Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

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  1. ISO #1

    Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Hey, I wonder if anyone here knows about any tools on quick image cropping tools.

    In specifics, a literal 1000 pictures that I want to be cropped in the middle (and slightly right) only. Borders suck and it's really tedious to manually edit 1K images.

    Another thing is a tool that when turned on, allows me to register a cropped section which any print screen I do result in a new imagefile (JPG, JPEG, PNG) being made of that region only.

    Thx nubs.

    I didn't find a relevant forum to post this on, so general discussion it goes... So convince me to use the tool, and argue why your idea is better than the others.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Currently I use Lightshot. I'm not going to argue its that great because I don't think it has the ability to take a certain set area as a screenshot over and over again. I'll go see if there is something better.

    Though it is free.

    You can drag a box to capture a selected region, but that would be quite tedious for a thousand pictures.
    Last edited by secondpassing; July 16th, 2016 at 04:33 PM.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    You might have to write a short program or get someone on here to.

    Cant think of any program that can do multiple pictures automatically without it being too much work to resave each one manually

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    I know you could do the latter very easily. I might be able to write something for that and probably the former too later.

    I would need some sort of reference for what you mean by middle though and if they are all the same size(pixrel length and width)

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    I know you could do the latter very easily. I might be able to write something for that and probably the former too later.

    I would need some sort of reference for what you mean by middle though and if they are all the same size(pixrel length and width)
    The mad scientist knows programming? Wow.

    A semi-unrelated example, a screen recorder that you fix an own region to record with. For example 1280x720 slightly off the right corner.
    All that's shown in that region is recorded.
    Now instead make it something that always take screenshots of that region only and save as a picture file after each print screen.

    I stream games and I have a preview window (Xsplit) to see what I did in 2-5 seconds lag, a wast majority is console and not on PC.

    So far I use Dropbox to take screenshots, but it pictures the whole 4K instead of just the small region I want.
    Even if I did the window I wanted, there'd be borders for the UI on the stream preview.

    I have already taken a literal thousand screenshots with dropbox this way, but every single one of them has to be cropped lol.
    Fortunately they're aligned the same so each screenshot has the same wanted cropping at the same spot.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    The mad scientist knows programming? Wow.

    A semi-unrelated example, a screen recorder that you fix an own region to record with. For example 1280x720 slightly off the right corner.
    All that's shown in that region is recorded.
    Now instead make it something that always take screenshots of that region only and save as a picture file after each print screen.

    I stream games and I have a preview window (Xsplit) to see what I did in 2-5 seconds lag, a wast majority is console and not on PC.

    So far I use Dropbox to take screenshots, but it pictures the whole 4K instead of just the small region I want.
    Even if I did the window I wanted, there'd be borders for the UI on the stream preview.

    I have already taken a literal thousand screenshots with dropbox this way, but every single one of them has to be cropped lol.
    Fortunately they're aligned the same so each screenshot has the same wanted cropping at the same spot

    Could you give me the pixels boundaries of where you want it cropped and the pixel size of the image?


    You could also just send me some pictures that are the same size and draw a rectangle on one of where you want them cropped that works too and would give me something to test the program on. The pictures you give me can literally just be a red blob with a black rectangle filled in if you want.

    I'm working on something to batch crop the images you already have first.

    What OS are you running and does it have python on it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post

    Could you give me the pixels boundaries of where you want it cropped and the pixel size of the image?


    You could also just send me some pictures that are the same size and draw a rectangle on one of where you want them cropped that works too and would give me something to test the program on. The pictures you give me can literally just be a red blob with a black rectangle filled in if you want.

    I'm working on something to batch crop the images you already have first.

    What OS are you running and does it have python on it?
    The sizes have different sizes (customizable). Sometimes there's taking random screenshots from Xsplit, sometimes it's taking screenshots from games on the PC (but I usually play windowed so the borders are in the way). There's a few instances of me taking screenshots of the Virtual PC too or certain sections of what I browse on the browser (*cough* kongregrate).

    My laptop is Windows 8 (which sucks lol) and there's my Windows 7 which is the main computer. I don't think there's Python on them.

    Since I usually do serial-screenshotting, many screenshots should be aligned but the windows are not on the same exact locations each session.

