Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

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  1. ISO #1

    Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    How To Enter:
    Post in this forum with the following information:

    • A replay of the game
    • SC2 Account Name
    • In-game name and player #
    • A brief description on why you think you think you (or the player you're nominating) deserves to be MVP.

    Nominating An MVP:
    You can nominate yourself in your own replay, or you can nominate another player. If you nominate a winning player, and they win, you will also receive a prize to be decided by the staff.

    How To Win:
    Factors that lead to a win are... how strong your given role was, Special Achievements you earned (or would have earned if not already won), how good (or bad) the other players were, and how much influence your own actions had in the game.

    Additional Information:
    This thread will be open until the end of February 2018, at which time the contest will be closed for judging. Please remember to follow the rules below when posting a replay. And remember... be sneaky and have some fun!

    WINNER: MVP In-Game Achievement, MVP Forum Badge, and 2500 points.
    RUNNER-UP: 500 points.


    • A maximum of 2 replays are allow per submitting player. Any submissions beyond the first 2 will be ignored. If you want to make additional submissions, delete an older post first to be ensure you only have 2 submissions.
    • You cannot place more than once per contest... this means you cannot win 1st place with one replay and also 2nd place with another.
    • DO NOT submit any replays where you were breaking any rules. All replays in this contest are reviewed and punishments may occur.
    • Replays must be complete and not end before points are saved at the end.

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00


    Last edited by Nighthawk; January 3rd, 2018 at 10:51 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    -Mafia- (507) MVP Contest Arsonist win no ignite.SC2Replay

    Setup information: The Neutral roles are: Neutral Killing, Neutral Random (does not exclude anything) and Neutral Benign.

    I choose the name THE LYNCH TRAIN'S DISCIPLE and roll Arsonist in slot #3.

    Day One: Nothing really happens, I play low profile.
    Night One: I douse #15, which will later appear to be the Marshall. Then, a Veteran (#4) kills the Framer. I get attacked two times: once by the Triad, and then by the Serial Killer. Remember: the setup allows two neutral killers in the game. I will use this particularity later in the game.

    Day Two: I claim being jailed N1 to avoid being called out in a death note. It also allows me to claim Executioner later, since it is night immune. We also discover the Framer's death, and someone tells to the Veteran to reveal, since mafia knows who he is. He does it. For some reason, people start voting him. I add some CHOO CHOO on #4's train, and then he gets put on trial, and innocented by a vote of 5 against 4. People scream everywhere to lynch players that guiltied, and then vote me. I give Executioner as a defense, say I'll side with Town, and that Bus Driver can use me as a shield. I know that if I am innocented, the Serial Killer that attacked me N1 will "prove" that he's the only Neutral Killing, since the setups do not usually allow more than one NK role. I get innocented, and thank the Town.
    Nothing interesting in N2.

    The next things that happened are: I get the information that #14 is the Escort that RBed me. People throw accusations everywhere. The Marshall (#15) calls for a group execution and gets his suspects. The day ends with 2 Townies and the Serial Killer dead.
    Then, white previlege (#8, Sheriff) says that I am Arsonist. I keep claiming Executioner, and use the SK's death as a defense. I do not get put on trial. Instead of that, we lynch the Jester (#11) for voting the Marshall. #7, a Mafia member, has a fake last will called out by Marshall. He changes it. The night following the Jester's death, #5 (Godfather) dies from guilt. The game keeps going... Some day, #8 ragequits because noone listened to him. With the Marshall dead, the game ends up in a 1-1-1 situation on decisive day. Everyone thinks it is #3 (Executioner) #4 (Veteran) and #7 (Mafioso). In fact, #3 (me) is Arsonist... I keep claiming Executioner and lynch my "target", #4. I fake until the night occurs... and win the game against the Mafioso (#7) from a tie breaker.

    Why did I never burn? For two reasons:
    #1: The setting "Victim's targets are ignitied" was on. I could've got hoist by my own molotov. It would've been sad...
    #2: The Serial Killer being dead, I was a confirmed Executioner for the other players. If I had burnt, I would have been obvious.

