S-FM The Thing (12P)

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM The Thing (12P)

    S-FM The Thing (1982)
    Role List
    Norwegian Expedition (Humans)
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human

    The Thing
    Original Thing

    Hidden Survivalist


    Hidden Human: Can be any human role in the game, apart from Station Commander.
    Spoiler : Norwegian Expedition :

    Expedition Member (Citizen)
    You have power in the vote.
    Station Commander

    Ability 1: Can attack someone at night. One charge per player. Has a global cool down period of 2 days, regardless of the number of SCs elected. If you are a Thing, you cannot target the Original Thing at night.

    Ability 2: You can alternatively forfeit your night kill in exchange for the ability to target someone during the day. If they are a Thing/the Original Thing, they will die. Otherwise, you will die. This ability has the same cool down period as your night ability.

    Mechanics: The new Station Commander will be informed during the ensuing night of the status of their charges and whether the cool down period on their ability has ended or not. You cannot be killed at night by a Thing. If both the Original Thing and a Thing choose to visit you the same night, you, along with the Original Thing, will be killed.

    Upon election, you temporarily lose your former role. Should a new Station Commander be elected, you will regain your former role's night ability. The Original Thing is not affected by this, in that it does not lose its secondary role's night ability while Station Commander.

    Ability: Can give out drinks, roleblocking a player at night. Three charges.
    Drug Dealer (Mason Leader)

    Ability: Sell pot to an Expedition Member at night, turning them into an Addict. If you or one of the Addicts becomes a thing, the assimilation will be revealed to all Addicts and/or the Drug Dealer. They are not told who was converted, but only that someone was.
    Mechanics: All addicts and Drug Dealers are a night chat.
    Guard (Bodyguard)

    Ability: Protect someone at night, automatically attacking anyone who attacks your target. You and the trespasser will die. You will only kill one attacker.
    Mechanics: Players you protect are granted temporary immunity to conversion.
    Radio Operator (Flavour Cop)

    Ability: Spy on someone at night to learn if they talked in a night chat that night.
    Doctor (Cult-Sheriff/Doctor Hybrid)

    Ability: You can conduct a test at night, learning if your target is a Thing or not.
    Mechanics: If your target was poisoned last night, or if they get poisoned tonight, they will be healed.

    Ability: Target a player at night and prevent them from voting during the following day. The number of votes required for a lynch are updated accordingly. Target will be informed.
    Tracker (Detective)
    Ability: You may target a player at night to learn who they visited that night.
    Coroner (Coroner)

    Ability: Target a dead player to learn who they visited every night and the roles of those who visited them.
    Mechanics: You are considered to visit yourself when you target a dead player.

    Thing (Cultist)

    Ability: Perform the factional conversion. The maximum number of Things cannot exceed 5. This includes the dead things as well.
    Mechanics: Can vote on the next target to be converted via Factional Conversion. If you try to visit the Station Commander, they will kill you (if 2 Things visit them, one of the Things along with the Station Commander will die). You share a night chat and factional conversion with the other Things.
    You retain your previous role and night ability upon conversion.
    Original Thing (Cult Leader)

    Ability 1: Perform the factional conversion. The maximum number of Things cannot exceed 5. This includes the dead things as well.
    Ability 2: Go into hiding every two nights, becoming completely immune to death at night.
    Ability 3: Use your secondary role's special ability, forgoing an assimilation for one night.
    Ability 4: Use your personal conversion ability, separately from the factional Conversion, every 3 nights.
    Mechanics: Can vote on the next target to be converted via Factional Conversion. If you try to visit the Station Commander, they will kill you (if 2 Things visit them, one of the Things along with the Station Commander will die). You share a night chat and factional conversion with the other Things. You override the Conversion vote whilst you are alive.

    Spoiler : Secondary Roles :

    Drunkard (Blackmailer)
    Ability: You can intoxicate someone at night, preventing them from talking that day, save for the message 'I am blackmailed.' They are permitted to vote.
    Mechanics: You cannot be roleblocked.

    Biologist (Framer)
    Ability: You may frame someone as The Thing at night, or protect a fellow Thing from detection. You may frame a Thing as a Thing.

    Ability: You may read a player's last will at night.

