S-FM 160: Prime Minister - Page 2

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  1. ISO #51

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Eleventh Doctor View Post
    Doctors you must realize by now that if anyone of us were to be elected into a post that we would all be elected surely. We are one and the same afterall.
    Arguably we are both the same and not the same, it's all on the nature of what we do.
    I for one would like for someone with a high level of charisma to take the election.

  2. ISO #52

  3. ISO #53

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Seventh Doctor View Post
    Also, Tenth, I would never pick someone like you as Prime Minister, no matter how much "town-ish" you are. Your offesive gesture tells me enough about your bad personality.

    Does anyone agree with me?
    By golly good friend! I do not feel that number 10 has done enough to be esteemed as a town read. His behavior immediately following his one "town" post has been utter rubbish. It feels as if the tenth doctor attempted to make one good post, and then write off the rest of the day as useless. No no, this cannot be.

  4. ISO #54

  5. ISO #55

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Sixth Doctor View Post
    By golly good friend! I do not feel that number 10 has done enough to be esteemed as a town read. His behavior immediately following his one "town" post has been utter rubbish. It feels as if the tenth doctor attempted to make one good post, and then write off the rest of the day as useless. No no, this cannot be.
    Pull that textbook language out of your asshole and join the correct century, please. :3

  6. ISO #56

  7. ISO #57

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Sixth Doctor View Post
    Your brutal language cannot stifle my courage!

    If I may ask, good doctor, what is your opinion regarding the seventh doctor?
    Difficult to say at this point. I hold similar views to you on ten, but he ended that post about ten with "does anyone agree with me?". It was almost like he was testing the waters to see what our response would be. Perhaps it was to see if anyone would jump on the "I <3 10" bandwagon and to rat out potential evils.

  8. ISO #58

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The War Doctor View Post
    I have the right to believe that one of the Scum among us are easy to find based on behavior alone.

    The tenth doctor appears to be the most Town with his post of #7.

    For now, I'd like to start the game by going up to eleven and for early pressure.

    -vote S-FM The Eleventh Doctor
    Good doctor, much appreciation to your scum hunting attitude. I do wonder how you feel about the rest of the tenth doctors posts, given his attitude towards day 1. If you could be so kind as to enlighten us as to his further posts and how you feel about them.

  9. ISO #59

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Sixth Doctor View Post
    Good doctor, much appreciation to your scum hunting attitude. I do wonder how you feel about the rest of the tenth doctors posts, given his attitude towards day 1. If you could be so kind as to enlighten us as to his further posts and how you feel about them.
    Is that not the case of at least a quarter of everyone here during the first day?

    Make an impressive post then just sit down with their legs crossed, drinking their tea with an ever so subtle smirk.

    I am aware that his other posts are not well aligned, but during the first day the first impression is more important than their overall behavior unless you can pinpoint that there's something far more sinister going on.

  10. ISO #60

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The War Doctor View Post
    Is that not the case of at least a quarter of everyone here during the first day?

    Make an impressive post then just sit down with their legs crossed, drinking their tea with an ever so subtle smirk.

    I am aware that his other posts are not well aligned, but during the first day the first impression is more important than their overall behavior unless you can pinpoint that there's something far more sinister going on.
    I do say good sir that it is imperative to observe all posts as a collection. I do not find the action of putting up a front to appear one way to mask your further actions as worthy of a town read, and feel your analysis of the situation to be disconnected from your read of the doctor in question.

  11. ISO #61

  12. ISO #62

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Sixth Doctor View Post
    I do say good sir that it is imperative to observe all posts as a collection. I do not find the action of putting up a front to appear one way to mask your further actions as worthy of a town read, and feel your analysis of the situation to be disconnected from your read of the doctor in question.
    After doctor ten confessed he'd simply vote for the person who seemed the most charismatic, doctor one did that shitposting / entertaining post about being a good Prime Minister for society. It's as if One jumped on the opportunity to try and win an easy vote.

