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Thread: Welp

  1. ISO #51

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Mugy View Post
    Maybe it's a different culture, but from where I am(New Zealand, and I imagine, most of the west), we don't have that kind of difference between places to the point where places with larger population need less representation to make the country happy.

    Maybe you shouldn't be the "United" states of America :P
    Sure, we've had entire Civil Wars over regional differences, lol. Given the U.S. is a very large country, there are very divergent interests in different states / regions. Even some states themselves have very different parts like California, etc. It's far easier to govern a smaller country because you don't have nearly as many differences (geographical and otherwise) that have to be considered.

  2. ISO #52

  3. ISO #53

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    Sure, everyone should get to have some influence in the decision, but a straight popular vote doesn't take place in many context and the whole system doesn't fall apart. The entire premise of districts within a state or states for that matter are two good examples. How about cities? If you live on the border between two cities, two states, or two districts, you're essentially assigned to vote in one, but have no influence in the other, even if you're greatly affected by what happens in both.

    This is all to say, it's never completely equal and people should get over that IMO. Popular voting doesn't make sense in all contexts, especially where you're talking about hundreds of millions of votes.
    Err, I don't think your example really undermines the ideal much as, in regards to this "ultimate decision", we're talking about countries rather than cities and states. If you live right next to the border of another country, you're still not affected much by the laws of a country next door. The ideal I said was "Everyone having an equally significant role in one ultimate decision".

    Besides, the whole point of ideals is that they're idealistic but we strive for them anyway, cuz that's what it means to be human n shit. So poking holes in the ideal is rather meaningless =P
    Last edited by yzb25; November 9th, 2016 at 04:00 PM.

  4. ISO #54

  5. ISO #55

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Err, I don't think your example really undermines the ideal much as, in regards to this "ultimate decision", we're talking about countries rather than cities and states. If you live right next to the border of another country, you're still not affected much by the laws of a country next door. The ideal I said was "Everyone having an equally significant role in one ultimate decision".

    Besides, the whole point of ideals is that they're idealistic but we strive for them anyway, cuz that's what it means to be human n shit. So poking holes in the ideal is rather meaningless =P
    Serious yikes re: the teal sentence -- please go to the border parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and tell them that the issues Mexico is having don't have any effect on their lives, lol. I get that you wouldn't appreciate borders given you live on an island. And while I appreciate your ideal, I think there are other ideals as well, which include ensuring that interests throughout a country are represented, which are just as important as your point.

  6. ISO #56

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    Iowa voted for this guy:

    Really makes you think
    Heh, to be fair, the point of that quote in context was more like saying, how stupid are you to believe this terrible lie by another candidate. Also, no one is innocent at this level -- there are tons of damning Hillary comments in her e-mails regarding pandering for votes among the Hispanic community, being happy that domestic shooters were white and not Muslim in terms of her agenda / message, etc. That's not even getting around to the whole basket of deplorables type deal. Sure, it was funny, but people don't tend to take that well either.

  7. ISO #57

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    Not even just Republicans -- independents broke for Trump fairly heavily (at least relative to the overall popular vote totals). The combination of an extremely uncharismatic / unpopular candidate, a bunch of scandals that kept popping up, and general malaise over the existing state of affairs (with Hillary being viewed as continuation of that) was a fatal combination. I agree that if the Democrats had run just about anyone else, they probably would have won, and fairly easily too.
    The problem is that there wasn't really anyone else to run.

    Bernie is great, I think very highly of him, but he is a member of the Socialist Party that switched to Democrat to run for President. Had he quietly switched several months before he started running, well, things would have gone better for him.

    We can't ignore the industrial strength smear campaign run against Hillary. The phony Benghazi scandal, the Wikileaks (do you think that the RNC emails would be any better?,) the FBI innuendo over Wiener's laptop... Hillary was buried in bullshit.

  8. ISO #58

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    Serious yikes re: the teal sentence -- please go to the border parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and tell them that the issues Mexico is having don't have any effect on their lives, lol. I get that you wouldn't appreciate borders given you live on an island. And while I appreciate your ideal, I think there are other ideals as well, which include ensuring that interests throughout a country are represented, which are just as important as your point.
    Damn my island privilege.

