S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER - - Page 5

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  1. ISO #201

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    how longs a game of heros of the storm?
    xD ok I might have got some internet problems... Sorry xD


    OzyWho (hey it's you!) for his helpful posts. I feel like he's really trying to make the game move on with nice strategies. I also think a scum wouldn't want to "see you in 48h", since they'd have lynches to setup for next days.

    Soviet_Love, for the math post about number of killing roles. The "we" still tilted me, but I don't want to start a drama about it

    Distorted, in a 55/45 town lean, where I'm unsure about him. He knows most players' meta here, and I had the weird feeling he wanted to be under my radars at the start of the game. However, he seems to be scumhunting honestly, and I cannot correctly read him for now.

    Blinkskater, on the pure 50/50 neutral read. Can't read this slot until D2, he promises contributions and argumentation tomorrow but we can't see it yet. However, I cannot scumread him for doing what he says. Leading me to think that is scummy in itself, but again it could just be an accidental thing.

    Magoroth sounds like an agenda guy to me, he's putting more confusion in the game and looks like someone painting targets for next days. He seems to understand how next days lynches will be critical, and I think he's too happy to see me getting on blinkskater. Scummy, but need more information to say I'd want his head on other days.

    Noz_Bugz is my highest scum read, even if I wouldn't want his head yet. He literally shitposted all game. This, taken alone, is not a reason to scumread someone. However, one of his first posts were "Last game was me watching how it was played here, now I'll post more and be more active". I saw exactly the opposite. He seems too... careful about his words. And after taking a look at the thread, I saw there were no interactions between Magoroth and Noz_Bugz.

    So, to answer Ozy's question, my scum reads are Magoroth, Noz_Bugz and... blinkskater? Or Distorted? I actually have only two scum reads, others are unsure. Plus, the scum reads aren't 100%, since it's only D1 and the game is filled with new players.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  2. ISO #202

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by blinkskater View Post
    Also, your large post there was highly informative/relevant and in my opinion spot on everything you said was backed up with logical facts i now trust you above anyone else
    I'm tempted to say that too. Sadly, Distorted has proven great scum abilities in a previous game, and I won't trust him for that post because he had similar stuff the game he was scum. Reference: The Return of Haloden
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  3. ISO #203

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I won't quote your wallpost, Distorted, but the part about SL wanting to seem town is also what I had thought in his first game. I think he plays like this. However, combined to the "we" including witches, I'd say to just keep an eye on him. He's still a town read for me.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  4. ISO #204

  5. ISO #205

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I apologise. I am not posting too much because I am unfamiliar with this type of game. I also have a relatively short attention span, so that goes there...

    @Marshmallow Marshall , I agree with your assessment of Noz_Bugz. I'm going to read this thread for the time being, see what I can prowl out of everyone's comments.
    Last edited by ; February 24th, 2018 at 01:00 AM.

  6. ISO #206

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Ok. Let's assume the following:

    Marshmallow is a witch and trying to mislead the town into not lynching.

    The problems with this thought pattern:

    As it has already been explained by several others, it would be in the witches' advantage to cause a mislynch. Marshmallow Marshall is strongly opposed to the idea of a lynch on the first day, and has, in fact, urged us not to be voting people up. This however could be a witch trying to seem pro-town; if so he should very soon find a reason to cause us to lynch someone, either now or on the second day. Thus far, Marshmallow Marshall has been acting incredibly pro-town, so he is likely not a witch.

    @Marshmallow Marshall , don't be saying stuff like ''I expect to die the first night.'' Scum could take advantage of that statement and frame you by keeping you alive. If there is a protective role in this game, I think you should either be defending Marshmallow or one of the he has not accused.


    Player has been shitposting constantly.

    If the player is a witch, then:

    ''Soviet Love will turn out to be a witch"
    "Blink will flip arson''
    ''New players will carry town''

    Is one of the new players a scum? And that second statement is extremely interesting. Why Arsonist and not Grand Master, for instance? And, what I find the most suspicious is your laid-back attitude.
    @Noz_Bugz :

    I am advocating voting this man up if blind voting is called.
    IF he flips witch, then:

    ''Soviet Love will somehow turn out to be a witch"
    What is this statement? Are you trying to rescue him by framing him? Are you saying we should vote him up?

    Notice how ''new players'' isn't a player, but, rather, a group of people?
    They're the only ones you haven't named. Why is that?

