legendary Pokemon can only be caught with a Master Ball, and then give them the strongest night actions (like revive KO'd, Mass Murderer, Arsonist, etc.).

    A game with town-aligned Arsonist who is recruitable by cult factions (but only if they use Master Ball, sacrificing ability to recruit other legendaries) sounds like it would be nuts. Imo, this would be perfect for Legendary Birds and Mewtwo - Moltres as Arsonist, Mewtwo as MM, Zapdos as maybe ElectroManiac, Articuno as a combo SK+escort (maybe immunity-piercing kill + role block your victim's target?).

    EDIT 4:

    Any plans to add Jailor? For that matter, I see a lot of missing traditional roles. Imo, I would limit every Pokemon to one possible night action (some have 2-3 possible actions) unless they get a TM. If you do that AND add all the other traditional roles (including traditionally scum-aligned roles) you should have enough abilities to cover the entire Pokedex. And I just love the idea of having townies with traditionally scum-based abilities that potentially add confusion (especially in a multi-cult game where townies will be motivated to try to use those abilities to disrupt Cult, and Cult will be motivated to recruit those abilities to try to get traditional scum powers).
    Last edited by Lysergic; August 12th, 2018 at 08:43 PM.

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Sorry for going off-topic. The setup idea is really ambitious. There is going to be a lot of "raw information". You might wanna add different ways of listing the pokemon (i.e. "list of pokemon with a night kill") to help people finding their way around all the different pokemon during the game.

    Furthermore, maybe you should calculate the rough life expectancy of each pokemon and the game in general, so you know roughly what phase of the game pokemon are evolving at - some pokemon won't use evolved moves until night 8, and the game will probably be over before then! Your cult seems a bit big, too. Each cult has a size of up to 4, so you could potentially have 13 vs. 17 town, with towns much more likely to die in the first couple days than scum. So the scum could outnumber the town after just a few days. Excuse me if I'm telling you what you already know.

    Just a random idea, but why not make more of the stronger pokemon (Machamp, Alakazam) dependent on being transported to evolve, then giving most (or all) the flying pokemon the move Fly? It seems preferable to only having a handful of pokemon that need to be transported but probably never will be because there aren't many pokemon that can transport. It'll also give an incentive to some pokemon to be converted to unlock their full power, which could make for some interesting daychat discussions.

  47. ISO #47

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysergic View Post
    Love the idea for this setup, but imo it's a wasted opportunity to have the "cult" factions be legendary birds instead of Trainer Red/Blue/Yellow (with the recruits being "catching" a Pokemon - you could even give them a pool of different Pokeballs that either have a random chance for failure as in the games, or interact with typing in certain ways; so each trainer might have one Master Ball that guarantees a recruit, and then a variety of other balls that either guarantee recruit against certain types or are chance based). Oh man, if you went that way you could even have purple be Giovani. I would love a 4-way Cult themed setup, with Team Rocket getting special abilities that trainers might not have (like the ability to "steal" Pokemon from the other factions).

    Then you could give powerful abilities to the legendary birds, add them to town pool, and nerf some of the other town roles. I like how you made the unevolved Pokemon Citizens.

    Is it possible to roll evolved Pokemon from the beginning? Imo, I think it would be more interesting if all Pokemon started out unevolved without abilities (except for the few that do not have evolutions / the legendaries - they could have abilities from the start). Then the emphasis becomes catching strong Pokemon before they start evolving / trying to cripple town before a point where they all get strong powers. lol who knew reading could be so complicated?


    I also love the idea of type messing with the feedback you receive in addition to the other effects.

    EDIT 2:

    Controversial idea: no dead chat, add an ability that allows KO'ed Pokemon to be revived (maybe Chansey or Mew?).

    EDIT 3:

    If you were to go with trainer idea from up above, make it so Legendary Pokemon can only be caught with a Master Ball, and then give them the strongest night actions (like revive KO'd, Mass Murderer, Arsonist, etc.).

    A game with town-aligned Arsonist who is recruitable by cult factions (but only if they use Master Ball, sacrificing ability to recruit other legendaries) sounds like it would be nuts. Imo, this would be perfect for Legendary Birds and Mewtwo - Moltres as Arsonist, Mewtwo as MM, Zapdos as maybe ElectroManiac, Articuno as a combo SK+escort (maybe immunity-piercing kill + role block your victim's target?).

    EDIT 4:

    Any plans to add Jailor? For that matter, I see a lot of missing traditional roles. Imo, I would limit every Pokemon to one possible night action (some have 2-3 possible actions) unless they get a TM. If you do that AND add all the other traditional roles (including traditionally scum-aligned roles) you should have enough abilities to cover the entire Pokedex. And I just love the idea of having townies with traditionally scum-based abilities that potentially add confusion (especially in a multi-cult game where townies will be motivated to try to use those abilities to disrupt Cult, and Cult will be motivated to recruit those abilities to try to get traditional scum powers).
    This is definitely an interesting idea and one I also thought about, but I decided I would rather have different pokemon represented in different factions. I would rather represent the different pokemon in different ways. I'd rather just keep it with the birds as cult leaders.

    Also, with the traditional roles, there are definitely several things missing. Among the roles that will be added are going to be Crier, Jailor, Veteran, and Marshall. Magikarp will probably make the bulk of the citizen pool, as I plan to make magikarp evolve extremely late into the game as a way to discourage heavy stalling from any alignment.

    A cult nerf is probably in store one more time. The absolute worst case scenario for town means that the lynch is completely unusable by day 4-5, but that is once again a complete worst case scenario. Cult could miss recruits, kill each other, get fucked over by Mewtwo, etc. It's a very interesting scenario where any faction can come back from the brink.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  48. ISO #48

    Re: FM Pokemon Ultimus


    My laptop has been diagnosed with a hardware error which Microsoft is taking the blame for. I'm going to be getting a new one (free of charge) but in the meantime, I'm going to be without a computer. This means this setup is going to be without updates for roughly the next two weeks. There may be some small edits here and there but there will not be any major notable progress on it until probably late August or even early September.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50



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