S-FM 216 Spirits

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    S-FM 216 Spirits

    Long ago, in a long forgotten land, there lived a wolf tribe. They lived in harmony with the wolves that lived there. The wolves provided them food and protection from the wildlife. In return, the tribesman provided them protection from the spirits.

    One day, a tribe of shamans appeared, and met with the wolf tribe. They said the spirits enjoy a ritual to appease them, and we can help you with this.

    The wolf tribes and the wolves agree'd to the ritual and they lived together in harmony.

    One day, a new tribe emerged, the Bear tribe. Being natural enemies of wolves, the tribesmen and the wolves were hesitant to accept them. The shamans sensing the bear's spirits and their protective powers, found no ill-will from them. The wolves grew wary of their presence knowing something bad might happen.

    One day there was a big howl. The tribesmen and the wolves all appeared to find a dead wolf lying in the forest. It looked like he was attacked by a bear. The tribesmen and the wolves grew angry and went to the bear tribe, demanding retribution for the death of the wolf.

    The bear tribe refused to accept any blame and took offense to the accusation. They said, "This is our land as much as it is yours." The shamans came in and told them, "Stop or this will lead to a perilous situation."

    Over time, the rift continue to widen and further wolf and bear deaths emerged.

    One day, a person carrying a gun came and saw the prosperous land and decided to set up camp and hunt for game. The local shaman greeted him, warning him about the tribesmen and spirits that lived there.

    He understood what he was getting into, and ended up killing many wolves which angered the tribesmen even further.

    Soon other settlements came in and a city started to rise. They ended up destroying much of the land, trees, and environment in order to sustain their settlement.

    The wolf tribe, finally fed up with it, decided to retaliate. They went to a cave, deep underground, where a forbidden magic was known to be held. Once they got there, they learned the price they must pay. They must sacrifice their own lives and turn to spirits in order to gain the power they desire.

    Over the course of the night, the tribesmen sacrificed themselves one by one to the Alpha wolf. The wolves then came down and joined in, creating the Beta wolf. When the tribes leader was finally sacrificed, he became the Omega wolf.

    The very next day........everything happened.....................................

    The whole city, the village, the tribes, the entire land was set ablaze. All that could be heard was the howl of wolves. In the midst of it all came 13 people. One of them from the shaman, one of them from the bears, and the hunter himself. They all looked at each other and said, "We need to fix this. We need to purge the spirits that have corrupted the land. If we fail, all will be lost."

    One person spoke up and said, "Good luck trying to purge us. You will never win. We started in this land alone. The moment the bears showed up, everything went wrong. Even when the shamans appeared, we sensed there would be trouble."

    In an instant, a flash of white light appeared, directed at the shaman. One brave soul intercepted it and took the blow, dying instantly. The person who spoke looked angry and said, "fine, since that was most of my power, I'll have to do this instead...." In an instant, mist started rising from the ground. Everyone got dizzy and passed out. Moments later, everyone woke up and looked the same.

    The voice boomed all over "Now you must find us if you want to go to the land of new....."
    Last edited by Empathy17; November 18th, 2016 at 07:48 PM.



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