    You, sir, have my vote. Please, explain yourself.

    -vote Noz_Bugz
    Last edited by ; February 24th, 2018 at 01:18 AM.

  7. ISO #207

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    @Marshmallow Marshall , I agree, my refusal to act and my jump to conclusions did seem like an attempt to manipulate you; I apologise profusely because such was not my intention.

  8. ISO #208

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I'm going to read Distorted's posts right now.

  9. ISO #209

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Distorted, you should be the most experienced player here. Yet going through your posts and thinking "Is he a good guy? Is he trying to help town winning? Or just posting enough to stay over water?" - well, the answer to that question should be mighty obvious.
    When I posted that, I was posting it with the hopes that @Distorted would go full panic mode in response if I was on to something.

    However, I will let that, semi-expected, post from Distorted give a pass from being a scum read just because he brought @Marshmallow Marshall to my attention. As i was completely blind to MM - him and @Soviet_Love were the only ones I was sure about not being evil. Kudos to Distorted for making me more open minded about him.

    But here comes the fun part. I feel like there is something here but I just don't know what yet. Why did Distorted feel the need to paint @blinkskater as the victim that is being targetted by the scummy MM and Ozy? As far as I could tell - I was commenting on what and how much everyone was posting and from the 4 players that I painted in a negative picture, blinks picture was the cleanest one. Whilst MM was questioning blinks decision to ask for mass role claims, which was already discussed by then to be bad. Is Distorted overprotecting blink? Because it felt unncessary.

    I don't think by any means that possible evils could be both Blink+Distorted, because first of all - that would mean I give a pass to both: @Magoroth and @Noz_Bugz , which I can't. One of them has to be evil for sure. I'm leaning more towards Distorted distracting Town from one of them.

    I know I'm contradicting myself about Distorted in this post, but it's because I respond to a very very large post of his.

  10. ISO #210

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    (assuming there is 1 new player and 1 experienced player in the scum team, which seems plausible
    This statement and Noz_Bugz's prediction that 'new players will carry town' fit so well together, somehow.

  11. ISO #211

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I rescind my statement.

    I grow more paranoid with each post, haha.
    Last edited by ; February 24th, 2018 at 01:17 AM.

  12. ISO #212

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Speaking from my own perspective, knowing that I am town, I know that if either I or Noz_Bugz is evil, then Noz_Bugz it is. Also, why are you letting Blinkskater go so easily, @Marshmallow Marshall ?
    Last edited by ; February 24th, 2018 at 02:08 AM. Reason: Fuck, my grammar skills are 0 xD

  13. ISO #213

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    One thing to keep in mind is that a scummy player would be generally unwilling to directly attack someone else... and nearly everyone in the game has, to some extent, attacked someone. The only two players who haven't attacked someone are Noz_Bugz and Blinkskater. Apathy? Not a good trait to have in a town player.

    Then again, Distorted always leads town as the neutral evil, so try not to put too much faith in what I just said. Take it with a grain of salt.
    @Distorted , I find you to be perhaps the second most suspicious player, after Noz_Bugz, or perhaps the third if Blinkskater is also taken into account.
    Last edited by ; February 24th, 2018 at 01:37 AM.

  14. ISO #214

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Then again, I suppose you could take the sudden change in my behaviour as proof that I am trying to get you guys to mislynch, having grown desperate that I am now on the radar and that my previous attempt to get Blinkskater/Soviet Love lynched failed.

    However, if I were scum, then I would obviously not be trying so hard for Blinkskater if he were indeed scum. So he would have to be a town player. And if he were to flip townie, I would, according to @Marshmallow Marshall 's statement, be INSTANTLY LYNCHED THE NEXT DAY.
    It would be quite stupid of to me to go accusing players at random like this. No, if I were scum, I would be trying to convince you all not to Lynch, JUST so I could be given town credit, without actually contributing anything. Which is what Blinkskater's been doing thus far.

  15. ISO #215

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    @OzyWho , supposing that Marshmallow Marshall is a townie, then you have to take into account Distorted's seeding the sliver of mistrust into your view of him. He has been the most pro-town player in this town... which, could, actually, be indicative of scum. Still, I find him to be the least likely player to be a scum, in which case Distorted's rather... I don't know, very fine, slight accusation would seem quite suspicious.
    Last edited by ; February 24th, 2018 at 01:51 AM.

