S-FM 217: Masquerade Madness

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM 217: Masquerade Madness

    Masquerade Madness

    Quick Links
    setup link
    Nine pm
    Ten pm
    Eleven pm
    Twelve am

    Eight pm
    (Day 1)

    Arriving at the grandeur mansion, you all make your way inside to meet the mysterious, yet eccentric host of this evenings events. An exclusive invitation to this private ball is the only connection you have to your fellow guests, however you soon find you have more in common than previously expected.

    Some time passes as you all thoroughly enjoy yourselves dancing, drinking and conversing when you hear a crash of metal and ceramic. Making your way to the kitchen, you discover the slumped body of the host, his body riddled with knife wounds. Without so much as a second thought, you all attempt to flee the mansion, only to discover all the doors and windows locked.

    Someone amongst you has killed the host, and likely has plans to do the same to you, only once you successfully work out who it is, can you escape this hell.

    Players Roles Graveyard
    Red Masquerader Masquerader
    Green Masquerader Masquerader
    Blue Masquerader Masquerader
    Yellow Masquerader Masquerader
    Purple Masquerader Masquerader
    Pink Masquerader Masquerader
    Orange Masquerader Serial Killer

    Day ends in
    • 00

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00


    4 votes to hammer.

    Last edited by Iced_Monopoly; December 4th, 2016 at 02:01 PM.

    Monopoly of the Iced variety

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    Do you like, have a cool attitude? Because you're totally having a cool, fun attitude, right here.
    I am as cold as the winter's breeze. I am as warm as the lava's touch. I am as gentle as feathers plucked from a raven. I am hard as the calcified bones of heroes of old. I am complex, and I came to this ball to have a grandeur experience!

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Purple Masquerader View Post

    Simply change the color to your color, and VIOLA you have a plethora of masks to choose from!
    Good idea.

    I'm going to vote off the quietest person today, just saying. SK will probably try to take out a loud townie early and then hide among one of the quiet people. ANy counters to this idea?

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Red Masquerader View Post
    Good idea.

    I'm going to vote off the quietest person today, just saying. SK will probably try to take out a loud townie early and then hide among one of the quiet people. ANy counters to this idea?
    No counter here. That would be a decent strategy for SK. Would make sense for it to use it's one kill to eliminate someone who is vocal

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    You know what they say about wanting to be the center of attention, rhymes is an easy ticket towards that goal. Preferably I want a skilled rhymer to make rhymes, not a random plebe.
    A Plebian Poem.

    Attention! Attention!
    Look for a mention!
    A murder most fowl.
    Our host lay disemboweled!
    A Serial Killer hidden among.
    The Masqueraders will be hung.
    Until the guilty party pays for their crime.
    Hurry! Hurry! We are running out of time!

    How dost thou like my poem?

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Red Masquerader View Post
    I'm going to vote off the quietest person today, just saying. SK will probably try to take out a loud townie early and then hide among one of the quiet people. ANy counters to this idea?
    Yeah, discussing this particular subject will be useless. We do not know who the serial killer is and based on that we cannot hunt COM, we can't make educated guesses either for meta basis. SK will go for a loud townie? Yeah suuure.

    Let us look at it from a perceptive of a killer, in an entirely anonymous game; to have loud players speak more, making them easier to cherry pick, while killing the less vocal plebes. How can you make an offensive against a silent player, such as a classic strawman?

  24. ISO #24

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    Yeah, discussing this particular subject will be useless. We do not know who the serial killer is and based on that we cannot hunt COM, we can't make educated guesses either for meta basis. SK will go for a loud townie? Yeah suuure.

    Let us look at it from a perceptive of a killer, in an entirely anonymous game; to have loud players speak more, making them easier to cherry pick, while killing the less vocal plebes. How can you make an offensive against a silent player, such as a classic strawman?
    Of course, my only counter in this, is the fact that Serial Killer has to disguise, but that's also the reason the host has implemented a rule, to require a minimum of ten posts a day and have it make sense. You can't really be silent with that kind of rule, can you? Going incognito at the ten posts marker is scummy as all hell.

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    Of course, my only counter in this, is the fact that Serial Killer has to disguise, but that's also the reason the host has implemented a rule, to require a minimum of ten posts a day and have it make sense. You can't really be silent with that kind of rule, can you? Going incognito at the ten posts marker is scummy as all hell.
    Depends on how productive we are on d1. If everyone makes shitty posts then they could do easily. I don't know how to start off games well tho to make things happen - do you have anything on the players so far that might do that?

  26. ISO #26

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Red Masquerader View Post
    Good idea.

    I'm going to vote off the quietest person today, just saying. SK will probably try to take out a loud townie early and then hide among one of the quiet people. ANy counters to this idea?
    First concern! If your the SK , you will do exactly the vise versa and win the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    Of course, my only counter in this, is the fact that Serial Killer has to disguise, but that's also the reason the host has implemented a rule, to require a minimum of ten posts a day and have it make sense. You can't really be silent with that kind of rule, can you? Going incognito at the ten posts marker is scummy as all hell.
    hmmm. That was the only counter you thought of?

