M-FM IV Gamethread

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM IV Gamethread

    Japan, A nation conquered, is now renamed to Area 11, the name its ruler, Britannia, has christened it. The people who were born in Area 11, are now called 11's, and the country is now fraught with resistance struggles and racism. Britannians have moved in, built over the land, and now claim the region as their own. Even though there are radicals among the 11's, they stand no chance of taking over Britannia, now saving their country from their ever-spreading rule. It is helpless. 11's can become honourary Britannians through the legal system, but they will never be treated as true Britannians and still must endure the harsh sting of racism from the purists who wish to purge Area 11 of all the 11's, be it radicals, or honourary Britannians.

    In the aftermath of the war, a young Britannian prince and his sister, banished from Britannia and sent to Area 11 by their father, after confronting him about his mother's death, stand next to their new friend in awe, staring at the rubble that is before them. The young boy stared with violent rage and said,

    "One day, I will make this stop. I will obliterate Britannia!"

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __

    Eight years later, the now seventeen year old Lelouch Lamperouge (secretly the banished Prince Lelouch vi Britannia assumed to be dead) has discovered a strange girl inside of what was assumed to be a terrorist poison gas bomb, that he found while be accidentally pushed into the truck of some radical 11's. He, being trapped by Britannian soldiers assuming he is a terrorist himself is given a power by the girl, C.C. She gives him the ability to mind control anyone to follow his command. However, he can only do this once. And it must be done through direct eye contact.

    Lelouch's goal is to kill the strong who oppress the weak, such as the Britannians killing the 11's who are not radicals, or the Radicals who take students as hostages and murder them.

    Lelouch entered his knightmare and put the speaker to his mouth, "Kallen, go around to the right, and shoot through the wall, there should be some Sutherlands there, and they won't see you coming."

    "Yes sir, Zero!" said Kallen as she followed his orders exactly, she piloted her knightmare around the right corner and she shot through the wall with her assault rifle, taking down three unknowing Britannian knightmares.

    "P1, P2, R1, Ougi, go underneath and shoot out the ground beneath them," Zero said as he scanned the area and made plans based off of it.

    When they shot the ground, it crumbled sending ten Britannian Sutherlands into rubble, destroying them. "Well, as expected, he predicted exactly what was going to happen, how does he do that?" said Ougi.

    "Tamaki, you lead B Squadron around the back and ambush their rear."

    Tamaki grumbled as he did as Zero said, "Why do I have to listen to a guy like him, jeez."

    Zero moved without notifying his subordinates. He moved his knightmare towards Prince Clovis' private car. He got out of his knightmare and moved towards Prince Clovis. An enemy knightmare got in his way and the pilot said, "Stop! Who are you, what's your id?"

    "I'm Henry Johnson, come and verify my identity. Prince Clovis requested me."

    "I'm going to have to if you want to get passed," the pilot said as he got out of the knightmare, and approached Lelouch, "Now where is your id?"

    "Oh, here it is, but before I show you," he started as he removed his eyegear and activated his geass, "your going to let me pass, and not ask any questions."

    "Of course, no problem, go right passed."

    Lelouch walked passed the guard and entered Clovis' chamber. He walked up to Clovis and held up his gun, "Prince Clovis."

    Clovis, shocked that a radical could even get close to his private chamber shouted, "WHO ARE YOU!? Remove that helmet!"

    "Can't you recognize me? We used to play chess together, brother. Of course, I'd always win."

    "It can't be, father told me Lelouch died when he was sent to Area 11."

    "He lied," Lelouch said as he took off his mask, "Brother, you have committed sins. You have ordered the slaughter of countless innocents who do not wish to fight back against Britannia, it's disgusting."

    "Please, Lelouch, don't kill me, please, spare me!" Clovis begged as he clutched onto Lelouch. However, as he touched the uniform, Lelouch fired the pistol in his hand, leaving a hole right through his forehead. He left the gun, and left the area, escaping without being noticed.

    Charles sat on his throne and merely laughed at the letter he has received from a messenger, "So it seems Clovis has been killed, I expected as much, considering what a weakling he was. I have no need for such an heir if he cannot even stand up to a measly radical," Charles continued laughing as his son Odysseus walked in.

    "Father, what's going on?"

    "Oh, Odysseus, I was just about to send for you, it seems your brother Clovis has been killed by some radical 11's."

    "WHAT!? How!? What happened? How could this have happened!?"