    Achievements: First Arsonist Win, All Neutral Roles. If I had ignited, I could have got Disco Inferno, and maybe Hoist By His Own Molotov. I get a lovely +193 points.

    I hope that you enjoyed my replay. Gl hf!
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; January 3rd, 2018 at 06:22 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by BoxerRebellion View Post
    Would you tolerate a replay that involves me spamming as a Marshall even though I was able to lynch two informants and an executioner? Followed up with DH and Arson Lynch?
    Spamming is strongly discouraged, but not against the rules unless it ruins the game.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    -Mafia- (607) MVP Interrogator win.SC2Replay

    I choose the name The Leek and role Interrogator in slot #14.
    The save is a 82221, with non-immune GF/DH.
    Achievements: First Interrogator win and Last of Kin (already had it).
    SC2 name: Zeratul

    I kidnap #7, the Mayor, N1. A jailor (#1) jails him too. We both spare him, him because he didn't want to kill mayor claim and me in order to be confirmed to him when he'll reveal.

    Later in the game, I use my kidnaps to reveal people's roles to the Triad (me and #10). I execute the impossible Bus Driver claim to kill the last mafia. I fake kidnapping my DH to clean him for now. The following night, I kidnap #15 (Survivor) on Mayor's demand. #10 was going to kill the jailed Bodyguard, which would cost us the game... but the problem is that if survivor tells I'm interrogator to Mayor because he saw me talking to my DH, I'll die... Crap! So I use the "I claimed day 1" said by 15 to disguise my "kill 1 not 2" in "1; 1; day one?". Mayor gets confused by all that stuff because he thinks I'm jailor. 10 gets lynched, sadly, because of a fishy doctor last will. 2, the Bodyguard, dies from my gun the following night. The situation is now: #7 Mayor, #14 Interrogator/Enforcer, #15 Survivor. My last will is N1: #7 mayor double jail lol N2: #1 jailor LOL N3: #11 exe N4: #10 doc N5: #15 surv N6: N/A. Mayor decides to lynch #15. Game ends on Day 8 with a Triad victory.
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; February 13th, 2018 at 11:51 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition


    Does everyone have to re-post replays, since the last contest was cancelled? Because if they must, I'm feeling kinda bad atm because all replays are mine... If not, maybe previous sumbitted replays should be re-sumbitted?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post

    Does everyone have to re-post replays, since the last contest was cancelled? Because if they must, I'm feeling kinda bad atm because all replays are mine... If not, maybe previous sumbitted replays should be re-sumbitted?
    Yeah, I mean it's a little disappointing so far there's no submissions but you. Since I'm the new Judge, the replays need to be here. Hopefully there will be some late comers, there's no fun to a one-man MVP contest.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Ok then. @BigWood @Gyrlander @secondpassing @Exeter350 @Stereo @PowersThatBe @Omegasaur @JamesChurchill @Redrick @Fury @Efekannn02 @Reverse Cowgirl @boxerrebellion; wont mention nighthawk for obvious reasons @DTZeratul @Hybrid @SpiritofFire @Tempest @marshymarshy @blinkskater @CrimsonFcker @PQRnHack

    A new MVP contest has appeared right here, and your previous replays fell into oblivion because of... some problems with last contest. But rejoice, for this thread EXISTS! You must re-sumbit your replays/sumbit new ones if you want to participate.
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; February 13th, 2018 at 01:04 PM. Reason: Because of the filthy 350 in your name, Exeter. Damn you.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Ok Here's what went down I started out the game as ML, and got attacked by SK N1, I was then healed by a WD, then I was audited into a Citizen and alas turned Into a cultist. We learn day 2 that out original cultist was jailed and executed night 1, leaving Mr. Moustache and myself blinkskater alone as cult. I came right out the closet as ML on day 2, 3 randomly gets put up and also claims ML on the stand, so naturally i have to SPAM BULLSHIT! and he's a liar etc etc, to make sure he gets lynched so there seems like there can be truth to my claim. SO after he was found guilty it made my case for ML look promising. Everyone started PMing me roles/LW and I acted all ML like pming and whispering everyone back playing the part real well, a Judge courts and somehow I survive. Next night I call some shots and Low and behold I get attacked by SK again and naturally my WD buddy is on me. I dont claim i was attacked the next day. I get updated roles and LW's pmed to me more and more do some deducting and figure out 14 was a big fat Liar and Boom get him lynched. Low wand behold! he was the SK, i knew his story didn't add up. Now i'm pretty much the hero and savior of this bloody town. Next days we continue converting and I continue to steer the town to "victory". Then judge tries to court me again but we were ready for him and get some schmuck lynched instead, then get that pesky judge lynched the next day, and that pretty much seals the deal for us Cult. The replay must be watched from my character KillMeNightOne and Pms should be read! ENjoy!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition


