S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

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  1. ISO #1

    S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)S-FM19x

    Day One

    Hello new people and welcome to the Sc2Mafia Forum Mafia! I wish you all the best, and if you have any questions feel free to ask me or your mentor.
    You can ask questions about the setup In green or other general stuff and I will reply to them. Or you can send me a pm.
    This game, the setup and rolecards have been selected randomly.

    The game will be using the vote counter we have built in the forum.
    In this game when a Player receives at-least 51% of the votes they will automatically be lynched and the thread will close for the day.
    To vote see here:

    To vote a player type: [vote]playername[/vote]
    To unvote a player or skip vote type: [unvote]unvote[/unvote]
    To vote to skip the day type: [vote]skip[/vote]
    If you fancy a read here are some detailed guides some of the veterans have made in the past:
    DarknessB's Wiki Page (Quickie)
    Helz's Guide to Improving As A Player (Communication)
    Luna's How To Play Forum Mafia (Very general, but outdated)

    5 votes to hammer.

    Day 1 Ends in 48 Hours.

    Players Roles

    Last edited by SuperJack; May 1st, 2016 at 01:13 PM.
    Cryptonic made this sig

    Quote Originally Posted by HentaiManOfPeace View Post
    gotchu fam

    Attachment 28016

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    First post, I am now the #1 contributor (this is a scum tell)
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Hello Everyone.

    My answers for Panda's RQS

    1. MST.
    2. Pressure is fine when I'm not on a timer and off L-1
    3. Town. Things get rough, at least you got the truth on your side.
    4. Leaving a helpful last will.
    5. Her/She.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    Tis a beautiful day in the neighborhood no?
    High probability of murder with a chance for lynch beautiful?

  9. ISO #9

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Hi everyone... I'll start this off with a little RQS (Random Questioning Stage) if you don't feel comfortable answering the questions thats fine, it will just give us all a better understanding of each other and usually helps promote conversation. (my answers will be bolded)

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    - My answers-

    1. PST.
    2. Fairly well, i am usually an emotional person but i try to be as logical as i can in mafia games.
    3. Town, mafia is a lot more stressful.
    4. Lynching mafia.
    5. Her/She

  10. ISO #10

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Hai everyone :v) I will be introducing myself using Panda's blueprint.

    Quote Originally Posted by Panda View Post
    Hi everyone... I'll start this off with a little RQS (Random Questioning Stage) if you don't feel comfortable answering the questions thats fine, it will just give us all a better understanding of each other and usually helps promote conversation. (my answers will be bolded)

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    - My answers-

    1. PST.
    2. Fairly well, i am usually an emotional person but i try to be as logical as i can in mafia games.
    3. Town, mafia is a lot more stressful.
    4. Lynching mafia.
    5. Her/She
    1. EST, the only timezone that matters.
    2. I masturbate to ease the tension.
    3. Depends on who has their shit together. Can really go either way. Some days we all just wanna spam swastikas and die in a blaze of glory. For that I would opt neutral.
    4. Nothing is knowable in this game. You can't even trust your own senses. Nothing about me will be known, but much will be perceived.
    5. Xhe/Xing/Zhe/Zer JK let's not get all tumblr in here pls
    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    Mafia will be very interesting for the duration of this sentence, and lots of individuals' tummys will hurt from laughing so hard. I've had to fall out of my chair and lie on the ground before, as it was just too painful to laugh LOL.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Heeeeeeeeeeey, i guess i should do the same

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    - My answers-
    1. Originally Eastern Time Zone, Now Mountain
    2. No such thing as pressure when you're as high as me.
    3. I prefer Town troll roles such as Veteran. I like opening day one by calling people out and telling them to go fuck themselves so they can visit me.
    4. I'm gonna be known for adding my 2 cents everywhere.
    5. God/Jesus/Lord

  12. ISO #12

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Panda View Post
    Hi everyone... I'll start this off with a little RQS (Random Questioning Stage) if you don't feel comfortable answering the questions thats fine, it will just give us all a better understanding of each other and usually helps promote conversation. (my answers will be bolded)

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    - My answers-

    1. PST.
    2. Fairly well, i am usually an emotional person but i try to be as logical as i can in mafia games.
    3. Town, mafia is a lot more stressful.
    4. Lynching mafia.
    5. Her/She

    Great idea, especially the time zone question.

