Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

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  1. ISO #1

    Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    I'm Necroplant, and I like playing Mafia. I will admit, the kickvote list is very inconvenient for everyone, myself included. Nobody else thinks it affects them? Well here's an objective analysis:

    1) I will keep rejoining. I have begged players to let me play, because I'm actually playing good now. Yes, I troll and pause - which moderators have actually said is not punishable - only warnings/mod kicks can be given. However, I now know the consequences of game-throwing and you're right - I just want to troll AND play.

    2) Since I'll keep rejoining, I keep getting 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 kicked. However, the past few games I've been a good team player, and been helpful despite the pogrom against me as a troll. I want to redeem myself, and I will never game-throw again as I can see how SERIOUSLY you losers take it.

    3) Usually the problem with a new game is REPICKING AN AFK HOST!!! Now you have another problem: people who want me kicked. I've seen so many games tonight fail because of these morons. I have saved to my clipboard "DON'T KICK ME, YOU NEED PLAYERS" because it's true. You need players. You know how random the drops are? Afk hosts? Last thing you want is to lose a troll who's willing to redeem himself.

    4) You can contact Blizzard if you want, but I signed the petition that MikeVipe wants his players to sign. Remember when on the loading page he said "Contact Blizzard and tell them to raise the script size limit!" I did EXACTLY THAT. I showed support for the game. I actually emailed them. Since Blizzard doesn't seem to give a shit whether your game stays on the front page or you really think they'll care whether you have a game thrower or not? Mafia is a TROLLING GAME. Nexus Wars, for example...trolling doesn't work in that game, and I play normally.

    Tell me what you think, everyone. To reiterate: I will not game throw anymore. I'm going to continue trying to enter the game when I'm online despite the people that want me kicked.

    You know why they're inflamed? Because it says in RED I'm on the kickvote list and all the losers go "YESSSS TIME TO TYPE -KICK!!!"

    Isn't it fucking hilarious how I can have 9 players kick me from a game...but you can't get 9 players to repick an afk host? Then the drops/ragequits occur. Is this the mafia game you want? Forgive me!

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    I hate trolls. So you can go fuck yourself and enjoy getting kicked. If you actually want to play the game, don't be a dick and you won't get put on a kick vote list.

    And yes, pausing isn't a crime, but it doesn't make doing it okay.

    If being a troll was your goal, then you should relish in the fact that someone has given you the attention you so desperately crave and put you on a kick vote list. Whining about being punished for being a troll is like whining about your kid being a retard after getting wasted while you were pregnant: what did you think was going to happen? Stop being a failure of a player, and stop being a failure of a troll too while you're at it.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    You haven't mentioned being a failure at life. But you reminded me of something I forgot to list...

    5) It gives me attention. Is this what you want? I'm now one of the most famous mafia players. Infamous, yes, but famous all the same.

    I've had select players say they ROFL whenever a kickvote happens with me. People actually laugh at the situation. But I don't like this, and neither do the players kicking me. If I get removed from the list, all will return to normal.

    I guess that won't happen until I get a job, so I can donate/bribe MikeVipe. Since I've already supported his petition AND emailed Blizzard, what more support could he want?

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.


    If punishments did not deter the the offender.. then the game would descend into chaos.
    Player Report Guidelines: Click Here
    *Guidelines likely out of date

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :
    | | FMVII: Citizen (W) | FMVI: Pride (W) | FMVIII: Ghost (L) | FMIX: Proletarian (W) | FMX: Student (L) | FMXI: Co-Host | FMXII: Fool (W) |
    I saw your party join...

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Clearly it's not deterring me. I have VOWED to never violate one of the written rules several thousand fucking times over the past 3 days. Why don't you take that into consideration?

    You can't stop me from entering. How about quid-pro-quo: I keep my vow of no more game-throwing (which I'm vowing regardless) and you get off my case and drop me from the list?

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    I normally ruin games but I played a few legitimately and am upset about being on the kickvote list.
    Deal with it, it expires after a set amount of time. Nothing will advance that amount of time. If you have a problem with this list and being on it you have only yourself to blame.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    All I can say if you cant do the time Don't do the Crime....

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    MikeVipe just owns the server that the site uses. His name is as far away from the map title as possible and yet you think he's the author?
    There goes your plea for leniency Necroplant...


    Edit it quick!

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Alright, I will wait for my sentence to pass. I will continue to keep joining games, and not game-throw. For now, players will not only have to deal with:

    1) AFK hosts they can't get everyone to repick.
    2) Random drops at the start of game.
    3) Natural rage-quitters (that I normally would have no influence over)
    4) People whose peeners swell with blood (how a boner is made) when they find out OOOOOH I CAN KICK SOMEONE!!! Now THAT is another kind of troll.

