M-FM IV Official FAQ/Roles Thread

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM IV Official FAQ/Roles Thread

    Reposted due to popular demand:

    Roles List:
    Lelouch vi Britannia - Leader of the Black Knights
    Kallen Stadtfeld - Rider of the Guren Mk II
    Kaname Ougi - Deputy Commander of the Black Knights
    Charles zi Britannia - Emperor of Britannia
    Odysseus eu Britannia - 1st son of the Emperor
    Schneizel el Britannia - 2nd son of the Emperor
    Cornelia la Britannia - 1st daughter of the Emperor
    Euphemia li Britannia - 2nd daughter of the Emperor
    Guilford - Knight to Cornelia
    Milly Ashford - Student
    Shirley Fenette - Student
    Nina Einstein - Student
    Jeremiah Gottwald - Orange Boy, Former Knight of Britannia
    Rolo - The Fabricated Boy
    Diethard Ried - The Media Propagator
    -16: Rivalz Cardemonde - Student
    -17: Sayoko Shinozaki - Student
    -18: Mao - The Insane Geass User
    -19: Shinichiro Tamaki - Leader of the Second Squadron
    -20: Suzaku Kururugi - Knight to Euphemia

    Role Cards:
    __________________________________________________ _____________________________________

    You are Lelouch vi Britannia - Leader of the Black Knights

    You can PM me -witch [PERSON A] to target [PERSON B] during the night.
    This will cause PERSON A to target PERSON B instead of the person they had originally targetted, if at all.
    This ability can only be used ONCE per person.

    You are immune to Night Detection and appear to be a Student to people with Investigative abilities.
    You have night immunity and can only die to a jailor's execution during the night./You have a passive vest and can survive one attack at night.

    __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

    You are Kallen Stadtfield - Rider of the Guren Mk II

    You can PM me -frame [PERSON] during the night.
    This frames someone and makes them appear as a random Black Knights member to Investigative roles.

    You can PM me - block [PERSON] during the night.
    This blocks someone from performing their night action, and is undetectable. Target will not know they are role-blocked. If an investigative role is blocked, they will receive not suspicious/did not move/no one visited/Studentresult.
    This can only be done a maximum of THREE times.

    Only one of these actions may be performed during the night.

    If Lelouch dies, you lose all of your night actions and become a Mafioso.
    However, you also gain a one time use piercing kill.
    If you are sent to kill (after Lelouch's death) you may PM me -pierce kill to pierce through guards, alerts, heals, and vests.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________

    You are Kaname Ougi - Deputy Commander of the Black Knights

    You can PM me -place bomb [PERSON] during the night.
    This places a bomb at someone's house that randomly kills anyone who visits that person and the person themself, if they perform a night action.
    This cannot be placed outside of a mafia's house.
    Mafia members CAN be included in the bomb's random kill.
    This ability can only be used ONCE.

    You can PM me -remove bomb during the night.
    This removes the bomb you previously placed.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    You are Shinichiro Tamaki - Leader of the Second Squadron

    You can PM me -clean [PERSON] during the night.
    This removes their role, last will, and death type from their graveyard message.
    You will be given the last will to see.
    This ability can only be used TWO times and will be used up even if failed.

    You can PM me -blackmail [PERSON] during the night.
    This causes the person to be unable to speak during the day.
    The blackmailed person can leave one long post that will be shown at the beginning of the next night.
    The blackmailed person can still vote.

    Only ONE of these abilities may be done during the night.
    __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

    You are Charles zi Britannia - Emperor of Britannia

    You can PM me -shoot [PERSON] during the night.
    This kills the person you have shot.
    This cannot be used during the day.
    This ability can only be used ONCE.

    During the day you can PM me -reveal .
    This will reveal your status as Emperor and give you 4 votes during the day.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    You are Odysseus eu Britannia - First Son of the Emperor

    You can PM me -follow [PERSON] during the night.
    This allows you to see who they visited during the night.

    You can PM me - watch [PERSON] during the night.
    This allows you to see who visited that person during the night.

    Only ONE of these abilities may be used during the night.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    You are Schneizel el Britannia - Second Son of the Emperor

    You can PM me -check [PERSON] during the night.
    This allows you to see if this person is a member of the Black Knights or not.

    You can PM me -investigate [PERSON] during the night.
    This allows you to see what role that person is out of a list of possibilities.

    Only ONE of these abilities may be used during the night.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    You are Cornelia la Britannia - First Daughter of the Emperor

    You can PM me -jail [PERSON] during the day.
    This jails then during the following night, role blocking them and allowing you to chat with them in jail chat.
    The person in your jail is NOT safe from attacks.

    In jail chat you may type -execute to execute the person in your jail cell.
    You may only perform this TWICE.
    If Euphemia is lynched, you lose ONE execution.

    If you either EXECUTE Euphemia or participate in the LYNCH of Euphemia, you will commit suicide.

    If you are witched when you have someone in jail and still have an execution, you will be forced to execute.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    You are Euphemia li Britannia - Second Daughter of the Emperor

    You can PM me -heal [PERSON] during the night.
    This will protect your target from one attack during the night you healed him.