    Since the Laptop is 1920x1080 instead of 4K, I'll show a random screenshot of Rocksmith score on "learn a song". (Click me)
    Here's another screenshot (to show it's in a different position) (older, from January when I just got the laptop from Christmas), playing Xcom.
    Some stuff was edited so you can't stalk me.

    Unrelated, but if you ask - the VM Windows XP is there to play old classic games like Warcraft 3 and stream them without the "movie cutscenes" forcing a black screen, change the ratio or anything to ruin the viewer experience. Know any tricks to play windowed on Windows 7 without that shit happening?
    Last edited by RLVG; July 17th, 2016 at 08:51 PM.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    The sizes have different sizes (customizable). Sometimes there's taking random screenshots from Xsplit, sometimes it's taking screenshots from games on the PC (but I usually play windowed so the borders are in the way). There's a few instances of me taking screenshots of the Virtual PC too or certain sections of what I browse on the browser (*cough* kongregrate).

    My laptop is Windows 8 (which sucks lol) and there's my Windows 7 which is the main computer. I don't think there's Python on them.

    Since the Laptop is 1920x1080 instead of 4K, I'll show a random screenshot of Rocksmith score on "learn a song". (Click me)
    Some stuff was edited so you can't stalk me.

    Unrelated, but if you ask - the VM Windows XP is there to play old classic games like Warcraft 3 and stream them without the "movie cutscenes" forcing a black screen, change the ratio or anything to ruin the viewer experience. Know any tricks to play windowed on Windows 7 without that shit happening?
    Pretty Sure python is easy to install on windows or might be built in I can't recall, it's what I'm writing these in. If you had certain groups of images that you wanted to be cropped differently, so let's say you had 300 that needed to be 120x120 and 500 others that needed to be by 4000x2000 they would need to be in different folders when you ran the program, can't think of a way around that really.

    I use VirtualBox for my VM when emulating Win 7, I use this thing called guest additions that you can add to it to get graphics acceleration and use more power of your video card/host OS; I want to say there is a similar thing for winXP. I have VMWare installed but never messed around with it, so I don't know how to do it on there.

    Are you fine with just typing in area by pixels

    so if you had a place in the upper right of 100 1920x1080 pixel pictures you could just type 960,540,1919,1079. [0,0 is top left corner]
    Aka a prompt would come up and say

    enter top left corner x coordinate
    (you enter top left pixel)
    enter top left corner y coordinate
    enter bottom corner x coordinate
    enter bottom corner y coordinate

    Program goes through all images in folder, crops them, and then saves them as a file name such as "0croped(originalname)" minus parentheses and quotations.

    Program Stops

    The 0 is put there so all of them are put at the beginning of the folder when sorted alphabetically[easier to move and seperate the original and cropped]

    My plans are ruined GG.

    For the tool that screenshots a certain area of the screen always when you press a keybind[printscreen for example], I'd have to hardcode a pixel area or a proportionally area of the screen. Otherwise you'd have to draw/input the area on the screen every time and there's already stuff for that(snipping tool).

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Do you need this done fairly soon?

    Currently expecting to be busy for a while in addition to some projects.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    This is what it looks like for me to run this on linux.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Norsk Plebian. ::

    This software looks extremely simple. A quick guide on installing Phyton, installing this thing and then testrun it on Windows 7?
    I needed some name for the folder to put some non-personal images in real quick. :troll:


    Go there download python 3.x run the installer and that should be all for installing on your end.

    I'll test run this in a VM later and if it works I'll send you a link to the program and tell you how to run the program and stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    I needed some name for the folder to put some non-personal images in real quick. :troll:


    Go there download python 3.x run the installer and that should be all for installing on your end.

    I'll test run this in a VM later and if it works I'll send you a link to the program and tell you how to run the program and stuff.

    For this effort here, think I'll get you something for the favor. How does a Steam paycard (200 NOK) sound?