  16. ISO #216

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    If more than two people vote up Noz_Bugz today, I will change my vote to the third person, regardless of who that person is.
    Last edited by ; February 24th, 2018 at 02:17 AM. Reason: Yep, 0 grammar skills. 'If more than two people WILL'... Jesus. Send me back to elementary school. xD

  17. ISO #217

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    @Gyrlander , are PMs allowed?

  18. ISO #218

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    In any case, Blinkskater might actually be town, he reads as more of an inactive townie than a true scum.

  19. ISO #219

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Just noticed something, potential slip that I will however not tell for now. Bookmark post #4
    What slip? Care to elaborate? Since OzyWho is pretty much, in my eyes, the only confirmed townie in this setup, I would like to hear what slip it is that you noted.

    @Marshmallow Marshall

  20. ISO #220

  21. ISO #221

  22. ISO #222

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Ok. Let's assume the following:

    Marshmallow is a witch and trying to mislead the town into not lynching.

    The problems with this thought pattern:

    As it has already been explained by several others, it would be in the witches' advantage to cause a mislynch. Marshmallow Marshall is strongly opposed to the idea of a lynch on the first day, and has, in fact, urged us not to be voting people up. This however could be a witch trying to seem pro-town; if so he should very soon find a reason to cause us to lynch someone, either now or on the second day. Thus far, Marshmallow Marshall has been acting incredibly pro-town, so he is likely not a witch.

    @Marshmallow Marshall , don't be saying stuff like ''I expect to die the first night.'' Scum could take advantage of that statement and frame you by keeping you alive. If there is a protective role in this game, I think you should either be defending Marshmallow or one of the he has not accused.


    Player has been shitposting constantly.

    If the player is a witch, then:

    ''Soviet Love will turn out to be a witch"
    "Blink will flip arson''
    ''New players will carry town''

    Is one of the new players a scum? And that second statement is extremely interesting. Why Arsonist and not Grand Master, for instance? And, what I find the most suspicious is your laid-back attitude.
    @Noz_Bugz :

    I am advocating voting this man up if blind voting is called.
    IF he flips witch, then:

    ''Soviet Love will somehow turn out to be a witch"
    What is this statement? Are you trying to rescue him by framing him? Are you saying we should vote him up?

    Notice how ''new players'' isn't a player, but, rather, a group of people?
    They're the only ones you haven't named. Why is that?

    You, sir, have my vote. Please, explain yourself.

    -vote Noz_Bugz
    These were all comments related to last game. Blink was the strongest town read and he turned out to be Arsonist and won the game with it - was kind of an inside troll =P

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    When I posted that, I was posting it with the hopes that @Distorted would go full panic mode in response if I was on to something.

    However, I will let that, semi-expected, post from Distorted give a pass from being a scum read just because he brought @Marshmallow Marshall to my attention. As i was completely blind to MM - him and @Soviet_Love were the only ones I was sure about not being evil. Kudos to Distorted for making me more open minded about him.

    But here comes the fun part. I feel like there is something here but I just don't know what yet. Why did Distorted feel the need to paint @blinkskater as the victim that is being targetted by the scummy MM and Ozy? As far as I could tell - I was commenting on what and how much everyone was posting and from the 4 players that I painted in a negative picture, blinks picture was the cleanest one. Whilst MM was questioning blinks decision to ask for mass role claims, which was already discussed by then to be bad. Is Distorted overprotecting blink? Because it felt unncessary.

    I don't think by any means that possible evils could be both Blink+Distorted, because first of all - that would mean I give a pass to both: @Magoroth and @Noz_Bugz , which I can't. One of them has to be evil for sure. I'm leaning more towards Distorted distracting Town from one of them.

    I know I'm contradicting myself about Distorted in this post, but it's because I respond to a very very large post of his.
    no, I think Magoroth was targetting blink. The posts i made in my wall post are comments on the quote ABOVE it - read my blue text, then the quote ABOVE the blue text.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Then again, I suppose you could take the sudden change in my behaviour as proof that I am trying to get you guys to mislynch, having grown desperate that I am now on the radar and that my previous attempt to get Blinkskater/Soviet Love lynched failed.

