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Thread: Welp

  1. ISO #201

  2. ISO #202

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Mateo View Post
    I agree with Powers, Trump might have been the repub nominee but his policies are more like national socialism (both with and without nazi connotations). Johnson was the protest vote for those that couldnt stand Hillary but couldnt vote for a fascist.
    Yup. This, exactly this.

    Edit: Personal anecdote, I didn't know anything about him until his Aleppo embarrassment. I watched him on the view and he just started talking his policies and he almost swayed me from voting for Hillary. But then I knew it would have been a waste, it would have been a conscious vote. But I already got my conscious vote, and his name was Bernie Sanders. So, I think more people who would have voted Bernie, voted Johnson. I think if you wanted an "outsider" but didn't like Trump and Hillary was your only option, then you voted Johnson. Because to be honest, Republicans voted for Hillary over Trump because he was that bad in their eyes (or said that's what they were doing.) But as Trumps campaign manager pointed out, he had big rallies, and he really excited people. I think more people didn't vote for Hillary because they couldn't trust her and they did not want Trump to win.
    Last edited by PowersThatBe; November 11th, 2016 at 10:39 PM.

  3. ISO #203

  4. ISO #204

  5. ISO #205

  6. ISO #206

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    @Lysergic and @DarknessB

    Please read these two articles to understand fully my fears of this presidency and marriage equality. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/...b02d21bbc8ff9b ; https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/11/n...-lgbtq-rights/
    If you've been paying attention, Trumps tone has changed already and he's already walking back some stuff he promised in the campaign. Like now instead of an immediate repeal of Obamacare, he's keeping the "good parts".

    I'm fully in the "give the guy a chance" camp at this point, I mean, if he really does try to stomp on peoples liberties like his campaign rhetoric suggested, he'll be met with strong opposition. But I think what we potentially have here could the greatest con in the history of the US if he ends up completely backtracking on all the anger he tapped in to to get elected. Which would be hilarious to see if that's the case.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  7. ISO #207

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    If you've been paying attention, Trumps tone has changed already and he's already walking back some stuff he promised in the campaign. Like now instead of an immediate repeal of Obamacare, he's keeping the "good parts".

    I'm fully in the "give the guy a chance" camp at this point, I mean, if he really does try to stomp on peoples liberties like his campaign rhetoric suggested, he'll be met with strong opposition. But I think what we potentially have here could the greatest con in the history of the US if he ends up completely backtracking on all the anger he tapped in to to get elected. Which would be hilarious to see if that's the case.
    I would hope, but I if you read the article it says he'll be giving Mike Pence more power/responsibility which is already happening with Pence taking over the transition team. I am all for giving him a chance, but I will not lull myself into a state of surrender. I fear what will happen and I will continue to speak out until he proves me wrong.

    I hope I'm wrong, I really really do. But picking Mike Pence, boy that does not sit well with me. And he's already going to sign the FADA which will legalize discrimination against LGBTQ on the basis of religious liberty, Donald has vowed to sign it.

  8. ISO #208

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    I would hope, but I if you read the article it says he'll be giving Mike Pence more power/responsibility which is already happening with Pence taking over the transition team. I am all for giving him a chance, but I will not lull myself into a state of surrender. I fear what will happen and I will continue to speak out until he proves me wrong.

    I hope I'm wrong, I really really do. But picking Mike Pence, boy that does not sit well with me. And he's already going to sign the FADA which will legalize discrimination against LGBTQ on the basis of religious liberty, Donald has vowed to sign it.
    He's vowed and said a lot of things. Like the wall. Nobody expects that to happen.

    At this point until he takes office all we are doing is speculating.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  9. ISO #209

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    He's vowed and said a lot of things. Like the wall. Nobody expects that to happen.

    At this point until he takes office all we are doing is speculating.
    Of coruse we have to wait and see, but after he got elected congress said no basically to the wall. However, the FADA is something they all really want. But we will see.

  10. ISO #210

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    @Lysergic and @DarknessB

    Please read these two articles to understand fully my fears of this presidency and marriage equality. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/...b02d21bbc8ff9b ; https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/11/n...-lgbtq-rights/
    Oh, I totally get what your fears are. Pence is a piece of shit. I've been saying that since Trump picked him as a running mate.

    I guess I'm not worried about it because I don't see what my worry would do, other than give me grey hairs. The election is over; at this point, all anyone can do is wait and see. If Trump's administration tries to pull some shady shenanigans in terms of walking back marriage equality, then there will be time to protest. And if all else fails, I will be speaking with my vote in 2018 and 2020. In the meantime, I don't want to live in fear; it's never suited me.