    1. CEST / UTC+2
    2. I think I can handle the pressure in a game
    3. Definitely town. I always prefer town, I like the strategical aspect of the game in terms of finding out who's evil - I often feel like mafia is just about hoping not to be checked by some invest role because town loves to lynch no matter how good your defense is.
    4. Hopefully finding all scum
    5. since someone else already took god, I'll just go with her/she

    @Mesk514 we could lynch you D1 instead if you want? ;)
    Last edited by Veri; April 30th, 2016 at 01:01 AM.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    [QUOTE=Panda;589005]Hi everyone... I'll start this off with a little RQS (Random Questioning Stage) if you don't feel comfortable answering the questions thats fine, it will just give us all a better understanding of each other and usually helps promote conversation. (my answers will be bolded)

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    I think this is a nice post considering there's little productive chat going on right now. Idk if you know this but the meta seems to be to randomly vote somebody instead but this is much nicer and friendlier :^)
    1. EST but my sleep schedule is fucked because I'm a madman. in boutta crash at 7am
    2. I am unaffected by pressure because I am a high stakes poker player
    3. Honestly, I rolequit or afk in the mod as evil roles because to me the fun comes from reading other players and scumhunting through chat tells, but I feel that the potential to mislead the town and the increased reliance on typing/staying in the public light wohld be very fun in more skilled games like FM. But so far I prefer to only play as town.
    4. When I wake up at 4pm I am going to vote whoever has talked the least and try to see how every individual player reacts under pressure. This roster is all new players and it will be much easier to get information out of you all than brick walls like Banana and Firebringer.
    5. My pronouns are Goat/Goats/Goatself
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  14. ISO #14

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Panda View Post
    Hi everyone... I'll start this off with a little RQS (Random Questioning Stage) if you don't feel comfortable answering the questions thats fine, it will just give us all a better understanding of each other and usually helps promote conversation. (my answers will be bolded)

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    I think this is a nice post considering there's little productive chat going on right now. Idk if you know this but the meta seems to be to randomly vote somebody instead but this is much nicer and friendlier :^)
    1. EST but my sleep schedule is fucked because I'm a madman. in boutta crash at 7am
    2. I am unaffected by pressure because I am a high stakes poker player
    3. Honestly, I rolequit or afk in the mod as evil roles because to me the fun comes from reading other players and scumhunting through chat tells, but I feel that the potential to mislead the town and the increased reliance on typing/staying in the public light wohld be very fun in more skilled games like FM. But so far I prefer to only play as town.
    4. When I wake up at 4pm I am going to vote whoever has talked the least and try to see how every individual player reacts under pressure. This roster is all new players and it will be much easier to get information out of you all than brick walls like Banana and Firebringer.
    5. My pronouns are Goat/Goats/Goatself
    Just to keep everyone updated, Panda and thedougler haven't spoken ever since they posted their answer to those questions.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Panda View Post
    Hi everyone... I'll start this off with a little RQS (Random Questioning Stage) if you don't feel comfortable answering the questions thats fine, it will just give us all a better understanding of each other and usually helps promote conversation. (my answers will be bolded)

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    - My answers-

    1. PST.
    2. Fairly well, i am usually an emotional person but i try to be as logical as i can in mafia games.
    3. Town, mafia is a lot more stressful.
    4. Lynching mafia.
    5. Her/She
    1.) Eastern Time Zone
    2.) Im used to these kinds of games, i think i can handle the pressure
    3.) Town, being evil makes it harder with less teammates, one mistake is costly.
    4.) Aim for surviving my first game, if i can lynch a mafia thats a bonus.
    5.) He/Him.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    1. What is your timezone?
    2. How do you react under pressure?
    3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia?
    4. What are you going to be known to do this game?
    5. Preferred Pronoun?

    1. Eastern
    2. Thrive under it, sometimes become a little nasty if people are in my way under pressure >
    3. I usually prefer evil roles, town is boring IMHO (people gonna look at me now dun dun dun). But if town, I like vet as well, I usually name myself Anne Frank so people target me, and it can be interesting hehe.
    4. Winning it. (gets lynched day 2 LMAO)
    5. him/he/GURL/gayboi

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Hello Everyone.

    My answers for Panda's RQS

    1. MST.
    2. Pressure is fine when I'm not on a timer and off L-1
    3. Town. Things get rough, at least you got the truth on your side.
    4. Leaving a helpful last will.
    5. Her/She.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    Tis a beautiful day in the neighborhood no?
    @Mesk514 High probability of murder with a chance for lynch beautiful?

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Renata View Post
    Hello Everyone.

    My answers for Panda's RQS

    1. MST.
    2. Pressure is fine when I'm not on a timer and off L-1
    3. Town. Things get rough, at least you got the truth on your side.
    4. Leaving a helpful last will.
    5. Her/She.

