Post your thoughts on the world

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  1. ISO #1

    Post your thoughts on the world

    Hello everyone, I've noticed the personal forms haven't been very active. So i figured i would post something were you can talk about....well everything! My life recently has been very complicated. Such as going to a new school with academic standards much higher than my old school. so I've been busy.....but enough about that. Feel free to post your thoughts,opinions and stores on this form here.
    What if make Minecraft? But no are cube

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    As a communist. I care more about equality problem around the world more than a childish political war (bombing syria, vote for Trump....etc...)
    Usa use terrorist to fight against the Soviet Union.....and now when the war ended, Terrorist fight Usa, i guess it's Karma...

    A rare Yuki in ultimate form

    Yukitaka Oni ~Tafkal Hit Squad Member~

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    The idea of communism could work....the only thing is, its an idea. Most countries are communist art doing to well. China is beginning to have lots of financial problems with the recent stock market crash. Although you can't exactly blame this on communism [or Canada] you can see that communist nations are beginning to revert to a democratic form of government. In my opinion i think in 50-75 years communism may not exist anymore...maybe even less time then 50 years.
    What if make Minecraft? But no are cube

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Obligatory "those aren't communist countries" comment: If there's private property, social classes, or a state, then it's not communism.

    The USSR, for example, was a form of state capitalism. China is as communist as it is a "People's Republic". You name it; it's not communist.

    You also seem to think that democracy and communism are mutually exclusive; they aren't. In fact, one could argue that democracy is kind of a requirement, since there's the whole distribution of the means of production thing.

    As for the world, it tastes better with a pint of vodka.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Im still kinda learning about politics.....But from what I've seen in the world the world is slowly leaning towards democracy. Like Thailand [Were i live] Right now there a monarchy. the king is really old though and once he dies there a big chance that Thailand will become a democracy or a Republic. Im not saying is for sure...but I'm confident theres a good chance of it happening
    What if make Minecraft? But no are cube

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by slendermenz View Post
    Im still kinda learning about politics.....But from what I've seen in the world the world is slowly leaning towards democracy. Like Thailand [Were i live] Right now there a monarchy. the king is really old though and once he dies there a big chance that Thailand will become a democracy or a Republic. Im not saying is for sure...but I'm confident theres a good chance of it happening
    Communism is an economic system, not a government/political system, noob. Capitalism is the flip side of the coin, not democracy.

    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukitaka Oni View Post
    I'm a communist b)o.o)b!
    Yes I know this Yuki

    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadette View Post
    Communism is an economic system, not a government/political system, noob. Capitalism is the flip side of the coin, not democracy.
    surely how the state handles the economy can be considered a branch of politics, though. That's like saying "gun control isn't a political debate! Gun control is a debate regarding the law!"

    so putting the subject of 'states who use a branch of communism or are developing into / out of a branch of communism' under the subject of 'politics' is legitimate, the same way putting the subject of 'how a government handles gun laws' under 'politics' is also legitimate.

    picking a fight about linguistics on a site with so much more combined autism than you was a bad move, Toadette. Noob. :3

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    surely how the state handles the economy can be considered a branch of politics, though. That's like saying "gun control isn't a political debate! Gun control is a debate regarding the law!"

    so putting the subject of 'states who use a branch of communism or are developing into / out of a branch of communism' under the subject of 'politics' is legitimate, the same way putting the subject of 'how a government handles gun laws' under 'politics' is also legitimate.

    picking a fight about linguistics on a site with so much more combined autism than you was a bad move, Toadette. Noob. :3
    Saying that a communism is being abandoned for democracy is an ignorant statement that needs to be corrected. The man literally stated:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ignorant statement
    you can see that communist nations are beginning to revert to a democratic form of government
    Ignorance should be corrected, not defended.

    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    As Aristotle said, the greatest form of government is one of a benevolent tyranny. Until the Aryan Savior of Europe arises the refugee crisis will never be resolved, the Red Plague will continue to fester and spread, and the American Empire will rape and pillage as normal. Make no mistake, the world is going to get a lot, lot worse before the people demand the changes that MUST come into effect, else it will be too late. Nuclear warheads, inevitable environmental fluctuations, and overpopulation are already identified as lethal to humanity and every living species, yet still those in power do not agitate for change. I hate to break it to you all, but prepare for the coming revolution of the proletariat. Don't say I didn't warn you.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by FYRE View Post
    As Aristotle said, the greatest form of government is one of a benevolent tyranny. Until the Aryan Savior of Europe arises the refugee crisis will never be resolved, the Red Plague will continue to fester and spread, and the American Empire will rape and pillage as normal. Make no mistake, the world is going to get a lot, lot worse before the people demand the changes that MUST come into effect, else it will be too late. Nuclear warheads, inevitable environmental fluctuations, and overpopulation are already identified as lethal to humanity and every living species, yet still those in power do not agitate for change. I hate to break it to you all, but prepare for the coming revolution of the proletariat. Don't say I didn't warn you.
    Human society will always collapse. No matter what we do it will always all fall apart. We can delay it, we can delay it for a very long time... but it is inevitable.

