S-FM Chicago Setup

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    S-FM Chicago Setup

    Gabriele Marchesi (MAFIA NEUTRAL)
    Salvatore Martinelli (MAFIA EVIL)
    Giovanni Rizzo (NEUTRAL NEUTRAL)
    Kristopher Harris (TOWN NEUTRAL)
    Dustin Mallory (TOWN GOOD)
    Tyler Jackson (TOWN GOOD)
    Jasmine Carter (TOWN GOOD)
    Marco Balotelli (TOWN EVIL)
    Sarah Hart (TOWN NEUTRAL)
    Karen Caparelli (TOWN GOOD)
    Michael Walsh (TOWN NEUTRAL)
    Evenlyn Romano (TOWN GOOD)
    Luca Ricci (NEUTRAL EVIL)


    1. All messages are sent: Marco Balotelli, Karen Caparelli
    2. All kills: Gabriele Marchesi, Salvatore Martinelli, Giovanni Rizzo
    3. All Investigative: Kristopher Harris , Tyler Jackson
    4. All Heals: Jasmine Carter
    No action: Dustin Mallory, Sarah Hart, Michael Walsh, Evenlyn Romano, Luca Ricci


    Marchesi Crime Family

    Gabriele Marchesi
    (Marchesi Crime Family)

    Prince of the Marchesi Crime Family, you are Gabriele Marchesi. Life is good when you're a Marchesi, but you think you can make it better. Your family would own the city if it weren't for the Rizzo Crime Family. A Rizzo isn't worth shit when compared to a Marchesi, but it's just the arrogant fact that they simply exist... Your father has this naive idea of peace, something about respecting the old ways. These old fuckers only know about the world from what their Capo's tell them..

    You know better. You'll wipe out the Rizzo Crime Family, and anyone who stands in your way.

    Action: Target one person at night, killing them.
    1. Your action has one charge.
    2. You report to Salvatore Martinelli.
    3. You can participate in the Marchesi Crime Family.
    4. Can be instead be sent for the Marchesi Crime Family factional night kill.

    Win Condition: Eliminate the Rizzo Crime Family, and survive until the end.

    Salvatore Martinelli
    (Marchesi Crime Family)

    You are Salvatore Martinelli. Your name doesn't ring out in the streets, but that's only because guys who are loud don't typically live long enough to be at your rank. You are a trusted Caporegime of Marchesi Crime Family. Your job is easy: you run errands, collect money, make sure there is no drama, and of course you also baby sit the kid, Gabriele Marchesi. Don Marchesi has trusted you with the task of teaching his son the ins and outs of the family business, and half of the work is actually keeping his son alive and out of jail. The kid has a vision, but he's not the Boss yet.

    It's a bitch, but you have a job to do.

    Action: You have the ability to turn your night kill into an unstoppable kill.
    1. Your ability has one charge.
    2. You have the final say on who is sent for the Factional Night Kill, and who the target is.
    3. You can participate in the Marchesi Crime Family.
    4. Can be sent for the Marchesi Crime Family factional night kill.

    Win Condition: You win as long as Gabriele Marchesi is alive. If he dies, you must eliminate all Town and survive until the end.

    Rizzo Crime Family

    Giovanni Rizzo
    (Rizzo Crime Family)

    Once the head of the greatest Mafia Family in Chicago, the Rizzo Crime Family is no more. Sure, you have the Dock Workers in your pocket, but the Marchesi Crime Family owns everything else. No one has any respect for the old ways anymore.. If you had to think back to when it all went to shit, it's probably when Special Agent Harris showed up at your door with copies of your financials; you've been his bitch ever since. He's eaten your family alive, and now wants your help to do the same to Rizzo. He promise he'd leave you alone if you delivered. As much as you want to see the Marchesi family getting fucked, someone needs to respect the old ways.

    Whatever you choose to do, you gotta get the FBI off your back.

    Action: If Special Agent Harris has won or lost, you can choose to RETIRE or REMAIN.
    1. Your action must be used the night following Special Agent Harris winning/losing, or you will auto-REMAIN.
    2. You cannot be killed at night.
    3. You know the identity of Special Agent Harris: PLAYER.
    4. RETIRE: Become Town aligned. You lose your night immunity. Your win condition becomes: Eliminate all Non-Town Players.
    5. REMAIN: Remain Rizzo Crime Family aligned. You gain a night kill, and lose your night immunity. Your win condition becomes: Eliminate the Marchesi Mafia Family.

    Win Condition: You win if you live until the end. You don't win until the game ends.


    Kristopher Harris

    You are FBI Special Agent Kristopher Harris. For seven years you have been tasked with systematically bringing down the Marchesi Crime Family. You live and breathe this case. Unfortunately, all you have to show for your years of effort is Giovanni Rizzo, head of the Rizzo Crime Family; Small fish in the grand scheme of things, really. He's given you info on some low level dealers and a few of the Marchesi's operations, but nothing to tie back to the Marchesi family. The icing on the cake? You've been told that if there are any further fuck ups, they're going to yank the case all together.

    1. Bring down the Marchesi family. 2. Don't fuck up.

    Action: Target one person at night, learning who they visited.
    1. You know the identity of Giovanni Rizzo: PLAYER.
    2. You can also send a message to Giovanni Rizzo once per night, via night action to host.
    3. If Giovanni Rizzo dies before you win, you will suicide at the end of the following night.

    Win Condition: You win if the Marchesi Crime Family is eliminated while Giovanni Rizzo is alive.

    Marco Balotelli

    You are 14 year old Marco Balotelli. You have grown up with basically nothing other than your mother, and you've seen all these made men and mobsters living the life you wish you had. There is no way you are going to finish school and get a job; the system has been built specifically to see people like you fail. You dream of making a name for yourself on these streets, and to make enough money to provide you and your mother the lives you deserve.