    "Why do you sound so worried, he was only in your way for the throne, wasn't he? You aren't a weakling like him are you?" Charles said as he glared at his son.

    "No, father, I am not a weakling! I will catch Clovis' killer and bring him to justice!" Odysseus said as he stood up straight and made a vow.

    "Ah, while your at it, you might as well tell Schneizel and Cornelia about this, I'm sure their dying to know."

    "Yes, father!" Odysseus said as he ran off.

    "Pitiful ingrates," Charles said as he resumed laughing.

    __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________

    Schneizel was in the parlor, playing chess with some servants, as he usually does; winning, as he usually does, when Odysseus ran in.

    "Schneizel, Clovis has been killed!"

    "Hm? What's that?"

    "I said our brother Clovis is dead!"

    "Oh, okay, is that all? Or were you about to tell me something important?"

    "What!? How can you say that!?"

    "How can't I say that? Are you really that stupid Odysseus, now run off and phone Cornelia about it, I'm sure she'll be far more caring."

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

    Cornelia, on the battlefield in the middle of Saudi Arabia, destroyed the lives of the final resistance group, "Area 18 has been made. Guilford, rally the troops! We're heading to Area 11!"

    "Why's that milady?" Guilford said as he brought the troops together.

    "I'm going to get revenge for my brother Clovis, apparently, his murderer boasted about it while he saved a suspected culprit, and that man's name, is Zero," Cornelia said as she clenched her fist tight and smacked it onto the control panel.

    "It's okay princess, we'll get him and make this Zero character pay."

    "Oh we will, and I'm going to do it as slowly and painfully as possible, watch out Zero, because Cornelia la Britannia is coming after you!"

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

    "WHAT!?" Euphemia said as Suzaku presented her the news, "That's awful! My dear, sweet brother Clovis! Who could do such a thing?"

    "Apparently, it was a man named Zero, princess," Suzaku said as he bowed to Euphemia.

    Suzaku left the room to a sobbing Euphemia, he knew she would be devastated by the news, and he knew, that she would have to learn to live with it.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

    Jeremiah stared at the Royal area of the city in hatred and discussed, "They dare expel me from my own city!? I am a PURE BLOOD! I am not some silly radical! What IS Orange? Why did I think letting Zero escape was such a good thing!? I swear, I will get my revenge on them! I will kill the lot of them, even if its the last thing I do! I will kill Zero!"

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

    Mao, giggling on a ledge listening to thoughts of the silly people below, thought to himself, "Well now, aren't they foolish, fighting a pointless war. Oww, my head hurts, I'm going to lie down."

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

    Diethard readied his camera, "I'm going to find out what's behind Zero, and how is he so engrossing. This is the story I have been searching for my entire life, I will tell people more about this. The Black Knights, huh? The knights of justice. Pretty ironic coming from a terrorist group.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

    Hey everyone, thanks for signing up for the Code Geass themed M-FM, sorry this took forever and a half, but I ended up writing a lot more than I expected. I know, for the fans of show, that some of the facts are incorrect (mainly about Suzaku) but I had to change some stuff for it to work in an M-FM environment. I know some major characters are missing like the Knights of the Round, Anya, Marianne, C.C., and V.V. but a lot of them will be mentioned in the RP, so dont worry.

    Anyways Day 1 Begins!

    Role List:
    Lelouch vi Britannia (GF/WITCH)
    Kallen Stadtfield (CONSORT/FRAMER)
    Shinichiro Tamaki (JANITOR/BLACKMAILER)

    Charles zi Britannia (MAYOR/VIG)
    Odysseus eu Britannia (DETECTIVE/LOOKOUT)
    Schneizel el Britannia (INVEST/SHERIFF)
    Cornelia la Britannia (JAILOR)
    Euphemia li Britannia (DOC/ARMORSMITH/JESTER)
    Guilford (VET/BG)
    Suzaku Kururugi (GUNSMITH/BG)

    Milly Ashford (CIT)
    Shirley Fenette (CIT)
    Nina Einstein (CIT)
    Rivalz Cardemonde (CIT)

    Sayoko Shinozaki (CIT)

    Rolo (EXE/INVEST)
    Mao (JESTER/SPY)

    Jeremiah Gottwald (SK/MAFIOSO)

    (Clovis la Britannia) - Shot in the head by Zero for his order for the slaughter of innocents.