    Oh wow, this was a good one. I roll vet. I decide to goad mafia. Unsuccessful at first. Then I claim invest and pick #7 Donald Trump as my "scum target" based on his day 1 chat. I successfully get him lynched, flips disguiser. Then I alert and take out the GF, and a doc, poor girl. So then, I noticed 12's voting patterns and clearly scum question of "what should we vote?" So I push town to vote him, and take out the janitor.

    Now game doesn't end, i knew something had to be left. I ask for roles, and everyone pm's me b/c I'm confirmed AF. Well 5 claims vet, and I'm like no way bro, there's me vet and 2 is confirmed vigi. So I push vote on 5 after pushing inno on him, we lynch him and he flips sk.

    Well, 13 claims exe to me, and 2 confirms it. and I knew everything else was confirmed, so I push for 6 and have the neutral solo vote to minimize casualty. 6 flips witch.


  13. ISO #13

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Silencer game.

    I was paired with two newer players, my GF this was his first game ever. I suggested every single kill we made, and I silenced all of the correct targets. Later, I roped in the auditor after he audited me to ensure we had 4 solid votes at the end of game. I made 1 misstep, I selected to silence a veteran, however, I turned that lemon into lemonade as I was quickly able to fake my being silenced to get a mislynch off on him knowing he was a veteran. By pretending to be silenced first, I was able to make him look suspect. Later, I false claimed an invest role, claiming that one of the roles was the mm, getting a sheriff mislynched. I then suggested a kill on 13 who I found out to be the mm, and I wrapped the game up nicely.

    I earned my one teammate a flawless victory achievement, and both of my teammates got their first wins in their roles.

    Please enjoy the game and see if I'm worthy!


  14. ISO #14

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    I have a good solo witch doctor win. Being WD with no fellow cultists is a very hard win indeed.

    Note: I'm FloodingRain in sc2.

    Day 1: Failed to save 1.
    Day 2: bodyguard got voted up and inno'd. I figured 6 would be attacked, so I healed him. Turns out he was bussed, so the bussed target was attacked and converted to Cult. Recruited 9.
    Day 3: My cultist gamethrew after being converted, so I had 0 FUCKING CULTISTS AND TOWN THEN KNEW CULT WAS IN GAME (I FORGOT HOW SALTY I WAS, I'M REPORTING THAT MOTHER FUCKER). He was initially a jester, so he trolled to die anyway. Regardless, cult is now revealed and I am solo WD with 13 players still alive
    Day 4: Failed to save 5. Town discusses that any doctor claims are not to be trusted, as WD is a confirmed role in the game now (rolecards have no vanilla cult)
    Night 4: 7 was a lookout, and appeared to be very town in his play, so I healed him. He was attacked and converted.
    Day 5: Healed and recruited 7.
    Night 5: cultist recruits 13 (veteran)
    Day 6: Debating about what role to claim, lw, etc... so to buy time I claimed I had blood on my hands and had to clean it up.
    Convinced mayor BG couldn't be healed and I could only heal him (I needed him on my side)
    Day 7: Proved to mayor that I wasn't GF since I was RB'd
    Night 7: Tried to save 13 as I was sure he'd die, but escort RB'd me and stopped me from saving him. We recruited 11 (jailor) through conventional means as we knew all roles by that point and needed jailor.
    Night 8: I died, but had enough converts going around to win it in the end.