    Of course, this doesn't mean much. He could have planned to just shitpost anyway. But, if he was planning on shitposting that regardless, I can't help but wonder why on earth he seriously defended his shitpost after you questioned him as a leader. After you tore his desire to be PM apart, he receded into the shadows never to talk again.

    However, I'd like to hear Doctor One's response to my thoughts. He might reveal my ideas to be total bullshit with a highly believable explanation for his actions.

    Anyway, who are you thinking about voting? If I blindly vote with you everyone will think we're on the same team, which would be an interesting contradiction, considering we're totally not on the same team.

  13. ISO #63

  14. ISO #64

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Twelfth Doctor View Post
    After doctor ten confessed he'd simply vote for the person who seemed the most charismatic, doctor one did that shitposting / entertaining post about being a good Prime Minister for society. It's as if One jumped on the opportunity to try and win an easy vote.

    Of course, this doesn't mean much. He could have planned to just shitpost anyway. But, if he was planning on shitposting that regardless, I can't help but wonder why on earth he seriously defended his shitpost after you questioned him as a leader. After you tore his desire to be PM apart, he receded into the shadows never to talk again.

    However, I'd like to hear Doctor One's response to my thoughts. He might reveal my ideas to be total bullshit with a highly believable explanation for his actions.

    Anyway, who are you thinking about voting? If I blindly vote with you everyone will think we're on the same team, which would be an interesting contradiction, considering we're totally not on the same team.
    Good observation my boy! I as well look forward to the first doctor's rebuttal.

    I shall be voting for my townoest read. I will not reveal who that is at the moment (and it may change!) so as not to give scum an easy read to steal! I want to see interaction first!

  15. ISO #65

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Eleventh Doctor View Post
    I feel the need to let today's events transpire and not push any lynches. It's day one afterall and we're all looking for early scumtells. I prefer my day 1 to be trolltastic.
    I do not understand your point of view good sir!! Can you clarify how you expect to find a scumtell while simultaneously trolling?

  16. ISO #66

  17. ISO #67

  18. ISO #68

  19. ISO #69

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Ninth Doctor View Post
    well, im pretty sure we have a vigilante to counter a possible mafia Prime Minister. I wonder what happends if you don't vote for a prime minister.
    This. An election of a non-Town PM wouldn't destroy the town in it of itself as long as we realize that the PM still needs to act towny and at least appear to be helping the town. It would be amazingly tricky to pull off such a feat for an extended period of time.

    Basically, the rest of the town acts as a check against electing an evil PM via lynches and night actions.

    Not to say we don't need to watch who we elect, as long as we realize that not voting collectively is likely a bad thing

    Therefore I suggest we attempt to discuss who we should vote for before night hits us.

  20. ISO #70

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Sixth Doctor View Post
    I do not understand your point of view good sir!! Can you clarify how you expect to find a scumtell while simultaneously trolling?
    No doubt I'm not looking for scum tells at this point in time. We may as well point fingers at each and every one of our selves now.

  21. ISO #71

  22. ISO #72

  23. ISO #73

  24. ISO #74

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Second Doctor View Post
    This. An election of a non-Town PM wouldn't destroy the town in it of itself as long as we realize that the PM still needs to act towny and at least appear to be helping the town. It would be amazingly tricky to pull off such a feat for an extended period of time.

    Basically, the rest of the town acts as a check against electing an evil PM via lynches and night actions.

    Not to say we don't need to watch who we elect, as long as we realize that not voting collectively is likely a bad thing

    Therefore I suggest we attempt to discuss who we should vote for before night hits us.
    Honestly, I have an interest in pursuing Prime Minister, but it's kind of pointless because if I do ask for votes it'll do nothing but turn people on me.

    So instead I'll just cleverly frame my desires in a post pretending not to claim PM votes, while implicitly claiming PM votes, and then I'll ironically remark upon this plan so that critics get lost in my WIFOM spaghetti.