    Spoiler : Survivalist :

    Loner (Mass Murderer)

    Ability: Go on a Spree at someone's house every two nights, killing anyone who visits your target.
    Mechanics: You cannot be killed the night you kill someone.
    Chemist (Arsonist)

    Ability: Poison someone at night. Poison lasts for one day and can be healed by a Doctor. If the poison is not healed, your target along with your target's target will die.


    Lynch is plurality with majority. The player with the most votes at EoD is lynched; if a player attains more than 50% of the votes, the day ends and they are lynched.
    Days last 48 hours, nights last 24.
    Day now split into a 12-hour discussion phase and a 36-hour lynch phase. During the discussion phase, nobody may be lynched, and a player may be elected to become the Station Commander. The vote requires a simple majority, and the player with the highest number of votes (more than 51%) by the end of the 12-hour period will become the Station Commander.

    During the night phase, the Things have to vote in their Night Chat who they are going to convert that night. The target that receives the highest number of votes will be visited that night by one of the Things (selected at random) that voted for them.

    Order of Operations

    Thing Night Chat, Addict Night Chat
    The Original Thing goes into hiding
    Bartender roleblocks
    Biologist frames or inoculates
    Loner sprees
    3.5. Station Commander attacks
    Thing/Original Thing attacks
    Poisoner gives poison
    Guard protects
    Doctor investigates
    Drug Dealer converts
    Warden alerts
    Tracker visits (sees all night actions, including those further down the list)
    Coroner performs autopsy
    Radio Operator checks
    Drunkard blackmails
    Snitch reads last will
    Poisoner poison takes effect (if not healed)
    Drug Addicts/Drug Dealers are informed of fellow Addict's/Drug Dealer's conversion (if applicable)

    Win Conditions

    Humans: Lynch all things and eliminate the Survivalist.
    Things: Assimilate or kill all the humans and the Survivalist.
    Survivalist: Be the last man left standing.

    > Thing > Human

    Standard FM rules apply; this means:
    1. No quoting or SS'ing host feedback or PMs
    2. No OGC,
    no gamethrowing/pretending to gamethrow
    3. No griefing
    4. Insults allowed to a certain degree but don't overdo it
    5. English only
    6. Images and Videos allowed in moderation, keep it PG-13
    7. Do not discuss replacements.
    You may not sign up if you are on my blacklist (given below):

    Spoiler : Blacklist :

    Last edited by Oberon; November 25th, 2020 at 03:35 AM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Changelog -
    Replaced Flamethrower Wielder with a unique Station Commander role whose night ability is single-shot.
    Day split into a 12-hour discussion phase and a 36 hour Lynch phase. During the 12 hour discussion phase nobody may be lynched; in addition, all players can nominate a station Commander during this phase. The player with the highest number of votes by the 12 hour mark will become the Station Commander. This requires that at least 51% of all players submit a vote.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    The role list at start is as follows:
    10 Expedition Members, 1 Thing and one Original Thing.

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    I think you should throw a "drunk" in there and add some aort of abillity
    Hmm... how about a Bartender role that role blocks a player at night?

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    I'm thinking of giving the things a night chat and factional conversion. Otherwise they can convert very fast... that or somehow make it so that they have to vote via PM on who to convert, and the guy with the highest amount of votes will be converted. Ties resolved by RNG.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    I'm thinking of giving the things a night chat and factional conversion. Otherwise they can convert very fast... that or somehow make it so that they have to vote via PM on who to convert, and the guy with the highest amount of votes will be converted. Ties resolved by RNG.
    -If you go the PM route - ties should be resolved by who the original thing voted (if he's dead then RNG)

    -I think running it as them having a night chat and factional convert would make it more fun for scums =P and allows for more scum strategies. Removing night chat makes it hard for scums to coordinate, which I understand as a goal, but crazy strategies being possible also add a lot to the game with paranoia.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    -If you go the PM route - ties should be resolved by who the original thing voted (if he's dead then RNG)

    -I think running it as them having a night chat and factional convert would make it more fun for scums =P and allows for more scum strategies. Removing night chat makes it hard for scums to coordinate, which I understand as a goal, but crazy strategies being possible also add a lot to the game with paranoia.
    I think I'll do that, but my thoughts were that while it is difficult for Scum to coordinate without a night chat it would also also make them more difficult to detect... I'll consider this.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Station Commander

