The Plan

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Thread: The Plan

  1. ISO #1

    The Plan

    In terms of night abilities we have:

    2 + 1 confusing roles; ie they confuse our enemies

    1 investigative role; probably the most important role as it's one of our best bets at catching enemy mafias

    1 inactive role; the ventriloquist

    My suggestions are:

    Killing: The ventriloquist should perform all kills from Night 3 on. However, the lawyer should perform the kill Night 2 as there will be nothing to gain from changing anybody's will that night. This could be useful on the off chance that an Escort or a Detective gets lucky night 2 and will help foil them if they repeat the same target Night 3. Players tend to like to confirm a positive finding by repeating the action the subsequent night. If they get a different result, they may be confused.

    If we use the consig to discover power roles, good or evil, we can the subsequent night kill the target and alter their will to spread misinformation amongst the town and the gang. I think this should be our default strategy. If we can get onto an Investigator/ other power role and alter their will it could do very good things for our cause. Keep in mind altering a mafia's will will not fool that mafia gang, rather it will confirm the presence of a Lawyer to them, so altering wills will be most useful when used on town roles who haven't made their info public yet.

    Unfortunately drug dealing will be relatively hit and miss in the beginning but it will still be fun to fuck with people's minds a bit. Imagine targeting the same player with 2 sets of drugs.

    I welcome your thoughts.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: The Plan

    Yeah this sounds like a good plan.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: The Plan

    I've also been thinking in regards to the Mayor elections tomorrow.

    In my mind, it looks like a giant trap. Trying to make a play at it would probably do us more harm than good. In the end a Mayor is only as good as the information he has and if we can influence the information he receives and how he responds to it then we can control him. The roles we have are well suited to this.

    I really think our enemies (town or mafia) will be on the lookout for a team trying to make a play at the election. That team will obviously be a mafia team because we're the only groups who've so far collaborated. I think our best bet is to limit our involvement and not try and get elected. Definitely we should not be actively supporting each other for nomination/ election. If by some miracle one of us does elected then good, so be it, but I really think that shouldn't be our goal here.

    Instead we should take note of who does try and get nominated and who supports who, and maybe we might find something. Equally interesting, will be those who stay out of it.

    I am open to alternative opinions. What do you guys think?

    Also, good question to ask yourself is, were you really the Town role you're going to pretend to be, would you want to be elected Mayor? That may help influence how you play and respond once day starts.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: The Plan

    I personally think one of our two Drug Dealers should be the killing role for the first few nights, given that we probably don't need both sets of misleading information. In fact, having the same person get targeted by both (imagine if they get the same result) makes it pretty painfully obvious that there are Drug Dealers in the game. Our best bet is stealth; I would almost recommend that the Drug Dealer not act until there's a confirmed investigative role on the table to fuck with. It also seems like a waste to have a unique role skip their night action in favor of killing. Even on night 1, Lawyer could be eminently useful depending on what is discovered tomorrow.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: The Plan

    Well, based on the town leader election in m-fmII: the town leader doesn't really affect the game as badly as one might think, and yeah we the mafia just let other people fight over it. The ones that aggressively campaigned for it ended up looking like scum while the real scum just sat back and laughed.

    I have to disagree with you Clyde on the lawyer front though, I mean the first night the lawyer has no idea what the person's role is that they're changing the last will of, so there is zero useful information they can mess around with because they have no idea what the person would put in their last will anyway. It's kind of like how you said we should be stealthy with the drug dealers (which I do agree with, double-hitting someone does not seem like a really good tactic at all).

    But yeah, night one there's nothing the Lawyer can really do, whereas the drug dealers can actively fuck with the town's heads, so it's probably better to have the Lawyer do the killing until we start finding people for them to mess with the last wills of.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: The Plan

    I can see myself abusing my namesake for sympathy and getting a town leadership position lol. Probably a bad idea though.
    And I daresay a lookout or detective will be following me night 1 because they're following the train of thought that, if I'm not the Mafia, the mafia would take a shot at me for the lulz to say the "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" deal. So bottom line is, be careful what you put me to do.
    One thing I’d like to point out, guys. If it’s one thing I notice amongst all pros, it’s the tendency to cuss like crazy when provoked lol. And if they figure out you're pro, they'd gun you down first. So I ask you to restrain yourself for heaven’s sake and DO NOT SAY WIRTY DORDS. IF YOU DO I WILL PERSONALLY SEE TO IT THAT I STUFF YOUR MOUTH AND INTESTINAL ORGANS WITH SOAP WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, DO WE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    Fuck that.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    Fuck that.
    So about these cylindrical shaped soap in my possession...
    They're a perfect fit for the seventh planet in our solar system.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    So about these cylindrical shaped soap in my possession...
    They're a perfect fit for the seventh planet in our solar system.
    Bah, you still owe me a chainsaw-related death from a previous m-fm if I remember correctly.