    Same rules as always, also RP names cannot be mentioned in day chat, only night chats. And not in Jail chat either. Jail chat CAN NOT be copied and pasted into Day chat. Jester CAN NOT copy and paste any chat into Day Chat.

    One of the Students (CIT) is a member of the Black Knights. The Black Knights do not know who they are. If this student is recruited into the revolution, the revolutionists and the Black Knights can win together!

    Students and Lelouch and Kallen will receive the three questions they must answer as soon as night starts.

    Investigation Reports:

    "Your target does not seem suspicious. They could be a Student, but may be another role hiding in broad daylight."
    "Your target is very analytical. They could be Odysseus, Schneizel, but might be Rolo, or even Jeremiah."
    "Your target is very devoted. They could be Euphemia, but might be Kallen."
    "Your target is very protective. They could possibly be Guilford or Suzaku, but might be Shinichiro."
    "Your target is very convincing. They could be Charles, but just might be Diethard."
    "Your target works with weaponry. They could be Cornelia, but might be Kaname."

    Winning Conditions:

    The Black Knights must kill all members of The Britannian Empire, along with Jeremiah and Diethard if they are not recruited into the Black Knights

    The Britannian Empire
    must kill all members of The Black Knights, along with Jeremiah and Diethard.

    Jeremiah must kill all members of The Britannian Empire and The Black Knights, unless he is a member, and Diethard.

    Diethard must kill all members of The Britannian Empire, except Students, The Black Knights must also die, unless he is a member, along with Jeremiah

    wants to be lynched.

    Rolo wants to lynch his target.

    WARNING: One of the students is actually working for the Black Knights. No one besides this student knows this. This student can still be recruited into the revolution, and if they are, they can allow the Black Knights and the Revolutionists to win together, HOWEVER, They are forbidden to reveal to ANYONE they iare working for the Black Knights, otherwise they will be modkilled, and will lose the game.

    Do not be afraid to ask any questions.

    Order of Operations:
    -2: Jailor jails target
    -1: Students get PM'd
    0: Night chats open
    0.5: Student Challenge
    1: Night chats end
    2: Alert
    3: Place Bomb
    4: Witching
    5: Roleblocking
    6: Revolutionary Recruiting
    7: Kills
    8: Heals and Guards
    9: Cleaning
    10: Give Vest/Gun
    11: Framing
    12: Investigations
    13: Blackmailing

    Day 1 will end at 9PM PST ( GMT -8 )

    Last edited by ; January 8th, 2012 at 12:43 AM.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    I am blackmailed.
    Participant in Forum Mafia:
    FMIV: Citizen Jacqulyn | FMV:Investigator Amber | FMVII: Doctor Jaret| FMVIII: Godfather & Ventriloquist Ike/ Stephen | FM IX: Citizen Matvei| FMX: Escort fm_oops_ur_dead FMXI: Citizen Kony FMXIII: Citizen Greedo FMXIX: Citizen FM Yoshimo

  4. ISO #4

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Before we get underway, I've got a few questions:

    1) From my understanding, the explosives artist only gets one bomb for the entire game. Is that correct?

    2) There's no lynch or election today, right?

    3) In order to lynch, do we still have to -do this?

    4) Is Muso really blackmailed?

  5. ISO #5

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Muso View Post
    I am blackmailed.
    There is no blackmailed person day 1, try again.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  6. ISO #6

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWaaagh View Post
    Before we get underway, I've got a few questions:

    1) From my understanding, the explosives artist only gets one bomb for the entire game. Is that correct?

    2) There's no lynch or election today, right?

    3) In order to lynch, do we still have to -do this?

    4) Is Muso really blackmailed?
    ​Yes, Yes, Yes, No
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremancer View Post
    But yea, for anyone who hasn't seen this, go see it. NAO

    I agree
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  10. ISO #10

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    My fellow Britannians! Cursed be those daring, ungrateful 11's who revolt against the Britannian Empire. Were it not us who allowed them to eat? To live without disturbance? To have roofs over their heads? Yet these ingrates dare kill innocent Clovis? And they dare call themselves the Black "Knights"? Rise, my fellow Britannians! Death to the rebels! Death to the Black Knights! Death to ZERO!

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sumikoko View Post
    My fellow Britannians! Cursed be those daring, ungrateful 11's who revolt against the Britannian Empire. Were it not us who allowed them to eat? To live without disturbance? To have roofs over their heads? Yet these ingrates dare kill innocent Clovis? And they dare call themselves the Black "Knights"? Rise, my fellow Britannians! Death to the rebels! Death to the Black Knights! Death to ZERO!
    Sumikoko is not Euphemia...

