2017 Winter Scummies

User Tag List


19. You may not vote on this poll
  • BEST FORUM MAFIA SETUP (choose one)

    1 5.26%
  • Iced_Monopoly - S-FM Masquerade Madness

    5 26.32%
  • SuperJack - M-FM Fringe

    6 31.58%
  • Quick - S-FM Paired Mafia

    2 10.53%
  • Firebringer - M-FM Overwatch

    0 0%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST GAME THEME (choose one)

    1 5.26%
  • S-FM Masquerade Madness

    12 63.16%

    0 0%
  • S-FM Instant Mafia

    0 0%
  • S-FM Mean Girls

    1 5.26%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST HOST, OR HOST COMBO (choose one)

    0 0%
  • Cryptonic - S-FM Inside Job

    3 15.79%
  • ika & Silverwolf - S-FM Spirits

    5 26.32%
  • MattZed & Orpz - M-FM Fringe

    6 31.58%
  • Iced_Monopoly - S-FM Masquerade Madness

    1 5.26%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST TOWN VICTORY (choose one)

    0 0%
  • S-FM Inside Job

    6 31.58%
  • S-FM Mafia Wars III

    7 36.84%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST MAFIA VICTORY (choose one)

    1 5.26%
  • FM 25 - Game of Thrones (Baratheon)

    6 31.58%
  • S-FM Black Flag Nightless

    8 42.11%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    1 5.26%
  • BEST USE OF A ROLE (choose one)

    1 5.26%
  • BananaCucho - S-FM Spirits

    4 21.05%
  • Brendan as M-FM Yes - M-FM Fringe

    8 42.11%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST TOWN MEMBER (choose one)

    1 5.26%
  • Mesk514 - S-FM Lazy

    7 36.84%
  • BananaCucho - S-FM Give or Take

    0 0%
  • Quick - S-FM Spirits

    2 10.53%
  • Calix - S-FM Empire

    5 26.32%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST NEUTRAL (choose one)

    0 0%
  • Silverwolf - S-FM Empire

    5 26.32%
  • Cryptonic - FM 24 - Fallen Kingdom

    5 26.32%
  • Kovath - S-FM Island Conflict

    2 10.53%
  • Unknown1234 - S-FM Insanity

    1 5.26%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST NEW PLAYER (choose one)

    1 5.26%
  • Stereo

    10 52.63%
  • JealousTL

    1 5.26%
  • Purebe

    1 5.26%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • MOST MISSED PLAYER (choose one)

    0 0%
  • NoctiZ

    5 26.32%
  • Stealthbomber16

    4 21.05%
  • Slaol

    5 26.32%
  • Sen

    3 15.79%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST EFFORT (choose one)

    0 0%
  • yzb25 - S-FM Spirits

    2 10.53%
  • Calix - S-FM Masquerade Madness

    9 47.37%
  • Quick - S-FM Spirits

    2 10.53%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • MOST SPORTSMAN-LIKE (choose one)

    0 0%
  • Unknown1234

    8 42.11%
  • yzb25

    1 5.26%
  • Quick

    3 15.79%
  • MattZed

    5 26.32%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • BEST ARCHON (choose one)

    0 0%
  • Empathy17

    6 31.58%
  • Cancer

    11 57.89%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%

    0 0%
  • Unknown1234

    2 10.53%
  • PowersThatBe

    2 10.53%
  • BananaCucho

    8 42.11%
  • Calix

    5 26.32%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    0 0%
  • MOST IMPROVED PLAYER (choose one)

    0 0%
  • PowersThatBe

    4 21.05%
  • Mesk514

    11 57.89%
  • *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

    1 5.26%
  • BEST MEME (choose one)

    1 5.26%
  • Batspam

    5 26.32%
  • Dino

    6 31.58%
  • =)

    5 26.32%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Results 1 to 50 of 120
  1. ISO #1

    2017 Winter Scummies

    Hello everyone,

    Let me introduce the first biannual Forum Mafia Awards, the Scummies!

    2017 Winter Scummies
    July 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016

    How it works:

    Players are nominated by other players in different categories (listed below), based on games that finished in the last 6 months, from July 1 to December 31, 2016. After the nominating process ends, Players will then be able to vote between the top candidates for each category that were nominated the most.

