Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrator.

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  1. ISO #1

    Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrator.

    Hello, I am a frog.
    I have been a longtime Asian server - mafia user.
    I am not different, but the motivation for this article is that I want to upload the North American Mafia to the new Asia-Mafia.
    Currently, Asia Korea-Mafia is abusing the power of the executive team, and if I do not do what I want to do, I have a van to abuse the power of the system and I am the victim. So I want to play the new-mafia-arcade I am hopeful.
    I would like to upload to Asia-Mafia!
    If you need a translation, I will help you anytime!

    Please! I can not reply by email and I post it on this post!
    My Blizzard Asian server tag nickname is #31611.

    안녕하세요, 저는 개구리라고 합니다.
    저는 오랫동안 아시아서버에서 -마피아-를 해왔던 유저입니다.
    제가 다름이 아니라 이 글을 몰리는 이유는 북미 마피아를 새로 아시아 -마피아-에 업로드를 해주었으면 하는 바램입니다.
    현재 아시아 한국 -마피아-는 운영진의 권력남용과 자신의 뜻대로 하지않으면 밴을 하며 시스템의 권력남용도 하는 바가 있고 그 피해자인 저도 있습니다.. 그래서 저는 새로운 -마피아- 아케이드를 새로 업로드되어 플레이 했으면 좋겠다는 바램입니다.
    아시아 -마피아-에 업로드를 해주면 좋겠습니다!
    번역이 필요하다면 제가 언제든지 도우겠습니다!

    부탁드립니다! 이메일로 보내도 답장이 안와 이 글에 올립니다!
    저의 블리자드 아시아서버 태그 닉네임은 개구리#31611 입니다.
    또한 이메일은 bsy50642@naver.com 입니다.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    Apologies for the delay; I rang in the new year being sick.

    While your proposal intrigues me, I am not able to give out the map on a regular basis; I'll poke the people above me and we'll see what the people in charge of map distribution think. I understand your concerns.

    I'll try and get back to you in the next week or so, sound good?

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    Quote Originally Posted by KR Frog View Post
    Hello, I am a frog.
    I have been a longtime Asian server - mafia user.
    I am not different, but the motivation for this article is that I want to upload the North American Mafia to the new Asia-Mafia.
    Currently, Asia Korea-Mafia is abusing the power of the executive team, and if I do not do what I want to do, I have a van to abuse the power of the system and I am the victim. So I want to play the new-mafia-arcade I am hopeful.
    I would like to upload to Asia-Mafia!
    If you need a translation, I will help you anytime!

    Please! I can not reply by email and I post it on this post!
    My Blizzard Asian server tag nickname is #31611.

    안녕하세요, 저는 개구리라고 합니다.
    저는 오랫동안 아시아서버에서 -마피아-를 해왔던 유저입니다.
    제가 다름이 아니라 이 글을 몰리는 이유는 북미 마피아를 새로 아시아 -마피아-에 업로드를 해주었으면 하는 바램입니다.
    현재 아시아 한국 -마피아-는 운영진의 권력남용과 자신의 뜻대로 하지않으면 밴을 하며 시스템의 권력남용도 하는 바가 있고 그 피해자인 저도 있습니다.. 그래서 저는 새로운 -마피아- 아케이드를 새로 업로드되어 플레이 했으면 좋겠다는 바램입니다.
    아시아 -마피아-에 업로드를 해주면 좋겠습니다!
    번역이 필요하다면 제가 언제든지 도우겠습니다!

    부탁드립니다! 이메일로 보내도 답장이 안와 이 글에 올립니다!
    저의 블리자드 아시아서버 태그 닉네임은 개구리#31611 입니다.
    또한 이메일은 bsy50642@naver.com 입니다.
    @KR Frog

    Which Executive Team And How Are They Abusing The Power And Which Power Are We Talking About?
    I Like Ice Cream

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    1. I personally started with a frog concept, but I do not even let the concept of a frog, I only suppress it in my own way and threaten it with a van.
    2. I do not know if I will not open up the replay, but when I look at the reviews of the Asian server-mafia, it is reported that the van has not been wronged and has not been vaned through social networking.
    3. Make the in-game system strange, for example, on the death penalty, the game is ruined by ruining the skin system, or by making the map itself loud (laser perforator) noisy and adding strange BGM to the mafia and other strange games.
    4. Also, in Sot: D mode (only available in New Cafe and Old Cafe mode on Asian servers), it is just for the manager's appetite. In addition, the freedom of Save Slot is suppressed.