    In all seriousness though, I intend to adopt Butters' personality during the game, so you won't be seeing me curse in the day chat. At least not until I turn into "Professor Chaos", then all bets are off.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Clyde View Post
    I personally think one of our two Drug Dealers should be the killing role for the first few nights, given that we probably don't need both sets of misleading information. In fact, having the same person get targeted by both (imagine if they get the same result) makes it pretty painfully obvious that there are Drug Dealers in the game. Our best bet is stealth; I would almost recommend that the Drug Dealer not act until there's a confirmed investigative role on the table to fuck with. It also seems like a waste to have a unique role skip their night action in favor of killing. Even on night 1, Lawyer could be eminently useful depending on what is discovered tomorrow.
    I am unsure what you think somebody could write in their will tomorrow night that we could possibly change to be beneficial? Considering by that stage nobody will have even taken a night action yet.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: The Plan

    At this point, if night 1 is really just about picking mafia roles, and we've already picked ours, I have to ask: what's taking the sharks so damn long? I wonder if one of their people is AFK.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    At this point, if night 1 is really just about picking mafia roles, and we've already picked ours, I have to ask: what's taking the sharks so damn long? I wonder if one of their people is AFK.
    I've noticed a fairly constant stream of people viewing the forum even when you guys don't seem to be online. I can't imagine many other players have much cause to be frequenting the forum tonight other than the Sharks so it seems as though they're certainly discussing something.

    Maybe they're going to make a play for the elections tomorrow?

  13. ISO #13

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Ike View Post
    I've noticed a fairly constant stream of people viewing the forum even when you guys don't seem to be online. I can't imagine many other players have much cause to be frequenting the forum tonight other than the Sharks so it seems as though they're certainly discussing something.

    Maybe they're going to make a play for the elections tomorrow?
    Either that or they don't realize this chat is going to be open during the day. I really can't see any other reason to talk as heavily about strategy before the game's even really started.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Ike View Post
    I am unsure what you think somebody could write in their will tomorrow night that we could possibly change to be beneficial? Considering by that stage nobody will have even taken a night action yet.
    Again, my suggestion was more based on the idea that having the town realize that there are two drug dealers early on would be far less beneficial than you seem to think. Hitting the same person = terrible strategy for drug dealer. Having both act on the first night = terrible strategy for drug dealer.

    After the first real night, it actually HURTS us to have 2+ townies claiming drug-dealer-related messages in addition to all of the REAL Bus Drivers, Witches, etc. It will make it painfully obvious what town is dealing with. The same is true in SC2 mafia - a viable strategy for Janitors is to wait to act until they have information (same with Blackmailer, Disguiser, etc.).

    Take it or leave it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny View Post
    South Park is the theme, and you want me to not swear?

    I'm with Butters (never thought I'd say that). Fuck that shit, dude!

  15. ISO #15

    Re: The Plan

    I have been WIFOMing myself on this drug dealer versus lawyer question.
    I know the later we wait, the more role claims there will be. Where that gets us, I don't know yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clyde View Post
    South Park is the theme, and you want me to not swear?

    I'm with Butters (never thought I'd say that). Fuck that shit, dude!

  16. ISO #16

    Re: The Plan

    You're just angry that you don't watch the greatest comedy series to ever come out of America (and be produced from start-to-finish in six days per episode).

    Matt Stone and Trey Parker are fucking geniuses.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: The Plan

    Lol I've seen a few episodes of it, and cheap humor isn't really up my alley. Sorry, but that show offers nothing more than farce comedy, in literary terms, and that is something few can argue with. Unfortunately I'm probably the only one expressing that opinion on this forum. xD -probably the only non-South Park watcher-

    But it doesn't really bother me. It was good to know my name might bring me trouble though... That's one disadvantage towards not knowing South Park... And the fact that I can't roleplay as my character...

  18. ISO #18

    Re: The Plan

    WHAT? xD

    Family Guy = farce comedy.

    South Park = social satire hidden beneath farce comedy.

    Very, very different. I could recommend some episodes to prove that point. I definitely see why South Park gets a bad rap from some people, but it's actually incredibly "smart" in its social commentary (and often very topical, because of the short production time).

  19. ISO #19

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Clyde View Post
    WHAT? xD

    Family Guy = farce comedy.

    South Park = social satire hidden beneath farce comedy.

    Very, very different. I could recommend some episodes to prove that point. I definitely see why South Park gets a bad rap from some people, but it's actually incredibly "smart" in its social commentary (and often very topical, because of the short production time).
    I didn't really used to like it either, but my friend has shown me a couple of episodes lately and they were pretty hilarious.

    Fuck you whale! Fuck you dolphin!

  20. ISO #20

    Re: The Plan

    Quote Originally Posted by Clyde View Post
    I could recommend some episodes to prove that point.
    Never knock it till you try it. Or something like that. How'd the saying go again?
    Anyway, I'm pretty open minded. I wouldn't mind watching it again.



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