  25. ISO #75

  26. ISO #76

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Twelfth Doctor View Post
    Anyway, who are you thinking about voting? If I blindly vote with you everyone will think we're on the same team, which would be an interesting contradiction, considering we're totally not on the same team.
    Tell me more about how you know you are not on the same team as 6..

    Do Neutrals votes count for 2 in the PM election as well as in a lynch?
    If the PM is killed will his election take the place of the towns ability to lynch on the following day?

  27. ISO #77

  28. ISO #78

  29. ISO #79

  30. ISO #80

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Twelfth Doctor View Post
    After doctor ten confessed he'd simply vote for the person who seemed the most charismatic, doctor one did that shitposting / entertaining post about being a good Prime Minister for society. It's as if One jumped on the opportunity to try and win an easy vote.
    You're right, I was looking for an easy vote, but with a coordinated mafia team, neutrals with double votes, and someone out there with a sponsor pushing for their election, the disorganised town is unlikely to elect one of their own when playing with passive 'vote me but please dont vote me' plays.

    I can't help but wonder why on earth he seriously defended his shitpost after you questioned him as a leader. After you tore his desire to be PM apart, he receded into the shadows never to talk again
    This was just a good laugh, [QUOTE]There are neutral roles that would love to be elected prime minister as soon as possible good chap! You may be one of them - is there any reason I should vote for you other than the fact that you want it?[\QUOTE] I dont think in any setting is that 'tearing' someone up, it was but a mere comment, you needn't dramatasise these things. As for my dissapearence, my comments were posted right before heading out for the evening, and i've only just awoken.

    Lots of love, The First Doctor, xoxo

  31. ISO #81

  32. ISO #82

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Wat Dr.10?


    Wat Dr.10?

    AlReadY uSE up viG?

    WaT Dr.10?

    DrAws Out pRs?

    waT Dr.10?

    yOU waNT taILor lyNch me?

    #10 too noob to scum.


    I'm too dangerous to keep alive.

    I dare you to not attempt killing me now.

    I'm not a veteran, don't bus me, I'm taking this heads on.

    Believe me, my last will is worse than keeping me alive.

  33. ISO #83

  34. ISO #84

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    heY dUDe . i invITe YOu To ouR HoUSe thIS wOndErfuL EVENiNg.

    leaVe Me , I waS sUper COoL And prImE MInIsTeR .

    VOteD FOr me PLEASe EvERYthinG!
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    engLISH I'm SOrRY , IT is nOT OuR MoTHER TOnGUe.
    So you want players to not pay attention to you and expect little contribution from you yet you want to be the Prime Minister? This couldn't be a more obvious gambit if you called it a gambit in the post. I would call it lynch bait if today was a lynch day but it is not.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    Wat Dr.10?


    Wat Dr.10?

    AlReadY uSE up viG?

    WaT Dr.10?

    DrAws Out pRs?

    waT Dr.10?

    yOU waNT taILor lyNch me?

    #10 too noob to scum.


    I'm too dangerous to keep alive.

    I dare you to not attempt killing me now.

    I'm not a veteran, don't bus me, I'm taking this heads on.

    Believe me, my last will is worse than keeping me alive.
    Your last will is totally brutal right now huh? Unless you are Mrs. Cleo and want to give us a reading on our futures there is probably fuck all of value in your LW. You are like a verbal puffer fish trying to sound like you are scum hunting (with that vote on me) and providing incentive to other players to ignore you or at the very least not interact with you. I don't have to make an effort to point out why that's scummy especially when half way though this post you dropped the bullshit gambit and started posting in your 'native tongue' which is indeed English.

    What I see is a scum that overplayed their hand failing to gauge how they should portray their fake 'reads' to the town and trying too hard to sound like they are paranoid about being night killed with a slap retarded insinuation that they have a dangerous last will.

    Please, tell everyone all about how you are so confident I am scum and let us know what shocking revelations you have read in D1 chat that we are all too stupid to see. Or better yet explain why you pulled such a god awful gambit.