  11. ISO #211

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysergic View Post
    Oh, I totally get what your fears are. Pence is a piece of shit. I've been saying that since Trump picked him as a running mate.

    I guess I'm not worried about it because I don't see what my worry would do, other than give me grey hairs. The election is over; at this point, all anyone can do is wait and see. If Trump's administration tries to pull some shady shenanigans in terms of walking back marriage equality, then there will be time to protest. And if all else fails, I will be speaking with my vote in 2018 and 2020. In the meantime, I don't want to live in fear; it's never suited me.
    Yup, this
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  12. ISO #212

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysergic View Post
    Oh, I totally get what your fears are. Pence is a piece of shit. I've been saying that since Trump picked him as a running mate.

    I guess I'm not worried about it because I don't see what my worry would do, other than give me grey hairs. The election is over; at this point, all anyone can do is wait and see. If Trump's administration tries to pull some shady shenanigans in terms of walking back marriage equality, then there will be time to protest. And if all else fails, I will be speaking with my vote in 2018 and 2020. In the meantime, I don't want to live in fear; it's never suited me.
    I guess, I just want us to be aware of what might happen so we can mobilize. I am not actively sitting here and worrying, i just don't want Allies or anyone this doesn't DIRECTLY affect to become complacent. I want everyone to know what to look for so we can fight if it happens. IDK, if that makes it more clear?

  13. ISO #213

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    I guess, I just want us to be aware of what might happen so we can mobilize. I am not actively sitting here and worrying, i just don't want Allies or anyone this doesn't DIRECTLY affect to become complacent. I want everyone to know what to look for so we can fight if it happens. IDK, if that makes it more clear?
    Sure that makes sense. But allies won't stop being allies just cause of Trump. Plus even moderate / non fanatical conservatives are coming around to being okay with marriage equality. My parents 3 years ago were against it, now they are not and they are as conservative as they come. Society is evolving and talking with a lot of people over the last few days I do believe that a majority of people who voted for Trump don't agree with most of the stuff he's said. They are just tired of establishment politics and hated Hillary more. But a lot of them won't agree with taking civil rights away.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  14. ISO #214

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    Sure that makes sense. But allies won't stop being allies just cause of Trump. Plus even moderate / non fanatical conservatives are coming around to being okay with marriage equality. My parents 3 years ago were against it, now they are not and they are as conservative as they come. Society is evolving and talking with a lot of people over the last few days I do believe that a majority of people who voted for Trump don't agree with most of the stuff he's said. They are just tired of establishment politics and hated Hillary more. But a lot of them won't agree with taking civil rights away.
    Sure, I agree with you. But when I brought this point up to people that I know voted for him. Their response by in large was, "they'll never do that" "it'll never happen" "no one wants that" -- I just want to give voice to the things that are already occurring. TBH, at this point, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Except vote in 2018, even then it might be too late because we'd only be able to get the House back, and attempt to block him for 2 more years after.

    I'm not trying to be an alarmist, I just want people to remember the stakes, and be ready to help if and when shit like this goes down. I would love for everyone here that's an ally to to sign petitions call your reps, whatever it takes IF this stuff starts happening.

    My other fear is that things like this will get sneaked through bills, as often is the cause with a lot of stuff. Hopefully Trump tells them to leave the gays alone, but a large part of the republican base does not "hate" gays, but they do think our life style is an alt life style that our constitution doesn't support.

  15. ISO #215

  16. ISO #216

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by thedougler View Post
    Yes? All politics is deciding for others to one extent or another. IDK what about my talking points seems dishonest, but to be honest with you I've taken far more flak here for honestly stating my views than you have. In case you haven't noticed, being anti-gay marriage in 2016 kind of makes you a pariah, and people have lost jobs and been sued for saying less than I have.

    And the whole "deplorable" comment really encapsulates why Trump won. Flyover country is sick of the constant derision from out of touch urbanites and has finally staged its coup. The way people in Cali and NYC today talk about the rural white underclass is almost as bad as blacks under Jim Crow, but also tinged with a classist undercurrent.
    I'm from the Rust Belt. My life totally went to shit when Ronnie Ray-Gun shipped my job out of the country.

    Some of my neighbors blew their brains out. A lot more fell into alcoholism. 35 years later they're still waiting on a messiah to bring back their jobs.

    It ain't gonna happen.The new Boss is same as the old Boss.

    All politics is deciding for others to one extent or another.
    No, it's deciding for themselves and their cronies. You and I are nothing.