    Very rough game to win being solo WD, and then gamethrowing teammate caused us to be known very early. Successfully grew a large cult and cooperated with mayor all game to have enough numbers.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    I'm FloodingRain on sc2, sorry for the confusion <3

    Quote Originally Posted by Fury
    Who the hell quotes themselves in their own signature?

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Nighthawk View Post
    Yeah, I mean it's a little disappointing so far there's no submissions but you. Since I'm the new Judge, the replays need to be here. Hopefully there will be some late comers, there's no fun to a one-man MVP contest.
    there will be late comers

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Danil View Post
    there will be late comers
    Yeah I want to win but I don't want to win a 1v0 xD
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Player 1-S2-1-515276. If I place, please list me as PQRnHack/Player, since Blizzard renamed me a while back.

    9-3-3 save with confirmed Vet, Vigi, BG and 1.9 expected citizens (max 3).
    !!!!!!!CONTEST-Mafia- (1031).SC2Replay

    I choose the name I rage quit after Day 1 and flip #7 Agent with teammates #6 Godfather and #4 Mafioso. As an Agent, I can only shadow every other night in this save - this fact becomes somewhat important in the game.

    Day 1. #1 Survivor claims Survivor. #12 Citizen claims Citizen. #9 Citizen claims Town Government.

    Night 1. #4 Mafioso dies from targeting #11 Veteran. #8 Serial Killer fails to get a kill due to targeting the immune #6 Godfather. Not a good start for us evil guys and gals. I chose not to check anyone this night, as having legitimate LW on the even nights might be more believable later on.

    Day 2. #11 Veteran claims the confirmed Veteran who killed #4 Mafioso. #9 Citizen is voted up, but deemed Innocent. Day ends with no lynching.

    Night 2. I, #7 Agent, go ahead and use my every-other-night ability to shadow and check #10 Auditor observing him visiting unalert #11 Veteran. #6 Godfather heads to #3 Sheriff, but is killed by the protective #5 Bodyguard. #8 Serial Killer decides to attack #1 Survivor and is killed by his guard, #14 Bodyguard. I come to the realization that I am the last surviving Mafia, and things have gone from bad to worse in the matter of just 2 nights. I decide to take an aggressive action in the day.

    Day 3. I attempt to build trust with #11 Veteran by informing him that #10 visited him. Well, turns out that #11 Veteran/Citizen got audited that night, so my strategy seemingly backfired against my Neut Evil ally (but actually helped build more credibility). Based on my investigative lead, #10 Auditor is lynched. I am now the last remaining evil role against 7 town, and with 1 survivor on the side. Not to mention that 4 of those townsmen are Citizens who might win ties against me, if it comes down to that.

    During the day, #13 Vigilante claimed Vigilante, and I used this information for a fake LW later.

    Night 3. I, #7 Agent turned Mafioso, check logs and intel and attempt to avoid citizens for now, targeting and killing #3 Sheriff now that all the Bodyguards are gone.

    Day 4. As public roleclaims are called for, I use my knowledge of the citizens and vigilante to fill in 2/3 nights fake LW. #2 Coroner is voted up and lynched.

    Night 4. I move to neutralize my immediate threat and kill #13 Vigilante.

    Day 5. #9 Citizen becomes suspicious of me and demands my LW. I provide another updated fake LW that checks out as plausible. #15 Citizen is voted up and lynched.

    Night 5. I move to neutralize #11 Veteran/Citizen

    Day 6. It is now 1 Maf, 2 Town, 1 Survivor. #1 Survivor never said anything to show interest in helping evils (don't blame him when it is 7 town vs 1 mafia earlier in the game). Knowing that #9 Citizen seems competent and was suspicious of me earlier, I choose to validate him by stating he did not visit anyone and instead direct attention to #12 Citizen. I am voted up to the stand and act extremely upset at #9 Citizen for voting me up. I manage to convince him (who in turn asks #1 Survivor to inno me), and I am pardoned. #12 Citizen is voted up, and this time #1 Survivor votes with me to lynch him.