    However, if I were scum, then I would obviously not be trying so hard for Blinkskater if he were indeed scum. So he would have to be a town player. And if he were to flip townie, I would, according to @Marshmallow Marshall 's statement, be INSTANTLY LYNCHED THE NEXT DAY.
    It would be quite stupid of to me to go accusing players at random like this. No, if I were scum, I would be trying to convince you all not to Lynch, JUST so I could be given town credit, without actually contributing anything. Which is what Blinkskater's been doing thus far.
    This is a really interesting post...could be outting your exact train of thought AND it shows your votes on blink and soviet were actually attempts to lynch, and not pressure votes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    In any case, Blinkskater might actually be town, he reads as more of an inactive townie than a true scum.
    Nothing has changed in blinks posts.... from the string of posts panic does seem to be part of the theme

  23. ISO #223

  24. ISO #224

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Wtf 7 mentions?! Please don't abuse, and Magoroth don't edit your posts, it's forbidden.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  25. ISO #225

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Oh my god I mentioned you 7 times sorry I will not do that again in the future

  26. ISO #226

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    I apologise. I am not posting too much because I am unfamiliar with this type of game. I also have a relatively short attention span, so that goes there...

    @Marshmallow Marshall , I agree with your assessment of Noz_Bugz. I'm going to read this thread for the time being, see what I can prowl out of everyone's comments.
    Ok, just make sure you contribute enough and don't fear your words too much. And for god's sake, stop editing every post, I'm pretty sure it was typo for the biggest part but you can't do that, it's considered as cheating.
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Ok. Let's assume the following:

    Marshmallow is a witch and trying to mislead the town into not lynching.

    The problems with this thought pattern:

    As it has already been explained by several others, it would be in the witches' advantage to cause a mislynch. Marshmallow Marshall is strongly opposed to the idea of a lynch on the first day, and has, in fact, urged us not to be voting people up. This however could be a witch trying to seem pro-town; if so he should very soon find a reason to cause us to lynch someone, either now or on the second day. Thus far, Marshmallow Marshall has been acting incredibly pro-town, so he is likely not a witch.

    @Marshmallow Marshall , don't be saying stuff like ''I expect to die the first night.'' Scum could take advantage of that statement and frame you by keeping you alive. If there is a protective role in this game, I think you should either be defending Marshmallow or one of the he has not accused.


    Player has been shitposting constantly.

    If the player is a witch, then:

    ''Soviet Love will turn out to be a witch"
    "Blink will flip arson''
    ''New players will carry town''

    Is one of the new players a scum? And that second statement is extremely interesting. Why Arsonist and not Grand Master, for instance? And, what I find the most suspicious is your laid-back attitude.
    @Noz_Bugz :

    I am advocating voting this man up if blind voting is called.
    IF he flips witch, then:

    ''Soviet Love will somehow turn out to be a witch"
    What is this statement? Are you trying to rescue him by framing him? Are you saying we should vote him up?

    Notice how ''new players'' isn't a player, but, rather, a group of people?
    They're the only ones you haven't named. Why is that?

    You, sir, have my vote. Please, explain yourself.

    -vote Noz_Bugz
    Could you please explain the reason of this? It looks like you're setting up my lynch for later, but then you say I'm probably innocent.

    Well, true, but scum might also kill me... or not because a potential protective, or to frame me, as you said. Don't worry, I've thought about it and it's probably going to happen anyway.

    Then comes the case against Noz_Bugz. You're bringing something to my attention: his shitpost about predictions. This could be an attempt to communicate with the other witch (assuming noz is witch of course) to give them indications on who to vote, or things like that. He mentioned that the stuff there was supposed to be memes, but looking at it, I see only "Blink will flip arson" as a meme (last game, blink was Arsonist and won because he was great) as one. The others are weird. I agree on voting this man if blind voting is called tomorrow.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  27. ISO #227

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Oh my god I mentioned you 7 times sorry I will not do that again in the future
    Lol no problems at least you posted stuff, reading through it atm xD just don't SPAM the mentions, I really thought I had done something wrong when I logged in tbh
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  28. ISO #228

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    When I posted that, I was posting it with the hopes that @Distorted would go full panic mode in response if I was on to something.

    However, I will let that, semi-expected, post from Distorted give a pass from being a scum read just because he brought @Marshmallow Marshall to my attention. As i was completely blind to MM - him and @Soviet_Love were the only ones I was sure about not being evil. Kudos to Distorted for making me more open minded about him.