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Mod ruined my fake BM strat.

    I give up.
    Participant in Forum Mafia:
    FMIV: Citizen Jacqulyn | FMV:Investigator Amber | FMVII: Doctor Jaret| FMVIII: Godfather & Ventriloquist Ike/ Stephen | FM IX: Citizen Matvei| FMX: Escort fm_oops_ur_dead FMXI: Citizen Kony FMXIII: Citizen Greedo FMXIX: Citizen FM Yoshimo

  15. ISO #15

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Zero is nothing but a murderer. He is waging a war in which no blood had needed to be shed before. He cowers behind a mask. Do not be swayed by his sly promises! Britannia has everything, is everything, and needs nothing! Zero will use you 11's as pawns and throw you away. He won't even wage his own life in battle! Why follow such a coward?

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sumikoko View Post
    Zero is nothing but a murderer. He is waging a war in which no blood had needed to be shed before. He cowers behind a mask. Do not be swayed by his sly promises! Britannia has everything, is everything, and needs nothing! Zero will use you 11's as pawns and throw you away. He won't even wage his own life in battle! Why follow such a coward?
    Pawns are underrated. If they walk far enough they can become queens.
    Participant in Forum Mafia:
    FMIV: Citizen Jacqulyn | FMV:Investigator Amber | FMVII: Doctor Jaret| FMVIII: Godfather & Ventriloquist Ike/ Stephen | FM IX: Citizen Matvei| FMX: Escort fm_oops_ur_dead FMXI: Citizen Kony FMXIII: Citizen Greedo FMXIX: Citizen FM Yoshimo

  18. ISO #18

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    There is one question I forgot to ask in the FAQ thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deathfire123 View Post
    If this student is recruited into the revolution, the revolutionists and the Black Knights can win together!
    Can we somehow dissolve the alliance by killing the traitor? And does it mean that both revolutionist and Black Knights will now share the same night chat?

  19. ISO #19

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremancer View Post
    Explain how she's not nick
    That is after witching... one reason why I can't bear to watch this anime...

  20. ISO #20

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sumikoko View Post
    Zero is nothing but a murderer. He is waging a war in which no blood had needed to be shed before. He cowers behind a mask. Do not be swayed by his sly promises! Britannia has everything, is everything, and needs nothing! Zero will use you 11's as pawns and throw you away. He won't even wage his own life in battle! Why follow such a coward?
    -lynch Sumikoko

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Muso View Post
    Pawns are underrated. If they walk far enough they can become queens.
    Naturally. Like wise, if an eleven works hard enough, he shall receive the honor to be an Honourary Britannian! What can be more fruitful? But if those same elevens work for Zero, they will be offered nothing but an empty promise for what? No oppression? We Britannians have given you 11's adequate freedom. You know what too much freedom is? Anarchy!!

  23. ISO #23

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    I have no idea how to play this. I barely even understand my role .

    I need to go back and reread the FAQ .
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM VI: Commoner | FM VIII: Citizen (Tweek Tweak) | FM IX: Detective (Alexei) | FM X: Citizen (Zack) | FM XI: Citizen (Nautilus) | FM XII: Consigliere (Bronn) | FM XIII: Grave Robber (Tarkin) | FM XIV: Citizen (Mohiam) | FM XV: Electro Maniac (Togepi) | FM XVII: Citizen / Rebel (Tony Tony Chopper)

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    There is one question I forgot to ask in the FAQ thread.

    Can we somehow dissolve the alliance by killing the traitor? And does it mean that both revolutionist and Black Knights will now share the same night chat?

    The Black Knights and Revolutionists can ONLY win together if the Revolutionary Leader has recruited the Student who is actually working for the Black Knights. They will NOT share a night chat EVER. The Black Knights will only know if the Revolutionists have recruited the traitor is if the revolutionists admit to it in Day chat
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremancer View Post
    Hey lurkers. Look at you, now back at me. Sadly, I"m not a lurker. But even lurkers can be cool if they turn on invisibility. I'm on a site playing Forum Mafia, awkward.
    Grammar fix.
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  28. ISO #28

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    I see new players. I advice the Mayor/Vig not to reveal until you have used your shot or after Lelouch is dead.