    Please make the Station Commander rolecard clearer, its abilitys blend into the rest of the role list and is difficult to read.
    You say he has a one charge ability to kill. And then say he has a day invest/kill ability, do they use the same charge?
    You say it is a role checker and that they have to guess, do they guess a players original role? Or do they guess them as Thing? Is Original Thing guessed differently?
    Which ability can be used every two nights?
    Does a new Station Commander reset charges and cooldowns?
    Is a New Station Commander voted for everyday?
    Is a New Station Commander informed on the current status of their charges/cooldowns?
    Does becoming Station Commander remove other role abilties?
    Can a Thing become Station Commander?
    Is he immune to Chemist, Loner, Guard kill?


    Can Bartender be roleblocked?
    Is Bartender informed of roleblock failing?
    Is the player informed of roleblock?

    Drug Dealer
    Are Addicts aware of each others identity?
    Are Addicts informed who the Drug Dealer is?
    Is an Addict/Drugdealer conversion into Thing revealed at end of night? Are players informed on who specifically is converted?
    Are things able to be converted into addicts? are they revealed?
    Is an addict a role? Does it remove other role abilities?
    Can loner/chemist be converted? Does it change their wincon?

    Does he kill multiple trespassers or just one?
    Does he block conversions?
    Does he protect from chemist?
    Does he only protect for the night, or does the protection run into the day also? (To inter fear with Station Commander day kill)

    Radio Operator
    Is he still informed even if the player is in a night chat, but doesn't speak?

    Where does he conduct test at?
    Is he also able to detect alignment of loner/Chemist?

    If he blocked someone from voting, does it change the lynch threshold?

    Does he see the Original Thing go into hiding?

    How do two diffrent things visit Station Commander if only one goes to convert?
    Why would only 1 Thing visit when Station Commander is a public role?
    If Thing is Station commander and visits self, does they die?

    Original Thing
    So the hiding ability is like: hide, nohide, hide, nohide. Or hide, nohide nohide, hide
    Do they become Immune to Chemist? If so in what way?
    Can they convert whilst hiding?
    Theirs secondary ability is to skip a factional conversion?
    Is this Original Things separate conversion, mean that the thing team can convert 2 people in 1 night? Or does it just mean that the Original Thing has control over Factional Conversion?
    Is the Original Thing revealed as the Original thing during the flip?
    Do they get to be in the night chat?

    Things not only keep their Original role and Thing role, but they also may get a secondary thing role?

    How limited is the message that is allowed to be posted?

    Does their detection protection carry on into day?
    Can they make a Thing appear as Thing?
    If they make someone appear as thing and that player dies, what role does it show in the graveyard?
    Can they frame someone as the Original thing or is there a difference?

    Are they protected from Chemist?
    Are they convertable?
    If converted, does wincon change?

    Their poison can be stopped by a Doctor, is this the same Doctor that acts as a detection role in this game?
    Can the Chemist be killed by their own Poison?
    Is a player notified if they are poisoned?
    Are they convertable?
    If converted, does wincon change?

    Is a new Station Commander voted for everyday? Or only when there is currently no alive Station Commander?
    Can a Station Commander spawn at start of game?
    Is Station Commander revealed?

    If a Thing is converted, when do they get added to the night chat?

    Only just notice this major mechanic:
    Any role in the game can choose to forgo their night ability and target someone at night to avoid being attacked or converted.

    What stops everyone from avoiding conversion and death at night?
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Station Commander

    Please make the Station Commander rolecard clearer, its abilitys blend into the rest of the role list and is difficult to read.
    You say he has a one charge ability to kill. And then say he has a day invest/kill ability, do they use the same charge? - Yes.
    You say it is a role checker and that they have to guess, do they guess a players original role? Or do they guess them as Thing? Is Original Thing guessed differently? Only Alignment has to be guessed.
    Which ability can be used every two nights? - The Night Kill.
    Does a new Station Commander reset charges and cooldowns? - Yes. And the night ability is reset every two nights.
    Is a New Station Commander voted for everyday? - Yes.
    Is a New Station Commander informed on the current status of their charges/cooldowns? - I will have to think about this
    Does becoming Station Commander remove other role abilties? - Yes, temporarily.
    Can a Thing become Station Commander? - yes.
    Is he immune to Chemist, Loner, Guard kill? - Yes.