    But here comes the fun part. I feel like there is something here but I just don't know what yet. Why did Distorted feel the need to paint @blinkskater as the victim that is being targetted by the scummy MM and Ozy? As far as I could tell - I was commenting on what and how much everyone was posting and from the 4 players that I painted in a negative picture, blinks picture was the cleanest one. Whilst MM was questioning blinks decision to ask for mass role claims, which was already discussed by then to be bad. Is Distorted overprotecting blink? Because it felt unncessary.

    I don't think by any means that possible evils could be both Blink+Distorted, because first of all - that would mean I give a pass to both: @Magoroth and @Noz_Bugz , which I can't. One of them has to be evil for sure. I'm leaning more towards Distorted distracting Town from one of them.

    I know I'm contradicting myself about Distorted in this post, but it's because I respond to a very very large post of his.
    He wouldn't go on panic, not on D1.

    Okay? First: how does that give a free pass to the post??? Scumplay 101: accuse other people to avoid getting accused. Second: would you be twisting Distorted's post into a suspicion of me...? Please quote the part where he says I'm suspicious or something like that, I didn't see it.

    Well I think that's the meta part about Distorted/blinkskater. They're friends. Also, Distorted knows I'm not the best at reading blink... look at his bullshit read saying "I read blink as town because MM reads him as scum". Btw remember all lists of reads, they will probably be useful later in the game.

    I don't think Distorted was distracting anyone from the potential scums, because blink was already under the spotlight. Not Magoroth nor Noz_Bugz. His wall post even accused Magoroth (I think, will re-read it) slightly.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  29. ISO #229

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    What slip? Care to elaborate? Since OzyWho is pretty much, in my eyes, the only confirmed townie in this setup, I would like to hear what slip it is that you noted.

    @Marshmallow Marshall
    It will be done on Day 2. If I was to die N1, it'll be in my last will for you to see it. I have reasons to not reveal it. Sometimes, it's better to not give information because scums could use it to their advantage.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  30. ISO #230

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Speaking from my own perspective, knowing that I am town, I know that if either I or Noz_Bugz is evil, then Noz_Bugz it is. Also, why are you letting Blinkskater go so easily, @Marshmallow Marshall ?
    Because there's nothing to push for now. It's hard to push someone based on a few posts about things that were already discussed. I'm not sure enough to push him, as I said in my list of reads he's the 50/50 one.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  31. ISO #231

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    One thing to keep in mind is that a scummy player would be generally unwilling to directly attack someone else... and nearly everyone in the game has, to some extent, attacked someone. The only two players who haven't attacked someone are Noz_Bugz and Blinkskater. Apathy? Not a good trait to have in a town player.

    Then again, Distorted always leads town as the neutral evil, so try not to put too much faith in what I just said. Take it with a grain of salt.
    @Distorted , I find you to be perhaps the second most suspicious player, after Noz_Bugz, or perhaps the third if Blinkskater is also taken into account.
    A grain of salt? That's english? Btw it's a real question, I'm not native english :P
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  32. ISO #232

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Then again, I suppose you could take the sudden change in my behaviour as proof that I am trying to get you guys to mislynch, having grown desperate that I am now on the radar and that my previous attempt to get Blinkskater/Soviet Love lynched failed.

    However, if I were scum, then I would obviously not be trying so hard for Blinkskater if he were indeed scum. So he would have to be a town player. And if he were to flip townie, I would, according to @Marshmallow Marshall 's statement, be INSTANTLY LYNCHED THE NEXT DAY.
    It would be quite stupid of to me to go accusing players at random like this. No, if I were scum, I would be trying to convince you all not to Lynch, JUST so I could be given town credit, without actually contributing anything. Which is what Blinkskater's been doing thus far.
    Nope nope. I said whoever was to hammer blink OR anyone was going to be instant lynched the next day. Of course, if this player was a Witch, then I think we'd reconsider... Blink's playstyle is scummy in itself, and the more he talks and doesn't talk the more I suspect him...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  33. ISO #233

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    @OzyWho , supposing that Marshmallow Marshall is a townie, then you have to take into account Distorted's seeding the sliver of mistrust into your view of him. He has been the most pro-town player in this town... which, could, actually, be indicative of scum. Still, I find him to be the least likely player to be a scum, in which case Distorted's rather... I don't know, very fine, slight accusation would seem quite suspicious.
    Omg. Too scummy to be scum, and now too towny to be town? WHERE'S THE SQUIRREL RAGE IMAGE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA xD

    I still don't get where's that accusation. @OzyWho
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  34. ISO #234

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    In any case, Blinkskater might actually be town, he reads as more of an inactive townie than a true scum.
    I know... Damn you @blinkskater , stop being silent and comment the lists of reads, the suspicions, Noz_Bugz's case... Come here pls!!
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  35. ISO #235

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    These were all comments related to last game. Blink was the strongest town read and he turned out to be Arsonist and won the game with it - was kind of an inside troll =P

    MarshMarsh: It might've been only trolling, but maybe it was communication to a witch partner. If he was to flip scum later, we'd have to examinate this post.

    no, I think Magoroth was targetting blink. The posts i made in my wall post are comments on the quote ABOVE it - read my blue text, then the quote ABOVE the blue text.