    1. 개인적으로 개구리컨셉으로 시작했는데 개구리컨셉조차 못하게하고 자기 원하는 식으로만 억제시키며 밴으로 협박한다.
    2. 리플레이를 공개하지 않아 모르겠지만 아시아 서버 -마피아-의 리뷰를 보면 자기가 잘못한적도 없는데 밴이 되어있고 또한 친목질로 통해 밴이 안되고 있다고 보고되어있다.
    3. 인 게임내 시스템을 이상하게 만든다, 가령 사형장 위에서는 마인을 심어놓아 스킨시스템을 망가뜨린다던가 또는 맵 자체를 시끄럽게하여(레이저 천공기) 시끄럽게 하며 이상한 BGM을 넣어 마피아랑 다른 이상한 게임으로 변질되고 있습니다.
    4. 또한 Sot모드 에서는 (아시아서버에서는 New Cafe, Old Cafe모드로만 이용할 수 있습니다.) 최고 관리자의 입맛대로만 고르며 사람들이 맘애 안들어도 무조건 그 모드에 적용에 놓고 진행하는식 입니다. 또한 Save Slot의 자유도 억제되어 있습니다.

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    Hello, I am a user using a frog nickname.
    I have been a longtime Asian server - mafia - arcade user.
    The reason for posting this article is that I hope that the North America - Mafia - will be uploaded to the Mafia - of the new Asian server.
    Currently, the Asia-South Korea-Mafia - is a difficult situation to watch as the abuse of power of the executives.
    If you do not follow the instructions of the management team, the handle value itself will become ban and you will not be able to play.
    For this reason, when a new - mafia - is uploaded to an Asian server, it is hoped that the mafia - who can play the penalized user without reason.

    Please! My Blizzard Asian server tag nickname is 개구리#31611.
    The email is bsy50642@naver.com.

    This article is not translated properly, so I upload it again.

    안녕하세요, 개구리 닉네임을 사용하는 유저입니다.
    저는 오랫동안 아시아서버에서 -마피아- 아케이드를 해오던 유저입니다.
    이 글을 올리는 이유는 북미 -마피아-를 새로 아시아서버의 -마피아-에 업로드가 되었으면 바램입니다.
    현재 아시아 한국 -마피아-는 운영진의 권력남용으로 눈치를 봐야해서 힘든지경입니다.
    운영진의 뜻대로 하지않으면 핸들값자체가 ban이 되어 플레이를 할 수가 없습니다.
    그러한 이유로 아시아서버에 새로운 -마피아-가 업로드되면 이유없이 처벌당한 유저도 플레이할 수 있는 -마피아-를 하길 바램으로 올립니다.

    부탁드립니다! 저의 블리자드 아시아서버 태그 닉네임은 개구리#31611입니다.
    이메일은 bsy50642@naver.com 입니다.

    이 글은 번역이 제대로 안된거같아 다른 글로 재업로드합니다.
    Last edited by KR Frog; January 13th, 2018 at 12:30 AM.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    am looking forward to when I can - mafia.
    If possible, I want to know the date as soon as possible! ribbit

    현재 저는 -마피아-를 언제 가능할지 기대가 됩니다.
    가능하다면 날짜나 최대한 빨리 알고 싶습니다! 개굴
    Last edited by KR Frog; January 17th, 2018 at 07:31 AM.