    If you are successful with your heals, you will receive a one time use vest.
    To use this vest PM me -USE VEST during the night.
    To give this vest to someone else PM me -give vest [PERSON] during the night.

    If you are lynched you will take a random Student with you. If all students are dead, you will take a random guilty vote with you.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    You are Guilford - Knight to Cornelia

    You can PM me -guard [PERSON] during the night.
    This protects that person from one attack, with you taking their place and their killer with you.

    You can PM me -alert during the night.
    This allows you to kill all the people who visit you during the night.
    This cannot be used Night 1.

    You can only use ONE ability during the night.

    If you participate in the LYNCH of Cornelia or kill her with your ALERT, you will suicide.

    If Cornelia dies, you lose your alert.

    If you die protecting Cornelia, then you give her an extra execution.

    You may not put in your last will who you died protecting.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    You are
    Suzaku Kururugi - Knight to Euphemia

    You can PM me -guard [PERSON] during the night.
    This causes you to protect that person from one attack during the night, having you take their place, and taking their assassin with you.

    If you protect a town member this way, you will be given a gun to give to someone before you die.
    Before your death you can PM me -give gun [PERSON].
    This will give this person a one time use gun to kill someone. This gun can only be used during the night.
    You cannot give the gun to the person you just protected.

    If you participate in the lynch of Euphemia, you will suicide.

    If you die protecting Euphemia, you can choose one ability for the students to fight for again out of a list I give you, along with giving out a gun to a person of your choice.

    You may not put in your last will who you died protecting.

    __________________________________________________ _______________________________________

    You are a Student

    During Night 1, I will PM you 3 questions, relatively easy. The order in which the students PM me the correct answers, is the order in which you get to choose your one-time use abilities.

    You will be given a list of available abilities when you PM me the answers to the 3 questions I have sent.

    If Suzaku dies protecting Euphemia, you will be given one more question. The first one to answer this question will be given the abilty of Suzaku's choice.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    You are Rolo - The Fabricated Boy

    You target is [PERSON].
    You want your target get lynched during the day.
    If your target dies during the night, you become a Jester.

    You have a one time use investigate.
    You can PM me -investigate [PERSON] during the night.
    This allows you to see what role your target is out of a list of possbilities.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    You are Mao - The Insane Geass User

    You want to be lynched during the day.

    You will be given an edited version of mafia chat, jail chat, and Revolutionary Chat.
    You may not copy and paste this into day chat or your last will. You may however put parts of it into the day chat.

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

    You are Jeremiah Gottwald - Orange Boy, Former Knight of Britannia

    You can PM me -kill [PERSON] during the night.
    This kills that person.

    You have a one-time use passive vest.

    If Cornelia is lynched, and Lelouch is still alive, you become a Mafioso.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________

    You are Diethard Ried - The Media Propagator

    You can PM me -recruit [PERSON] during the night.
    If successful, you will recruit a student into the revolution.

    You have a one-time passive vest.

    If you have three members, you may perform a kill in night chat.

    If all students are dead, and all of your recruits, then, when the Mayor dies, and Lelouch is alive, you will become a Mafioso.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________

    Investigation Reports:

    "Your target does not seem suspicious. They could be a Student, but may be another role hiding in broad daylight."
    "Your target is very analytical. They could be Odysseus, Schneizel, but might be Rolo, or even Jeremiah."
    "Your target is very devoted. They could be Euphemia, but might be Kallen."
    "Your target is very protective. They could possibly be Guilford or Suzaku, but might be Shinichiro."
    "Your target is very convincing. They could be Charles, but just might be Diethard."
    "Your target works with weaponry. They could be Cornelia, but might be Kaname."

    Winning Conditions:

    The Black Knights must kill all members of The Britannian Empire, along with Jeremiah and Diethard if they are not recruited into the Black Knights

    The Britannian Empire
    must kill all members of The Black Knights, along with Jeremiah and Diethard.

    Jeremiah must kill all members of The Britannian Empire and The Black Knights, unless he is a member, and Diethard.

    Diethard must kill all members of The Britannian Empire, except Students, The Black Knights must also die, unless he is a member, along with Jeremiah

    wants to be lynched.

    Rolo wants to lynch his target.

    WARNING: One of the students is actually working for the Black Knights. No one besides this student knows this. This student can still be recruited into the revolution, and if they are, they can allow the Black Knights and the Revolutionists to win together, HOWEVER, They are forbidden to reveal to ANYONE they iare working for the Black Knights, otherwise they will be modkilled, and will lose the game.

    Do not be afraid to ask any questions.

    Order of Operations:
    -2: Jailor jails target
    -1: Students get PM'd
    0: Night chats open
    0.5: Student Challenge
    1: Night chats end
    2: Alert
    3: Place Bomb
    4: Witching
    5: Roleblocking
    6: Revolutionary Recruiting
    7: Kills
    8: Heals and Guards
    9: Cleaning
    10: Give Vest/Gun
    11: Framing
    12: Investigations
    13: Blackmailing

    People participating in the one-shot ability contest:
    Rivalz (if in)
    Sayoko (if in)
    Last edited by Deathfire123; January 15th, 2012 at 10:56 AM.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: M-FM IV Official FAQ/Roles Thread

    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student



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