    @Mesk514 High probability of murder with a chance for lynch beautiful?
    I was hoping for a more detailed post from you tbh Renata what do you think about panda for opening with this series of questions, and what do you think about @PowersThatBe for listing you as scum?
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    So first I am suspicious because I am defending myself too much, then I am suspicious because I'm not defending myself enough and instead am trying to find scum? That sure makes a lot of sense ;)

    I definitely think we should lynch today - my #1 suspects (except for PTB) are still @thedougler and @Mesk514 , I think especially thedougler has had it way too easy and basically just repeated some of the stuff others said. That might be because he didn't have that much time to post so I'd like to give him a chance to do so D2 which is why I'll vote for Mesk514 right now since I don't feel like he has any interest in contributing to finding evils and that clearly isn't pro-town behavior. Can't say I'm 100% sure about this but I feel like it's better than not voting and that he is more likely scum than town.

    -vote Mesk514

    I'm off to bed now.

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sino View Post
    Never trust psychologists, they only want their own profit !
    Or anyone who claims they only want what's best for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatseOntheCupboard View Post
    I think this is a nice post considering there's little productive chat going on right now. Idk if you know this but the meta seems to be to randomly vote somebody instead but this is much nicer and friendlier :^)
    Who am I to argue with the meta?

    -vote Sino

    Sino can tell us why I'm wrong and shouldn't vote him

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)


    Even though I think your thoughts on who might be evil are very interesting, I think you are reading way too much into this. The fact that someone likes town or mafia better doesn't say anything about them being scum or not since it's not like we can choose our roles here or prefer or blacklist like in SC2. Sure, people could lie and pretend that they prefer town roles but everyone who knows me knows that I fancy town (and maybe survivor) much more than any other role.
    I was also talking about my preferred alignment in the mod and not in forum games since I have never played one - if you would have asked if I preferred to be town or mafia in this game, I would have told you that I don't know yet since I'm not familiar enough with the concept of it.
    I was under the impression that these questions were to get to know each other a bit better, I honestly didn't even put that much thought into it - maybe because I don't have to hide anything.

    What I find very suspicious however is not only the fact that PowerThatBe seems to be trying very hard to come off as town and gaining our trust by analyzing every post and already trying us to tell who we should be suspicious of, but also that he feels the need to analyze his own post and tell us why he thinks of himself that he is town.
    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post

    6. Me: I answer the question, state why I dislike it, and go on to explain what I like “if” I am town, and my IGN name for full transparency. “I usually prefer evil roles, town is boring IMHO (people gonna look at me now dun dun dun). But if town, I like vet as well, I usually name myself Anne Frank so people target me, and it can be interesting hehe.”
    Do you have to convince yourself that you aren't evil? Or are you just trying to convince everyone else when nobody even suspected you to be scum?

    With that being said, I think you are more likely to be mafia than others atm. Feel free to convince me otherwise though :)

    However even though I don't agree with most of what you said, I do agree with the fact that Renata seems suspicious. I think she voted first without really explaining why in an attempt to make us think she is town. Evils might be scared to vote first because they could get voted themselves then or at least look suspicious and maybe that is exactly the angle that she is going for - acting like town and making us think she wouldn't vote first if she was mafia even though she is.
    Not saying that it's bad to vote, we definitely should lynch someone today, but how she did it was a bit suspicious imo ;)

    Can't really say anything about the others so far since I don't think these questions/answers are very meaningful.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Veri View Post

    Even though I think your thoughts on who might be evil are very interesting, I think you are reading way too much into this. The fact that someone likes town or mafia better doesn't say anything about them being scum or not since it's not like we can choose our roles here or prefer or blacklist like in SC2. Sure, people could lie and pretend that they prefer town roles but everyone who knows me knows that I fancy town (and maybe survivor) much more than any other role.
    I was also talking about my preferred alignment in the mod and not in forum games since I have never played one - if you would have asked if I preferred to be town or mafia in this game, I would have told you that I don't know yet since I'm not familiar enough with the concept of it.
    I was under the impression that these questions were to get to know each other a bit better, I honestly didn't even put that much thought into it - maybe because I don't have to hide anything.

    What I find very suspicious however is not only the fact that PowerThatBe seems to be trying very hard to come off as town and gaining our trust by analyzing every post and already trying us to tell who we should be suspicious of, but also that he feels the need to analyze his own post and tell us why he thinks of himself that he is town.

    Do you have to convince yourself that you aren't evil? Or are you just trying to convince everyone else when nobody even suspected you to be scum?