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Red Masquerader View Post
    I will reread his posts and try to explain but when I think "why is Orange making X post?" I feel like he's making a lot of posts to look active without saying anything. Also I absolutely hated that post where he tried to downplay Green's early town-lean. I don't see town feeling the need to do that like he did. Just think about it - would you actually care that someone was giving someone an early town-lean over one post? You might if you thought the town-lean was a stretch because you thought that Green knows that Pink is town or something - that would make sense. But Orange didn't do that.

    I'm getting annoyed with myself because I don't think anyone is understanding me here and that's my fault, but I don't know how to explain it any better than that -.-''

    Since you seem to be confused on my Purple read, I will ISO him later and explain my thought process. It's true that I haven't talked about him much, didn't really care to tbh, I'll get that done alongside Orange in a couple hours.

    I said "don't say you town-read him because Red is scum" because I wanted actual reasons that Orange could be town in case I was missing something, not some generic "lol ur scum so I won't answer you" kind of response. Some people do that with their scum-reads so I wanted to nip that in the bud. I have explained my reads in more depth than that myself.
    eh, what is SK motivation for doubt casting on people town read? he needs to fit in with others idea not fighting with them.

    Try to take a step back and re-exaplin your points about Orange with quotes

    ah no be sure that I'm not like those people. No tunnel-vision here. explain your points and If I see them resolving my concerns about you I will unvote you.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Pink Masquerader View Post
    So, you're saying we should leave all lurkers alone so SK has an easier place to hide? Or, do you agree with him? I'm confused.
    I meant "This is a wifomy and distractive topic to discuss" and it could be something SK would say to advertise policy in day 1. Red didn't follow that line of thinking up later though which I wanted to know why.

    Pushing lurkers , low posters and quiet slots is a great idea but that discussion was out of place in page 2.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    Yeah, discussing this particular subject will be useless. We do not know who the serial killer is and based on that we cannot hunt COM, we can't make educated guesses either for meta basis. SK will go for a loud townie? Yeah suuure.

    Let us look at it from a perceptive of a killer, in an entirely anonymous game; to have loud players speak more, making them easier to cherry pick, while killing the less vocal plebes. How can you make an offensive against a silent player, such as a classic strawman?
    SK had that one time no disguise thing don't they? That was what I was saying with killing a loud townie

    They'll probably do that n1 or 2 on someoe they can't copy well and then take an account of a lurker late on. So we should lynch off the quiet people so that SK has less people to lurk as for later. Make sense?

  30. ISO #30

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Purple Masquerader View Post
    A Plebian Poem.

    Attention! Attention!
    Look for a mention!
    A murder most fowl.
    Our host lay disemboweled!
    A Serial Killer hidden among.
    The Masqueraders will be hung.
    Until the guilty party pays for their crime.
    Hurry! Hurry! We are running out of time!

    How dost thou like my poem?
    That's a legitimately good poem, almost as if you googled something similar and changed a few words. Full applause for you regardless.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Red Masquerader View Post
    SK had that one time no disguise thing don't they? That was what I was saying with killing a loud townie

    They'll probably do that n1 or 2 on someoe they can't copy well and then take an account of a lurker late on. So we should lynch off the quiet people so that SK has less people to lurk as for later. Make sense?
    I already filled that hole in for post 24. We are at the mercy of a host who will determine, if players contribute enough for Day 1.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    That's a legitimately good poem, almost as if you googled something similar and changed a few words. Full applause for you regardless.

    I already filled that hole in for post 24. We are at the mercy of a host who will determine, if players contribute enough for Day 1.
    I assure you good sir, I wrote that poem from my minds eye.

    I appreciate your applause!


  32. ISO #32

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Red Masquerader View Post
    SK had that one time no disguise thing don't they?
    This reads really fake, like you're pretending that you don't know so that it distances you from SK. There are literally two rolecards, please tell me put in at least that much effort into reading the setup.

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    I think it's silly to point fingers at who a serial killer is, when we don't even have an adequate amount of posts, from all players. All it is, is an early offense, to kickstart and spark a discussion.
    imo it is a step up from check in posts but you're not wrong so

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Yellow Masquerader View Post
    I agree with voting lurkers/ people without a noteable personality in their posts. The killer will probably avoid disguising as people he can't impersonate as long as possible.
    That's why I already like purple. That would be annoying AF and difficult to disguise as.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Yellow Masquerader View Post
    That's why I already like purple. That would be annoying AF and difficult to disguise as.
    Aye, yes. I see you are a personage of great wit! Thy posts shall be hard pressed to replicate. I assure they. I shall not waver from this speak, and thusly, you may lynch any imposter!

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    Irrelevant. Just because the player writes in a manner that makes them hard to impersonate as, doesn't rule them out as being the killer itself.
    That applies to everyone though so this seems pointless to bring up. I don't see why he should be considered atm unless you think he's doing anything scummy.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: S-FM Masquerade Madness

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Orange Masquerader View Post
    Irrelevant. Just because the player writes in a manner that makes them hard to impersonate as, doesn't rule them out as being the killer itself.
    au contraire, it makes them easier because they have a forced persona. The SK talking as ANYONE will have a forced persona, so it'll be easy for it to blend in. On the other hand, we will be more easily to tell apart TRUE and HONEST speech patterns.



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