  35. ISO #85

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Seventh Doctor View Post
    Well, if you really want to vote someone, here is one good advice.

    Keep your vote to yourself. You should not reveal your intentions to vote a certain person, and you shouldn't pick your vote based on what others tell you. Personal judgement is the best.
    My advice would be to vote. Scum will have a huge incentive to vote with a team block on one side and multi-vote power on the other. The worst thing town can do is not vote.

  36. ISO #86

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    I guess doc 4 hung around for 30 minutes and decided he had nothing to say. Must have been a language barrier right?

    Pro tips- Use broken engilish instead of acting like your shift key had Tourette Syndrome. And set yourself to invisible so people cant see you hanging around like a vulture when you type up a response and decide its better not to post it.

  37. ISO #87

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    I would rather drink my tea
    D1 troll.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    -vote S-FM The War Doctor

    The guy with the weird name
    D1 RVS (random voting system- it's a term used to describe a popular noob/scum strategy)

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    Just some thoughts:

    The neutrals we want to avoid need to become the Prime Minister in order to meet their win con (Jester, Executioner) so withholding that would be a good idea.

    I would strongly suggest we never give a neutral the Prime Minister title for any reason. If someone claims neutral for it and says they will support the town that is a massive risk we do not need to take.

    Neutrals can self vote so do not put it past a Prime Minister Jester to self hammer

    Neutral votes count for 2 so we should be able to easily tell who is the neutral so long as we keep track of the vote counter. I would also encourage players to night kill them to limit the scum swing in the late game (As that scum can use the Prime Minister vote as an incentive to get neutrals to side with them)

    For our D1 election we have nothing to go on. Like.. Less than nothing. We can not even pressure or hunt without the ability to vote. All we can do is debate planning to divine scum/town aligned thinking but more than likely all we will end up with is figuring out who is a "Skilled" or "Lazy" player from those conversations.

    The trade off to getting elected is the loss of your night action for getting elected so if you have a decent TPR make some kind of effort to stay out of the races (but not in any way that would be obvious and reveal you are a TPR)

    Last wills are a thing so use that shit. I have seen too many games lost because town members were too lazy to put critical information in their last wills.

    Framers also frame visiting- Expect this to be a point of issue if a lookout/detective pegs a player visiting a player that was killed by the mafia. It may be better to withhold those leads and poke them for slips before revealing.

    Will an Actress appear as the targeted players alignment as well as role, or just their role?
    Will/can a Tailor change the flipped alignment of a player?
    You start out encouraging a killer heavy setup to use their night kills... You're also creating a neutral hunt when that's not MY objective.

    You then say today is mostly useless. Again, this is a scum/noob RVS Day 1 mentality. Look it up. You think we can't figure out connections today? You think I couldn't immediately see through your fake town posts? Lols. You're a horrible fake town leader suggesting we don't even use today.

    You finish up with restating the premise of the setup... As though it's something new or useful. Lol..

    It's actually your questions to the host at the end that gave you away.

    You see, I have privy information suggesting you know there to be a tailor. In fact you are attempting to maximize confusion and increase doubt. The truth is I'm the only person in this setup that can figure out this confusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    I want to mislynch him and night kill you tonight for pointing out my scummy devious plot.
    Troll, continues RVS.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    I would also like to take this moment to point out that Frank Turner is the male Taylor Swift of Europe.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    First off- Its no lynch. Votes do not matter
    Second- Prime Minister votes are done via PM not here. Votes do not matter

    So votes are silly fluff we can do for giggles while burning through a shit day with nothing to talk about

    Can we vote to end the day early?
    Dangerous horrible anti-town idea to limit discussion and continue to write off D1. Bear in mind, this is asked on the fucking first page of the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    Well I think this is a big ol' bag of bullshit and you guys just want to look like you are doing something. So I will be giving my vote to the most entertaining person day 1.