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    I am also a korean user and i played the Korean Mafia for about 2 years until 2017 July.
    I quit the Korean mafia ever since. After i quit i tried to played the English version mafia in America server but didn't get the hang of it.
    So what i want to say is that the reason why i quit is that i saw the abusing of the people running the current Korean Mafia.
    As the player frog mentioned above, the current Korean mafia staffs are abusing the power of administers by banning people they don't like or modifying the map system at their taste.
    (I saw a someone who got 70000 points by a Korean staff just because they were friends.)
    And lastly, they disabled the save-slot system and this really sucks.

    I just wanted to tell the truth of the current korean mafia reality.
    Thanks for reading. I hope that the Korean mafia can be run by clean staffs and make much more users.

    My battletag is shocdo#3859

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    Quote Originally Posted by shocgu09 View Post
    I am also a korean user and i played the Korean Mafia for about 2 years until 2017 July.
    I quit the Korean mafia ever since. After i quit i tried to played the English version mafia in America server but didn't get the hang of it.
    So what i want to say is that the reason why i quit is that i saw the abusing of the people running the current Korean Mafia.
    As the player frog mentioned above, the current Korean mafia staffs are abusing the power of administers by banning people they don't like or modifying the map system at their taste.
    (I saw a someone who got 70000 points by a Korean staff just because they were friends.)
    And lastly, they disabled the save-slot system and this really sucks.

    I just wanted to tell the truth of the current korean mafia reality.
    Thanks for reading. I hope that the Korean mafia can be run by clean staffs and make much more users.

    My battletag is shocdo#3859
    You Guys Can Come To EUMafia

    Incase It Gets Worse
    I Like Ice Cream

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    Im really not sure what to do in this situation. Heres a few of the ehtical and pragmatic issues as I see them.

    1- You call the korean mods oppressive and corrupt but there are members of our community that say the same about us. I 100% believe we do things fairly so how do I know that you were not appropriately banned by the korean staff and are looking to circumvent their authority? How can I know that you actually have whats best in mind for the community while they have selfish and negative intentions? Are either of these things verifiable?

    2- If this is the case and the korean mods are evil and you are good- how will this play out? You make your version of the map and it will require the player base to sacrifice all progression and points they have made playing to go to your version. If players are willing to do so won't it split the community in half?

    3- Will blizzard allow a duplicate map? Time and time again someone has gone to a server with an inactive map and re-published their own version just to get banned by blizzard for doing so. That was with inactive maps. Have you spoken with anyone within blizzard about the issue to gain assurances that if given the map they will not just ban your version because its currently owned by another player?

    4- What are your qualifications to take over developing the map?

    These are all significant issues I you will have to understand and deal with. Before bringing this situation to Rev I would like to see your thoughts on them. Hopefully your friend can help translate to keep communication smooth.
    Intellectual growth comes from discussions, not arguments. If you are unwilling to change your position and hear the other persons side you are closed minded and wasting your time.
    If you can not clearly explain what the other sides reasoning is you can not disagree with their position because you do not understand it.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    Im really not sure what to do in this situation. Heres a few of the ehtical and pragmatic issues as I see them.

    1- You call the korean mods oppressive and corrupt but there are members of our community that say the same about us. I 100% believe we do things fairly so how do I know that you were not appropriately banned by the korean staff and are looking to circumvent their authority? How can I know that you actually have whats best in mind for the community while they have selfish and negative intentions? Are either of these things verifiable?

    2- If this is the case and the korean mods are evil and you are good- how will this play out? You make your version of the map and it will require the player base to sacrifice all progression and points they have made playing to go to your version. If players are willing to do so won't it split the community in half?

    3- Will blizzard allow a duplicate map? Time and time again someone has gone to a server with an inactive map and re-published their own version just to get banned by blizzard for doing so. That was with inactive maps. Have you spoken with anyone within blizzard about the issue to gain assurances that if given the map they will not just ban your version because its currently owned by another player?

    4- What are your qualifications to take over developing the map?

    These are all significant issues I you will have to understand and deal with. Before bringing this situation to Rev I would like to see your thoughts on them. Hopefully your friend can help translate to keep communication smooth.