    Night 6. I kill the vest-less #9 Citizen and win the game.

    • I skipped N1 investigation (can only do it every other night) and waited for N2 to appear more legitimate.
    • I used my N2 investigation result to earn Town's trust and did not hesitate throwing the Auditor under the bus.
    • On Day 3, I was the last evil role remaining in the game, against 7 town players and with 1 survivor on the side.
    • I focused on the day chat and collected intel that allowed me to pick optimal target sequence, taking out functional roles first and leading to a confusing Citizen-filled ending.
    • I managed to get off from the stand by using deceptive behavior and a plausible LW.
    • I admit a 1v7 would be near impossible in a save without Citizens.
    • However, there was also a higher chance of 1v1 Citizen win in such a save. I managed to avoid it by keeping Survivor alive.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    If anyone else had fancy fonts in their original post (whose BB source can no longer be viewed or quoted due to locked thread), then here is a tool to convert HTML code to BB code. You will want to right-click the page with your post and do "View Source" (HTML source), then search for the start of your post and copy/paste that section into the tool below. Then click Convert to BBCode. Then paste this BB code into your reply in this forum.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by PQRnHack View Post
    Player 1-S2-1-515276. If I place, please list me as PQRnHack/Player, since Blizzard renamed me a while back.

    9-3-3 save with confirmed Vet, Vigi, BG and 1.9 expected citizens (max 3).
    !!!!!!!CONTEST-Mafia- (1031).SC2Replay

    I choose the name I rage quit after Day 1 and flip #7 Agent with teammates #6 Godfather and #4 Mafioso. As an Agent, I can only shadow every other night in this save - this fact becomes somewhat important in the game.

    Day 1. #1 Survivor claims Survivor. #12 Citizen claims Citizen. #9 Citizen claims Town Government.

    Night 1. #4 Mafioso dies from targeting #11 Veteran. #8 Serial Killer fails to get a kill due to targeting the immune #6 Godfather. Not a good start for us evil guys and gals. I chose not to check anyone this night, as having legitimate LW on the even nights might be more believable later on.

    Day 2. #11 Veteran claims the confirmed Veteran who killed #4 Mafioso. #9 Citizen is voted up, but deemed Innocent. Day ends with no lynching.

    Night 2. I, #7 Agent, go ahead and use my every-other-night ability to shadow and check #10 Auditor observing him visiting unalert #11 Veteran. #6 Godfather heads to #3 Sheriff, but is killed by the protective #5 Bodyguard. #8 Serial Killer decides to attack #1 Survivor and is killed by his guard, #14 Bodyguard. I come to the realization that I am the last surviving Mafia, and things have gone from bad to worse in the matter of just 2 nights. I decide to take an aggressive action in the day.

    Day 3. I attempt to build trust with #11 Veteran by informing him that #10 visited him. Well, turns out that #11 Veteran/Citizen got audited that night, so my strategy seemingly backfired against my Neut Evil ally (but actually helped build more credibility). Based on my investigative lead, #10 Auditor is lynched. I am now the last remaining evil role against 7 town, and with 1 survivor on the side. Not to mention that 4 of those townsmen are Citizens who might win ties against me, if it comes down to that.

    During the day, #13 Vigilante claimed Vigilante, and I used this information for a fake LW later.

    Night 3. I, #7 Agent turned Mafioso, check logs and intel and attempt to avoid citizens for now, targeting and killing #3 Sheriff now that all the Bodyguards are gone.

    Day 4. As public roleclaims are called for, I use my knowledge of the citizens and vigilante to fill in 2/3 nights fake LW. #2 Coroner is voted up and lynched.

    Night 4. I move to neutralize my immediate threat and kill #13 Vigilante.

    Day 5. #9 Citizen becomes suspicious of me and demands my LW. I provide another updated fake LW that checks out as plausible. #15 Citizen is voted up and lynched.

