Tiberius has seen, fought, and conquered countless lands. He has experienced the chaos and insanity of battles, the joy of victory, and the rare stress of defeat. He even stared down hordes of barbarians living in the Germanic north. He was a very depressing man, regardless. Perhaps the desensitization of battle took a toll on his emotions. He probably even hated himself for his successes.

But today, he was unabashedly glad that he went through hell and victory in his younger years. Otherwise, he would not have had the tenacity to deal with the most barbaric and cruel enemies of all: ordinary civilians.

Even the barbarian hordes had discipline. War in the North was fought as a devastating guerrilla battle by the tribesmen living there, ambushing Roman forces in the forests as they marched rank-and-file to their outposts. They showed little restraint and little mercy to the Roman invaders, but Tiberius held strong because his opponents were still merely soldiers. Mortal, familiar soldiers.

The problem, thus, is simple: civilians have no discipline. No restraint. No mercy. While even the most dastardly of warriors would have at least a modicum of control and kindness, the average citizen has absolutely nothing.

The guards had no love for FalseTruth the Elder. The poor old man would get himself into all sorts of trouble, mocking and sometimes outright attacking the people around town. But he never truly broke the law, so the rigid Roman structure forbade any real harm from being done to FalseTruth in retaliation. He was still, after all, a tax-paying citizen of the Roman Empire.

But today, the guards put their health in danger to protect Brennenburg. They put their lives on the line to save FalseTruth. Never before had they imagined a position as bailiff would nearly kill them, but now they are ready to quit.

The reason for all this is lost, perhaps even unimportant. But somehow, the entire pack of men, the two-score of jurors, became the most dangerous beast of all: an angry mob.

"An angry mob." In our language, the words do not adequately convey the meaning. "Mob" does not express the loss of your identity, the smothering of your freedom, the silencing of your voice, or the blackening of your vision. "Angry" does not depict the inexorable fist of death, moving around the death pit of your neighborhood, seeking you, tracking you endlessly at the slightest provocation, and finally the unstoppable annihilation of your body, mind, and spirit. An angry mob is itself a circle of Hell given form.

Good, honorable men became savage beasts, tearing at each other to tear eachother's throats out. Eventually, a near-majority settled on one target: FalseTruth. The mob singled him out, surrounded him, and then shouted for his crucifixion for hours on end. When it became apparent that they lacked the necessary majority, they stopped voting. They gave up on law. Then, they took care of their own business. One of them pushed FalseTruth to the ground, another tackled him and pinned him on the ground, and then the rest started throwing rocks, kicking him, punching him, and bringing him to an inch of his life.

The guards were too afraid to come between Wrath and FalseTruth. It was Tiberius' order that saved the victim today. The legionnaires swore an oath of fealty to the Emperor, and would jump into the lava of a volcano given the order to do so came directly from Tiberius. So, they intervened. They, too, would have been killed had it not been for their armor.

FalseTruth was dragged away as the sun set below the hills in the distance. The majority was never reached; the forum failed. All that could be done was to wait another night and try again in the morning.

While the angry mob operated in unison while a fuel for their fires of fury was available, now they had no victim. The cooperation vanished. After all, they were just undisciplined, mostly harmless civilians.


"I am beginning to wonder..."

Lucifer curled a lock of his long, black hair.

"...am I really a demon? The people here are more demonic than any other being I know of. I'm out of a job."

He stood up from his chair and walked outside.

"At least, I found a solution. Looks like I need to find friends."

Lucifer walked into the night, then disappeared entirely.


Twilight Sparkle {Pony} - Killed Night 0 - Flayed in demonic summoning ritual
Adolf Hitler {Führer} - Killed Night 1 - Run through by Emperor Tiberius
Deathfire123 {Sinner} - Killed Night 1 - Executed in the Roman jail cell
Ubernox {Embalmer} - Killed Night 1 - Torn asunder by a demonic force
Zane {Shepherd} - Killed Night 1 - Stabbed by an Assassin

(Not in any particular order...)
Player List Role List
Jesus (0 - 1 Disciple)
Ash Angel
Auckmid Angel
BorkBot Lucifer (Pride) (0 - 1 Unsealed Demon)
Brennenburg Beelzebub (Gluttony)
Capitalier Demon (???)
Celt Demon (???)
Clawtrocity Demon (???)
CmG Demon (???)
Dimwit Demon (???)
divemaster127 Tiberius
Dust Pilate
FalseTruth Tax Collector
Fragos Tax Collector
fred Legionnaire
Ganondorf Commoner/Legionnaire
Goonswarm Commoner
hamslyx Commoner
Illidan Commoner
J Commoner
jaczac Commoner
Kromos Commoner
Lunavium Commoner
McPwnage Commoner
MileS Commoner
MrSmarter Assassin
nanosystem Assassin
Nick Rabbi
NorthStar Whore
oops_ur_dead Whore
Perotto Thief
philie Thief
Raiden Shepherd
RandomNumbers0 Embalmer
Rumpel1408 Seer
steeznuts Judas
suicidaln00b Sinner
Sumikoko Sinner
TheWaaagh Sinner
vornksr Sinner
wolfcheese Sinner
Yayap Sinner
Zack Sinner

This night will end at 800 GMT, Tuesday, November 29, 2011. (12:00 AM PST, Tuesday)