    This is a really interesting post...could be outting your exact train of thought AND it shows your votes on blink and soviet were actually attempts to lynch, and not pressure votes.

    Right. Maybe he's hiding in plain sight? Or maybe he's just honest...

    Nothing has changed in blinks posts.... from the string of posts panic does seem to be part of the theme
    Two charcters. Happy, damn website?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  36. ISO #236

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    Why Ozy and Magoroth are turning my wall post into accusing MM is beyond me. Can you explain where that train of thought is coming from? examples from it targetting MM?
    Ok so my reading of it was legit... you didn't even accuse me lol
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  37. ISO #237

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    I need to go in +- 10 minutes, I'd like an answer so I can think about it while I'm gone
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  38. ISO #238

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    I need to go in +- 10 minutes, I'd like an answer so I can think about it while I'm gone
    Ok then lol, checking out for 3 hours, mention me (you can do it, just not every post :P) if you need me to review some points. Have fun
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  39. ISO #239

  40. ISO #240

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    @Distorted , @Marshmallow Marshall
    Sorry, it seems I did a literal misread. I don't know why but a few of Distorted sentences where @Magoroth was mentioned, in my memeory it was MM instead. An example - where Distorted said that it looks like me and Mag are teaming up to paint @blinkskater as scummy, I remember it being MM not Mag in that sentence when I read it.
    Reading through it a bit: I think I did more than just 2-3 literal misreads. I even can't find sentences that are in my memory as if I had read them. Idk how that happend.
    Try to not get tilted or biased because of it. It happens to me in SC2Maf all the time. Though there it's more about me missing out a lot of stuff that was in the chat.

    I will later re-read some of this thread and will probably give my final thoughts about things before the days end.

    As of now, @Soviet_Love is the only confirmed townie in my eyes and here is my reasoning for it:
    He has delivered the only concrete thing that town had to work with - math numbers about role possibilities and list of possible Witch roles with comments.

    Almost everything else in this thread has been nothing but speculation. If this day would last 72 hours, I think that by the days end - people who give the weakest reasonings would seem like the evilest, just because all we do is find faults in peoples arguments and base our judgements on that. Which is normal I guess, since there is nothing more to work with. Give a false argument with a left out reasoning - 100 posts later it could snowball to a mislynch.

    Let me ask something concrete. There is one none-killing witch role that I am scared of because Idk what to do if it shows up. I'm talking about Telepath (Judge). What do we do if it shows up D2? Let me address this question to @Noz_Bugz . I want to see something from him and get to know him better by just a scrap.

  41. ISO #241

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    @Distorted , @Marshmallow Marshall
    Sorry, it seems I did a literal misread. I don't know why but a few of Distorted sentences where @Magoroth was mentioned, in my memeory it was MM instead. An example - where Distorted said that it looks like me and Mag are teaming up to paint @blinkskater as scummy, I remember it being MM not Mag in that sentence when I read it.
    Reading through it a bit: I think I did more than just 2-3 literal misreads. I even can't find sentences that are in my memory as if I had read them. Idk how that happend.
    Try to not get tilted or biased because of it. It happens to me in SC2Maf all the time. Though there it's more about me missing out a lot of stuff that was in the chat.

    I will later re-read some of this thread and will probably give my final thoughts about things before the days end.

    As of now, @Soviet_Love is the only confirmed townie in my eyes and here is my reasoning for it:
    He has delivered the only concrete thing that town had to work with - math numbers about role possibilities and list of possible Witch roles with comments.

    Almost everything else in this thread has been nothing but speculation. If this day would last 72 hours, I think that by the days end - people who give the weakest reasonings would seem like the evilest, just because all we do is find faults in peoples arguments and base our judgements on that. Which is normal I guess, since there is nothing more to work with. Give a false argument with a left out reasoning - 100 posts later it could snowball to a mislynch.