    Like many conversations, this has diverged in a direction completely unrelated to the original points, with people only indirectly countering one another lol. Thanks for informing me anyway.

  9. ISO #59

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    This is not the same! The republicans have the power and want to take marriage equality away, planned parenthood will be taken away, and everything Obama has done will be overturned. This is not politics as usual.
    Public services, healthcare, mail delivery, schools, and Social Security will be privatized.

    Violence against nonwhites, non-xtians, LGBTQs, and women will increase noticeably.

    People are going to die.

  10. ISO #60

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Klingoncelt View Post
    The problem is that there wasn't really anyone else to run.

    Bernie is great, I think very highly of him, but he is a member of the Socialist Party that switched to Democrat to run for President. Had he quietly switched several months before he started running, well, things would have gone better for him.

    We can't ignore the industrial strength smear campaign run against Hillary. The phony Benghazi scandal, the Wikileaks (do you think that the RNC emails would be any better?,) the FBI innuendo over Wiener's laptop... Hillary was buried in bullshit.
    To be fair, isn't this the fault of the Democrats for not helping to groom candidates to run after Obama? Everyone just assumed that Hillary was going to be the nominee (certainly, the DNC made sure that happened) and it took all the air out of the room and probably scared other prospects into passing on this election. At the very least, the Republicans had a bench of possible candidates (some more sideshow than others for sure), but any of Bush, Rubio, or Kasich would have been perfectly average Republicans.

    Eh, I honestly find the "conspiracy against Hillary" argument to be very unpersuasive given the disparate media coverage between them (Wikileaks barely got any coverage whereas people couldn't stop talking about Trump's taxes or the Access Hollywood clip). The entire pop culture machine (musicians, celebrities, etc.) were backing up Hillary, as well as lawyers, banks, etc. Not really sure that Trump had much institutional support aside from a couple of prominent Republican donors.

  11. ISO #61

  12. ISO #62

  13. ISO #63

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Klingoncelt View Post
    Certainly Hillary could have done with lessons on acting like a human.

    Trump was a whiny little diva bitch, but in the Age of Kardashian that's normal.

    Hillary was pretty robotic.

    And the pantsuits weren't attractive. People pay attention to looks these days.
    Whether it's silly or not, charisma is a very important characteristic to many voters -- it's the whole "who would you rather have a beer with" test. Hillary came off wooden and rehearsed, which turned off a lot of voters, in terms of believing that she was just telling them what they wanted to hear and wasn't being authentic.

    As much of a diva as Trump was, he was seen as willing to speak his mind (whether many of us agree or not is another story), which tends to energize people more than cold logic.

    And yes, female politicians have it tougher in terms of their clothing / looks being judged more harshly for sure. Trump's suits were rather sloppy and that got very little coverage, but people were far more inclined to judge what Hillary was wearing.

  14. ISO #64

  15. ISO #65

    Re: Welp

    In the information age, fuck state representation through electoral votes. People cam educate themselves on the issues easily if they so please.

    The only silver lining of this election (other than continued trump memes) is that Harambe got over 15k votes. He lives on and will take the white house in 2020!!
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  16. ISO #66

  17. ISO #67

  18. ISO #68

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    glad i wasn't able to vote on either.
    just gonna sit here in norway and watch over the horizon.
    obama already made the speech for hillary and trump, next is trump meeting up with obama to discuss their plans.
    "Say bye bye to your 8 years of work"

    Spoiler : :
    FM XIV - Rapture : Denizen
    FM XV - Star Wars : Citizen
    FM XIV - FuzzyWuzzyTown : Doctor

  19. ISO #69

  20. ISO #70

  21. ISO #71

  22. ISO #72

  23. ISO #73

    Re: Welp

    It feels like someone let his little brother play his civ 5 save.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  24. ISO #74

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Mugy View Post
    "Say bye bye to your 8 years of work"
    I feel horrible for Obama. He's about to watch everything he did during his time in office be undone. ACA will be repealed, Trump has said he wants to pull us out of the Paris Accords because he thinks climate change is a "Chinese hoax," and Congress is refusing to do their duty to vote on Obama's Supreme Court appointment so that Trump will get to pick instead. It's just a giant middle finger to a man who has done a good job as president and has enjoyed a high approval rating as a result. I can't imagine how he's feeling right now.