    Nominations will close on the last day of January, so make sure you get them in before it ends!

    How to Nominate:

    To Nominate a Player, make a post in the Form Mafia Suggestions and Requests subsection with your choices for Nominations. You can nominate as many people as you want for any category; because of this, we require a reason for each nomination since Players are able to nominate the same Player for the same category, for two different reasons.

    Nominations submitted without reason will be excluded. However, we do not require a long drawn reason for a nomination, just a simple one such as which game, or which setup, or which in-game play, ect. Nominations that do not meet the criteria (such as the game did not finish during the time frame), will also be excluded.

    While we understand that not all categories may have Nominations (especially if it did not occur in past 6 months), we would like everyone to Nominate other Players for as many categories as possible!

    As of now, you cannot nominate yourself. Sorry!

    Applicable Games:

    S-FM 203 - S-FM 220
    M-FM 29 - M-FM 30
    FM 24 - FM 25

    The Categories:

    Best Forum Mafia Setup
    Nominated by stating the name of the game.
    Awarded to the Setup & Host.

    Best Game Theme
    Nominated by stating the name of the game.
    Awarded to the Setup & Host.

    Best Host, or Host Combo
    Nominated by stating the name of the game.
    Awarded to the Host(s).

    Best Town Victory
    Nominated by stating the name of the game.
    Awarded to the Town Players.

    Best Mafia Victory
    Nominated by stating the name of the game.
    Awarded to the Mafia Players.

    Best Use of a Role
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game.
    Awarded to the Player.

    Best Town Member
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game.
    Awarded to the Player.

    Best Mafia Member
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game.
    Awarded to the Player.

    Best Neutral
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game.
    Awarded to the Player.

    Best New Player
    Nominated by stating a Player who played their first Forum Mafia game on SC2Mafia.com in last 6 months.
    Awarded to the Player.

    Most Missed Player
    Nominated by stating a Player who did not play a Forum Mafia game on SC2Mafia.com in last 6 months.
    Awarded to the Player.

    Best Effort
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game.
    Awarded to the Player.

    Most Sportsman-like
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game (or reason).
    Awarded to the Player.

    Best Day 1 Play
    Nominated by stating a Team & the Game.
    Awarded to the Team.

    Best Archon
    Nominated by stating an Archon.
    Awarded to the Players behind the Archon.

    Most Influential Player
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game (or reason).
    Awarded to the Player.

    Most Improved Player
    Nominated by stating a Player (or reason).
    Awarded to the Player.

    Best Meme
    Nominated by stating the meme.
    Awarded to the meme.

    Overall MVP
    Nominated by stating a Player & the Game.
    Awarded to the Player.


    Winners will be given Forum Awards that will be displayed on their profile, bragging rights, and will be forever immortalized in the SC2Mafia Hall of Fame (to be opened after these Scummies are completed).

    1. You cannot nominate yourself. You can vote for yourself.
    2. You cannot nominate others without reason.
    3. You cannot bribe other Players to vote for you, or you will be disqualified.
    4. Don't be an asshat.
    5. Don't skew the results by voting for a Player when you don't even know what happened in the game you're voting for.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; February 7th, 2017 at 01:08 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  2. ISO #2

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Most Missed Player
    Nominated by stating a Player who did not play a Forum Mafia game on SC2Mafia.com in last 6 months.
    Awarded to the Player.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    My two cents:

    If the purpose of these Scummies are to create a sense of FM community, I'm not sure why the entire nominations process is taking place in the FM Suggestions / Requests forum where threads are only visible to the poster and FM staff. If anything, the value of these awards is creating excitement and discussion, letting people reminisce together about their favorite / most memorable games, etc. Forcing people to nominate in a thread that other users cannot read seems wholly inconsistent with those goals. We have very little forum discussion as is and there's nothing inherently private about wanting someone else to receive a positive award. In fact, covering up nominations reduces the chances of other nominations because no one can see what's going on.