    Let me ask something concrete. There is one none-killing witch role that I am scared of because Idk what to do if it shows up. I'm talking about Telepath (Judge). What do we do if it shows up D2? Let me address this question to @Noz_Bugz . I want to see something from him and get to know him better by just a scrap.
    ....I was the first 1 to run numbers and probabilities here................lol

    but I do agree about hearing more from Noz we are 7 hours until day end and have not heard much. If there is an early judge call tomorrow and Noz has not posted anything I am in favor of voting him; just due to the lack of posts.

  42. ISO #242

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    @Distorted , @Marshmallow Marshall
    Sorry, it seems I did a literal misread. I don't know why but a few of Distorted sentences where @Magoroth was mentioned, in my memeory it was MM instead. An example - where Distorted said that it looks like me and Mag are teaming up to paint @blinkskater as scummy, I remember it being MM not Mag in that sentence when I read it.
    Reading through it a bit: I think I did more than just 2-3 literal misreads. I even can't find sentences that are in my memory as if I had read them. Idk how that happend.
    Try to not get tilted or biased because of it. It happens to me in SC2Maf all the time. Though there it's more about me missing out a lot of stuff that was in the chat.

    I will later re-read some of this thread and will probably give my final thoughts about things before the days end.

    As of now, @Soviet_Love is the only confirmed townie in my eyes and here is my reasoning for it:
    He has delivered the only concrete thing that town had to work with - math numbers about role possibilities and list of possible Witch roles with comments.

    Almost everything else in this thread has been nothing but speculation. If this day would last 72 hours, I think that by the days end - people who give the weakest reasonings would seem like the evilest, just because all we do is find faults in peoples arguments and base our judgements on that. Which is normal I guess, since there is nothing more to work with. Give a false argument with a left out reasoning - 100 posts later it could snowball to a mislynch.

    Let me ask something concrete. There is one none-killing witch role that I am scared of because Idk what to do if it shows up. I'm talking about Telepath (Judge). What do we do if it shows up D2? Let me address this question to @Noz_Bugz . I want to see something from him and get to know him better by just a scrap.
    He is not confirmed. Nor am I. Nor are you. The word confirmed is very strong. Do not use that word without a good reason. A confirmed player is a revealed mayor or a sheriff that found a scum. Even there, the Sheriff could be bussing (throwing under the bus, betraying his scum ally to gain trust) and in fact be a scum.

    Soviet's math post is indeed very pro-town, but not confirming him in any way. He could just be making efforts to SEEM protown while being scum and setting up lynches for later.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  43. ISO #243

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Distorted View Post
    ....I was the first 1 to run numbers and probabilities here................lol

    but I do agree about hearing more from Noz we are 7 hours until day end and have not heard much. If there is an early judge call tomorrow and Noz has not posted anything I am in favor of voting him; just due to the lack of posts.
    SL did way more than you though. And yes, I agree, we must hear more from @Noz_Bugz . You're the suspect atm, why aren't you showing up and defending yourself/answering our questions?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  44. ISO #244

  45. ISO #245

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    To Distorted: Yes, I did indeed panic, because I've been singled out as one of the prime suspects, along with Noz_Bugz. I don't want to be lynched, certainly not on the first day, that would be literally retarded for a new player xD

  46. ISO #246

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    @Distorted , @Marshmallow Marshall
    Sorry, it seems I did a literal misread. I don't know why but a few of Distorted sentences where @Magoroth was mentioned, in my memeory it was MM instead. An example - where Distorted said that it looks like me and Mag are teaming up to paint @blinkskater as scummy, I remember it being MM not Mag in that sentence when I read it.
    Reading through it a bit: I think I did more than just 2-3 literal misreads. I even can't find sentences that are in my memory as if I had read them. Idk how that happend.
    Try to not get tilted or biased because of it. It happens to me in SC2Maf all the time. Though there it's more about me missing out a lot of stuff that was in the chat.

    I will later re-read some of this thread and will probably give my final thoughts about things before the days end.

    As of now, @Soviet_Love is the only confirmed townie in my eyes and here is my reasoning for it:
    He has delivered the only concrete thing that town had to work with - math numbers about role possibilities and list of possible Witch roles with comments.