  25. ISO #75

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysergic View Post
    I feel horrible for Obama. He's about to watch everything he did during his time in office be undone. ACA will be repealed, Trump has said he wants to pull us out of the Paris Accords because he thinks climate change is a "Chinese hoax," and Congress is refusing to do their duty to vote on Obama's Supreme Court appointment so that Trump will get to pick instead. It's just a giant middle finger to a man who has done a good job as president and has enjoyed a high approval rating as a result. I can't imagine how he's feeling right now.
    Also, imagine you're the first black president, and the man who said you weren't born in the USA and therefore unqualified for president is your replacement? Also, said guy was endorsed by the KKK.

    Republicans became the party of obstructionism because they bet that if they did so they could stop Obama from a second term. That didn't work, so they doubled down, hoping to get a republican in office. Well, it kinda worked, except Donald Trump came out of nowhere and used the anger we felt the past 8 years watching these clowns do nothing.

    Obama had to fight to get everything he got done, and it's all going to go up in smokes. It'll be like he was never even president. And that is just so sad.

  26. ISO #76

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    Also, imagine you're the first black president, and the man who said you weren't born in the USA and therefore unqualified for president is your replacement? Also, said guy was endorsed by the KKK.

    Republicans became the party of obstructionism because they bet that if they did so they could stop Obama from a second term. That didn't work, so they doubled down, hoping to get a republican in office. Well, it kinda worked, except Donald Trump came out of nowhere and used the anger we felt the past 8 years watching these clowns do nothing.

    Obama had to fight to get everything he got done, and it's all going to go up in smokes. It'll be like he was never even president. And that is just so sad.
    Yeah, it's brutal. And the fact that there are people out here cheering that 8 years of work will simply vanish is appalling to me.

    Whether you liked his policies or not, turning back the clock is not the answer. It turns the last 8 years into a complete waste of time and just reinforces what I've always suspected: that a good chunk of the government (and by extension the people who vote that part into power) actively want to do nothing.

  27. ISO #77

    Re: Welp

    obama did do alot of terrible deals, and all those subjects has been spoken about during this election.

    obama just has a great voice and is a nice person, but all the things, deals with other countries and such, i dont know about all that. and their military is kinda oversized too, its like a wannabe stuffed with weapons, and what happends? crimes with weapons everywhere and people are getting killed.

    and usa has the most debt in the world, specially to china, thats were trump wants to do changes to put america on the right foot again.

    USA = Can we borrow some trillion dollars from everyone else but we wont give u none back = Debt.

  28. ISO #78

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    obama did do alot of terrible deals, and all those subjects has been spoken about during this election.

    obama just has a great voice and is a nice person, but all the things, deals with other countries and such, i dont know about all that. and their military is kinda oversized too, its like a wannabe stuffed with weapons, and what happends? crimes with weapons everywhere and people are getting killed.

    and usa has the most debt in the world to other countries like china, thats were trump wants to do changes to put america on the right foot again.
    Which ones?

    Because from where I'm sitting, unemployment is down since Obama took office, the economy is growing (as opposed to being in a recession, as it was when Obama first took office), and things are generally better in most departments. Hence his high approval rating.

  29. ISO #79

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysergic View Post
    Which ones?

    Because from where I'm sitting, unemployment is down since Obama took office, the economy is growing (as opposed to being in a recession, as it was when Obama first took office), and things are generally better in most departments. Hence his high approval rating.
    I heard Obamacare is (almost) success. Right? Or it's a failure?!?!?

    A rare Yuki in ultimate form

    Yukitaka Oni ~Tafkal Hit Squad Member~

  30. ISO #80

  31. ISO #81

  32. ISO #82

  33. ISO #83

    Re: Welp

    Not exactly a big failure.

    The ACA was created almost entirely on the republican model, also Big Pharma acted like Mafia bully-boys, and to get the thing passed at all it had to be watered down.

    Everyone knew that at the time, but memories are short, especially when half the government is screaming that it's a catastrophic failure without pointing out any of the alleged problems. (They're lying, in other words.)