    You can not make an informed decision on day 1. There is nothing to go off of.
    You continue to push RVS Day1. If at this point you haven't googled mafia debate RVS -
    The only benefit to write off day 1 is for scum to not slip, especially under pressure. Which you've done immediately after I posted a lynch vote on you. Scum write from an informed opinion (they can't help it). Town write from an uninformed opinion. By having no opinion D1, you insulate yourself and your scum teammates.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    I am fine with that.

    And if you really want the vote why not just come out and say it? Will you stay a Try Hard after you get elected and give in depth reads or just make demands?
    You come off aggressive and engaging from this post. You got a power role and feel safe to act like a shark. Problem is you're spotted.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    I have reason to believe that by fucking up your caps key you understand English just fine.

    Do you understand what a gambit is? This wasn't a gambit. I was prodding you from an easily defamed character to see how you'd react. You reacted violently, emotionally, and even asked for me to be shot after I created a dumbass persona and asked to "lynch" you on a non- lynch day... This is a classic scum reaction. Google "OMGUS" - you just pulled a textbook "Oh My God You Suck"- because... Scum.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    Tell me more about how you know you are not on the same team as 6..

    Do Neutrals votes count for 2 in the PM election as well as in a lynch?
    If the PM is killed will his election take the place of the towns ability to lynch on the following day?
    I had this passing similar thought. I somehow feel like you're actually bussing six.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    Also vig should shoot the doc #4. I would do it myself but I am a doctor and all..
    Clearly you're not dumb, or at least you seem eager to learn, so here's a tip. When you're scum, as you are now, don't OMGUS so hard and couple it with horrible anti-town strategy.

    Again, this is a massively KPN heavy game. You want to see town set itself on fire? You want a big to waste his shot instead of saving it for a REAL issue, like a scum PM for example? "Oh yeah that'd be more useful, durr."

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    So you want players to not pay attention to you and expect little contribution from you yet you want to be the Prime Minister? This couldn't be a more obvious gambit if you called it a gambit in the post. I would call it lynch bait if today was a lynch day but it is not.

    Your last will is totally brutal right now huh? Unless you are Mrs. Cleo and want to give us a reading on our futures there is probably fuck all of value in your LW. You are like a verbal puffer fish trying to sound like you are scum hunting (with that vote on me) and providing incentive to other players to ignore you or at the very least not interact with you. I don't have to make an effort to point out why that's scummy especially when half way though this post you dropped the bullshit gambit and started posting in your 'native tongue' which is indeed English.

    What I see is a scum that overplayed their hand failing to gauge how they should portray their fake 'reads' to the town and trying too hard to sound like they are paranoid about being night killed with a slap retarded insinuation that they have a dangerous last will.

    Please, tell everyone all about how you are so confident I am scum and let us know what shocking revelations you have read in D1 chat that we are all too stupid to see. Or better yet explain why you pulled such a god awful gambit.
    Your OMGUS knows no bounds. Again, I revealed that I was using a dumbass persona- a prod from a dumbass persona freaked you out. When I revealed a bit more, I maintained a more aggressive stance to see if you'd pay it any attention. This set you on FIRE, even though it was mostly baseless (although true).

    I bet you wish you could have skipped this day as it's revealed a lot about you.

    1. You're emotional
    2. You're hyper reactive to the smallest of prods
    3. You act very aggressively
    4. Your plans are anti-town (skip day, waste big shot, vote 'most entertaining player', contribute to D1 shot posting to disincentivize Town conversation.

    I can easily conclude you're mafia. I can easily conclude Mafia has a tailor. I can easily say there's no way town is giving you mayor.

    Again, next time you're scum, try not to be so reactive and emotional. It's the most classic of tells.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    My advice would be to vote. Scum will have a huge incentive to vote with a team block on one side and multi-vote power on the other. The worst thing town can do is not vote.
    I agree. However your method of choosing is practically baseless.