    With that being said, I think you are more likely to be mafia than others atm. Feel free to convince me otherwise though

    However even though I don't agree with most of what you said, I do agree with the fact that Renata seems suspicious. I think she voted first without really explaining why in an attempt to make us think she is town. Evils might be scared to vote first because they could get voted themselves then or at least look suspicious and maybe that is exactly the angle that she is going for - acting like town and making us think she wouldn't vote first if she was mafia even though she is.
    Not saying that it's bad to vote, we definitely should lynch someone today, but how she did it was a bit suspicious imo ;)

    Can't really say anything about the others so far since I don't think these questions/answers are very meaningful.

    I was simply using real world training to see how potential scum players might act. Stating more information than necessary is a scum move. However, your right, the random questions could be nothing or they could be everything. Perhaps you answered them without thought, perhaps you thought of this as a good time to try and paint yourself as town. Perhaps I am overthinking this. However, your attempt at trying to diminish this thought process is interesting.

    From what I understand, forum mafia requires a great more detail of thought. Goatsee did not become defensive when it was positioned towards him. However, you did. Cannot handle the pressure? Perhaps you are town? My gut says Renata and Goatsee are evils.

    I was not trying to paint anyone as evil or not, I was merely using text analysis to show who, based on day one speech, should have further investigation.

    Also, as a point to my including myself. If I did not, the question would be "why did you not include yourself, trying to take the attention off of you?"

    I included myself to show how my answers were much like those of less suspicious persons. Now the time will tell, who is trying to hang back and stay out of the fray. Is this a MOD tactic or is it used in forum mafia too?

    I assure you, you could lynch me, and then see that I am not evil, but then you'd become somewhat suspicious. I know by posting my analysis, I am putting a bullseye on my back. It's fine. All in the way of "truth" as you say <3.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Renata View Post
    Or anyone who claims they only want what's best for you.

    Who am I to argue with the meta?

    -vote Sino

    Sino can tell us why I'm wrong and shouldn't vote him
    Whether what Sino posted was sincere or not, I don't quite know why he posted this. It basically sounds like an attack on Powers (unsure if he meant it, looked a little bit like a joke) but i don't think it makes sense to vote Sino off of one of his very first comments.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown1234 View Post
    Whether what Sino posted was sincere or not, I don't quite know why he posted this. It basically sounds like an attack on Powers (unsure if he meant it, looked a little bit like a joke) but i don't think it makes sense to vote Sino off of one of his very first comments.
    @Unknown1234 it was more of an attack on @Veri who claimed to be a "psychologist" -- dun dun dun, and then renata gunned for sino, defense of partner? But then how does Goatse fit into all of this? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    @Unknown1234 it was more of an attack on @Veri who claimed to be a "psychologist" -- dun dun dun, and then renata gunned for sino, defense of partner? But then how does Goatse fit into all of this? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves.
    @PowersThatBe The fact that you took the time to analyze your own post is very pointless. Analyzing your post can be done before you send it.

  37. ISO #37

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Day 1 Analysis (so far):

    *Using my training in stopping money laundering I am going to analyze our RQS answers to try to determine potential scum.*

    First, let me establish the train of thought. #1 to spot a fraud/scammer/potentially uncouth person you look for this #1 tell.

    *offering more information than asked for, or offering information that was not required or ask.*

    Example from real life: Guy comes to purchase 5 $100 target gift cards, 1 soda, and 1 card. Cashier begins to ring up the items, saying nothing, other than how “how are you today, and is this all.” The gentleman then goes on to nervously explain that the gift cards are for his wife, and that she REALLY loves target. Notice how the gentleman tries to qualify WHY he is purchasing the gift cards, any rational person would not offer this information unless asked. This gentleman was never asked for this information. He was later caught, and confirmed scammer.

    *Another tell was his trying to legitimize his purchases. Criminals will always slip innocuous product, or information to soften the edges of their potential scum moves.*

    Now based on our answers, I will give my thoughts on the potential scum of this game and the potential town, and we can begin to put pressure on the potential scum.

    Potential Town:

    1. Panda: Short and concise answer. “Town, mafia is a lot more stressful.”

    2. Dougler: A longer, but still focused answer, but does not try to oversell town. Possible scum, but based on the “meh ness” of the answer, I’m include to believe town, for now. “Depends on who has their shit together. Can really go either way. Some days we all just wanna spam swastikas and die in a blaze of glory. For that I would opt neutral.”

    3. Meek: To the point of the question, while offering actual SC2 mad thought process and strategy to give less of a cookie cutter answer. “I prefer Town troll roles such as Veteran. I like opening day one by calling people out and telling them to go fuck themselves so they can visit me.”

