{Permanently Banned} Eskabor: 1-S2-1-2111348 EskoBarr: 1-S2-1-9967874 NLMBRocBlock: 1-S2-1-7744728

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  1. ISO #1

    Eskabor: 1-S2-1-2111348 EskoBarr: 1-S2-1-9967874 NLMBRocBlock: 1-S2-1-7744728

    Account Name: Eskabor, EskoBarr, NLMBRocBlock

    Account ID:
    EskoBarr: 1-S2-1-9967874
    Eskabor: 1-S2-1-2111348
    NLMBRocBlock: 1-S2-1-7744728

    In-Game Name:
    EskoBarr replay 1: Raffaele
    Eskabor replay 2,3: AamirusIsAFaggot
    NLMBRocBlock replay 4: Rinaldo De Luca

    Crimes Committed:
    Eskabor: Gamethrowing
    EskoBarr: Smurfing
    NLMBRocBlock: Smurfing

    Your Account Name: aamirus

    First replay: Eskobarr admits to being Eskabor right near the end. I have also included PMs from him in sc2 chat to further confirm this. There are no actual infractions here other than smurfing to avoid his BL/WL (He recently got downgraded to a WL and I think he might not have realized so he used the smurf account. He could have been using it for awhile while Eskabor was on his BL X2).

    That first replay was just to establish the smurf.

    Second replay: I then see him in a lobby 2 hours later as Eskabor and pm him asking if he was on earlier, thinking maybe somebody was just impersonating him. He confirms that he played as Eskobarr earlier without me prompting that name. After I tell him that he cannot use a second account to evade his punishments and that the smurf account will have to be banned, he starts to lash out and changes his claim to EskoBarr being his brother DUKE's account. Then he says he will make more smurfs and gamethrow repeatedly once he realizes I am staff.

    Third Replay after this exchange he says he will throw because of me so I give him a warning. He chooses to throw anyway, revealing that he is Godfather, so after he is lynched I silence him.

    In the next lobby somebody gives me host so I just keep kicking him (still Eskabor) from the lobby until we get a full 15 players without him. He pms me more cuss words.

    In the next lobby, (4th Replay) he starts PMing me with a new name, NLMBRocBlock, member of clan "iThrow", telling me that he will keep throwing with different smurfs. After this game starts I kick him at the start of d1 (took me a second to figure out kicking) and explain to rest of players why I kicked him and rest of game played out normally.

    Sorry for the long review, and I may have made mistakes with my moderation, but anyway I think all 3 of these accounts need to be shelved.

    Initial game with Eskobarr - no infractions and can be skipped in review
    eskabor smurf.SC2Replay

    First game with Eskabor - admits to being Eskobarr - can also skip to end of game on this one

    Eskabor gamethrows - reveals himself as Godfather d1
    Eskabor throw.SC2Replay

    His 3rd account joins and gets kicked after saying it will throw
    kicked eskabor smurf.SC2Replay


    Also I will point out that the third account he used needed to enter a battlenet name in-game, and Eskabor has previously been caught smurfing to avoid banlist
    Last edited by DJarJar; May 29th, 2018 at 04:09 AM.
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?



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