S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER - - Page 7

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  1. ISO #301

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I remember you asked me in the last few minutes to reply to that 19x post. x is some number i dont remember. Neither am i sure if you asked. But i thought you did, so i did.
    No, you asked me when I was going to address the situation with magoroth painting blink as scum and i said i already did in post #196.

    You still haven't elaborated on your "Ozy+Mag painting Blink as Scum" claim.
    post #196 IN THIS COLOR it is directly addressed.
    now can you please respond to post #284 and #285?
    I never once asked for a response on the wall post - You asked me If I was going to address the issue, i claimed i already did and told you where I did.

  2. ISO #302

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I remember you asked me in the last few minutes to reply to that 19x post. x is some number i dont remember. Neither am i sure if you asked. But i thought you did, so i did.
    once again dude, you are making stuff up.

    @Gyrlander Can I change my role to Silencer(Blackmailer) to blackmail Distorted for next day?
    How about you just keep up on the reading so you can avoid this happening again?

  3. ISO #303

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Wow... guys... what the hell

  4. ISO #304

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    When did I suddenly become so important?

  5. ISO #305

  6. ISO #306

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    once again dude, you are making stuff up.

    How about you just keep up on the reading so you can avoid this happening again?

    We are both at fault here though. I could have checked more into what you were referring to while you could have saved me the trouble.
    Early elaboration or 100+posts because misunderstandings (or are there? ). Lesson fucking learned. I won't rely on my memory ever again.

  7. ISO #307

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I don't remember if I unvoted Noz, but in case I didn't...

    -vote unvote

  8. ISO #308

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    But, the good news from that - I have a more townish lean towards Ozy, because I don't thnk a new player would put himself out that far into the spotlight if he was scum. However there is the chance he felt it would lead to a lynch or something and went panic mode, but i think the first option fits the scenario better.

  9. ISO #309

  10. ISO #310

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Personally, I'm starting to suspect Marshmallow as a possible scum. I will not, as yet, reveal the reason as to why I am saying that. That'll be established tomorrow.

  11. ISO #311

  12. ISO #312

  13. ISO #313

  14. ISO #314

  15. ISO #315

  16. ISO #316

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Ahh fuck it. Only 2 hours remain till Day1 ends. I will just post my opinions about everyone and be done with Day1, hopefully.
    @Magoroth , only one I am confident is evil. Would take mighty convincing to make me think otherwise.
    @Distorted and @Soviet_Love
    only two I am very sure they are town.
    If Distorted gets Blackmailed Day2, he is an acting scum.
    If there are 0 killers, then Soviet is on my suspect list.
    @blinkskater , neutral. My opinion on him will depend on what N1/D2 brings. If evils have strong roles, blink is on my suspect list. If evils have weak roles, he is innocent.
    (just because if evils depend on lynches then a Day1 inactive townie shouldn't be evil in my eyes)
    @Noz_Bugz and @Marshmallow Marshall
    I lean both of them more towards scummy than towny.
    So basically - all of you are scum in my eyes. Nothing personal.

  17. ISO #317

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    3 people, including myself, are in favour of lynching Noz if blind voting is called.

    What about you, Ozy?

  18. ISO #318

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I am in favor of that because of posts: #240, #244.
    He might have homework, but it's no excuse imo.

    I would much rather we vote Mag though. As I am more confident that he is evil than Noz. If people could get up a vote for that in this remaining time, I would +1 that. If not, then Noz it is.

  19. ISO #319

  20. ISO #320

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I am updating my list of suspects:

    -Marshmallow Marshall

    I find their interactions with one another to be somewhat suspicious. I wouldn't, however, press for a lynch on Marshmallow just yet. Let's see what Day 2 brings.

    @Gyrlander , are we told who/how a player died?

  21. ISO #321

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    I am updating my list of suspects:

    -Marshmallow Marshall

    I find their interactions with one another to be somewhat suspicious. I wouldn't, however, press for a lynch on Marshmallow just yet. Let's see what Day 2 brings.

    @Gyrlander , are we told who/how a player died?
    You know who died but not how.

    Thank you Anonymous Donor

  22. ISO #322

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Just posting quick thoughts because day is almost over:

    My most towny reads thus far are (1) Distorted, followed by (2) MM.
    I'm unsure about (3) blinkskater, but put him more likely towny than witch.
    I'm neutral on (4) Ozy.
    I'm currently most suspicious of (5) Magaroth and (6) Noz [with Noz being my most scum read].

    But, all these are subject to change and I think basing things off of metas or accusations day 1 is inherently faulty.

  23. ISO #323

  24. ISO #324

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    hmm, sorry for the inactivity guys, i have been really busy IRL, i don't know if ill be caughtup for EOD but can anyone summarize things real quick for me?
    Noz is scum #1 in most players eyes, we vote him if judge Day2.
    MM nothing in fnal ~10+ hours of the day even though saw his name here in online list.
    Mag is scummy scummy
    Soviet and Distorted are townie townie
    Ozy and Distorted are not friends
    Idk what else.

    Also, I change my stance on MM from him being scummy scummy to him being townie townie.

  25. ISO #325

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Noz is scum #1 in most players eyes, we vote him if judge Day2.
    MM nothing in fnal ~10+ hours of the day even though saw his name here in online list.
    Mag is scummy scummy
    Soviet and Distorted are townie townie
    Ozy and Distorted are not friends
    Idk what else.