    Can Bartender be roleblocked? - Yes.
    Is Bartender informed of roleblock failing? - No.
    Is the player informed of roleblock? - Yes.

    Drug Dealer
    Are Addicts aware of each others identity? - Yes, they are, and they share a night chat.
    Are Addicts informed who the Drug Dealer is? - Yes. Share a night chat.
    Is an Addict/Drugdealer conversion into Thing revealed at end of night? Are players informed on who specifically is converted? The players are informed who was converted; they are informed at the end of the night.
    Are things able to be converted into addicts? are they revealed? Only Citizens can become Addicts.
    Is an addict a role? Does it remove other role abilities?
    Can loner/chemist be converted? Does it change their wincon? Yes, they can be converted... and they lose their nightkill in the process.

    Does he kill multiple trespassers or just one? - Only one trespasser.
    Does he block conversions? - Good question. I'll think about it. Probably.
    Does he protect from chemist? - No, only Doctor does (not sure if I mentioned that?_
    Does he only protect for the night, or does the protection run into the day also? (To inter fear with Station Commander day kill) - I will consider this

    Radio Operator
    Is he still informed even if the player is in a night chat, but doesn't speak? - No.

    Where does he conduct test at? At night. That's a typo
    Is he also able to detect alignment of loner/Chemist? - No, he is only told if the target is a Thing or not.

    If he blocked someone from voting, does it change the lynch threshold? Uh... good question. I'll consider it.

    Does he see the Original Thing go into hiding? - That would instantly out them as the Thing because they would be visiting themselves. So, no.

    How do two diffrent things visit Station Commander if only one goes to convert? - Original Thing may use his ability in addition to the Factional Conversion.
    Why would only 1 Thing visit when Station Commander is a public role? - It's a trade-off; early on in the game they wouldn't be... hmm. Maybe I should make it so Original Thing would have to die if they visited the Station Commander?
    If Thing is Station commander and visits self, does they die? - No.

    Original Thing
    So the hiding ability is like: hide, nohide, hide, nohide. Or hide, nohide nohide, hide
    Do they become Immune to Chemist? If so in what way? - They are completely immune while in hiding.
    Can they convert whilst hiding? - No.
    Theirs secondary ability is to skip a factional conversion? - They have the ability to use an additional conversion separate from the factional conversion. They may also use their own, unique secondary role's ability, instead.
    Is this Original Things separate conversion, mean that the thing team can convert 2 people in 1 night? Or does it just mean that the Original Thing has control over Factional Conversion? - Can convert two people per night, every 3 nights (might change it to 4 nights?)
    Is the Original Thing revealed as the Original thing during the flip? - I will think about this.
    Do they get to be in the night chat? - Yes

    Things not only keep their Original role and Thing role, but they also may get a secondary thing role? - Only Original Thing has a secondary role.

    How limited is the message that is allowed to be posted? - Anything that's gibberish and shorter than 30 characters goes, or the post 'I was intoxicated last night'.

    Does their detection protection carry on into day? - No.
    Can they make a Thing appear as Thing? - Yes, they could, in theory.
    If they make someone appear as thing and that player dies, what role does it show in the graveyard? Nothing happens. They will show up as their original role in the graveyard.
    Can they frame someone as the Original thing or is there a difference? - They simply frame alignments.

    Are they protected from Chemist? - Loner/Chemist cannot both be in the game at the same time - they take up the same slot.
    Are they convertable? - Yes
    If converted, does wincon change? - Yes

    Their poison can be stopped by a Doctor, is this the same Doctor that acts as a detection role in this game? - Yes.
    Can the Chemist be killed by their own Poison? - Yes
    Is a player notified if they are poisoned? - No, they just die
    Are they convertable? - Yes
    If converted, does wincon change? - Yes

    Is a new Station Commander voted for everyday? Or only when there is currently no alive Station Commander? - Both.
    Can a Station Commander spawn at start of game? - No. There is no Station Commander at game start.
    Is Station Commander revealed? - Yes. He is revealed during the start of the 'voting phase'.

    If a Thing is converted, when do they get added to the night chat? - The following night.

    Only just notice this major mechanic:
    Any role in the game can choose to forgo their night ability and target someone at night to avoid being attacked or converted. - This was supposed to serve as protection from the Loner. I will be removing this because I don't like it actually.