    If people wanted to nominate anonymously, I could see the value in letting them post in FM Suggestions / Requests, but forcing the entire process behind the scenes and out of the community's eyes seems like the wrong decision to me. If anything, make a FM Parking thread for each award and let people have fun discussing the merits of their nominees -- dunno why you'd want to kill off all that forum discussion and community bonding.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    My two cents:

    If the purpose of these Scummies are to create a sense of FM community, I'm not sure why the entire nominations process is taking place in the FM Suggestions / Requests forum where threads are only visible to the poster and FM staff. If anything, the value of these awards is creating excitement and discussion, letting people reminisce together about their favorite / most memorable games, etc. Forcing people to nominate in a thread that other users cannot read seems wholly inconsistent with those goals. We have very little forum discussion as is and there's nothing inherently private about wanting someone else to receive a positive award. In fact, covering up nominations reduces the chances of other nominations because no one can see what's going on.

    If people wanted to nominate anonymously, I could see the value in letting them post in FM Suggestions / Requests, but forcing the entire process behind the scenes and out of the community's eyes seems like the wrong decision to me. If anything, make a FM Parking thread for each award and let people have fun discussing the merits of their nominees -- dunno why you'd want to kill off all that forum discussion and community bonding.
    People can freely talk about who they are nominating, post about nominations, and whatever. There is no rule against that. The entire point of asking people to post in the FM Suggestions and Requests subsection was so that we can be organized and don't miss any nominations. It's much simpler than having to go through the threads in FM Suggestions, all the posts in this topic, and PMs to 4 different accounts. Nominations would 100% be missed if they were accepted the way you are saying.

    People can campaign and bring up memories to try to get people to nominate them, ect, that is fine.

    No discussion is being killed off, so I have no idea what you're complaining about.

    I guess I could see the benefit of making a topic for each award, but I still think nominations would be missed if we are then sorting through 20 threads looking for nominations, plus anonymous ones in FM suggestions, plus anonymous ones in PMs. Seems very messy. But you act like this is some secret thing, but in reality it is not.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; January 1st, 2017 at 11:56 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerik View Post
    Is this supposed to be for MFMs 29 and 30? Because Slaol and I hosted MFM 22 back in 2014, which would mean 19 and 20 happened around then as well, and that seems like a pretty long way to go back for these awards. lol
    Yes :3 lol

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  7. ISO #7

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Be sure to repost your nominations in the FM Suggestions Subforum. Only about 1/2 of the people who publicly nominated people have also actually nominated the players.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    When is the cutoff date?
    Well, I said approximately 3 weeks, but I had meant to give a weeks notice.
    I'll make the cut off the last day of Jan, for simplicity.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  10. ISO #10

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    When does voting happen?
    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    Shut up cow.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Did you just fucking call him a cow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16
    No, he played as well as he could. He had you right in the palm of his fucking hand all game and you STILL don’t get that. He played you like a fucking fiddle, and it was so obvious and it pains me that nobody else saw it.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    When does voting happen?
    We've compiled the nominations. Just sorting it all out, then will open for voting. Might hold polls until after FM ends, to not chance drawing away from it.
    Nominations are closed, now, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies


    Please just go down the list and vote for 1 person per category.
    Y'all are gonna be dickheads and vote for the "*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*" and the category titles, I already know, so a pre-emptive F-U.

    We have 2 awards that were won by default (only one nomination, or multiple nominations for the same thing/person).

    Best Mafia Member
    Unknown1234 - S-FM Spirits

    Best Day 1 Play
    Cryptonic as S-FM Batman - FM 24 - Fallen Kingdom

    There was also one category were no nominations were received, so no award will be handed out for the following:
    Overall MVP

    Poll closes at the end of February, so get your votes in early!

    *Please note that voting for multiple choices in the same category will have your vote negated for that Category. Please ensure that you are not mistakenly voting twice in the same category to ensure your vote is counted.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; February 6th, 2017 at 09:40 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    There was also one category were no nominations were received, so no award will be handed out for the following:
    Overall MVP
    pretty sure my left and right tit were both nominated. this is offensive to tittys. titty discrimination.
    Quote Originally Posted by AnassRhamur View Post
    Please don't post in the punished players section if you're not involved. Consider this a warning from Thugnificent. You got one Thug ticket. Collect 3 more of those and i'll have to issue a Thug Infraction. Collect 3 Thug Infractions and you get 1 Thug Misdemeanor Charge.