    At least Hillary and her cronies were willing to throw us a bone. Trump/Pence will be just like Bush/Cheney.

    As for the Deplorable comment, Trump won with the support of some very nasty people, the AltRight and the KKK for example. And the Infowars tards. Like it or not, they're deplorable. So is anyone that wants to prevent others from attaining basic human civil rights.

    Views are views. Facts are facts. Two different things.

  17. ISO #217

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Klingoncelt View Post
    I'm from the Rust Belt. My life totally went to shit when Ronnie Ray-Gun shipped my job out of the country.

    Some of my neighbors blew their brains out. A lot more fell into alcoholism. 35 years later they're still waiting on a messiah to bring back their jobs.

    It ain't gonna happen.The new Boss is same as the old Boss.

    No, it's deciding for themselves and their cronies. You and I are nothing.

    At least Hillary and her cronies were willing to throw us a bone. Trump/Pence will be just like Bush/Cheney.

    As for the Deplorable comment, Trump won with the support of some very nasty people, the AltRight and the KKK for example. And the Infowars tards. Like it or not, they're deplorable. So is anyone that wants to prevent others from attaining basic human civil rights.

    Views are views. Facts are facts. Two different things.
    Amnesty (or "comprehensive immigration reform" as Hillary and her donors like to call it) is not a "basic human civil right", elsewise you guys would have billions of third worlders in your borders and your standard of living would rather quickly go to shit. If the KKK agrees with me on that then good on them for having common sense at least in that regard.

    Trump was endorsed by a lot of scummy people, but also by some people I have great respect for, such as the union of a very demoralized ICE under Obama (their first presidential endorsement EVER), the Fraternal Order of Police, and the NRA.

    Again, leftist derision and name-calling drove the same white working class that largely voted for Obama in 2008 into Trump's hands. This election hasn't proved that America is racist, it's just proved that the leftist tactic of crying "racist" has lost all poignancy. If you want to see a Liberal I actually have respect for explain it to you, I suggest this wonderful rant:

    While there are parallels between Trump and Reagan's rises, they are not the same. Trump isn't even president yet and we can't judge the full effect of his policies just yet. He may very well screw over the rust-belt voters who gave him the presidency, but I think they were probably screwed anyway due to structural forces whether Trump or Hillary won. At least Trump promised a concrete policy position (tarrifs) to preserve their jobs, whereas Hillary would have probably flipflopped on TPP and caused more manufacturing job losses. The Trump support from rust-belt workers may be selfish and short-sighted, but when you consider wages for the median male worker have been flat since the 1970s, they are eager to try just about anything at this point.
    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    Mafia will be very interesting for the duration of this sentence, and lots of individuals' tummys will hurt from laughing so hard. I've had to fall out of my chair and lie on the ground before, as it was just too painful to laugh LOL.

  18. ISO #218

  19. ISO #219

  20. ISO #220

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by thedougler View Post
    Amnesty (or "comprehensive immigration reform" as Hillary and her donors like to call it) is not a "basic human civil right", elsewise you guys would have billions of third worlders in your borders and your standard of living would rather quickly go to shit. If the KKK agrees with me on that then good on them for having common sense at least in that regard.

    Trump was endorsed by a lot of scummy people, but also by some people I have great respect for, such as the union of a very demoralized ICE under Obama (their first presidential endorsement EVER), the Fraternal Order of Police, and the NRA.

    Again, leftist derision and name-calling drove the same white working class that largely voted for Obama in 2008 into Trump's hands. This election hasn't proved that America is racist, it's just proved that the leftist tactic of crying "racist" has lost all poignancy. If you want to see a Liberal I actually have respect for explain it to you, I suggest this wonderful rant:

    While there are parallels between Trump and Reagan's rises, they are not the same. Trump isn't even president yet and we can't judge the full effect of his policies just yet. He may very well screw over the rust-belt voters who gave him the presidency, but I think they were probably screwed anyway due to structural forces whether Trump or Hillary won. At least Trump promised a concrete policy position (tarrifs) to preserve their jobs, whereas Hillary would have probably flipflopped on TPP and caused more manufacturing job losses. The Trump support from rust-belt workers may be selfish and short-sighted, but when you consider wages for the median male worker have been flat since the 1970s, they are eager to try just about anything at this point.
    I knew what was coming with Reagan, and I know what's coming with Trump.

    And don't blame the left for name-calling. We don't want to be associated with creeps, pervs, bigots, homophobes, misogynists, other haters, and the willfully stupid. Our calling out the right's awful behavior hasn't lost its poignancy, the right simply chooses to ignore the reality and grow up.