    What stops everyone from avoiding conversion and death at night? -
    I'll have to think about a few of those points, answered most of them.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    I've updated the setup.

    P.S. Drunkard: I've decided that the only post a person who was affected by the Drunkard can make is 'I am blackmailed.'. Nothing else is permitted. Modkill on anyone who posts something other than that
    Last edited by ; April 22nd, 2018 at 04:57 AM.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    My major concern is still this:
    Any role in the game can choose to forgo their night ability and target someone at night to avoid being attacked or converted.
    What's to stop this ability being abused?
    All citizens will just use it, and if the entire town used it, scum can't do anything.

    What is he purpose and reasoning for this mechanic?
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  16. ISO #16

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    My major concern is still this:

    What's to stop this ability being abused?
    All citizens will just use it, and if the entire town used it, scum can't do anything.

    What is he purpose and reasoning for this mechanic?
    I removed it.

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    You need to remove a player. You have 14 in total.

    And after the final review, I recommend putting a cap on amount of alive Things may exist at one time. Without it the game may end early if the things get rolling early.
    Hmm. Alright. Fixed s cap of 3 live things, removed two Humans.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Feel free to post sign ups. You've been approved.
    Okay. Thanks a lot! ^^

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Station Commander - [SPOILER=Night/Day Ability]Can attack someone at night. One charge per player. Has a global cool down period of 2 days, regardless of the number of SCs elected. If you are a Thing, you cannot target the Original Thing at night.
    what about other things?
    why if sc is killed when using ability?
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    You can alternatively forfeit your night kill in exchange for the ability to target someone during the day. If they are a Thing/the Original Thing, they will die. Otherwise, you will die. This ability has the same cool down period as your night ability.
    ? ??????????????????????????????plz explain
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    You cannot be killed at night by a Thing. If both the Original Thing and a Thing choose to visit you the same night, you, along with the Original Thing, will be killed.
    so things don't know who each other are visiting?

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: S-FM The Thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    @Marshmallow Marshall if you could squeeze me in somewhere in the queue, that’d be neat.
    Adding you to the Queue. Merging this post with the OP to give you control over the thread once again.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: S-FM The Thing (12P)

    Quote Originally Posted by StarGunner View Post
    Holy crap, this looks awesome. How is the FM played? Do you play it here, or on SC2 Mafia? How does the FM work? Will there really be a thing? What does it look like is there a model for it? I'm curious to see how these FMs are played.
    Mhmm, the setup is pretty good indeed.
    The game will be played here! It currently is on the Queue, which means that it will eventually be hosted when its turn comes.
    There will be a thing, yes: it's a role. Roles work like in the Arcade game, except the only limitations to their options are creativity and balance here, since there is an human host who processes actions himself.
    No models, sadly (the game is in a forum thread)... which doesn't mean the host can't use pictures ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  31. ISO #31

    Re: S-FM The Thing (12P)

    Quote Originally Posted by StarGunner View Post
    Holy crap, this looks awesome. How is the FM played? Do you play it here, or on SC2 Mafia? How does the FM work? Will there really be a thing? What does it look like is there a model for it? I'm curious to see how these FMs are played.
    Here are some archived games that were played recently.


    You can see how they operate. Each player gets their role from the host at the start and submits actions via the host. Often there is a mafia night chat via a discord server. Players vote, but there usually isn't a trial.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: S-FM The Thing (12P)

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Mhmm, the setup is pretty good indeed.
    The game will be played here! It currently is on the Queue, which means that it will eventually be hosted when its turn comes.
    There will be a thing, yes: it's a role. Roles work like in the Arcade game, except the only limitations to their options are creativity and balance here, since there is an human host who processes actions himself.
    No models, sadly (the game is in a forum thread)... which doesn't mean the host can't use pictures ;)
    Very nice........How do I join and sign up to play The Thing? I remember the movie, it was pretty scary when I first saw it. The scene where Kurt Russell, AKA RJ Macready was about to torch The Thing, but his flamethrower wouldn't work. Hey I just realized. That would be an interesting mechanic in the FM, if Macready has the flamethrower, and every night he can use the flamethrower on someone, and it has a chance to fail because he can't get it to work. What do you guys think. Would that be cool, or what? Also, sign me up. I wanna play.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: S-FM The Thing (12P)