    1. I cannot gather evidences be because i am banned from the Korean Mafia. But i will upload evidences that i can get as soon as possible.
    1. 현재 제가 밴되어있는 상태라 증거물을 수집하기 어려운 상태입니다, 일단 빠른 시일내에 얻을 수 있는 증거물이라도 업로드를 해 놓겠습니다.

    2. The community might be sepperated into half but i am thinking of two methods.
    2. 기존 유저들이 나누어지겠지만, 저는 현재 2가지를 생각하고 있습니다.
    The first is that if we get the permission from the American mafia administers to develop the map, we can ask the Blizzard - Korea to remove the current Korean mafia.
    1번쨰는 3번과 같이 북미 여러분의 저작권의 허락을 얻으면 블리자드사에 문의하여 기존마피아가 없어지고 새로 생긴다던가
    The second idea is that we can gather people who were banned from the Korean mafia without a good reason. Also, we will make everyone, including begginers, to understand mafia more easily. Lastly, i am thinking of removing the banning system and make a majority vote system to kick trolls which can be decided by users themselves.
    2번째는 어이없게 밴된 유저들을 모으는 동시에 저는 누구나 초보자들도 이해할 수 있도록 할 것이며 밴리스트를 아예 폐지하고 다수결 강퇴시스템을 도입하여 누구나 동의할 시스템을 생각 하고있습니다.
    If the first method is possible, the high point users might be fraustrated but we are thinking to remove the point system and make everyone use the hats or models if they want to.
    만약 1번째가 가능해진다면 힘들게 모은 포인트가 있을탠데 저는 이 포인트 제도 자체를 폐지할 생각이며 누구나 모자 및 사람모델을 이용할 수 있도록 할 것이며
    We also want to remove the -prefer, -blacklist, and -repick system which we think is messing up the game's balance.
    게임 밸런스 문제인 -prefer 제도나 -blacklist 그리고 -repick 표 증가 시스템 자체를 폐지할 생각입니다.
    We are expecting complains from the high point users but since we have seen many players who abused the roulette system to gain a lot of points, we are going to press ahead with this plan.
    그렇다고 포인트를 많이 모은 사람으로서는 불평등이 많을거라 생각되지만 현재 마피아로서는 룰렛시스템의 악용으로 많이 모은 플레이어를 봐왔기에 이 행동을 강행할 생각입니다.
    And if the second idea works, we think we will be able to make a lot of come-back users who were banned on a false charge and save users from the current suppressed banning system.
    또한 2번쨰가 가능해진다면 너무 억제되온 밴리스트 시스템에 밴이된 유저의 수용성도 가능해지며 많은 복귀유저도 가능해지고 또한 다시 플레이할 유저가 생길거라 생각됩니다.

    3. We will contact the Blizzard Korea. If both of the methods that we suggested is'nt possible, we will follow the Blizzard's decision.
    3. 이것은 블리자드 코리아에 문의하여 이야기를 들어보고 행동하도록 하겠습니다, 만약 두 개다 공존할 수 없다면 블리자드 코리아의 결정에 따르도록 하겠습니다.

    4. I have handled with other editors(Warcraft 3, Starcraft 1) so i have a preety good understanding in developing system. I also have many helpers to support in developing the mafia's system so you don't have to worry about that. The developing procedure might take a while but i will apply this system as soon as possible.
    4. 저는 다른 에디터(워3, 스1)를 만져봐서 어느 정도 시스템을 이해하고 있지만 못다루는 편이며, 에디터를 다루는 친구들이 있어 걱정할 필요는 없습니다. 다만 친구들이 개인사정이 많아 업로드가 늦겠지만 여러 친구들에게 도움을 받아 최대한 빠르게 적용할 생각입니다.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Hello, I am a Korean server user frog. I can not contact you and I will write to the administrat

    Quote Originally Posted by KR Frog View Post
    1. I cannot gather evidences be because i am banned from the Korean Mafia. But i will upload evidences that i can get as soon as possible.
    1. 현재 제가 밴되어있는 상태라 증거물을 수집하기 어려운 상태입니다, 일단 빠른 시일내에 얻을 수 있는 증거물이라도 업로드를 해 놓겠습니다.

