The Ponies have just declared war. What shall we do now, COMrades?
The Ponies have just declared war. What shall we do now, COMrades?
FM0: Citizen FMI: Investigator FMII: Investigator FMIII: Gunsmith FMIV: Drug Dealer FMV: Armorsmith FMVI: Judas FMVII: Citizen FMVIII: Citizen FMIX Propagandist
I say we ask all of the anti-pony fractions to attack the ponies, they can only deal with so much before they start getting into reposts.
FM0: Citizen FMI: Investigator FMII: Investigator FMIII: Gunsmith FMIV: Drug Dealer FMV: Armorsmith FMVI: Judas FMVII: Citizen FMVIII: Citizen FMIX Propagandist
When oops gets on I ask for him to ally with the terrorists.
I see that now. False, you make a great manipulator. :P
Yes, although our philosophy is very different from that of the terrorists, we share a common enemy. Therefore a temporary alliance is very feasible for our desires.
I have a proposition for the terrorists. I am taking this choice for us all as it seems to be a very sensible one.
I have a PM ready to be sent to fred. Here it is:
Great and magnanimous leader of the Terrorists,
I come with an offer that will benefit you greatly. The ponyfags control most of COMforum. If we join together we can become a much stronger force that will be able to topple their control over us all. COMmunism will allow some chaos from you once the ponyfags have been overthrown. We can assure you this should not be taken lightly. We believe that you can help us. We are willing to help you get your goals.
Will you help us in the fight?
I will send this in five minutes if no one raises any objections.
The only question is, what do the terrorists have as an advantage over the ponies that we don't? Perhaps they could create a front between them and the ponies that allows only direct quotes from their show as their argument? With ponies being all about love and happiness, they would have few argumentative quotes. The Borg from Startreck have a whole saga of them conquering another race (sorry if I'm iffy about this, I never really watched the show). Surely they could win an encounter such as this?
As for us, for your text based front, I would recommend you make it so you also must write in red font, and must write at least a paragraph (4-5 sentences) the ponies almost never type anything more than a sentence or two in our encounters, if they even write a sentence at all. Most of the time, they just post overused pony pictures.
Good luck COMrades.
Sending the proposal...
Almost right at midnight, lol.
FM0: Citizen FMI: Investigator FMII: Investigator FMIII: Gunsmith FMIV: Drug Dealer FMV: Armorsmith FMVI: Judas FMVII: Citizen FMVIII: Citizen FMIX Propagandist
Not where I live...
East coast pansy. :P I wonder if fred lives on the east coast. If he does then that is awesome.
He is on NA, but which time zone I know not. I'll check his profile to try to find out.
FM0: Citizen FMI: Investigator FMII: Investigator FMIII: Gunsmith FMIV: Drug Dealer FMV: Armorsmith FMVI: Judas FMVII: Citizen FMVIII: Citizen FMIX Propagandist
He is on EST.
FM0: Citizen FMI: Investigator FMII: Investigator FMIII: Gunsmith FMIV: Drug Dealer FMV: Armorsmith FMVI: Judas FMVII: Citizen FMVIII: Citizen FMIX Propagandist
That is very cool. Its the "we need you now at midnight" type of message that sounds so awesome.
Well I must be getting to sleep. See you come morning COMrades.
FM0: Citizen FMI: Investigator FMII: Investigator FMIII: Gunsmith FMIV: Drug Dealer FMV: Armorsmith FMVI: Judas FMVII: Citizen FMVIII: Citizen FMIX Propagandist
Good night, COMrade. I shall get 200 posts before I get to sleep. 3 more!
Dust, I appoint you General of the Army of the DPRCOM
May I post a comparement between Twilight Sparkle and Edward Cullen (Twilight, sparkles)?
FM6: Thief (Detective)|FM7: Reserve->Citizen
SFM3: Framer|MFM5: Medic
Dust now has the ability to create a front.
Spoiler : FM Roles :
Front is up.
Might I ask why some of us are getting friendly to the ponies? Do not buckle and submit to their lies of being friendly and loving to everyone. You do not have to return their friendship, for they are criminals. They do this only to weaken and deceive us, and to try to pull us to their side.
I do so with several hidden insults within my "friendly" posts. If they pick up on that then they will have to get mean therefore breaking the rules of their own front.
Oh don't worry Oops, I was just reasserting their faggotry in my "friendly" posts.
I am going to be on more this weekend
School bogged me down. I will fight!
I am putting in a application for general or other such Leadership position.
1. What makes you qualified? I have helped in the war and around the forum and NEVER helped the ponyfags.
2. Why do you want this position? I want to help the COMrades and the war against the ponyfags. The easier i can devote my time, the better i can server the people.
3. Have you been active? Yes, i am active and check the forums regularly.
4. Do you have any prior experience with a leadership position I was a mod on a MC server for a month b4 the server crashed.
5. Can you devote your time for the COMrades? Yes, i have a good amount of time to spend. 2-3 hours max a day with lots of homework. More so if i have less.
6. [insert leadership question here]