    The rich and poor conflict will never go away... the poor will always hate the rich as the poor want to be the rich... and the rich will always take advantage of the poor so that they can both keep their money/power, and gain more. That is how society will always work. True Communism is impossible.

    Human greed is what dictates that. People are rarely ever content. They always want more, even if they don't need it. People will often find themselves superior to the rest or think that they are different than the rest of the pack and thus deserve more/different things than them.

    A society can delay collapse by going into conflict with another society. Conflict tends to unite the people of a society, despite differences that might reside between the people. It is a time of greatest productivity and social peace within a society. If people have an enemy, then they will be focused on them rather than the other problems around them... that is why nations that close themselves off tend to collapse...
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Human society will always collapse. No matter what we do it will always all fall apart. We can delay it, we can delay it for a very long time... but it is inevitable.

    The rich and poor conflict will never go away... the poor will always hate the rich as the poor want to be the rich... and the rich will always take advantage of the poor so that they can both keep their money/power, and gain more. That is how society will always work. True Communism is impossible.

    Human greed is what dictates that. People are rarely ever content. They always want more, even if they don't need it. People will often find themselves superior to the rest or think that they are different than the rest of the pack and thus deserve more/different things than them.

    A society can delay collapse by going into conflict with another society. Conflict tends to unite the people of a society, despite differences that might reside between the people. It is a time of greatest productivity and social peace within a society. If people have an enemy, then they will be focused on them rather than the other problems around them... that is why nations that close themselves off tend to collapse...
    For at least 90,000 years homo sapiens adopted a Hunter-Gatherer subsistence lifestyle, following the herds across the savannahs and eating seasonal fruits and nuts. This was replaced by sedentary agricultural models due to the drying of the central African continent as a part of natural Milankovitch cycles. In a very real sense, the primary way of human (and indeed human pregenitor species such as homo habilis and homo erectus) society functioned satisfactorily for over 90% of our existence on Earth. What our ancestors did by adapting to these geographical changes by settling the Nile and Meso-America etc, was incredibly antithetical to society as they knew it. Partnership social structure and lunar religious rites were replaced by dominator social structure (primarily patriarchal, with the rare matriarchal exception) and solar worship as defined by the changing of the seasons which brought about flooding of alluvial plains.

    How far have we progressed as a species since then? Do all our cultural achievements count for nothing? Have our solving of problems like polio, space exploration, and instant worldwide communication given no indication of our power? To have a realistic expectation of future events is one thing, but to mindlessly decry the human endeavor as hopeless and doomed is nigh on zealotry. I understand the fear many have of inevitable decay of human civilization as a whole, but surely one can see many potential solutions to a problem that affects us all.

    Our common history surely shows that beyond all factions' power struggles, we have a common past, and as a planet we have a common future.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by FYRE View Post
    How far have we progressed as a species since then? Do all our cultural achievements count for nothing? Have our solving of problems like polio, space exploration, and instant worldwide communication given no indication of our power?
    Our common history surely shows that beyond all factions' power struggles, we have a common past, and as a planet we have a common future.
    The common future of the planet is to get rekt, and that future is the same shared by everyone at an individual level.

    So sure, there have been advancements and progress, if you focus on the immediate -ie; the human history-, but it's fair to say that in the great scheme of things, all of those advancements are meaningless -as in they making nothing but local, ephemeral modifications in what is but a grain of sand-, and so are we; a bunch of narcissistical, self-aware animals looking for meaning where there is none.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Sen View Post
    The common future of the planet is to get rekt, and that future is the same shared by everyone at an individual level.

    So sure, there have been advancements and progress, if you focus on the immediate -ie; the human history-, but it's fair to say that in the great scheme of things, all of those advancements are meaningless -as in they making nothing but local, ephemeral modifications in what is but a grain of sand-, and so are we; a bunch of narcissistical, self-aware animals looking for meaning where there is none.
    Humans are going to get rekt, but those that choose to look for meaning surely can't be looked down upon. They have nothing to lose.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Sen View Post
    The common future of the planet is to get rekt, and that future is the same shared by everyone at an individual level.