    Night 5. I move to neutralize #11 Veteran/Citizen

    Day 6. It is now 1 Maf, 2 Town, 1 Survivor. #1 Survivor never said anything to show interest in helping evils (don't blame him when it is 7 town vs 1 mafia earlier in the game). Knowing that #9 Citizen seems competent and was suspicious of me earlier, I choose to validate him by stating he did not visit anyone and instead direct attention to #12 Citizen. I am voted up to the stand and act extremely upset at #9 Citizen for voting me up. I manage to convince him (who in turn asks #1 Survivor to inno me), and I am pardoned. #12 Citizen is voted up, and this time #1 Survivor votes with me to lynch him.

    Night 6. I kill the vest-less #9 Citizen and win the game.

    • I skipped N1 investigation (can only do it every other night) and waited for N2 to appear more legitimate.
    • I used my N2 investigation result to earn Town's trust and did not hesitate throwing the Auditor under the bus.
    • On Day 3, I was the last evil role remaining in the game, against 7 town players and with 1 survivor on the side.
    • I focused on the day chat and collected intel that allowed me to pick optimal target sequence, taking out functional roles first and leading to a confusing Citizen-filled ending.
    • I managed to get off from the stand by using deceptive behavior and a plausible LW.
    • I admit a 1v7 would be near impossible in a save without Citizens.
    • However, there was also a higher chance of 1v1 Citizen win in such a save. I managed to avoid it by keeping Survivor alive.

    This was such a good read, I enjoyed it very much! Only post I read in this thread too tbh, because others feel more like walls-of-text to me. :P

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Name in game: Boston (3)
    Role: Escort

    As Escort, I always set my goals to find RB immune (likely DH/NK). Then, the final goal is to block the enforcer from killing.

    I believe I deserve the MVP because I played this role to perfection, with skills. The long description below is to explain my thought processes and actions being the MVP. I feel that i played it to perfection on every day and night, thus the long description. So, hope the admin would read through.

    I thought Escort is a vulnerable role at beginning so i start by claiming Escort on D1 so as to attract protection on me. As i was named "Veteran", I believe no one would visit me if I don't hint for protection. Thus, I succeeded in getting the BG (12) on me on N1.

    I went on 13 (IM) as he was more vocal, in hope of getting him to confirm me the following day. Also, the way he talked doesn't sound like town. I successfully blocked 13 (IM) from cleaning.

    Indeed, 13 confirmed he was RB'd, and asked who did it. I thought it is good time for me to reveal so as to gather more protection on me, so i admitted that i blocked him. Before the end of the day, I got 10 whispered me his action for N1 as i succeeded in getting his trust. He (10) claimed detective to me via pm that 12 visited me but I suspected that he could be evil (vanguard) for sharing info with me so early. At that point, I thought, even if 12 really visited me, I could have succeeded in attracting a prot. I need my protector to stay alive so if 10 is evil (vanguard), I have to lie to him about 12's possible role. Hence, I replied to 10, lying to him “I got annoyed so 12 must be jester”. That lie was so important because it really helped 12 (BG) to survive, with Triad thinking that he is jester.

    I decided i should continue to block 13 because he sounded like evil and spammed like one too. Thus, I succeeded blocking IM (13) from cleaning again. The cleaning blocks were essential for the town win.

    I heard a vig shot on N2 but it failed. I knew some townies are not so good at grasping the mechanics so i tried to spell it out first thing on D3 so as to give them a better idea. Giving townies an idea has two benefits, one is to lead them to understand the situation better, so they are more able to help town, two is such that I sound more like a town so that the Vig would not pick me as a target to random shoot. I started to lose trust in 10 (vanguard) who claimed detective to me with a dead detective (2) in graveyard, while he continued to pm me his leads. Marshall then revealed and lynched 7 (vig) and 1 (Arson). After seeing LW, you would know that Vig really did find the NI and 1’s 10% Survivor claim was fake. I kept my pm on Marshall so as to gain his trust more and attract prots who would notice that.