    I've noticed some vs. interactions today. Don't feel as though you need to choose between 2 players butting heads. It can always be safe bussing today for scum buddies pretending to both be good options. I'd recommend someone rather unopinionated.

    If it's not obvious what role I am, let me make this clear. DO NOT vote me mayor.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    I guess doc 4 hung around for 30 minutes and decided he had nothing to say. Must have been a language barrier right?

    Pro tips- Use broken engilish instead of acting like your shift key had Tourette Syndrome. And set yourself to invisible so people cant see you hanging around like a vulture when you type up a response and decide its better not to post it.
    You're hyper aggressively pursuing this OMGUS and you don't even realize you're only digging your grave deeper. You realize you're aggressively pursuing a couple baseless dumb-ass posts against you? Your reaction was SOOoO worth it. Again, it reveled a LOT about your role, your alliance, and your scum team.

  38. ISO #88

  39. ISO #89

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    Holy shit. It speaks English. Who woulda thunk it..
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Tenth Doctor View Post
    Holy shit. It speaks English. Who woulda thunk it..
    Haha, so I guess the idea of a lynch bait pressure test still eludes you?

    Lynch Bait- someone who is purposely painted as a low hanging fruit for scum to hop on

    Pressure Test- the purpose is to pressure a player for the purpose of a reaction

    You reacted to the pressure test by OMGUS the lynch bait.

    Can you see that now?

    Can you see how my actual last will is dangerous now?

    I'm a firm believer that D1 has the potential to reveal scum if you don't treat it like a shitposting day.

    I also recognize this May be a TvT (Town vs. Town) case, as you brought up 3 points I agree with.

    In general your reactions, play style, strategies and aggressive behavior suggests you're either a newer player, scum, or both.

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt for now, although I'd ask players to remember Dr.10's reaction to a lynch bait pressure test, and take note of his unusually aggressive opening.

    I'd also ask that Vigis refrain from N1 kills until there is more to go on tomorrow. This game has the potential to lose a lot of Town VERY quickly. Show restraint.

    I'd also request a body double be on me as my role is possibly the only one that can resolve the sure-to-be confusion after Dr.10's tip that we can expect a tailor role. This is my D1 soft claim.

  40. ISO #90

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    For starters "RVS" means "Random Voting Stage" and it is a useful tool in simple setups to gain behavioral reads on players when there is otherwise no information to go off of. New players do it because experienced players make it the norm. Experienced players do it because it allows D1 scum hunting.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    You then say today is mostly useless. Again, this is a scum/noob RVS Day 1 mentality. Look it up. You think we can't figure out connections today? You think I couldn't immediately see through your fake town posts? Lols. You're a horrible fake town leader suggesting we don't even use today.
    Or did I create a situation to see who would push for contributions and get a read on sheep vs leaders. You need to add a few layers of WIFOM and step it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    You see, I have privy information suggesting you know there to be a tailor. In fact you are attempting to maximize confusion and increase doubt. The truth is I'm the only person in this setup that can figure out this confusion.
    Are you for real right here? I do not care how good you are the though process of thinking everyone else is too stupid to understand what is going on is just egotistical bullshit. There is always someone bigger, smarter, and more effective out there. Not that this relates to your alignment in any way but its a shitty thing to say. Your heavy tailor focus and read looks pretty bad though. Almost like you are setting up to forward a scum win con incase your role flips.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    Dangerous horrible anti-town idea to limit discussion and continue to write off D1. Bear in mind, this is asked on the fucking first page of the game.
    I really have trouble seeing where you are coming from here. I mean I can not even think of anything short of insanity to justify the words here. If I said the sky was blue would it be a "Dangerous horrible anti-town" statement? And I believe I was the first to ask this question in this game.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    You continue to push RVS Day1. If at this point you haven't googled mafia debate RVS -
    The only benefit to write off day 1 is for scum to not slip, especially under pressure. Which you've done immediately after I posted a lynch vote on you. Scum write from an informed opinion (they can't help it). Town write from an uninformed opinion. By having no opinion D1, you insulate yourself and your scum teammates.
    Still don't think you know what RVS is. Although given this post I expect better of you. You are playing skin deep and can do better.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    You come off aggressive and engaging from this post. You got a power role and feel safe to act like a shark. Problem is you're spotted.
    Oh dear. I am spotted. Problem is I am not a PR. Although your TPR hunting is noted.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    Do you understand what a gambit is? This wasn't a gambit. I was prodding you from an easily defamed character to see how you'd react. You reacted violently, emotionally, and even asked for me to be shot after I created a dumbass persona and asked to "lynch" you on a non- lynch day... This is a classic scum reaction. Google "OMGUS" - you just pulled a textbook "Oh My God You Suck"- because... Scum.
    Saying I don't understand what a gambit is and then saying you pulled a gambit? ...Wut
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    Your OMGUS knows no bounds. Again, I revealed that I was using a dumbass persona- a prod from a dumbass persona freaked you out. When I revealed a bit more, I maintained a more aggressive stance to see if you'd pay it any attention. This set you on FIRE, even though it was mostly baseless (although true).