    So sure, there have been advancements and progress, if you focus on the immediate -ie; the human history-, but it's fair to say that in the great scheme of things, all of those advancements are meaningless -as in they making nothing but local, ephemeral modifications in what is but a grain of sand-, and so are we; a bunch of narcissistical, self-aware animals looking for meaning where there is none.
    Are you implying that just because humans are small in comparison to the vastness of space and time, they are meaningless?

    well excuse me good sir! It's not about the size - it's about how you use it! A shittonne of metres and minutes in the universe =/= meaningful existence

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by FYRE View Post
    For at least 90,000 years homo sapiens adopted a Hunter-Gatherer subsistence lifestyle, following the herds across the savannahs and eating seasonal fruits and nuts. This was replaced by sedentary agricultural models due to the drying of the central African continent as a part of natural Milankovitch cycles. In a very real sense, the primary way of human (and indeed human pregenitor species such as homo habilis and homo erectus) society functioned satisfactorily for over 90% of our existence on Earth. What our ancestors did by adapting to these geographical changes by settling the Nile and Meso-America etc, was incredibly antithetical to society as they knew it. Partnership social structure and lunar religious rites were replaced by dominator social structure (primarily patriarchal, with the rare matriarchal exception) and solar worship as defined by the changing of the seasons which brought about flooding of alluvial plains.

    How far have we progressed as a species since then? Do all our cultural achievements count for nothing? Have our solving of problems like polio, space exploration, and instant worldwide communication given no indication of our power? To have a realistic expectation of future events is one thing, but to mindlessly decry the human endeavor as hopeless and doomed is nigh on zealotry. I understand the fear many have of inevitable decay of human civilization as a whole, but surely one can see many potential solutions to a problem that affects us all.

    Our common history surely shows that beyond all factions' power struggles, we have a common past, and as a planet we have a common future.
    Because every time society falls apart a new one rises to take its place. Human society is a constant rise and fall of individual groups/nations. No group can survive forever, that's impossible.

    Progress is good however, as it can allow societies to last longer, for individuals to live longer, happier lives and to just generally prevent constant chaos.
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    hmmm...My parents have talked to me about that. How a world war 3 is possible. Fortunately for me Thailand has avoided all the wars that have got on for the past 300 years. Thailand's a peaceful nation...and no one would care to invade it. they have nothing to take. It would be like robbing a man with no money
    What if make Minecraft? But no are cube

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Thoughts on the world = politics
    I try not to get my self involved in these things.

    I hope you get your tea SuperJack.
    Why the check does earl gray tea seem so good? The orange oil totally clashes with milk. Oolong forever.

    You should all join RLVG's adventure quest.

    I bet people think I'm not easy to follow.

    FYRE shut up.

    Ash is funny. Can't have too many Ash like people around though.

    I can't wait for the M-FM.

    Mods need love.

    Thanks Sen for a book recommendation. I broke my computer just after you posted. RLVG next time just upgrade the computer, it's more cost efficient.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day, and that you get to see blooming flowers everywhere, just like me.

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    I personally don't particularly like associating myself with ism's for anymore than a starting point for convo's

    Yuki would you define yourself as marxist| marxist-lenist| trostkyiest| or anarcho-| communist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    I personally don't particularly like associating myself with ism's for anymore than a starting point for convo's

    Yuki would you define yourself as marxist| marxist-lenist| trostkyiest| or anarcho-| communist?
    50% Communist v)o.o)>
    I agree on society communist but not the economy v(o.o(<
    Because political is so easy to be corrupted, society is good tho d(o.o)^

    A rare Yuki in ultimate form

    Yukitaka Oni ~Tafkal Hit Squad Member~

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    What does a communist society but not a communist economy even look like?
    A mistake.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    A mistake.
    it become a economy that depend on capitalism economy. It become
    (A mistake......a curse.....but yes, this is where I used to lives) it's my own burden that I have to carry....
    v)o.o)v ( yuki never said he has a childhood for a reason)
    Last edited by Yukitaka Oni; March 15th, 2016 at 05:25 PM.

    A rare Yuki in ultimate form

    Yukitaka Oni ~Tafkal Hit Squad Member~

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    What does a communist society but not a communist economy even look like?
    Given that the economy is at the core of communism, that wouldn't even be possible: The condition of a classless society cannot exist while the reason for the existence of said classes -ie; money- hasn't been addressed. And of course, it cannot be stateless if you understand the state as the repressive arm of the class rule without first getting rid of the whole class thing.

    A communist society without the economical part is like a spaceship that cannot go into space, and isn't a ship.

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    I guess I didn't thought about world and its state sinsce a long time ago.

    when i was younger I was believing there is always something good in anything. I mean even if its going to end , is that really bad? we all die and something else going to live instead of us.

    or even worse. everything finishes...

    whats bad about that?

