Okay, well this game is pretty much over.

We've got an inactive NumberTwo, an inactive Bird, an Efe acting like an idiot and spamming, and a hammering scv. To top it all off we're in mylo. So this is going just great. The only player with any sense to them is Sheep, and im forced to read him as town because everything else is just so disgusting.

Seriously, why the fuck was there a hammer with nearly 24hrs of gameplay still to go. What is it with you lot that youre all so obsessed with ending days early. You didnt even discuss your hammer You all just spoke fucking nonsense about shit that wasnt even relevant to the game and then ended the day. Where on earth is @Calix , i need her to come smack some sense into you lot.

I have no intention of voting any time soon. @Numbertwo you claimed vigi and that you were going to shoot, but you didnt. Whats your defense here.