    Almost everything else in this thread has been nothing but speculation. If this day would last 72 hours, I think that by the days end - people who give the weakest reasonings would seem like the evilest, just because all we do is find faults in peoples arguments and base our judgements on that. Which is normal I guess, since there is nothing more to work with. Give a false argument with a left out reasoning - 100 posts later it could snowball to a mislynch.

    Let me ask something concrete. There is one none-killing witch role that I am scared of because Idk what to do if it shows up. I'm talking about Telepath (Judge). What do we do if it shows up D2? Let me address this question to @Noz_Bugz . I want to see something from him and get to know him better by just a scrap.
    Thank you for the support I agree in that we (as in the town) need to discuss our (as in the game) possible set-ups and what our (as in the town) optimal play should be. Concretely, and not based on typos or forced "slips" or who posts the most or the least.

    I like that we have discussed a bit what to do in each situation. 0 killing roles is our best bet, and the most likely setup of the 3 I've mentioned.

    We should also discuss what to do if there are 2 killing roles. (So far we have assumed they are both the godfather, as in they each get 1 kill). But our killing roles could be the Arsonist and the Mass Murderer. In such a situation, it may be unlikely that it will simply be 3v2 and then we much lynch and pray we get it right. We could be lulled into a false sense of security by only 1 kill. Or, maybe a TPR will also visit the target and get killed. I know it's 9%, and the least likely, but we should consider what our play is. We have the time.

  47. ISO #247

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    To Distorted: Yes, I did indeed panic, because I've been singled out as one of the prime suspects, along with Noz_Bugz. I don't want to be lynched, certainly not on the first day, that would be literally retarded for a new player xD
    this is what pressure is I have no intention to push a lynch, but when you pressure people you get reactions. Usually panic is a sign of an evil trying to cover. Also we look for people defending or trying to steer the conversation away from them or others under pressure (passive defending). That's why pressure voting can be a good thing, when people get close to L-1 it really starts to show factions and people trying to cover/help teammates ect. That is why I didn't agree with the post about not voting, it removes the ability to put real pressure.

    Pressure is the towns strongest weapon. You and me play a similar strategy in the mod of putting people up for roles - well putting people under pressure in FM is the equivalent since there is no trials in this.

  48. ISO #248

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Right now, my most town reads are MM and Distorted, and my most scummy reads are Magoloth and Noz_Bugs. And I'm neutral on Ozy and blink. But like it's only based on some text, nothing hard and fast, just about who seems to be helpful (which can easily be manufactured).

    If you want to raise as a town-read for me, please discuss different combinations of witch set-ups (or maybe our own possible town power setups - we haven't discussed that yet and it is worth considering what our strategy should be given possible TPR roles). Discussion along this line is unobjectionable and will bring everyone up to speed.

  49. ISO #249

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    Can we have some ideas on possible combinations of town powers? Each of the following has a 1/10 chance:

    (1) Sheriff
    (2) Vigilante
    (3) Detective
    (4) Mason Leader
    (4b) Mason
    (5) Escort
    (6) Doctor
    (7) Jailor
    ( Bodyguard
    (9) Architect
    (10) Crier

    Of these, 2 are invest roles (sheriff, detective).
    Of these, 2 are killing roles (vigilante, jailor).
    Of these, 3 are protective roles (doctor, escort, bodyguard)
    Of these, 2 are government-type roles (crier, Mason Leader/Mason)
    Of these, 1 are unique roles (Architect).

    What combinations of these are possible? We can discuss optimal town strategy in each. We seem to be assuming that we will have an invest role, but I would like to point that it is much more likely than not that there are no invest town power roles in this set-up.

  50. ISO #250

    Re: S-FM 245 Which Witch is Which? - GYRLANDER -

    You ever heard the phrase if you want something done right, do it yourself?

    I keep trying to give the town leads to discuss and talk about that can help everyone get on the same page. But within like 6 posts after I type, people are back to trying to pressure vote each other and reading into what the word "we" means. Ugh it's ridiculous. Just, for a second, humor me and pretend you are interested in figuring out probabilities of our set-up and what town's gameplay should be. I agree with Ozy in that it is very very difficult to get reads.

    I liked Distorted's comment about how we can use pressure votes as like a day-invest. But idk about you, I haven't learned anything from our pressure votes thus far. And I'm scared that the witches will hop on and be able to say some bullshit about why they shouldn't be lynched the following round (or a judge call court!). But regardless - we can both consider the possible witch set-ups, as well as the possible town power set ups, and how we should change our play depending on this.



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