    4. Sino: Nothing to hide. “I prefer playing as evil”

    5. Unknown: Short concise answer that does just that, gives his preference and why he prefers. Does not do anything to convince us of this alignment. “Town, being evil makes it harder with less teammates, one mistake is costly.”

    6. Me: I answer the question, state why I dislike it, and go on to explain what I like “if” I am town, and my IGN name for full transparency. “I usually prefer evil roles, town is boring IMHO (people gonna look at me now dun dun dun). But if town, I like vet as well, I usually name myself Anne Frank so people target me, and it can be interesting hehe.”

    Potential Scum:

    1. Renata: This post seems to suggest we should trust renata because she values “truth” and believes that is a qualifying town aspect, perhaps to paint herself as town. “Town. Things get rough, at least you got the truth on your side.”

    2. Veri: As you can see, she goes to great lengths to describe why town is the best possible role. And doing everything to set up a contrast of why being a scum would be terrible to her. This was not asked in the question, and her answer does very little to add more to the answer. A definite attempt at gaining our trust. Also, edited her post for “grammar” —or did she slip up and try to fix it by going around the rules?

    “Definitely town. I always prefer town, I like the strategical aspect of the game in terms of finding out who's evil - I often feel like mafia is just about hoping not to be checked by some invest role because town loves to lynch no matter how good your defense is.”

    3. Goatse: After a claim of being a high stakes poker player, goat goes on to give us a bit of jumbledness that will ultimately be an attempted mind fuck. Also, given his “1st post, scum tell.” Attempt, I believe he could potentially be playing at a super intricate reverse psychology. He does everything in his power to establish how much he dislikes evil roles, but then goes on to state how interesting it would be to try and get us to mislynch. He’s putting the information out there in hopes that we misread read it as a townie trying to lead the charge.

    “Honestly, I rolequit or afk in the mod as evil roles because to me the fun comes from reading other players and scumhunting through chat tells, but I feel that the potential to mislead the town and the increased reliance on typing/staying in the public light wohld be very fun in more skilled games like FM. But so far I prefer to only play as town.”

    More analysis will come in a second post focusing on the next answered question, and relating it to this one above.

  38. ISO #38

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    What will you be known to do this game?

    This question, brilliantly asked. Gives reason to believe Panda is either town, or an evil genius playing us all. Anyhow. I am going to Analysis answers to this and give what we know about the answer before this, to see if any more scum tells come out of it.

    Potential Town:

    1. Panda: Establishes her a town, to us, follows up from the question before this. I normally would see this as a potential scum misdirect, she is the first person to answer it this way, giving her the “authority” or “ethos” and establishes this as almost the way a townie “should answer, it” Well..unless it’s designed as a means to get “scum players” to answer this way to appear like town. DUN DUN DUN. "Lynching mafia."

    2. Dougler: Given his answer before this, he’s clearly playing the mysterious role, again, he’s not trying to sell us on town. While he states a valid point, we’re going to assume things with out answers. For now, too transparent to be scum. But is somewhat borderline. “Nothing is knowable in this game. You can't even trust your own senses. Nothing about me will be known, but much will be perceived.”

    3. Meek: Our lord does nothing to further establish position as town, potentially because Jesus believes the Lord should not have to, because God is town and has nothing to hide. Also, slightly arrogant. “I’m gonna be known for adding my 2 cents everywhere.”

    4. Sino: Again, straight forward with nothing to hide. "I won't post at the same time as most of you guys”

    5. Unknown: Again, transparent. He just wants to survive, and potentially lynch a mafia. Although, now combined with his above remarks, this makes me believe borderline scum, as he establishes town is best and he aims to survive and catch those evils. But his lack of overall makes me believe he is just being genuine. “Aim for surviving my first game, if i can lynch a mafia thats a bonus.”

    6. Me: Cocky, makes joke about dying day two. Does nothing to add to “establishing town.”/role. “Winning it. (gets lynched day 2 LMAO)”

    Potential Scum

    1. Renata: Along with the “truth seeker” this comment is supposed to suggest that Renata is town is willing to be helpful by leaving all her pertinent information in a LW. It serves the purpose of trying serve as a foundation to her “I’m town, I love truth” argument. “Leaving a helpful last will.”