    I bet you wish you could have skipped this day as it's revealed a lot about you.

    1. You're emotional
    2. You're hyper reactive to the smallest of prods
    3. You act very aggressively
    4. Your plans are anti-town (skip day, waste big shot, vote 'most entertaining player', contribute to D1 shot posting to disincentivize Town conversation.

    I can easily conclude you're mafia. I can easily conclude Mafia has a tailor. I can easily say there's no way town is giving you mayor.
    I can not easily conclude anything D1 which just pushes that whole 'everyone is stupid except for me' thing you have going. Although I would bet that I have found more scum D1 in the last six months than you have ever found given my read on you. I do however agree that I am aggressive and have behaved anti-town in some ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    I agree. However your method of choosing is practically baseless.

    I've noticed some vs. interactions today. Don't feel as though you need to choose between 2 players butting heads. It can always be safe bussing today for scum buddies pretending to both be good options. I'd recommend someone rather unopinionated.

    If it's not obvious what role I am, let me make this clear. DO NOT vote me mayor.
    Smh. Either bad or scum. Why in the fuck would you say this..

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    You're hyper aggressively pursuing this OMGUS and you don't even realize you're only digging your grave deeper. You realize you're aggressively pursuing a couple baseless dumb-ass posts against you? Your reaction was SOOoO worth it. Again, it reveled a LOT about your role, your alliance, and your scum team.
    I was not aware I was actually pressuring at all. But your reaction was pretty interesting. It is a no-lynch day after all. And feel free to tell me all about my role because that seems to be your focus (As opposed to my alignment)

  41. ISO #91

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    Haha, so I guess the idea of a lynch bait pressure test still eludes you?

    Lynch Bait- someone who is purposely painted as a low hanging fruit for scum to hop on

    Pressure Test- the purpose is to pressure a player for the purpose of a reaction

    You reacted to the pressure test by OMGUS the lynch bait.

    Can you see that now?

    Can you see how my actual last will is dangerous now?

    I'm a firm believer that D1 has the potential to reveal scum if you don't treat it like a shitposting day.

    I also recognize this May be a TvT (Town vs. Town) case, as you brought up 3 points I agree with.

    In general your reactions, play style, strategies and aggressive behavior suggests you're either a newer player, scum, or both.

    I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt for now, although I'd ask players to remember Dr.10's reaction to a lynch bait pressure test, and take note of his unusually aggressive opening.

    I'd also ask that Vigis refrain from N1 kills until there is more to go on tomorrow. This game has the potential to lose a lot of Town VERY quickly. Show restraint.

    I'd also request a body double be on me as my role is possibly the only one that can resolve the sure-to-be confusion after Dr.10's tip that we can expect a tailor role. This is my D1 soft claim.
    Lynch bait on a no lynch day?... Really.... This is what you are going with?

