{Watch List} Jarma: 1-S2-1-6443139, ColonelCat - 1-S2-1-3088736

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  1. ISO #1

    Jarma: 1-S2-1-6443139, ColonelCat - 1-S2-1-3088736

    Account Name: Jarma
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-6443139
    In-Game Name: Arys

    Account Name: xenor
    Account ID: 1-S2-1-8346889
    In-Game Name: feels good
    Screenshot2017-02-07 16_25_52.jpg
    Crimes Committed: Lag-Cheating
    -Mafia- (1014).SC2Replay
    Your Account Name: Tristan
    Summary: Jarma(town) called out the triad multiple times and xenor(triad) called out the mayor.

    Screenshot2017-02-07 16_03_40.jpgScreenshot2017-02-07 16_21_18.jpg
    Have 5k points but don't know how to use them?

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  2. ISO #2

    Re: Jarma: 1-S2-1-6443139, xenor: 1-S2-1-8346889

    SC ID Verification
    xenor - Correct: 1-S2-1-8346889
    Jarma - Correct: 1-S2-1-6443139

    Players Added to Report
    ColonelCat - 1-S2-1-3088736

    Respective Hotkeys
    xenor - Everyone (E)
    Jarma - 5
    ColonelCat - Control + 4

    Was the Game Result Altered?
    Definitely - ColonelCat's ragequit affected the Town's chances of winning, and Jarma was also attempting to influence the end of the game.

    Previous Offenses
    xenor - N/A

    Cheating/Additional Game Information (Watch-list x3)
    Griefing (On-Hold)

    Bank Hacking (Point-ban)

    Player Offenses
    xenor - None
    Jarma - Lag Cheating
    ColonelCat - Intentional Gamethrowing

    xenor rolls Vanguard in slot 7.
    Jarma rolls Spy in slot 12.
    ColonelCat rolls Escort in slot 3.

    Night 1 - Jarma is jailed and executed by a Jailor. ColonelCat does nothing.

    Day 2 - #1 (Veteran) is confirmed (killed DH and #11 Escort lw confirmed him), so he asks for roles via PM, and everyone pms him. At some point, as indicated by Tristan's screenshot, someone also lags, and this chat happens exactly similar to his first screenshot:

    They all deliberate and lynch #15, flipping Deceiver.

    Night 2 - ColonelCat roleblocks #2 and writes in LW, apparently something with "school kids" but not writing his targets. Triad kills #10 (Mayor).

    Day 3 - #14 was lynched and flips Witch.
    Night 3 - ColonelCat doesn't do anything again (he planned to role-block #8 but changed his mind).

    Day 4 - They lynch #6 and flip Jester.
    Night 4 - #3 does nothing again.

    Day 5 - At point, there are three people alive remaining: ColonelCat (Escort), xenor (Enforcer), and #8 (Investigator). Shortly before #8 was put on trial, Mesk lags (according to the screenshot) which shows Jarma trying to cheat again:

    #8 was trialed when ColonelCat voted him but Innocented him. At that point, #3 quits the game which defaults to a Triad vs Town situation. So #8 type -suicide and xenor does nothing the following night.

    Game ends in Triad victory.


    This is a bit hard case because it seems that everyone is lagging simultaneously and at two points in increments. Generally I recommend on punishing people that lag cheat, but there has to be a line between actually trying to cheat/influence and trolling the lag chat to the point where you're not actively cheating.

    xenor - I feel his actions were more trolly rather than trying to affect the game - he did type #10 for a while but he did this only once based on my assumption that there were two points of lag chats, and the last chat he did not try and influence. In fact, he stopped and just spammed the chats with nonsense. Also, he was the last Triad member/Enforcer, and he apparently shot #10 the next day. Regardless of how it happened, the game was not influenced that much by him, and he played normally, so I will recommend an Ignore.

    Jarma - Both lag chats he did try and influence, based on his chat. The first lag chat he said #15, and the same day #15 was put on trial and lynched. Then when it came to the point of the 2-1 Town-Triad, he wrote that #3 was triad, but this is sort of hard as #3 didn't even do anything the entire game. However since Jarma's actions show that he was trying to influence (albeit probably minor) the game, it's still enough for Lag Cheating.

