Bug Test / Active Bug List

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  1. ISO #1

    Bug Test / Active Bug List

    Kidnapper can see conversation between Jailor and his kidnap target when jailed by 2nd jailor
    -Can jailor see the same when Kidnapped
    -Can jailor see the same when jailed
    -does when the jail command is placed matter

    Jailor #1 jails Interrogator
    Jailor #2 jails Bodyguard
    Interrogator jails same Bodyguard as Jailor #2
    Jailor #1: Sees chat with Interrogator/Self
    Jailor #2: Sees chat of Bodyguard/Self
    Interrogator: Sees chat of Bodyguard/Jailor #1/Self
    Triad: Does not see Interrogator chat with BG

    -Can a jailor with a jailed captive be forced to visit an alerted vet and die? (Witched)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Oh man, fuck this shit. I'm not implementing a quantum paradox solver for Jailors like I did for the other roles because their night actions are already significantly more complicated than the other roles'.

    Take your BDSM orgies elsewhere.
    AFK Heart attack after game ends (I think this was already coded but not 100% sure)

    Floating Bodys
    Spoiler : pic :


    -Will cultist role card appear up top if cultist is excluded but Witch doc is in game
    -Can Kidnapper kill N1 if he becomes a mafioso N1 and starting on night
    -Can escort role block a role blockable escort
    Last edited by Helz; February 27th, 2015 at 01:43 PM.
    Intellectual growth comes from discussions, not arguments. If you are unwilling to change your position and hear the other persons side you are closed minded and wasting your time.
    If you can not clearly explain what the other sides reasoning is you can not disagree with their position because you do not understand it.

  2. ISO #2



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