    Spoiler : :
    Citizen, Agent, Citizen, Vigilante, Citizen, Godfather, Citizen, Citizen, Voter, Elder, Mafioso, BackUpSleuth, Escort, Mafioso, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Tailor, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, Citizen, TheJoker, Citizen, LadyGaga, Mafioso, Winston Wolfe, Detective, Citizen, Citizen, Masquerader

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    I always knew the mods were corrupt and depraved, but I never thought they'd hijack democracy.

    The people demand answers crypt.
    I'm sorry, I cannot accept left & right as MVP. I could've accepted a player based on left and/or right, but it was never submitted. Blame yourselves YOU DEPRAVED SACK OF MEAT

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    For best town win, do all the members of the town from that game get the reward?
    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    Shut up cow.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Did you just fucking call him a cow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16
    No, he played as well as he could. He had you right in the palm of his fucking hand all game and you STILL don’t get that. He played you like a fucking fiddle, and it was so obvious and it pains me that nobody else saw it.

  24. ISO #24

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    For best town win, do all the members of the town from that game get the reward?

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf View Post
    WTF? Empathy should be way ahead of Cancer considering the number of games we have played compared to them. So I guess you guys either truly think we suck as an archon or it's nothing but a popularity contest. Maybe both I guess. Thanks a lot guys. We'll make sure not play here as Empathy anymore.
    Why do you have to take everything so seriously? People don't need a clear reason to vote someone, as you can just click a button and vote (you don't need to give any reasoning). That means that people may be trolling or etc. I think you should value your archon by yourself and ignore these contests that lots of times don't represent anything concrete.

    Thank you Anonymous Donor

  27. ISO #27

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf View Post
    WTF? Empathy should be way ahead of Cancer considering the number of games we have played compared to them. So I guess you guys either truly think we suck as an archon or it's nothing but a popularity contest. Maybe both I guess. Thanks a lot guys. We'll make sure not play here as Empathy anymore.
    Seriously? You're tied for first in best hosting. You're winning best neutral RN.

    So you throw a fit because you're not winning every category you're nommed in? Sounds very immature.

    Just chill this is all in good fun, and there's literally almost an entire month until the poll closes.
    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    Shut up cow.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Did you just fucking call him a cow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16
    No, he played as well as he could. He had you right in the palm of his fucking hand all game and you STILL don’t get that. He played you like a fucking fiddle, and it was so obvious and it pains me that nobody else saw it.

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    When it says best Archon. It's not specifically skill, or experience. Maybe they found it to be the best Archon because it's how two people normally not together, managed to work well.

    My previous post was sarcasm.

    And honestly, sometimes I don't even view Empathy as an Archon. Because of how close and well you two go with each other, you already feel like one whole complete entity. Because of how United and in love you both are with each other ^^
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  30. ISO #30

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    If this turns into more drama, people are getting banned. Not kidding. I'm tired of this constant drama.
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  31. ISO #31

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you scummy bitch? I’ve been involved in numerous lynches on Mafia, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in psychological warfare and I’m the top scum hunter in the entire Town. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will lynch you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Masons and our case is being formed right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your role. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can lynch you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just as a Citizen. Not only am I extensively trained in misrepresentation, but I have access to an entire arsenal of logical fallacies and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this game, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  32. ISO #32

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
    can you give me the tldr?

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you scummy bitch? I’ve been involved in numerous lynches on Mafia, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in psychological warfare and I’m the top scum hunter in the entire Town. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will lynch you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Masons and our case is being formed right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your role. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can lynch you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just as a Citizen. Not only am I extensively trained in misrepresentation, but I have access to an entire arsenal of logical fallacies and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this game, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
    I would 10x rep this if I could
    Death, yet the Town.
    ~The Town Code

  35. ISO #35

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    The Scummies are kind of like a kid's birthday party, and you go, and there's really nothing for you to do there. But the kid's having a really good time, so you're, kind of there. That's-that's kind of what it's like.
    Last edited by BananaCucho; February 7th, 2017 at 11:29 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  36. ISO #36

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Tonight is the Scummies, the annual player awards night here at sc2mafia. And this is everybody's favorite day. Everybody looks forward to it, because, you know, a lot of the players here don't get trophies, very often. Like SuperJack or MattZed, I mean, who's gonna give MattZed an award? Dunkin' Donuts? Plus, bonus, it's really, really funny. So I, you know, a player will go home, and he'll tell his neighbor, "Hey, did you get an award?" And the neighbor will say, "No man. I mean, I slave all day and nobody notices me." Next thing you know, player smells something terrible coming from neighbor's house. Neighbor's hanged himself due to lack of recognition.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  37. ISO #37

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf View Post
    First of all, we aren't ahead in best host nor am I ahead in the neutral category. The Empathy archon is very special to me and this feels like a dis on both myself and ika. I don't really care about anything else. That archon means the world to me.