    ColonelCat practically did nothing the entire game, didn't talk, voted a few times, but based on his LW he was away from keyboard for the most of the game, and when the Town came to its 2-1, he didn't even try and win for the team - he just quit. I consider it enough for Intentional Gamethrowing, and should be punished as such. He does has a Bank Hacking offense, but it was back in July, so I'll stick to the first level offense, which would be Watch-list x2.

    Recommended Action(s)
    xenor - Ignore
    Jarma - Watch-list x4
    ColonelCat - Watch-list x2

    Additional Comments
    Thank you for your report! This game was a bit hard to analyze especially given the lag cheating, but I feel Jarma was mostly guilty and xenor was trolling at mediocre.
    Last edited by Alright; February 12th, 2017 at 04:50 AM.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Jarma: 1-S2-1-6443139, ColonelCat - 1-S2-1-3088736

    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    1-S2-1-6443139: 4x WL
    1-S2-1-3088736: 2x WL
    Like this isn't that big a deal, but i'm just saying that wasnt lag cheating at all. If i randomly spew out a number, as town (im not even fucking triad so how could I know) how is that lag cheating. Been playing for years. THis is a bullshit post if im being honest.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Jarma: 1-S2-1-6443139, ColonelCat - 1-S2-1-3088736

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarma View Post
    Like this isn't that big a deal, but i'm just saying that wasnt lag cheating at all. If i randomly spew out a number, as town (im not even fucking triad so how could I know) how is that lag cheating. Been playing for years. THis is a bullshit post if im being honest.
    Even the screenshots prove that I didn't call out anyone. Apparently i say 3 is triad, when he is actually escort. There is just not basis for this report, other then the fact that this guy is a bit too trigger happy on trying to punish people (meaning the person who made this report.

    How can I even be punished for lag cheating and accused of calling out triad when I wasn't even triad. And I was executed n1.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Jarma: 1-S2-1-6443139, ColonelCat - 1-S2-1-3088736

    @Jarma , the lag cheating rule reads as follows:

    Crime: Lag Cheating
    Lag cheating is when someone shares in-game information over lag chat. It does not matter if the information is true.
    Example: Saying "12 is Gf" in lag chat.
    Type: Situational

    As stated above, it doesn't really matter if the information is true. The point of the rule is that it's not fair for players to be influencing the game anonymously and in your case, while they are dead especially given they might have access to information being discussed in dead chat. The fact that the Town pursued your lynch suggestion of #15 after you suggested that in lag chat also doesn't help your case -- i.e. you were dead and should not have been influencing the game whatsoever. When you die in the game, you can't say anything else to the other players who are alive.

    In addition, your second suggestion of #3 seemed to be an educated guess of yours of who was Triad in this game -- you even wrote "3 is the last tria[d]". Sure, it wasn't in fact right, but again, that's not the point -- you shouldn't be trying to influence how players vote through lag chat. It's not fair to anyone in the game and given #3 left the game subsequently, it very well might have had an influence on the outcome. Once you die, you're a spectator free to discuss with the other dead players in dead chat, but it should be up to those alive and only them to determine the outcome of the game.

    While we appreciate you writing in to provide us with your side of the story, the excerpted chat logs above are very clear, and you yourself admit to making comments about the game while dead and in lag chat. Therefore, I don't have any choice but to deny this appeal. Please don't say anything about the game in lag chat in the future -- it's against the rule regardless if it's true, and it's not fair to the other players left in the game.

    P.S. I'd be saying the same thing even if you were alive in the game because lag chat allows you to communicate information without revealing your identity. For example, someone who is Sheriff could reveal their Triad lead without the Triad knowing who they are. Similarly not fair or appropriate. In other words, the fact that you were dead in this game makes it worse, but it would still be cheating even if you were alive.
    Last edited by DarknessB; February 12th, 2017 at 09:01 AM.

  8. ISO #8



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