S-FM 181 Flash Point Revisited

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    S-FM 181 Flash Point Revisited

    S-FM Flash Point Revisited

    Barry Allen, otherwise known to very few as the Flash. Was visiting his mother’s grave who had tragically died when he was just a child. A change in the air was looming. The air became thicker as the sky turned to dark. At lightning speed a yellow streak approached Allen. Allen quickly jumped and prepared to fight his arch nemesis Zoom. As Zoom came to a stop, he quickly put up his hands in a display that he meant no harm. “Relax, Flash. I am here to offer you a deal”. Barry wasn’t so sure about him and remained prepared in case of something fishy were to occur “Why should I believe you aren’t up to no good?”. Zoom quickly answered “Well Flash” he said sinisterly “I have found a way to resolve our differences in a rather peaceful manner that benefits us both”. Still wondering what he wanted Barry pushed him further “And how will that work?” Zoom answered “It is simple Flash. We are going to save your mother”. The Flash was dumbstruck by the mere suggestion, but even had a more pressing question “How would that benefit you?” Zoom then went on to say “Well, let’s just say our differences are stemming from your mother dying, if your mother didn’t die, we would never meet. Win-win”. Barry didn’t fully trust him, but he couldn’t say no to this offer. Soon the two planned it out and used the speed force to go back in time and change history. But the world he left, wasn’t the one he came back to…The world will never be the same.

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    No Lynch, Day 1 is 24 Hours.

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    Game Over
    Last edited by Firebringer; March 6th, 2016 at 02:07 PM.
    Don't pet growlithe, he will bite you.



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