    At this point, if you check the Doctor's action (14). I have succeeded in getting the him to target heal me. Two protectors successfully attracted. I was healed that night by the doc (14). That was crucial.
    On the other hand' if you checked 11's screen he was trying to heal me too as WD! I blocked 11 that night because he spoke very little. I wonder, if i didn't block him. Would it be the Doc (14) or the WD (11) who would save me? That was an important block action on 11 (WD) too.

    Judge -court and Marshall -lynch to counter. Marshall (9) was lynched first. WD (11) was lynched right after.

    Investigator (5) was killed by triad.

    After the Investigator (5) was killed on N4, I was already in adrenaline mode, because I know it was at most 4 townies vs 3 triads and 1 judge. Usually at this point, if the judge reveals to the triad and they decided to wait out the day, town is losing for sure. I thought, I must random lynch the right person quickly before the triads start to rally the majority votes and guilt a town. Hence, I quickly decided that I should rally the people to vote up 6 (DH). I picked 6 to random, because he is the quietest among all. So, when I saw 8 revealing as vet, I quickly pm’d him to vote 6 up. Same thing i did, I guess 12 was a prot, I also pm’d him to vote 6 up. You have to understand - these little steps were important - I have to use pm to garner voters, because I would look like I am a maf pming other triads. If I were to openly claim i am a town, the Triad or Judge would rally the votes back on me. This was a trick to get the Judge to follow my vote. Indeed, Judge (4) followed my vote straight away. Once discussion ended, I start my first vote on 6 (DH) immediately. Note, at this point the Judge (4) immediately followed my vote on 6. Vet ( was hesitant to vote 6 (DH) up but luckily 14 (doc) who healed me on N3, knew that i was a townie, so he pm'd 8 (vet) to vote 6 up too. We ended up lynching 6 (DH). This was a major turning point. Town could have lost there if I did not rally the voting.

    At this point, I have completely lost trust in 10’s detective claim, due to three investigative roles dead in graveyard. So, I thought if i blocked him. Indeed, he is an enforcer after DH died, and I successfully blocked a triad attack that night. That was crucial in demoralising the triad.

    Judge 2nd -court.

    After blocking the enforcer (10), I already know both 10 and 13 investigative claims are fake. But I am not sure if 13 was judge or triad. Hence, if I spam the Juries to lynch 10, I may not be able to block the new enforcer successfully. Then, I decided to type “town all on 13 FAST” and we got that IM (13) lynched! Before day ends, you could see someone said among juries “good job Escort”

    Continued to block Enforcer. Enforcer, knowing triad had lost, he -suicided.

    As for the rest. You can read the text. Doc (14) got voted up but inno’d as he proved healing me N3. We lynched the Judge (4) then and Escort (3) carried.

    The ironical part about this is, I never thought i would submit an Escort role for MVP. I never even thought of carrying the town whenever i get this role. The were many other replays for other roles that i can submit for MVP contest.
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    Last edited by Danil; February 28th, 2018 at 04:03 AM.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    My 2nd Submission for MVP contest:

    Name in game: Boston (4)
    Role: SK

    I was thinking how can a SK be MVP. I thought i should submit this as some players in game were praising my good play (in the dead chat) as the SK.

    I was SK and was bus'd and silenced on N1. I thought it was a good opportunity for me to convince the town i was a mafia's target. Luckily, a spy also confirmed that i was a maf's target too. I thought, maybe i should just play like a townie and join their conversation as much as i can throughout the game. For the admin who is reviewing this, I suggest you check out the words i said throughout the game. I was trying to go with the flow, and say things like what a townie would. Keeping the discussion on when I should. I tried not to protect nor accuse anyone. I never got voted up. No one even ask me for my role nor lw. I thought i played well in this part.

    Not sure if the number of new players would affect this but you know - Most "new players" are not new.

    I still think my Escort play (1st submission) was the better one.
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  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Nighthawk's SC2Mafia MVP Contest: Winter 2018 Edition

    Congratulations to Danil, who has won MVP for his excellent and cunning play as an Escort!

    PQRnHack/Player has been selected as runner up for managing to overcome all odds as a sole mafia member after Day 2.

    Each player can reach out to me on the forum or in-game to claim their prizes!
    Thank you to everyone who participated!



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