    Also, I change my stance on MM from him being scummy scummy to him being townie townie.
    hm i still have a lot more posts to read, ill post this up real quick before EOD
    Townie reads: Distorted, Soviet
    Neutral: Noz, Ozy
    Scumish: Mag, MM(MM only for the fact that he is just being "helpfull" and not "activly trying to scumhunt" like he usually does strikes me as ODD, also I find it odd he hasn't verbally gone after someone yet for their opinions being, not quite the same as his :P
    anyways that's all i got I will be more active, and if there is a doctor, distorded should probally get it

  26. ISO #326

  27. ISO #327

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I was talking directly to MM not Mag. gtfo you scum.

    You are right about the action, not about the meaning.
    You assume I defend myself because you are right. But I defend myself because you are wrong. The meaning not action.

    So, you see something, make an assumption, i defend myself because it's wrong, you assume because it's right. Is that it?

    Let me ask you something. How sure are you about you being right? Can we just agree to disagree and you stop annoying me with bullshit?
    scummmy scum scumish move ozy over to my scumish reads

  28. ISO #328

  29. ISO #329

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    But, the good news from that - I have a more townish lean towards Ozy, because I don't thnk a new player would put himself out that far into the spotlight if he was scum. However there is the chance he felt it would lead to a lynch or something and went panic mode, but i think the first option fits the scenario better.
    hmm, i don't think Ozy is new to "FM" so to say, I think that he has played elsewhere, and knows exactly what he is doing

  30. ISO #330

  31. ISO #331

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Day Two

    blinkskater was disintegrated during the night. He was a Citizen.

    Player List

    1. @Magoroth
    2. @Noz_Bugz
    3. @OzyWho
    4. @Distorted
    5. @Marshmallow Marshall
    6. @Soviet_Love


    blinkskater - Citizen

    Night 2 will start in...

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00


    4 votes to hammer.

    Last edited by Gyrlander; February 25th, 2018 at 03:12 PM.

    Thank you Anonymous Donor

  32. ISO #332

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -


  33. ISO #333

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Well.. damn. Was kinda hoping we would get lucky and Witches get 0 killers.
    Now this puts us under MyLo pressure.

    Alright, first off - if we abstain today, what are the chances we auto lose? In other words, what are the chances that a 2nd killer will show up on the 2nd night?
    If the answer is impossible - can we agree to not lynch today unless absolute certainty?

  34. ISO #334

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Nothing is impossible. It is, however, extremely unlikely.

  35. ISO #335

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    There are 3 possible killing roles; the likelihood that there is a killing role is 44% or so. I will do the math about the porbability of a second killing role in just a bit, I am a bit busy atm.

  36. ISO #336

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    scummmy scum scumish move ozy over to my scumish reads
    And now you are dead? This is bloody convenient for me!

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    hmm, i don't think Ozy is new to "FM" so to say, I think that he has played elsewhere, and knows exactly what he is doing
    I have played SC2Maf. 12k points now there.

  37. ISO #337

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    There are 3 possible killing roles; the likelihood that there is a killing role is 44% or so. I will do the math about the porbability of a second killing role in just a bit, I am a bit busy atm.
    @Noz_Bugz Already did the math on Day1. At least he said 9% for two killers. I think we can almost safely say that no 2nd killer. I really rather we don't lynch today. Even putting someone on T-2 or what its called - that could be gamethrow because of our MyLo situation.

  38. ISO #338

  39. ISO #339

  40. ISO #340

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Well.. damn. Was kinda hoping we would get lucky and Witches get 0 killers.
    Now this puts us under MyLo pressure.

    Alright, first off - if we abstain today, what are the chances we auto lose? In other words, what are the chances that a 2nd killer will show up on the 2nd night?
    If the answer is impossible - can we agree to not lynch today unless absolute certainty?
    There could be: GF and Arson, MM and Arson, only GF, only MM. The answer is not impossible at all. However, I think MM cannot kill every night, right? Even if he doesn't kill anyone? Since blink was a Citizen, we know there cannot be a MM kill tomorrow. Only arsonist kill. And if there's arsonist in the setup, I damn the gods of randomization for that.

    Now gonna reveal something: I was roleblocked. We must take in account this fact so we can evaluate the setup better. Now I'm gonna make a post about what I think of that EoD (End of Day).
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  41. ISO #341

  42. ISO #342

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    @Noz_Bugz Already did the math on Day1. At least he said 9% for two killers. I think we can almost safely say that no 2nd killer. I really rather we don't lynch today. Even putting someone on T-2 or what its called - that could be gamethrow because of our MyLo situation.
    Noz didn't do the math, Soviet_Love did.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  43. ISO #343

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    There could be: GF and Arson, MM and Arson, only GF, only MM. The answer is not impossible at all. However, I think MM cannot kill every night, right? Even if he doesn't kill anyone? Since blink was a Citizen, we know there cannot be a MM kill tomorrow. Only arsonist kill. And if there's arsonist in the setup, I damn the gods of randomization for that.

    Now gonna reveal something: I was roleblocked. We must take in account this fact so we can evaluate the setup better. Now I'm gonna make a post about what I think of that EoD (End of Day).
    Was blink killed by an MM and not GF? That's pretty good news tbh. Means it's near impossible for more than one townie die next night!!!

  44. ISO #344

  45. ISO #345

  46. ISO #346

  47. ISO #347

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Was blink killed by an MM and not GF? That's pretty good news tbh. Means it's near impossible for more than one townie die next night!!!
    Uh oh, calm down sir. 50/50 odds he was killed by MM instead of GF
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  48. ISO #348

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    It does not mean anything. Blink could just as easily have died go Rational Arcanist.

  49. ISO #349

  50. ISO #350



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