  21. ISO #221

  22. ISO #222

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Klingoncelt View Post
    I knew what was coming with Reagan, and I know what's coming with Trump.

    And don't blame the left for name-calling. We don't want to be associated with creeps, pervs, bigots, homophobes, misogynists, other haters, and the willfully stupid. Our calling out the right's awful behavior hasn't lost its poignancy, the right simply chooses to ignore the reality and grow up.
    You there, watch the youtube video I posted. It addressed this back and forth between you two, and I think it has some valuable lessons for both of you!

  23. ISO #223

  24. ISO #224

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Well suck it up, you only got 4 years of it.

    Just be thankful you're not like Canada and have leaders serving for 20+ years.
    I think you mean 8 years (at least likely statistically) -- U.S. presidents rarely lose reelection these days given the power of incumbency. Four out of the last five elected (and five out of the last seven -- ignoring Ford who was never elected) have been reelected, and Bush Sr. not making it was due to a perfect storm of insane factors (the most viable third party candidate ever, a weird recession, etc.).
    Last edited by DarknessB; November 14th, 2016 at 10:22 AM.

  25. ISO #225

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    I think you mean 8 years (at least likely statistically) -- U.S. presidents rarely lose reelection these days given the power of incumbency. Four out of the last five elected (and five out of the last seven -- ignoring Ford who was never elected) have been reelected, and Bush Sr. not making it was due to a perfect storm of insane factors (the most viable third party candidate ever, a weird recession, etc.).

    But on the flip side, only once since WW2 has a political party held the Executive for more than 2 terms in a row. This is why I bet (and won! ) on a Trump victory despite my heart not wanting it to happen.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  26. ISO #226

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post

    But on the flip side, only once since WW2 has a political party held the Executive for more than 2 terms in a row. This is why I bet (and won! ) on a Trump victory despite my heart not wanting it to happen.
    Agreed -- after 8 years, people tend to want a chance in the direction of the executive branch. That was the whole idea of Trump shaking things up more so than Hillary would have (given Obama is currently president). 8 years is a long time in politics.

  27. ISO #227

  28. ISO #228

  29. ISO #229

  30. ISO #230

  31. ISO #231

  32. ISO #232

  33. ISO #233

  34. ISO #234

  35. ISO #235

  36. ISO #236

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Klingoncelt View Post
    Who do you think will stop him?

    In some cases he can simply write an Executive Order.

    He can make Supreme Court and Department appointments while Congress is in recess and that overrides the Senate approval process.
    well to quote trump, maybe the second amendment people can do something

  37. ISO #237

  38. ISO #238

  39. ISO #239

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    I doubt she would. I also doubt he'll run for reelection if things go poorly. I wouldn't want her to run again, /she was such a toxic candidate I doubt she would be able to get the party support again.
    The last president not to run for reelection (i.e. not term limited) was LBJ in 1968, and before that, I can't even find one who didn't run for a second term, unless you want to go back to the 1800s or count presidents who died in their first term (Kennedy, Harding, McKinley, etc.). In other words, unless Trump is literally forced out of office, he's running for reelection.

    UPDATE: The answer is Hayes in 1880 who made a pledge not to run for a second term in order to resolve the electoral vote controversy in his first election. In other words, don't count on it, lol. Arthur ran for reelection in 1884 but lost the Republican nomination.
    Last edited by DarknessB; November 14th, 2016 at 07:52 PM.

  40. ISO #240

  41. ISO #241

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    I doubt she would. I also doubt he'll run for reelection if things go poorly. I wouldn't want her to run again, /she was such a toxic candidate I doubt she would be able to get the party support again.
    If Hillary somehow gets the nomination AGAIN, then this is where I get off the train.

    Unless Trump cucks his voter base really hard, ie by Expanding The Swamp (tm) or reneging on the wall, he will likely win re-election simply because incumbents have a big advantage. I mean, even Bush won re-election.

    I'm pretty confident that Democrats will win 2024 though if they run a clean, young and attractive man without any huge revolutionary aims. I can see Trump's narcissism and showmanship being embarrassing enough that a 1920-esque "Return to Normalcy" platform by the Democrats will come out on top.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  42. ISO #242

    Re: Welp

    Unless the DNC is secretly being run by descendants of Henry Clay who are tired of Clay being the traditional symbol of "Presidential Participation Award", I don't see a good reason for them to nominate her again.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  43. ISO #243

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    The last president not to run for reelection (i.e. not term limited) was LBJ in 1968, and before that, I can't even find one who didn't run for a second term, unless you want to go back to the 1800s or count presidents who died in their first term (Kennedy, Harding, McKinley, etc.). In other words, unless Trump is literally forced out of office, he's running for reelection.