    The idea was that over the years the program would be quietly tweaked and upgraded until by the mid 2020s we'd be at single-payer.

    Unfortunately some brainless constituents elected a few teabaggers that didn't do anything, in fact they shut the entire government down.

    So nothing got improved or tweaked.

    Currently there are complaints of rate increases, which is unspeakably stupid. If we were on the old private system the rate increases would happen anyway, insurance companies raise their rates every fukkin' year. The claims that it's the ACA's fault are completely fabricated.

  34. ISO #84

    Re: Welp

    The unemployment numbers are misleading. The millions of Americans who are out of work and have given up looking aren't included in that number. A full time job with great benefits counts the same as a part-time job only working a few hours per week. We are losing lots of full time jobs and many of the new jobs are part-time. The majority of the media is in the tank for the Prez O so of course you hear the positive spin on the numbers while the full picture is not being revealed.

    Winner of Survivor 2

  35. ISO #85

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
    The unemployment numbers are misleading. The millions of Americans who are out of work and have given up looking aren't included in that number. A full time job with great benefits counts the same as a part-time job only working a few hours per week. We are losing lots of full time jobs and many of the new jobs are part-time. The majority of the media is in the tank for the Prez O so of course you hear the positive spin on the numbers while the full picture is not being revealed.

    I love oops

    Spoiler : :


  36. ISO #86

  37. ISO #87

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
    The unemployment numbers are misleading. The millions of Americans who are out of work and have given up looking aren't included in that number.
    That's literally the definition of unemployment. It isn't misleading lmao.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
    le meme
    lmfao if you had common core when you were in school you'd probably be able to realize that the majority of those are minors, retirees, and people who don't need/want a job.

  38. ISO #88

  39. ISO #89

  40. ISO #90

  41. ISO #91

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
    Check Webster...the definition of unemployed is "having no job, not employed, not engaged in a gainful occupation".
    You're conflating unemployment (which in this case deals with people who cannot find gainful employment.) and choosing not to join the work force. Not in the labor force referring to people who don't want to work, if people aren't looking for a job, you cant hold that against the president.

    "Unemployment occurs when people who are without work are actively seeking paid work.[1] The unemployment rate is a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by all individuals currently in the labor force."

    Also, since you challenged us to check out webster. Here's the actual definition.

    For context. We're talking about about unemployment, you said people who are unemployed. Your definition is correct that you are unemployed if you do not have a job. But if you are trying to refer that to the definition of unemployment while using people who DO not choose to work, you are wrong. While the two words share a lot commonalities, their definitions mean two totally different things. As one is a general definition and the other is a specific term used to describe a factor of our economic issues in the USA.
    Last edited by PowersThatBe; November 10th, 2016 at 11:42 PM.

  42. ISO #92

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    You're conflating unemployment (which in this case deals with people who cannot find gainful employment.) and choosing not to join the work force. Not in the labor force referring to people who don't want to work, if people aren't looking for a job, you cant hold that against the president.

    "Unemployment occurs when people who are without work are actively seeking paid work.[1] The unemployment rate is a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by all individuals currently in the labor force."

    Also, since you challenged us to check out webster. Here's the actual definition.


    For context. We're talking about about unemployment, you said people who are unemployed. Your definition is correct that you are unemployed if you do not have a job. But if you are trying to refer that to the definition of unemployment while using people who DO not choose to work, you are wrong. While the two words share a lot commonalities, their definitions mean two totally different things. As one is a general definition and the other is a specific term used to describe a factor of our economic issues in the USA.
    This is correct. In economics, we do not consider people who don't want to work as being part of the labour force, therefore they do not contribute to unemployment rate. The unemployment rate only considers people who want to work but cannot find a job. Economists have means of distinguishing and quantifying the different groups of people involved in the concept of employment.

    Since the issue is that of economics, we should go by the economics definition.

    Although I do wonder how accurate their measures are, and how reliable the results are. Even if people want to work, they're not going to go hunting for a job their entire lives. Things like human emotion (frustration) and economic complications that arise from long-term unemployment are not factored into the numbers.

