{Watch List} RedHinotama - 1-S2-1-2860866; Cupofwin - 1-S2-1-480793; Alphasone - 1-S2-1-1988349

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  1. ISO #1

    RedHinotama - 1-S2-1-2860866; Cupofwin - 1-S2-1-480793; Alphasone - 1-S2-1-1988349

    Account Name: RedHinotama
    Account ID:

    Account Name: Cupofwin
    Account ID:

    Account Name:
    Account ID:

    Crimes Committed: Cheating

    Summary: RedHinotama (arsonist), Cupofwin (Doctor), and Alphasone (Amnesiac)were in a party and communicating over skype. Cupofwin admitted this in dead chat. When questioned he revealed his allies quickly, and when checking the replay it is easy enough to confirm. Cupofwin healed Alphasone before being killed by the mafia night 1. What puzzles me is that if Alphasone had remained amnesiac he would of won along with RedHinotama. However, I think that blunder was due to inexperience.

    I asked Cupofwin if he knew that this was against the 'rules' and he responded with "iunno". Then when asked if he had healed anyone in the party he said no, which was found to be a lie.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by ; November 27th, 2011 at 06:02 PM.
    Player Report Guidelines: Click Here
    *Guidelines likely out of date

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :
    | | FMVII: Citizen (W) | FMVI: Pride (W) | FMVIII: Ghost (L) | FMIX: Proletarian (W) | FMX: Student (L) | FMXI: Co-Host | FMXII: Fool (W) |
    I saw your party join...

  2. ISO #2

    Re: RedHinotama - 1-S2-1-2860866; Cupofwin - 1-S2-1-480793; Alphasone - 1-S2-1-1988349

    Adolf Hitler (redhinotama), HHHHHHHHHHHHHH... (amnesiac), and Cupofwin (boob) should be proven skype cheaters based on the replay. Cupofwin indeed rats out the fact that he's in a party with red and cupofwin. The amnesiac was never attacked until the end, in which he had chosen to become an investigator. It was pretty obvious that they were giving the win to the arsonist, but it confuses me why the amnesiac would have taken a role and not just outright won it with the arson. It's the confession by Cupofwin that sets them apart as skype cheaters, having them all alive at the end of the game confirms this point. Cupofwin healed the amnesiac at the start of the game, also confirming that they worked together. If cupofwin had not died, i'm sure the evidence would be more than sufficient.

    RedHinotama - Cheating
    Cupofwin - Cheating
    Alphasone - Cheating
    Last edited by ; November 27th, 2011 at 03:55 PM.



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