    UPDATE: The answer is Hayes in 1880 who made a pledge not to run for a second term in order to resolve the electoral vote controversy in his first election. In other words, don't count on it, lol. Arthur ran for reelection in 1884 but lost the Republican nomination.
    You can't say he'll run again. He is far from a traditional candidate, he also only wants to live in the whites house half time. He also cared a lot about public perception, I could definitely see him bowing out after 4 years.

  44. ISO #244

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    You can't say he'll run again. He is far from a traditional candidate, he also only wants to live in the whites house half time. He also cared a lot about public perception, I could definitely see him bowing out after 4 years.
    Sure, it's possible, but very unlikely given precedent going back to the 1800s. Being president is pretty much the most impressive thing that someone can do politically -- I don't see him just saying "I'm done now" after 4 years. He'll want to cement his legacy, especially given his ego.

  45. ISO #245

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Unless the DNC is secretly being run by descendants of Henry Clay who are tired of Clay being the traditional symbol of "Presidential Participation Award", I don't see a good reason for them to nominate her again.
    Romney came decently close to running three times: 2008 (lost to McCain in the primary), 2012 (lost to Obama), 2016 (floated the idea of running for a while).

  46. ISO #246

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    Sure, it's possible, but very unlikely given precedent going back to the 1800s. Being president is pretty much the most impressive thing that someone can do politically -- I don't see him just saying "I'm done now" after 4 years. He'll want to cement his legacy, especially given his ego.
    Sure, if things are going well. But given his track record I.e. Bankruptcies, I could see him stepepijg aside if things are going very poorly. Shit if he's doing well and I still have my rights -- good on him. Idk he's so unpredictable, it's not like he needs the pres salary. He could miss doing business and want to get back to it. It's just so hard to figure him out sometimes. I think I could really go either way given how he conducts himself.

  47. ISO #247

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    Sure, if things are going well. But given his track record I.e. Bankruptcies, I could see him stepepijg aside if things are going very poorly. Shit if he's doing well and I still have my rights -- good on him. Idk he's so unpredictable, it's not like he needs the pres salary. He could miss doing business and want to get back to it. It's just so hard to figure him out sometimes. I think I could really go either way given how he conducts himself.
    Honestly man -- the odds are very low (given historical precedent and his ego) and he doesn't catch me as the type who succumbs to popular pressure (look at the entire campaign, lol). He has enough money where he's not going to care about running his businesses (if anything, more of a succession plan is going to take place given he can't be involved with them while he's in office anyway). He's not that young (~70) and this is likely the last big thing he does with his life. There's a reason why virtually every president has run for reelection. Sure, he's definitely an outlier in terms of the normal political candidate, but already, he seems to be falling in line (in terms of saying the right things about Obama and Hillary, scaling back the radical change promises like Obamacare, etc.). You could end up being right, but the odds are very low IMO.

  48. ISO #248

  49. ISO #249

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    Yeah but was the last time a failed nominee ran again?
    I assume you mean someone who made it to the general election because otherwise, Romney is the easy example (failed in 2008, ran again in 2012). Ignoring third party candidates (who tend to run repeatedly), that would be Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and 1956. Dewey ran in 1944 and 1948. Byran ran in 1896 and 1900, etc. Cleveland won, lost, and then won between 1884 and 1892, etc. Basically, it happened a lot in the past, but no time recently.

    The common pattern is that aside from Cleveland, you don't tend to break through after having lost a general election (and Cleveland won before he lost). This is to be expected to some extent, because you're branded as a "loser" in that case, and people are probably sick of you due to overexposure.
    Last edited by DarknessB; November 14th, 2016 at 08:29 PM.

  50. ISO #250

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    I assume you mean someone who made it to the general election because otherwise, Romney is the easy example (failed in 2008, ran again in 2012). Ignoring third party candidates (who tend to run repeatedly), that would be Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and 1956. Dewey ran in 1944 and 1948. Byran ran in 1896 and 1900, etc. Cleveland won, lost, and then won between 1884 and 1892, etc. Basically, it happened a lot in the past, but no time recently.

    The common pattern is that aside from Cleveland, you don't tend to break through after having lost a general election (and Cleveland won before he lost). This is to be expected to some extent, because you're branded as a "loser" in that case, and people are probably sick of you due to overexposure.
    McCain was the nominee in 08, not Romney lol
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho



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