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post

    For this effort here, think I'll get you something for the favor. How does a Steam paycard (200 NOK) sound?


    download and install python 3.x || from https://www.python.org/downloads/

    download and install cygwin at the minimum install the python module, I'm not sure specifically if any other modules are needed|| from https://cygwin.com/install.html

    Open Cygwin

    Enter the equivalent of the following commands to suit your needs.

    cd /cygdrive/c/Users/Zero/Pictures

    /cygdrive/c/Users/Zero/Pictures == the filepath of wherever your pictures you want cropped is stored

    python /cygdrive/c/Users/Zero/Desktop/MultiCropWin.py *.*

    /cygdrive/c/Users/Zero/Desktop/MultiCropWin.py == The location of the python program.

    *.* == the pictures you want crop, *.* == all; *.png = all pngs; Norsk.* == all files with Norsk as the name regardless of type so Norsk.jpeg, Norsk.png, etc; Norsk.png == Just that picture, etc.

    If you want me to change how they save, I can edit that too. Probably could modify it with another prompt to let you decide that.

    That "Should" work based on my short amount of testing.

    I've never used Steam Paycards before, I assume they just get put into my account balance on steam?
    What information do I need to give you for you to send it?


    PEdit: Cygwin worked in my testing with those commands, but I don't know if it would work on your end; just ask if you have any problems.
    Last edited by ThePaladin; July 24th, 2016 at 10:50 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    I'll probably update this to make it actually decent and more customization such as custom file-names and less commands needed to be specified in the initial command, probably just link my wordpress at some point[if it would stop crashing] then refer you to there, still probably post the updates for you specifically here though.

    For the other things, you want a

    custom size and placement screen recorder and

    a customizable screenshot button that you can press and it automatically screenshots just a specific area of your screen correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    I'll probably update this to make it actually decent and more customization such as custom file-names and less commands needed to be specified in the initial command, probably just link my wordpress at some point[if it would stop crashing] then refer you to there, still probably post the updates for you specifically here though.

    For the other things, you want a

    custom size and placement screen recorder and

    a customizable screenshot button that you can press and it automatically screenshots just a specific area of your screen correct?
    The screen recorder example was just an example for inspiration on how customized regions could work.

    But the latter, yes - a customizable screenshot button that you can press in a specific area of screen.

    I'll try out the crop tool and see how it turns out.
    Regarding the steam card, I can just send you a serial code that you can activate as a product. It's similar that of a steam game.

    Edit 1 :
    Cygwin is a pain in the ass to install.
    Last edited by RLVG; July 25th, 2016 at 11:20 AM.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    The screen recorder example was just an example for inspiration on how customized regions could work.

    But the latter, yes - a customizable screenshot button that you can press in a specific area of screen.

    I'll try out the crop tool and see how it turns out.
    Regarding the steam card, I can just send you a serial code that you can activate as a product. It's similar that of a steam game.

    Edit 1 :
    Cygwin is a pain in the ass to install.
    Cygwin took forever to download and install, I just let it run overnight lol; window's command line was just terrible trying to get anything to work decently on it.

    I think i can make the screenshot button customizable with just a text file for you to edit so all you would have to do would be click the button/keybind to the program and could edit it or make as many different buttons as you want.

    How do you want to send me the serial code?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    I'll figure out a way.

    Enjoy the dozens of shitgames. :troll:
    Tell me whether the autocrop worked or not, please.


    Also do you have multiple monitors or anything like that?
    Last edited by ThePaladin; July 26th, 2016 at 11:31 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Lol, that bigass download and install 2x and it's not even working. Cygwin.

    Shortcut's broken.
    - Windows is searching for mintty.

    (3rd) Installed on a non-primary SSD.

    (2nd) Previously tried to get it on my main SSD but it was too big for the available data so I had to delete and uninstall it and restart the progress.

    Comp randomly suicided mid-installation on the 1st attempt.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    what version of windows[xp,7,8,10,98, 2000] are you using
    are you downlaoding all the modules? I can bring up back the installer and tell you which ones I think are necessary and which ones aren't to reduce the DL.


    I'll try to write something that works from windows command line in the meantime.

    Update on your screenshot portion of the screen tool.

    I wrote something that works on linux for one monitor.
    I think it should work on windows, but I don't know how it works with 2 monitors.

    Pedit: And... Windows wonky command system hates it

    Last edited by ThePaladin; July 30th, 2016 at 01:47 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    I'm rewriting each program in Java, hypothetically nothing can possibly go wrong that way and it won't require you to install cygwin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?


    in command line use (cmd.exe)

    java -jar filePathtoJar

    java -jar D:\BatchCrop.jar

    Should Work Now.