    2. Veri: Again, going off of her long winded explanation of why town is best, she then goes on to say that she hopes to find the scum, installing into our subconscious that she is town and should be trusted. “Hopefully finding all scum”

    3. Goatse: Nothing more than a power play, with the attempt to make it seem that he is the authority here, and that we should fall in line or be lynched. Although, this is putting pressure on the other players to be more active or they will be voted based on word count. Could be potential town move, I’ll stick with scum because this in accordance with the entire attempted mind fuck above it leads me to believe that this is a very convoluted scum play to get us to inherently trust goatse by his demanding confidence and assumed natural authority. “When I wake up at 4pm I am going to vote whoever has talked the least and try to see how every individual player reacts under pressure. This roster is all new players and it will be much easier to get information out of you all than brick walls like Banana and Firebringer.”

    Those are my thoughts and analysis, would anyone care to way in

  39. ISO #39

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    What will you be known to do this game?

    This question, brilliantly asked. Gives reason to believe Panda is either town, or an evil genius playing us all. Anyhow. I am going to Analysis answers to this and give what we know about the answer before this, to see if any more scum tells come out of it.

    Potential Town:

    1. Panda: Establishes her a town, to us, follows up from the question before this. I normally would see this as a potential scum misdirect, she is the first person to answer it this way, giving her the “authority” or “ethos” and establishes this as almost the way a townie “should answer, it” Well..unless it’s designed as a means to get “scum players” to answer this way to appear like town. DUN DUN DUN. "Lynching mafia."

    2. Dougler: Given his answer before this, he’s clearly playing the mysterious role, again, he’s not trying to sell us on town. While he states a valid point, we’re going to assume things with out answers. For now, too transparent to be scum. But is somewhat borderline. “Nothing is knowable in this game. You can't even trust your own senses. Nothing about me will be known, but much will be perceived.”

    3. Meek: Our lord does nothing to further establish position as town, potentially because Jesus believes the Lord should not have to, because God is town and has nothing to hide. Also, slightly arrogant. “I’m gonna be known for adding my 2 cents everywhere.”

    4. Sino: Again, straight forward with nothing to hide. "I won't post at the same time as most of you guys”

    5. Unknown: Again, transparent. He just wants to survive, and potentially lynch a mafia. Although, now combined with his above remarks, this makes me believe borderline scum, as he establishes town is best and he aims to survive and catch those evils. But his lack of overall makes me believe he is just being genuine. “Aim for surviving my first game, if i can lynch a mafia thats a bonus.”

    6. Me: Cocky, makes joke about dying day two. Does nothing to add to “establishing town.”/role. “Winning it. (gets lynched day 2 LMAO)”

    Potential Scum

    1. Renata: Along with the “truth seeker” this comment is supposed to suggest that Renata is town is willing to be helpful by leaving all her pertinent information in a LW. It serves the purpose of trying serve as a foundation to her “I’m town, I love truth” argument. “Leaving a helpful last will.”

    2. Veri: Again, going off of her long winded explanation of why town is best, she then goes on to say that she hopes to find the scum, installing into our subconscious that she is town and should be trusted. “Hopefully finding all scum”

    3. Goatse: Nothing more than a power play, with the attempt to make it seem that he is the authority here, and that we should fall in line or be lynched. Although, this is putting pressure on the other players to be more active or they will be voted based on word count. Could be potential town move, I’ll stick with scum because this in accordance with the entire attempted mind fuck above it leads me to believe that this is a very convoluted scum play to get us to inherently trust goatse by his demanding confidence and assumed natural authority. “When I wake up at 4pm I am going to vote whoever has talked the least and try to see how every individual player reacts under pressure. This roster is all new players and it will be much easier to get information out of you all than brick walls like Banana and Firebringer.”

    Those are my thoughts and analysis, would anyone care to way in
    I like this post tbh, do you think that you are seeing these posts in a bit black and white as "acting town is scummy, and acting scummy is town?" I like your read on me because honestly I answered the question very obtusely in the attempt of giving off the "FUCKWITMEGETSPRAYED" feeling. You seem to think that the harder somebody tries to convince you they are town, the more scummy they are and vice-versa (fair tho tbh). Anyways [vote] -vote sino [vote] fall in line bitch
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  40. ISO #40

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    What will you be known to do this game?

    This question, brilliantly asked. Gives reason to believe Panda is either town, or an evil genius playing us all. Anyhow. I am going to Analysis answers to this and give what we know about the answer before this, to see if any more scum tells come out of it.

    Potential Town:

    1. Panda: Establishes her a town, to us, follows up from the question before this. I normally would see this as a potential scum misdirect, she is the first person to answer it this way, giving her the “authority” or “ethos” and establishes this as almost the way a townie “should answer, it” Well..unless it’s designed as a means to get “scum players” to answer this way to appear like town. DUN DUN DUN. "Lynching mafia."