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Edit cuz of spoilerz

    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  31. ISO #31

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Pls don't comment on the end anymore. Y DO I ALWAYS SPOILERS VRYTHING! xD
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Why the obsession with Lelouch? Lelouch like some of the Britannians are not the good guys. They are better off dead.

    I prefer that Euphemia lives. Maybe a few other characters.

    Stopped watching halfway you see...

  34. ISO #34

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    Pls don't comment on the end anymore. Y DO I ALWAYS SPOILERS VRYTHING! xD
    and the ending is.........
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    -vote lelouch

    1 step to victory.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  37. ISO #37

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremancer View Post
    The ending is that C.C. Kills Lelouch and everybody else and becomes the ultimate goddess.
    i am pretty sure that's not it.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  38. ISO #38

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Ohaioo TheWaaagh. not much my mind already xploded because i don't have to vote some mayor douchebag. Now i don't even know what to do on Day 1.

    @Nick if we kill Lelouch the black knights lose almost all their abilities. Sounds like a good plan. Kill Lelouch, Kill Orange-kun and the other cult faggot.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    -kill Lelouch

    -send TheWaaagh
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  41. ISO #41

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    Ohaioo TheWaaagh. not much my mind already xploded because i don't have to vote some mayor douchebag. Now i don't even know what to do on Day 1.

    @Nick if we kill Lelouch the black knights lose almost all their abilities. Sounds like a good plan. Kill Lelouch, Kill Orange-kun and the other cult faggot.
    now let us all vote Lelouch and hope the GM notices
    -revote lelouch
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  42. ISO #42

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    -Shoot The Waaagh

    -Send The Waaagh

    a much better choice methinks.
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  43. ISO #43

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    Ohaioo TheWaaagh. not much my mind already xploded because i don't have to vote some mayor douchebag. Now i don't even know what to do on Day 1.

    @Nick if we kill Lelouch the black knights lose almost all their abilities. Sounds like a good plan. Kill Lelouch, Kill Orange-kun and the other cult faggot.
    I don't know what any of those names mean, but as long as we lynch Sumikoko I'm happy.

    -witch CmG
    -target Guardian

    You have no power over me assholes.

  44. ISO #44

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Lelouch used Geass on TheWaaagh! It's super effective! TheWaaagh attacks Cmg! It's super effective! Cmg fainted! TheWaaagh is no longer under Lelouch's control! Lelouch uses gun! It's super effective! TheWaaagh fainted! Trainer Town just lost!
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus

  45. ISO #45

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    @Nick if we kill Lelouch the black knights lose almost all their abilities. Sounds like a good plan. Kill Lelouch, Kill Orange-kun and the other cult faggot.
    A red flag... what is this? And it's Guardian.

    By the way, why do they call him Orange-kun? Any particular reason?

  46. ISO #46

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    -Shoot TheWaaagh

    -Send Guardian
    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  47. ISO #47

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Terrance are you aboot?
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  48. ISO #48

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Goremancer View Post
    Lelouch used Geass on TheWaaagh! It's super effective! TheWaaagh attacks Cmg! It's super effective! Cmg fainted! TheWaaagh is no longer under Lelouch's control! Lelouch uses gun! It's super effective! TheWaaagh fainted! Trainer Town just lost!
    I always knew I was super effective against CmG.

    Oh shit Guardian's coming at me.

    -Shoot Guardian


  49. ISO #49

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Deathfire is here!
    all hail the Host!

    Spoiler : FM History :
    FM8 - Bebe(Citizen) FM9-Prokofi(German Medic) FM10- CptKirk(Citizen) FM11 - Caitlyn(Abstergo Agent/Citizen)
    M-FM1-Veteran(Durante) M-FM2-Detective M-FM 4- Student(Nina Einstein) M-FM6- Armorsmith
    Misc: Why-FOM (M-FM 1), SFM: The Experiment: Hosted

  50. ISO #50

    Re: M-FM IV Day 1/Night 1: A Knight for Justice!

    Quote Originally Posted by CmG View Post
    Ohaioo TheWaaagh. not much my mind already xploded because i don't have to vote some mayor douchebag. Now i don't even know what to do on Day 1.

    @Nick if we kill Lelouch the black knights lose almost all their abilities. Sounds like a good plan. Kill Lelouch, Kill Orange-kun and the other cult faggot.
    Diagnosis? Faggot!
    Quote Originally Posted by GriM-DeMoN
    Cock urself cuntosaurus



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