    It asks for the filepath to wherever the folder is you want batched so copy and paste that, then x1 y1 x2 y2. Hit enter after each input

    Remember that top left is 0,0
    Last edited by ThePaladin; July 31st, 2016 at 01:00 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    It did nothing. I input the 4 coordinates and then it just stops.

    I have the OS Windows 7, Pack 1, Home Premium.

    If I mess up, it does give an error though.

    I've gotten the input correctly after noticing what I did wrong but it just does nothing.
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  27. ISO #27

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    It did nothing. I input the 4 coordinates and then it just stops.

    I have the OS Windows 7, Pack 1, Home Premium.

    If I mess up, it does give an error though.

    I've gotten the input correctly after noticing what I did wrong but it just does nothing.
    Could you take a screenshot of all your inputs please. It sounds like you may have put in the folder location wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    Could you take a screenshot of all your inputs please. It sounds like you may have put in the folder location wrong.
    The path goes exactly to the batch file, I get asked to name a folder - it's the folder beneat it which is Finished and then I add in the input.

    I decided to try the random xcom folder.
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  29. ISO #29

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Is there only pictures in that directory?

    Try adding another slash after Finished

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    That didn't work. Does it matter if it's PNG 1920x1080 averaging 1.7MB?

    Shouldn't, as long as whatever dimensions you specify is within resolution, but it would throw an error if that occured rather than doing nothing.
    Last edited by ThePaladin; July 31st, 2016 at 09:41 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Maybe I uploaded wrong jar.

    Try this.


    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    Maybe I uploaded wrong jar.

    Still nothing. Java kinda sucks here and there though so it might be a compitability issue with W7 for this specific script.
    Or perhaps it requires to be initiated in admin mode? I don't see that in CMD.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post

    Still nothing. Java kinda sucks here and there though so it might be a compitability issue with W7 for this specific script.
    Or perhaps it requires to be initiated in admin mode? I don't see that in CMD.
    I did it on a fresh install of win7 on a comp I had lying around from cmd.

    Not next to comp atm

    Try your pictures directory?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Didnt you say earliee that one png was 1920x1089

    2800 is outside that range

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    Didnt you say earliee that one png was 1920x1089

    2800 is outside that range
    Oh right, I'm just being oddly confused because of the X1 with no space between that and the number.
    It's 800, didn't notice the 2.


    It's the same result though.
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  38. ISO #38

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Try Remove the final slash

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post

    So sad. So very sad. Sad indeed.
    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    The path goes exactly to the batch file, I get asked to name a folder - it's the folder beneat it which is Finished and then I add in the input.

    I decided to try the random xcom folder.
    Just sent contact request on skype.

    Redo the command with the \Finished added on.

    It might be throwing that error if there is a non image file in the folder.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  41. ISO #41

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    Just sent contact request on skype.

    Redo the command with the \Finished added on.

    It might be throwing that error if there is a non image file in the folder.
    I'm skype phobic and it seems to cause lag stuff on my PC. Everyone here knows that.

    Let's see... Maybe if I move the folder to somewhere else.

    I've been experimenting by placing it in a different folder, remove the folder, let it be the only item remaining and trying to batch file in any folder that isn't the folder in question...

    I don't think this is working lol.

    Hey, the site should have a chat on the front page.

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  42. ISO #42

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Assuming the finished folder is still there.

    Do EXACTLY this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    And it goes back to just doing nothing. After hitting enter on Y2, it acts like if nothing happened.

    Here's the chat this website has.
    Have a discord? you can't post pictures in that chat I don't believe.

    screenshot what's in the Finished folder if there is nothing personal there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    Have a discord? you can't post pictures in that chat I don't believe.

    screenshot what's in the Finished folder if there is nothing personal there.
    I'll get Discord and see how it goes. RLVG is the username.

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  46. ISO #46

    Re: Quick image cropping tools / crop-section screenshot tools?


    discord invite link.

    Move the jar outside of the folder.

    Run the jar.

    Input the directory as the Xcomfs folder

    see what happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?



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