    2. Dougler: Given his answer before this, he’s clearly playing the mysterious role, again, he’s not trying to sell us on town. While he states a valid point, we’re going to assume things with out answers. For now, too transparent to be scum. But is somewhat borderline. “Nothing is knowable in this game. You can't even trust your own senses. Nothing about me will be known, but much will be perceived.”

    3. Meek: Our lord does nothing to further establish position as town, potentially because Jesus believes the Lord should not have to, because God is town and has nothing to hide. Also, slightly arrogant. “I’m gonna be known for adding my 2 cents everywhere.”

    4. Sino: Again, straight forward with nothing to hide. "I won't post at the same time as most of you guys”

    5. Unknown: Again, transparent. He just wants to survive, and potentially lynch a mafia. Although, now combined with his above remarks, this makes me believe borderline scum, as he establishes town is best and he aims to survive and catch those evils. But his lack of overall makes me believe he is just being genuine. “Aim for surviving my first game, if i can lynch a mafia thats a bonus.”

    6. Me: Cocky, makes joke about dying day two. Does nothing to add to “establishing town.”/role. “Winning it. (gets lynched day 2 LMAO)”

    Potential Scum

    1. Renata: Along with the “truth seeker” this comment is supposed to suggest that Renata is town is willing to be helpful by leaving all her pertinent information in a LW. It serves the purpose of trying serve as a foundation to her “I’m town, I love truth” argument. “Leaving a helpful last will.”

    2. Veri: Again, going off of her long winded explanation of why town is best, she then goes on to say that she hopes to find the scum, installing into our subconscious that she is town and should be trusted. “Hopefully finding all scum”

    3. Goatse: Nothing more than a power play, with the attempt to make it seem that he is the authority here, and that we should fall in line or be lynched. Although, this is putting pressure on the other players to be more active or they will be voted based on word count. Could be potential town move, I’ll stick with scum because this in accordance with the entire attempted mind fuck above it leads me to believe that this is a very convoluted scum play to get us to inherently trust goatse by his demanding confidence and assumed natural authority. “When I wake up at 4pm I am going to vote whoever has talked the least and try to see how every individual player reacts under pressure. This roster is all new players and it will be much easier to get information out of you all than brick walls like Banana and Firebringer.”

    Those are my thoughts and analysis, would anyone care to way in
    Also Power, i would like to ask you why you think Renata is guilty, even though you did the exact same thing she did. You said that she is trying hard to convince us that she is town, but however you leave US a comment on what you wrote. "Does nothing to establishing town." It may not be a direct comparison, but you certainly are trying to convince us that your answer is not making you try too hard, which is actually making you look like your trying even harder then you meant for it to seem.

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    -vote Sino
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    @Veri IMO, scum either act with their interests, to get their goals achieved IE limiting town discussion, getting town players hanged, getting other scum not voted, etc, or they act against their interests to seem more town than they are. PowersthatBe Has decided to lead the town in discussion and immediately give reads and pressure players day 1. Not only does this draw attention to anything he says and make it open to interpretation to be scum, but it also starts leading us to discuss things while town chat has stagnated, leading us to the healthy discussion we have now. I am reading Powers as the most town here IMO, until further events warrant.

    Quote Originally Posted by PowersThatBe View Post
    The fact that I have both you and Renata pegged as potential scum, and your attempts on Sino as a coordinated effort. I have to do this unfortunately.

    [vote]-vote Renata[vote]
    This is a weak ass play IMO. You have 2 reads off of 2 lines of text from both me and Renata. I am reading Renata as scum and this is why I am voting for Sino. A scum read > No read, and until I have at least some kind of baseline for how I read every player I don't want to hammer somebody. Sino and Unknown are my most null-reads right now so I would like both of them to talk. I think that Sino should "give me a reason to not vote him", and therefore I will keep my vote on him until he decides to talk. He is UTC+2 so it should be 7pm for him right now, I hope you see this Sino and maybe tell me when you think of PowersthatBe and me and Renatas votes on you
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  46. ISO #46

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatseOntheCupboard View Post
    @Veri IMO, scum either act with their interests, to get their goals achieved IE limiting town discussion, getting town players hanged, getting other scum not voted, etc, or they act against their interests to seem more town than they are. PowersthatBe Has decided to lead the town in discussion and immediately give reads and pressure players day 1. Not only does this draw attention to anything he says and make it open to interpretation to be scum, but it also starts leading us to discuss things while town chat has stagnated, leading us to the healthy discussion we have now. I am reading Powers as the most town here IMO, until further events warrant.