    What's the point of living on if you can't make it in life? You have no other choice: you will join a Crime Family.

    Action: Every night, you can send a message to another player.
    1. Targets will know the message is from PLAYER, but not that the message is from Marco Balotelli.

    Win Condition: You win as long as you're alive and there is at least 1 Crime Family member alive.

    Sarah Hart

    You are 22 year old Sarah Hart. Your life was that of a typical woman of your age, and then you met him.. Every time you see him, his kind and attentive eyes makes you feel that he cares what you have to say. He made you forget you even were in a relationship, or maybe you didn't care to begin with. You felt like he was exactly like you, but at the same time so different and interesting. It has been a passionate 5 months of flirting... subliminal messages through social media, the way he looks at you in public, and your little inside jokes. Everything in your life now somehow relates to him, and ends up making you smile for making that connection to him.

    You know you're going to end up with Dustin Mallory.. even if he doesn't know you exist yet.

    Action: You have no night action.
    1. If Dustin Mallory dies, you commit suicide.

    Win Condition: You win if Dustin Mallory wins. You don't need to be alive for this to happen.

    Dustin Mallory

    You are the Mayor of Chicago, Dustin Mallory. As this is your first term as Mayor, you feel as if you have a lot to prove. You ran on a platform based on bringing down violent crimes and drugs in the city, so that's what you'll need to accomplish if you are to have any hopes of being re-elected. You have the idea of increasing police presence and funding, and also prove education so that these kids won't grow up into a life of crime.

    There are three rules you need to follow to be a great Mayor: Eduction; Lower crime; Build something.

    Action: You have no night action.
    1. You are revealed as the Mayor day one.
    2. Your vote counts for 2.

    Win Condition: You win when there are no non-Town players left alive, and have at least one Town member alive at the end.

    Michael Walsh

    You are Michael Walsh, a husband and a father to 3 teenage daughters. You could say you're a little stressed out, but what man isn't stressed in life? To be honest, life wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for that bitch Karen Caparelli next door. She never shuts up, and is always condescending towards you. You can't stand the lady, and you know this feeling has to be mutual; there is no way her dog pisses only on your lawn by it's own free will.

    Your life would be so much better if Karen Caparelli wasn't around.

    Action: You have no night action.
    1. You know Karen Caparelli's identity: PLAYER.

    Win Condition: Get rid of Karen Caparelli while you're alive; you then win when there are no non-Town players left alive, and have at least one Town member alive at the end.

    Karen Caparelli

    You are Karen Caparelli, the neighborhood gossip. You will talk to anybody who will listen. Good thing you have the best neighbor in the world: Michael Walsh. Michael has such a nice family, and is always around to chat with. You can also tell that he really likes Maya, your pet pug. Michael's always staring at her when she's running around, it's so cute!

    You have no concern for anything outside of your social life.

    Action: You may send a message to Michael Walsh nightly.
    1. You know Michael Walsh's identity: PLAYER.

    Win Condition: You win if you're alive. If you're dead, you win if all non-Town are eliminated.

    Tyler Jackson

    You are Detective Tyler Jackson of the CPD. You've been a homicide detective for 4 years now, and working towards taking the sergeant's exam. The job is fairly easy: You catch a body, you follow your leads, and you find a suspect. You love Chicago, and you always try your hardest to keep the city safe. The case you're working on currently involves a body of a woman that turned up under the L train line. It looks like she might have been a pro, and you've reached out to your people and learned that she's been hanging around a club that's run by the mob.

    Solve a case and catch a mobster? That'd look great on your resume.

    Action: Target one player at night, learning their Name.
    1. You have no special attributes.

    Win Condition: You win if all Non-Town players are eliminated, and have at least one Town member alive at the end.

    Jasmine Carter

    You are Jasmine Carter, an emergency room nurse at the University of Chicago Medicine. With a population of 2.7 million and constant violence, it's a very busy and stressful job. You love the fact that you make a difference in the world every day, but the fact that the job never ends troubles you deeply. You dream of a day when the senseless violence would stop.

    You will continue to do your part in making this city a better place, and hope for a better tomorrow.

    Action: Target one person at night, protecting them from attacks.
    1. You only have one charge, but it is only used on a successful heal.
    2. Your target will know your identity if you successfully save them.
    3. You cannot protect someone the same night you die.

    Win Condition: You win if all Non-Town players are eliminated, and have at least one Town member alive at the end.

    Evelyn Romano

    You are 81 year old Evelyn Romano, a Catholic mother of 9. Your day consists of walking to the market every day and talking with all the regulars who visit. Apparently Rosalyn neighbor was arrested for drugs last night. This used to be such a good neighborhood, but it's just progressively been getting worse over the years. You've been writing your representative daily about the issues emerging, but you've never been answered.

    What else can you do to help? You're just an old woman.

    Action: You have no night action.
    1. You have no attributes.

    Win Condition: You win if all Non-Town players are eliminated, and have at least one Town member alive at the end.


    Luca Ricci

    You are Luca Ricci. You are what society would call "shy", or "introverted". The truth is, you just don't want to talk to people. You don't understand other people's need to talk to others and make friends. You honestly couldn't care less what happened to virtually everyone you've ever known. You spend most of your free time writing creatively, typically poems or short stories of tragedy befalling characters which strangely resemble people in your life. Hopefully one day you get to witness the real thing happening.

    And then you think to yourself, "why wait?"

    Action: You have no night action.
    1. You are immune to attacks.

    Win Condition: Eliminate the Town. You don't have to be alive to win.

    Last edited by Cryptonic; November 16th, 2018 at 06:55 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  2. ISO #2



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