    Mafia will be very interesting for the duration of this sentence, and lots of individuals' tummys will hurt from laughing so hard. I've had to fall out of my chair and lie on the ground before, as it was just too painful to laugh LOL.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    We're all trolls. Lynch Jester plz.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    Alright, I will wait for my sentence to pass. I will continue to keep joining games, and not game-throw. For now, players will not only have to deal with:

    1) AFK hosts they can't get everyone to repick.
    2) Random drops at the start of game.
    3) Natural rage-quitters (that I normally would have no influence over)
    4) People whose peeners swell with blood (how a boner is made) when they find out OOOOOH I CAN KICK SOMEONE!!! Now THAT is another kind of troll.

    Mafia will be very interesting for the duration of this sentence, and lots of individuals' tummys will hurt from laughing so hard. I've had to fall out of my chair and lie on the ground before, as it was just too painful to laugh LOL.
    You might want to get that checked out, faggot. You could have herniated your diaphragm, dude.

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    You haven't mentioned being a failure at life. But you reminded me of something I forgot to list...

    5) It gives me attention. Is this what you want? I'm now one of the most famous mafia players. Infamous, yes, but famous all the same.

    I've had select players say they ROFL whenever a kickvote happens with me. People actually laugh at the situation. But I don't like this, and neither do the players kicking me. If I get removed from the list, all will return to normal.

    I guess that won't happen until I get a job, so I can donate/bribe MikeVipe. Since I've already supported his petition AND emailed Blizzard, what more support could he want?
    I haven't heard you until now. And yes we take this shit seriously, it's just if we didn't, Mafia would be terrible to play publicly.

    Edit: BTW he seriously is trying to redeem himself. I appreciate his effort and good intentions. Also he has like 6.8k points, he obviously likes to play Mafia.

    Edit2: He has 6.8k points. Wowowow.
    Last edited by ; December 7th, 2011 at 01:21 PM.

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    I can somewhat vouch for him and Admiral. I played a game with Necro, and we had no problems with trolling or anything (Even though his name was PAUSEFEST DAY ONE, (s)he never actually did spam pause.) As for Admiral, I played a game with him and there was no game-throwing or game-ruining trolling... it actually turned out to be a pretty funny game, and Admiral played legitimately

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by suicidaln00b View Post
    ur tears sustain me

    ur cryin so hard lkike a babbey

    u cryed so hard u flood pacific ocean with ur Ass Hurt Tears

    stop cryen babby here take tihs bottel of milk..faget LOL

    homo nerd
    You really made me laugh faggot. I will rape your young daughter's bottom until my dick is covered in SHIT, then I'll make you clean it off with your mouth.

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    i agree with necroplant. people who type -kick are just people that like to watch a bad effect, similar to how a person hurts themselves by accident and other people just sit and laugh.

    no point in typing -kick unless its a dick troll, but seeing how most trolls are actually cool like Admiarl, i have no problem and other people shouldnt have a problem either.

    its good to have fun in a game rather than to take shits serious. especially on sc2 mafia
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    I think it's funny I mean really its sucks when a game falls apart before the game gets set up but I just rejoin another game if it keeps happening I take a break and do something else then get on and try it out personally I love mafia but my world doesn't revolve around it soo if a few games fall apart so what?

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    I've been fucking kicked from 21 games STRAIGHT tonight OMFG
    10/10 would lol again

    edit: read quote and lol'd again

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    You people really should not continue kicking this guy, he's a legit player, admiral is also legit, northstar is trolling, don't kick either of them.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    I've been fucking kicked from 21 games STRAIGHT tonight OMFG
    I guess the games trying to compensate for something.

    But in all seriousness, you are an arse.
    You've got what you received, you think its harsh that you have to deal with this shit you've created for yourself, what about the 14 other players who's games you've dicked about.

    You talk about how you always follow the rules when trolling, well if your going to push the line to the limit, why should we cut you any slack?

    Fyi: I'm the host in that picture that kept forcing players to kick you, and I'll CONTINUE to do so.

    I've only ever requested 1 ban, and that was funnily enough, from you.

    Hell this entire thread is a sham, your entire reason for being taken off the ban list is because its a hassle for you.
    Your hardly repentant, and when i see you in the lobby or mafia channel, all you are doing is stirring up shit and being a huge douche bag.

    If it was up to me, i'd of permabanned you from the game 2 months ago. Be lucky the mods are more generous then myself.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    You guys are all fucking hypocrites.


    FUC------ ok ill stop cussing in this post
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thedude69 View Post
    Reported for harassment, ash.
    Not sure how I'm harassing people, harassment would be "FUCK YOU NIGGER I FUCKING HATE YOU MOTHERFUCKER ASS SUCK A DICK MOFO IMA FUCKING BEAT YO ASS TOMORROW" and I didn't type that in my post, the point of my post was to say to stop being hypocrites. And if I'm a harasser take a look again. kthxbai
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Ash is the Poketroll master :/

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Lol is this kid for real? I first hand was in 5-6 games with Necro.