    After I felt the pain of life I started to think completly vise versa. like every action is the word is bad

    then i suddenly realized. does it matter what we call it? i kind of lost caring about the world around me , and beleive me its for my own health.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    I can't wait til the human species is extinct, as always species eventually go extinct. I won't be around to see it but my dusty remains will cry out "rekt noobs"

    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Toadette View Post
    I can't wait til the human species is extinct, as always species eventually go extinct. I won't be around to see it but my dusty remains will cry out "rekt noobs"
    Everyone go Allahu Akbar and human will extinct <(o.o)>

    A rare Yuki in ultimate form

    Yukitaka Oni ~Tafkal Hit Squad Member~

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Enjoy your meaningless existence! I love it. I was asked by Mormons if I wondered what the meaning of life was, I said "sure. Enjoy it while it lasts shitlords". They didn't seem to appreciate that very much.

    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
    It's not existential, it's nihilist. There's probably some other philosophical term that describes it better.
    Both are applicable in a sense.

    Nihilist works better from this thread since it is mostly the negative/negation assertion that beliefs are wrong rather than the positive assertion of things that are better that should be enacted.

    So when are we starting up that philosophy sub-forum?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Lynching paladin is like picking out the biggest guy in prison and trying to beat him up because he looks the toughest.He is the most townie person here and its really silly he [has a train on him], given the level of stupid on this wagon, should I be even surprised?

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by ThePaladin View Post
    Nihilist works better from this thread since it is mostly the negative/negation assertion that beliefs are wrong rather than the positive assertion of things that are better that should be enacted.
    It's not a matter of right and wrong; all of those postures agree that existence is meaningless, and they only differ in their reaction towards said truth.

    Existentialists propose that you can create your own meaning through free will.
    Nihilism states that said attempt at constructing our own meaning is pointless.

    That said, my statements fit neither of those. If anything, my posture is closer to that of Camus' Absurdism, which points out how nonsensical it'd be to look for meaning if you know that there's no such thing, and that it shouldn't deter you from enjoying it anyway.

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    I think most people on the form can agree [most] that communism isn't a good way to run a country. If you look at the ideology of communism it actually looks like it could be better. well for some people..... thats the thing. Because all death is shared in communism the people that work harder than others should be making more money than the lazy people not. Lets say you were a engineer making 200$ an hour, and you have to share that with a lazy couch potato. it just doesn't seem fair does it? communism for sure slows economic growth and the communist country development. The big company like apple wouldn't headquarter in a communist nation were they have to give up all there money. I think capitalism is the best system for economic growth. But hey...thats just my opinion ^-^
    The magnificent areal command unit!

  46. ISO #46

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Mimron View Post
    I think most people on the form can agree [most] that communism isn't a good way to run a country. If you look at the ideology of communism it actually looks like it could be better. well for some people..... thats the thing. Because all death is shared in communism the people that work harder than others should be making more money than the lazy people not. Lets say you were a engineer making 200$ an hour, and you have to share that with a lazy couch potato. it just doesn't seem fair does it? communism for sure slows economic growth and the communist country development. The big company like apple wouldn't headquarter in a communist nation were they have to give up all there money. I think capitalism is the best system for economic growth. But hey...thats just my opinion ^-^
    That's what happen to my country v)o.o)v

    A rare Yuki in ultimate form

    Yukitaka Oni ~Tafkal Hit Squad Member~

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by Mimron View Post
    I think most people on the form can agree [most] that communism isn't a good way to run a country. If you look at the ideology of communism it actually looks like it could be better. well for some people..... thats the thing. Because all death is shared in communism the people that work harder than others should be making more money than the lazy people not. Lets say you were a engineer making 200$ an hour, and you have to share that with a lazy couch potato. it just doesn't seem fair does it? communism for sure slows economic growth and the communist country development. The big company like apple wouldn't headquarter in a communist nation were they have to give up all there money. I think capitalism is the best system for economic growth. But hey...thats just my opinion ^-^
    The point of communism wasn't to have economic growth, it was to equalize the amount of money everyone was to get. Look at people now. The current movements against the 1% is only about the income gap.
    But yes, with less people making less money means that we have slower medical and technological advancements. That means more people die.

  48. ISO #48

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    American voters remind me of sc2mafia forum mafia players. Bunch of sheep that don't think about their best interests.


    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Post your thoughts on the world

    Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
    I think they are more like sc2mafia arcade mode players. Bunch of sheep that go against their best interests.
    No, the literally get fucked over by the government, then the next vote they say "hey Paladin was town pulling a gambit" and vote for who they are told to by the establishment.

    Spoiler : O.o :
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverWolf
    Why are you being an anti town bitch? You got a fucking point or just a major fucking attitude problem? I dare you to take me on with a game related case cuz I'll tear it apart.



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