Game Over. The TOWN has won!

Congratulations to Gyrlander, Brendan, deathworlds, Unknown1234, Sino, GameFreak, Arrow, Gerik, BananaCucho, Firebringer, Mesk514, and Cryptonic!

(game is ending because there is only one scum left, who is charged by William Bell, and thus has basically no chance of not killing themselves when attempting a night kill, or when being checked by the charged sheriff)

Well played, everyone! I'm quite happy with how this game turned out. It was the third most-posted M-FM in this site's history, and I only had to make two replacements! (for a game of this size, one would normally have to make around 8-9) I know some of you felt the game was inactive at times, but really, this wasn't the case. Splitting universes meant splitting posts, but there was a lot of good contribution in both universes, which makes me happy.

Host MVP goes to Brendan, AKA M-FM Yes, who, as vigilante, killed two mafia in his universe without killing any town in the process. Without him taking out two of the three mafia in the Alternate Universe, we'd be looking at a very different game.

Account COM Role
M-FM Badass Gyrlander Detective
M-FM Kyoko Kirigiri secondpassing Consigliere
M-FM Moogle ika, SilverWolf William Bell
M-FM Yes Brendan Vigilante
N/A deathworlds Enhanced Citizen
N/A Unknown1234 Citizen
N/A Sino Sheriff
M-FM Almost Late GameFreak Transporter
M-FM Cruise Elroy Arrow Citizen
M-FM Zynonymous Apocist Corrupted Architect
M-FM Marksman Gerik Mayor
M-FM Harbinger Quick David Robert Jones
N/A AnassRhamur Corrupted Enhanced Citizen
M-FM Zealot BananaCucho Bus Driver
N/A Firebringer Citizen
M-FM Kool-Aid Mesk514 Citizen
N/A Quick Citizen
M-FM Wildcard Cryptonic Doctor