    2. The community might be sepperated into half but i am thinking of two methods.
    2. 기존 유저들이 나누어지겠지만, 저는 현재 2가지를 생각하고 있습니다.
    The first is that if we get the permission from the American mafia administers to develop the map, we can ask the Blizzard - Korea to remove the current Korean mafia.
    1번쨰는 3번과 같이 북미 여러분의 저작권의 허락을 얻으면 블리자드사에 문의하여 기존마피아가 없어지고 새로 생긴다던가
    The second idea is that we can gather people who were banned from the Korean mafia without a good reason. Also, we will make everyone, including begginers, to understand mafia more easily. Lastly, i am thinking of removing the banning system and make a majority vote system to kick trolls which can be decided by users themselves.
    2번째는 어이없게 밴된 유저들을 모으는 동시에 저는 누구나 초보자들도 이해할 수 있도록 할 것이며 밴리스트를 아예 폐지하고 다수결 강퇴시스템을 도입하여 누구나 동의할 시스템을 생각 하고있습니다.
    If the first method is possible, the high point users might be fraustrated but we are thinking to remove the point system and make everyone use the hats or models if they want to.
    만약 1번째가 가능해진다면 힘들게 모은 포인트가 있을탠데 저는 이 포인트 제도 자체를 폐지할 생각이며 누구나 모자 및 사람모델을 이용할 수 있도록 할 것이며
    We also want to remove the -prefer, -blacklist, and -repick system which we think is messing up the game's balance.
    게임 밸런스 문제인 -prefer 제도나 -blacklist 그리고 -repick 표 증가 시스템 자체를 폐지할 생각입니다.
    We are expecting complains from the high point users but since we have seen many players who abused the roulette system to gain a lot of points, we are going to press ahead with this plan.
    그렇다고 포인트를 많이 모은 사람으로서는 불평등이 많을거라 생각되지만 현재 마피아로서는 룰렛시스템의 악용으로 많이 모은 플레이어를 봐왔기에 이 행동을 강행할 생각입니다.
    And if the second idea works, we think we will be able to make a lot of come-back users who were banned on a false charge and save users from the current suppressed banning system.
    또한 2번쨰가 가능해진다면 너무 억제되온 밴리스트 시스템에 밴이된 유저의 수용성도 가능해지며 많은 복귀유저도 가능해지고 또한 다시 플레이할 유저가 생길거라 생각됩니다.

    3. We will contact the Blizzard Korea. If both of the methods that we suggested is'nt possible, we will follow the Blizzard's decision.
    3. 이것은 블리자드 코리아에 문의하여 이야기를 들어보고 행동하도록 하겠습니다, 만약 두 개다 공존할 수 없다면 블리자드 코리아의 결정에 따르도록 하겠습니다.

    4. I have handled with other editors(Warcraft 3, Starcraft 1) so i have a preety good understanding in developing system. I also have many helpers to support in developing the mafia's system so you don't have to worry about that. The developing procedure might take a while but i will apply this system as soon as possible.
    4. 저는 다른 에디터(워3, 스1)를 만져봐서 어느 정도 시스템을 이해하고 있지만 못다루는 편이며, 에디터를 다루는 친구들이 있어 걱정할 필요는 없습니다. 다만 친구들이 개인사정이 많아 업로드가 늦겠지만 여러 친구들에게 도움을 받아 최대한 빠르게 적용할 생각입니다.
    Do you have a way that we would easily be able to contact administrators of the other mafia? I haven't discussed with anyone else, but it seems a little rushed to jump to your side without hearing from the other. I like your suggestions, especially regarding the -prefer/blacklist/repick system and the idea to make the map more accessible to new players (do you have any ideas already? I'd love some suggestions). Getting rid of points all together makes sense if you were to create a completely different map as veteran players would lose their points anyways, however I feel like this would be the major divider in the community in the scenario there were 2 maps of mafia up at the same time.
    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  18. ISO #18



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