    And pressure on a no lynch day?

    Maybe this is TvT but I really question your 'trap' Its fucking silly and you directing TPR's is dumb. I just don't understand what the fuck you are doing here. At best you are drunk town derping. At worst you are scum flipping shit from a soft poke.

  42. ISO #92

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Lol. I reaction tested you, not the other way around.

    I see you have conceded (defecto or overtly) on several key points:
    1) your behavior encouraging RVS was scummy
    2) you reacted in a scum manner to my pressure test on you

    I'm wondering what benefit you have to act scummy D-1 in a kill friendly setup?

    I'm also curious how no one else picked up on it.

    I have to admit you got 1 major point wrong- I'm not saying I'm the only one who can piece this game together out of hubris- Rather I am soft-claiming a critical town role. I have a strong feeling who you are and that you're capable of guessing my role. Keep it to yourself.

  43. ISO #93

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    Lol. I reaction tested you, not the other way around.

    I see you have conceded (defecto or overtly) on several key points:
    1) your behavior encouraging RVS was scummy
    2) you reacted in a scum manner to my pressure test on you

    I'm wondering what benefit you have to act scummy D-1 in a kill friendly setup?

    I'm also curious how no one else picked up on it.

    I have to admit you got 1 major point wrong- I'm not saying I'm the only one who can piece this game together out of hubris- Rather I am soft-claiming a critical town role. I have a strong feeling who you are and that you're capable of guessing my role. Keep it to yourself.
    Whatever. I could point out again what RVS is and how our community uses the term in a stupid way but whats the point. Please point to your role 30 more times because I am pretty sure there may be 2 players left in the game that missed that.

  44. ISO #94

  45. ISO #95

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM The Fourth Doctor View Post
    I'm kind of over our spat. I'm seeing this more as a TvT. If you're not a power role would you want PM?
    I'm split on that. I see some big advantages in letting the vote pool stay soft to see what comes out. Its not something I want to go into though.

  46. ISO #96

  47. ISO #97

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    [QUOTE=S-FM The First Doctor;522883]You're right, I was looking for an easy vote, but with a coordinated mafia team, neutrals with double votes, and someone out there with a sponsor pushing for their election, the disorganised town is unlikely to elect one of their own when playing with passive 'vote me but please dont vote me' plays.

    This was just a good laugh,
    There are neutral roles that would love to be elected prime minister as soon as possible good chap! You may be one of them - is there any reason I should vote for you other than the fact that you want it?[\QUOTE] I dont think in any setting is that 'tearing' someone up, it was but a mere comment, you needn't dramatasise these things. As for my dissapearence, my comments were posted right before heading out for the evening, and i've only just awoken.

    Lots of love, The First Doctor, xoxo
    My apologies for my misinterpretation. Thankyou for the substantial response... *snigger* ...chap...

    Anyway, I don't think it's that bad if a mafia gets elected. A mafia Prime Minister may even give us some good stuff to analyze. Extra votes don't mean much unless they can actually tip the balance between a lynch and non-lynch, and while there are still so many people, that won't be relevant for a while. And it's likely the first Prime Minister will be dead by the time "a while" arrives. I think each mafia would rather just keep his/her power role, in light of this.

    So, I don't think you or me are bad people. And it'd be nice if one of us got voted in. But obviously talking about this makes people want to vote against it, so I have to ironically note this to counter-jynx things.

  48. ISO #98

    Re: S-FM 161: Prime Minister

    Quote Originally Posted by Rassilon View Post

    -If you have logged onto your account and have an Old Avatar (These accounts where used in a previous game), I Implore you to change it.
    -If at anytime you feel you have inadequate time to give. Do not be afraid of asking for a replacement.
    Also, I can't get to my profile to try and change my profile picture. Is there another way I can change my avatar without going to my profile?

  49. ISO #99

  50. ISO #100



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