    This is a weak ass play IMO. You have 2 reads off of 2 lines of text from both me and Renata. I am reading Renata as scum and this is why I am voting for Sino. A scum read > No read, and until I have at least some kind of baseline for how I read every player I don't want to hammer somebody. Sino and Unknown are my most null-reads right now so I would like both of them to talk. I think that Sino should "give me a reason to not vote him", and therefore I will keep my vote on him until he decides to talk. He is UTC+2 so it should be 7pm for him right now, I hope you see this Sino and maybe tell me when you think of PowersthatBe and me and Renatas votes on you
    Powers did not vote up Sino, he voted for Renata.

  47. ISO #47

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    The point of the post you are replying to is : I have a scum read on Renata, I want to read Sino because I have absolutely zero read on him right now. More information = always good, and we have lots of time to hammer somebody so no reason to not pressure somebody who is contributing very little What do you think about me and Renata both voting for Sino, and what do you think of Power's read on you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  48. ISO #48

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatseOntheCupboard View Post
    The point of the post you are replying to is : I have a scum read on Renata, I want to read Sino because I have absolutely zero read on him right now. More information = always good, and we have lots of time to hammer somebody so no reason to not pressure somebody who is contributing very little What do you think about me and Renata both voting for Sino, and what do you think of Power's read on you?
    Ok, i do understand why you voted me, wanting to read me is a valid reason, so i hope now we need to ask Renata about her vote on me.

  49. ISO #49

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatseOntheCupboard View Post
    @Veri IMO, scum either act with their interests, to get their goals achieved IE limiting town discussion, getting town players hanged, getting other scum not voted, etc, or they act against their interests to seem more town than they are. PowersthatBe Has decided to lead the town in discussion and immediately give reads and pressure players day 1. Not only does this draw attention to anything he says and make it open to interpretation to be scum, but it also starts leading us to discuss things while town chat has stagnated, leading us to the healthy discussion we have now. I am reading Powers as the most town here IMO, until further events warrant.

    This is a weak ass play IMO. You have 2 reads off of 2 lines of text from both me and Renata. I am reading Renata as scum and this is why I am voting for Sino. A scum read > No read, and until I have at least some kind of baseline for how I read every player I don't want to hammer somebody. Sino and Unknown are my most null-reads right now so I would like both of them to talk. I think that Sino should "give me a reason to not vote him", and therefore I will keep my vote on him until he decides to talk. He is UTC+2 so it should be 7pm for him right now, I hope you see this Sino and maybe tell me when you think of PowersthatBe and me and Renatas votes on you

    Agreed. And to your second point, true. I guess I'm still in a sense using MOD mentality, of "mafia votes together."

    I am still convinced Veri and Renata need more pressure. I'd like to hear thoughts on why Renata is voting the way she is.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: S-FM Matrix6 (Beginners Game)

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatseOntheCupboard View Post
    @Veri IMO, scum either act with their interests, to get their goals achieved IE limiting town discussion, getting town players hanged, getting other scum not voted, etc, or they act against their interests to seem more town than they are. PowersthatBe Has decided to lead the town in discussion and immediately give reads and pressure players day 1. Not only does this draw attention to anything he says and make it open to interpretation to be scum, but it also starts leading us to discuss things while town chat has stagnated, leading us to the healthy discussion we have now. I am reading Powers as the most town here IMO, until further events warrant.

    This is a weak ass play IMO. You have 2 reads off of 2 lines of text from both me and Renata. I am reading Renata as scum and this is why I am voting for Sino. A scum read > No read, and until I have at least some kind of baseline for how I read every player I don't want to hammer somebody. Sino and Unknown are my most null-reads right now so I would like both of them to talk. I think that Sino should "give me a reason to not vote him", and therefore I will keep my vote on him until he decides to talk. He is UTC+2 so it should be 7pm for him right now, I hope you see this Sino and maybe tell me when you think of PowersthatBe and me and Renatas votes on you
    I do see this, i briefly asked you to give me a reason to vote me, and here's why i asked this :

    We have seen people arguing here and trying to read players, in order to have a first idea about who's scum and who's town (powers) which is exactly what we need to do right now, but even though they gave a reason to do so, those players still didn't vote yet.

    On the other hand, we have players voting without saying anything else, if we lynch a townie now, you guys know what happens next : the guy leading those votes will be the most suspicious, and will most likely get lynched, which could result in a second lynched townie, and that would result in a town defeat.

    So basically, this is when we have to be the most careful about who we lynch, and definetely need to give an explanation about our votes.



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