    Every game his last will or spam looks something like: fuck moderators your all f*ggots etc.

    I hate to say it but you kinda dig your own grave in the games you join.

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    i was gonna type something out but i realized i can't be bothered, necro is a waste of time

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    I'm Necroplant, and I like playing Mafia. I will admit, the kickvote list is very inconvenient for everyone, myself included. Nobody else thinks it affects them? Well here's an objective analysis:

    1) I will keep rejoining. I have begged players to let me play, because I'm actually playing good now. Yes, I troll and pause - which moderators have actually said is not punishable - only warnings/mod kicks can be given. However, I now know the consequences of game-throwing and you're right - I just want to troll AND play.

    Sorry, but I hate trolls just as much as I hate game throwers. Trolling in a troll setup is fine and acceptable. Trolling a serious setup, especially with annoying things like pause spamming will not win you any positive points.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    2) Since I'll keep rejoining, I keep getting 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 kicked. However, the past few games I've been a good team player, and been helpful despite the pogrom against me as a troll. I want to redeem myself, and I will never game-throw again as I can see how SERIOUSLY you losers take it.
    Calling us losers doesn't give you much credit either. Are you not the one in here asking us to forgive you? Here's some life advice - the right to speak does not automatically come with the right to be taken seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    3) Usually the problem with a new game is REPICKING AN AFK HOST!!! Now you have another problem: people who want me kicked. I've seen so many games tonight fail because of these morons. I have saved to my clipboard "DON'T KICK ME, YOU NEED PLAYERS" because it's true. You need players. You know how random the drops are? Afk hosts? Last thing you want is to lose a troll who's willing to redeem himself.
    That word; troll. I don't think it means what you think it means.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    4) You can contact Blizzard if you want, but I signed the petition that MikeVipe wants his players to sign. Remember when on the loading page he said "Contact Blizzard and tell them to raise the script size limit!" I did EXACTLY THAT. I showed support for the game. I actually emailed them. Since Blizzard doesn't seem to give a shit whether your game stays on the front page or you really think they'll care whether you have a game thrower or not? Mafia is a TROLLING GAME. Nexus Wars, for example...trolling doesn't work in that game, and I play normally.
    Again with that word... And just because YOU decided that it's a trolling game, doesn't really mean it is a trolling game. You are not a majority, and judging by the number of people disliking you and your 'ideas' I can safely tell you that your view of this game is wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    Tell me what you think, everyone. To reiterate: I will not game throw anymore. I'm going to continue trying to enter the game when I'm online despite the people that want me kicked.
    As for what I think? Grow the fuck up and stop acting like a moron. Just because you're using another medium to communicate with people doesn't mean that you should act like a prick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    You know why they're inflamed? Because it says in RED I'm on the kickvote list and all the losers go "YESSSS TIME TO TYPE -KICK!!!"

    Isn't it fucking hilarious how I can have 9 players kick me from a game...but you can't get 9 players to repick an afk host? Then the drops/ragequits occur. Is this the mafia game you want? Forgive me!
    It is hilarious, actually.

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    Please mods, take me off banlist. I'll be good.
    They always say they will be good after they are punished >.>
    Player Report Guidelines: Click Here
    *Guidelines likely out of date

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :
    | | FMVII: Citizen (W) | FMVI: Pride (W) | FMVIII: Ghost (L) | FMIX: Proletarian (W) | FMX: Student (L) | FMXI: Co-Host | FMXII: Fool (W) |
    I saw your party join...

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Why will this thread not die?!
    Spoiler : Previous FM roles :
    FM - VI: Commoner | VII: (Lionel) Gunner, Shinra Inc. | VIII: Investigator | X: (HerrZynisch) Black Wizard | (Graves) Citizen | XII: (Ser Jorah) Armoursmith | XIII: Host (Roxy)!
    M-FM- I: Host | II: Framer | III: Host | IV: Exe | V: Devil Dog | VI: Exe | VIII: DD
    S-FM - I: Jailor | II: Vigilante | V: Sheriff | CI: Paranoid Cop | Torment: Citizen

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scvmurderer View Post
    The fuck you responding to a 6 year old thread for?
    To let him know I am not going to -kick him anymore.

    edit: and come on, who doesn't miss seeing all those old names =P
    Last edited by Distorted; September 28th, 2017 at 02:27 PM.

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    -kick necroplant

    Five more kicks to kick NecroPlant!

    Much better enjoy ur kixs scrub
    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Your signature shuld be "Too scummy to be scum!" :P
    Quote Originally Posted by PIayer View Post
    Hybrid... :weed: even his corpse is scummy

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Stop kicking Necroplant, and you can play the game. Here's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    -kick necroplant

    Five more kicks to kick NecroPlant!

    Much better enjoy ur kixs scrub
    Finally something we agree on.

    -kick necroplant



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