    Don't ever call me immature or put words in my mouth again.

    If you want to ban me for loving the Empathy archon, you go right ahead Crypt.
    No one can say you can't toot your own horn or try to convince players to vote for you. But just because you have a special place in your heart for your Archon, doesn't mean anyone cares. The categories are purposefully vague so that players can find their own reasons to vote. Maybe Person A votes for an Archon because they thought it played really well. Player B might vote for an Archon that made them laugh. Player C might vote for an Archon because they thought they were supportive in game, or easy to get along with; the list is endless.

    Just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you, doesn't mean that you should take it personally. These are supposed to be fun, and you should be pleased that people thought of you enough that you were nominated in several categories.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  38. ISO #38

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf View Post
    First of all, we aren't ahead in best host nor am I ahead in the neutral category. The Empathy archon is very special to me and this feels like a dis on both myself and ika. I don't really care about anything else. That archon means the world to me.

    Don't ever call me immature or put words in my mouth again.

    If you want to ban me for loving the Empathy archon, you go right ahead Crypt.

    I did not say you were immature. I said the way you were acting was immature. As Crypt said, there doesn't need to be drama here, and for once, I don't plan on stirring the pot. However, i will say this, if empathy is important or special to you, you shouldn't need a forum award to validate those feelings.

    Regardless of who wins what, our lives go on, nothing changes except for a little badge. Crypt made this as a way to bring the community together, and to add some flavor to the FM community as perhaps a way to get people involved. Stick and carrot, ya know?

    However, I think I can speak for a number of people, who think you are kind've taking the fun out of what this is supposed to be about. Just relax, go with the flow, and if you win then great, if you lose, then what's the big issue? This is such small potatoes.

    You can love your archon and not make a big deal about this fake award. Trust me, I'd love to be nomed for other things, I'd love to be winning in all my categories. I'd love for me to have the best meme award, but if it happens, then awesome! If I don't win, it's all good in the hood. This is just supposed to be for fun. Be happy you were nominated at all!

    I mean God Emperor Trudeau? AMIRIGHT?

    I will not engage with you further on this matter, because I don't want to continue the drama.

    (can you guys tell i'm in therapy? LOL)
    Last edited by PowersThatBe; February 7th, 2017 at 01:11 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    Shut up cow.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Did you just fucking call him a cow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16
    No, he played as well as he could. He had you right in the palm of his fucking hand all game and you STILL don’t get that. He played you like a fucking fiddle, and it was so obvious and it pains me that nobody else saw it.

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Rooting for Game of Thrones victory. Now that I think about it though, I can't remember the last time I didn't use a person (photo or picture) as my FM avatar
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Rooting for Game of Thrones victory. Now that I think about it though, I can't remember the last time I didn't use a person (photo or picture) as my FM avatar
    I was sad that GoT wasn't nominated for the Best Theme. But I still would have voted for Iced_Monopoly. IDK why, but the theme just made so much sense that is was a beautiful thing *tears* lol

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  43. ISO #43

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Crypt you should install a "like button" I keep forgetting this isn't facebook
    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    Shut up cow.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    Did you just fucking call him a cow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16
    No, he played as well as he could. He had you right in the palm of his fucking hand all game and you STILL don’t get that. He played you like a fucking fiddle, and it was so obvious and it pains me that nobody else saw it.

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    I was sad that GoT wasn't nominated for the Best Theme. But I still would have voted for Iced_Monopoly. IDK why, but the theme just made so much sense that is was a beautiful thing *tears* lol
    i'm sorry i didnt nominate it ahaha. you should know its one of my favorites.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: 2017 Winter Scummies

    Just saying I'm in the running for most missed.

    Y'know. Hope I win.

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    Neighbor's hanged himself due to lack of recognition.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50



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