    Quote Originally Posted by StarGunner View Post
    Very nice........How do I join and sign up to play The Thing? I remember the movie, it was pretty scary when I first saw it. The scene where Kurt Russell, AKA RJ Macready was about to torch The Thing, but his flamethrower wouldn't work. Hey I just realized. That would be an interesting mechanic in the FM, if Macready has the flamethrower, and every night he can use the flamethrower on someone, and it has a chance to fail because he can't get it to work. What do you guys think. Would that be cool, or what? Also, sign me up. I wanna play.
    I'm afraid it will take a while before the game starts: the queue is rather full, so many setups will go before this one. When signups are ready for this game though, you can simply post "/sign" to sign up (same goes for all games btw).

    As for your suggestion, I'll just say randomness is balance's enemy. It definetly sounds cool lore-wise, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be amazing gameplay-wise. Ideas are nice though
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  35. ISO #35

    Re: S-FM The Thing (12P)

    Quote Originally Posted by StarGunner View Post
    Very nice........How do I join and sign up to play The Thing? I remember the movie, it was pretty scary when I first saw it. The scene where Kurt Russell, AKA RJ Macready was about to torch The Thing, but his flamethrower wouldn't work. Hey I just realized. That would be an interesting mechanic in the FM, if Macready has the flamethrower, and every night he can use the flamethrower on someone, and it has a chance to fail because he can't get it to work. What do you guys think. Would that be cool, or what? Also, sign me up. I wanna play.
    If you want to watch and see how a forum mafia game plays, you could always sign as an observer. There are a few game signups right now, one being a 9 player which would probably be easier to watch with fewer people and posts generally.

    As an observer, that would mean you just watch and may or may not get spoiler information but don't have a role or play the game.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: S-FM The Thing (12P)

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post

    S-FM The Thing (1982)
    Role List
    Norwegian Expedition (Humans)
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human
    Hidden Human

    The Thing
    Original Thing

    Hidden Survivalist


    Hidden Human: Can be any human role in the game, apart from Station Commander.
    Spoiler : Norwegian Expedition :

    Spoiler : Survivalist :


    Lynch is plurality with majority. The player with the most votes at EoD is lynched; if a player attains more than 50% of the votes, the day ends and they are lynched.
    Days last 48 hours, nights last 24.
    Day now split into a 12-hour discussion phase and a 36-hour lynch phase. During the discussion phase, nobody may be lynched, and a player may be elected to become the Station Commander. The vote requires a simple majority, and the player with the highest number of votes (more than 51%) by the end of the 12-hour period will become the Station Commander.

    During the night phase, the Things have to vote in their Night Chat who they are going to convert that night. The target that receives the highest number of votes will be visited that night by one of the Things (selected at random) that voted for them.

    Order of Operations

    Thing Night Chat, Addict Night Chat
    The Original Thing goes into hiding
    Bartender roleblocks
    Biologist frames or inoculates
    Loner sprees
    3.5. Station Commander attacks
    Thing/Original Thing attacks
    Poisoner gives poison
    Guard protects
    Doctor investigates
    Drug Dealer converts
    Warden alerts
    Tracker visits (sees all night actions, including those further down the list)
    Coroner performs autopsy
    Radio Operator checks
    Drunkard blackmails
    Snitch reads last will
    Poisoner poison takes effect (if not healed)
    Drug Addicts/Drug Dealers are informed of fellow Addict's/Drug Dealer's conversion (if applicable)

    Win Conditions

    Humans: Lynch all things and eliminate the Survivalist.
    Things: Assimilate or kill all the humans and the Survivalist.
    Survivalist: Be the last man left standing.

    > Thing > Human

    Standard FM rules apply; this means:
    1. No quoting or SS'ing host feedback or PMs
    2. No OGC,
    no gamethrowing/pretending to gamethrow
    3. No griefing
    4. Insults allowed to a certain degree but don't overdo it
    5. English only
    6. Images and Videos allowed in moderation, keep it PG-13
    7. Do not discuss replacements.
    You may not sign up if you are on my blacklist (given below):

    Spoiler : Blacklist :

    I changed the tie breaking order so the Survivalist wins ties over everyone.



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