    At some point people give up for whatever reason (not necessarily laziness), and once they do, they are considered to be outside the labour force, and the unemployment rate numbers magically go down. I believe this is what Toss is saying, and I agree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
    The millions of Americans who are out of work and have given up looking aren't included in that number.
    DISCLAIMER: I do not have a Masters in Economics. If there are "advanced" definitions and arguments regarding the technicalities of unemployment, I am not aware of them yet LOL. I should probably have stayed out of this discussion...
    Last edited by Exeter350; November 11th, 2016 at 04:04 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  43. ISO #93

  44. ISO #94

    Re: Welp

    Hey guys I have a great idea. Remember how the economy crashed in 2008 after 7 years of a Republican pres who was aggressive in the middle east and cut taxes for the wealthy? Remember how he had a Republican majority in the house and senate from 2005-2007?

    Remember how afterwards Obama was blocked by Republicans since 2011? And Republicans held the majority in both the House and the senate for the last two years?

    I have a great idea... Lets elect a Republican who wants to spend even more money in the middle east, cut taxes for the rich again, and hey, that should get us out of this mess right? Also lets give him a republican majority in the house and senate too. I mean democrats crashed the economy in 08 amirite?

    Pff. Watch those who blamed Obama for 8 years for Bush's mess continue to blame him after things get worse and not better.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  45. ISO #95

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    Hey guys I have a great idea. Remember how the economy crashed in 2008 after 7 years of a Republican pres who was aggressive in the middle east and cut taxes for the wealthy? Remember how he had a Republican majority in the house and senate from 2005-2007?

    Remember how afterwards Obama was blocked by Republicans since 2011? And Republicans held the majority in both the House and the senate for the last two years?

    I have a great idea... Lets elect a Republican who wants to spend even more money in the middle east, cut taxes for the rich again, and hey, that should get us out of this mess right? Also lets give him a republican majority in the house and senate too. I mean democrats crashed the economy in 08 amirite?

    Pff. Watch those who blamed Obama for 8 years for Bush's mess continue to blame him after things get worse and not better.
    The three times in modern history that Republicans had 3 branches of government was 1921-1929, 1953, and 2000-2007. Eisenhower did nothing wrong but I can remember some rather great and depressing events taking place in 1929 and 2007.
    Spoiler : Orpz FM History :

    FM17 - Won, FM18 - Won, FM19 - Won ,FM20 - Loss, FM21 - Won, MVP, FM22 - Host Canceled, FM23 - Won, FM24 - Hosted, FM25 - Won, FM26 - Loss

  46. ISO #96

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Orpz View Post
    The three times in modern history that Republicans had 3 branches of government was 1921-1929, 1953, and 2000-2007. Eisenhower did nothing wrong but I can remember some rather great and depressing events taking place in 1929 and 2007.
    Naw man that's just the media lying to you. That was when America was great! But under Obama its not great! 👍
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  47. ISO #97

  48. ISO #98

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    I heard that there are lots of Anti-Trump protests and riots going on in the US now? What gives? It was a democratic process, and Trump won. That's the end of the story, isn't it?
    It's a bunch of ultraleft radicals who are too dumb / lazy to vote or direct their anger appropriately (i.e. toward stuff that could make a difference in the future). Basically, the Occupy Wall Street type community. Protesting makes them feel like they're making a difference or something like that.

  49. ISO #99

    Re: Welp

    Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
    It's a bunch of ultraleft radicals who are too dumb / lazy to vote or direct their anger appropriately (i.e. toward stuff that could make a difference in the future). Basically, the Occupy Wall Street type community. Protesting makes them feel like they're making a difference or something like that.
    Lol damn. Let's just hope they don't overturn the vote and make Trump step down. It was an informed decision, everyone had the information they needed to cast their votes, and they did. Fighting against the result means fighting against the democratic process... and therefore fighting American ideals. The votes have been counted, and Trump won. They need to get over it.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  50. ISO #100

    Re: Welp


    I liked these pictures. : )

    I really don't get why everyone is so mad. We got one shithead in the office instead of different one. It was loose loose either way. I just hope all those people saying they would leave the country will do it. It would be even better if Justin Beiber takes his music with him when he leaves.
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