For 9 players
Setup is ready for review!
Spoiler : Changelog :
RP:This was once a quiet little town. One day, the local mafia decided that it was time to seize control. Or did they? One of you suspects something far more sinister is afoot. It is up to you and your fellow townsfolk to find and eliminate the true threat.
Possible Setups:
The Hidden Town cannot be Masons or Mayor.
Setup A Setup B Setup C Setup D Setup E Setup F Godfather Godfather (Illuminati) Godfather Godfather Godfather (Illuminati) Godfather Consigliere Consigliere Consigliere (Illuminati) Consigliere Consigliere Consigliere (Illuminati) Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Mason Mason (Illuminati) Hidden Illuminati Mayor Mayor (Illuminati) Mayor (Illuminati) Mason Mason (Illuminati) Mason (Illuminati) Hidden Town Hidden Illuminati Hidden Illuminati Hidden Town Hidden Town Mason Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town
The Hidden Illuminati can be one of Citizen, Sheriff, Doctor, or Escort.
Spoiler : Role PM Format :
Spoiler : Illuminati Roles :
Spoiler : Mafia Roles :
Spoiler : Town Roles :
Spoiler : Conspiracy Theorist :
Order of Operations: (OoO)
0.a. Night chats open
0.b. Night chats close
1. Escort blocks
2. Doctor heals
3. Conspiracy Theorist attacks/investigates
4. Non-Illuminati Mafia actions:
4.a. Consigliere
4.b. Godfather
5. Illuminati Mafia actions:
5.a. Consigliere
5.b. Godfather
6. Vigilante attacks
7. Sheriff investigates
8. Conspiracy Theorist recants
9. Night ends
Spoiler : Possible Feedback :
Days last 48 hours
Nights last 24 hours
Last wills allowed (and encouraged)
No death notes
Lynch requires 51% votes and will use the [vote] tags.
Day immediately ends after a lynch
Night actions must be PM'd to me or posted in night chat
Graveyard will reveal role but not method of death
Game starts with day 1, lynch possible.
Special Mechanics:
Before the game begins, I will decide if we will be playing Setup A,B,C,D,E, or F. Which setup we are playing will not be publicly announced, and it is up to players to figure out and pursue the appropriate win condition.
Win Conditions:
Setups A,D:
Mafia: Eliminate the Town and have at least one member of the Mafia survive, or make it so nothing can stop you from doing so.
Town:Eliminate the Mafia and have least one member of the Town survive.
Conspiracy Theorist: Recant your theories, and achieve your new role's win condition.
Survivor: Survive until the end.
Amnesiac: If you remember you were another role, achieve that role's win condition. Otherwise, survive until the end.
Jester: Be lynched before the end of the game.
Mafia wins all ties.
Setups B,C,E,F:
Illuminati: Eliminate the Non-Illuminati and have at least one Illuminati survive, or make it so nothing can stop you from doing so.
Non-Illuminati: Eliminate the Illuminati and have at least one Non-Illuminati survive.
Illuminati wins all ties.
1. Inactives will be replaced. Missing a night action without telling me "perform no action" counts as inactivity, as does not posting in the first 36 hours of a day.
2.No out-of-game communication.
3. No editing or deleting posts.
4. No videos or links. (Pictures OK, but keep them reasonable)
5. No invisible text.
6. No quoting PM's.
7. English only.
8. No excessive trolling/personal attacks