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  1. ISO #51

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Apache View Post
    @slaol: maybe i'm biased to think that you are biased but i'm not biased on my performance i think
    I disagree.
    Strictly speaking from an objective standpoint, looking at your choice of action combined with your day chat performance, I can personally award you 4th best Town. I could see Roku maybe doing 3rd best, but I doubt higher than that. Definitely not first best, as we agreed on Ozymandias.

    As far as Night Actions go.
    Night 1 you chose Yayap who got Vigilante
    Night 2 you chose Crimson who got Detective
    Night 3 you guarded Zack
    Night 4 you chose Ozymandias
    Night 5 you chose Rumpel
    Night 6 you rotted in Jail

    Nigh 5 and 6 can easily be labeled as your own fault and a horrible decision. Now, obviously you can't know, and you can't be in control of what role they got. However, the choice of Rumpel on the night that you did was the worst possible night as it was a guaranteed Jailing opportunity.
    Night 4 is equally as useless. Again, you are not in control of the roles, but this night gained you no points. At most a 0 in the +/- of your performance. If we were to get into the valuing of what others might have been worth we could give this a negative as it gave up an oppurunity to get something in the hunt to get something that got nearly nothing.
    Night 3 was a good choice, especially with the high likely hood that Aang looked like he was going to go up in flames. Had this guard gone through it would have been the most influential single night action. Sadly, the value of the choice did not net the desired result, wasting an overall night. WIFOMing the Mafia, and choosing to take a different action would have been better, and especially an action of Meeting with Aang would have been amazing. You would have made a link between Town's 2 best roles, and given him a permanent vest. Like night 4, still a good overall choice of action, but clearly a less than optimal outcome.
    Night 2 was your best action by far. Crimson performed well, being one of the 3 people I have above you in the Town rankings. You may argue that "whatever Crimson did was because of me", and while you have grounds to do so you do not get ALL of the points, but an assist in what he would perform in.
    Night 1 was basically terrible. It was exciting to see a second Vigilante come out of the game, and on night 1 no less. However Yayap's choice in kills would see 1 Truthseer, 1 Doctor, Herself, and Aang all go down because of her decisions. Taking out Azula was worthwhile, but not at a 4 Power Role to 1 Scum ratio. Again, you do not get all of the credit for Crimson's success, so you do not get all of the credit for Yayap's shooting the town in the foot.... as well as other body parts.

    Simple analysis of your night performance say that of the 6 nights you were alive only 1 was a truly GOOD result.
    Night 1: Bad
    Night 2: Good
    Night 3: Neutral that was still a good choice.
    Night 4: Neutral that was probably a bad choice.
    Night 5: Bad
    Night 6: Bad
    #You are not in control of the roles, but Ozy already trusted you as far as the night 4 chat looked, and so using a night on him wasted a potential connection. Confirmation is good, but claiming Iroh can easily be countered in day chat whenever you would be lynched on. Any single person you had met could confirm you.
    *wouldn't normally factor, but you directly gave them the info that lead to it, so maybe count it like a half.

    Then, when day chat comes into the consideration you are correct to say to Roku that amount of posts != quality of posts, but you did not at any real point take a true leadership position. Both Ozymandius and Gerik did this easily and with obvious intent. Both lead early with sheer posting, and would maintain their impact. You are a good enough player to have attained the day control, you did it in FM 18, but you did not do it here. The real shame here is that your role was mainly built around revealing yourself. As can be seen, the roles that come into the game are not necessarily going to break it, and acting on night 8 of a 10 day game will get MAYBE 1 useless action out of people, but the value of your role came form confirmation of yourself. Confirmation of one's self is a mighty powerful tool in the hands of a good player, and you did not optimize it.

  2. ISO #52

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    For further giggles, I'll go over Crimson.
    Night 1: Last Will Submitted
    Night 2: No Action
    Night 3: Track Ozymandias
    Night 4: Track Northstar
    Night 5: Track Goonswarm
    Night 6: Track Severn (Blocked)
    Night 7: Track S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha (Blocked)
    Night 8: Track S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha
    Night 9: Track Rumple (Dead)

    This should really sum up why in night actions Crimson had the best run down.
    Submitting of Last Wills was all he could do night 1, and he did it. He didn't die at the time
    Night 2 had no action, oh well.
    Night 3 could even be considered Good, since the lack of finding scum still let Crimson confirm Ozy as not being clearly scum.
    Night 4 and 5 are obvious as he found scum. This was the point that I facepalmed that it was Ika doing this.
    Night 6 he tracked Severn, so meh neutral, and was also blocked. He did also submit a Last Will though. So once again, his neutral action was still with good reason.
    Night 7 he was blocked, but i'm counting it as good as he submitted the last will that was on his death bed.
    Night 8 was easily the Single Largest night action for the Town in the entire game. Successfully visiting S.A.S kept him from hitting 3 cabbages (which he would've done on night 9) and thus kept Town in a position to win, as S.A.S. was Town's last advantage.
    Night 9 he died, and everything was out in the open, however he did yolo and go ahead and visit the scum.

  3. ISO #53

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    oh oh do me next
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  4. ISO #54

  5. ISO #55

  6. ISO #56

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Eh; MVP means very little, imo. Town won because we managed to work together towards the end.

    I wouldn't have been able to get the correct pegs had it not been for the night chat with Apache (which confirmed Crimson as town, which in turn confirmed monster as town - I had him pegged 100% as scum due to lack of participation, and only changed my mind because of Crimson's result) and had it not been for the poor choices (and claims) of the scum players (like Nark's post-disguise claim or Rumpel's terrible role claim - something that only REALLY got hammered home by disagreement between hosts over mechanics).

    If at any point something had changed, it's likely that my little roadmap to victory would have pushed a lynch on, say, monster, and then blown up in our face.

    The actions of one person did not win this game - the actions of all remaining active town players did. I would have been just as happy with Apache or Crimson (ika? this name theme is confusing now that we all know each other's identities) as MVP. But in the end, MVP doesn't really mean shit, unless you want to discount the good play of the other town players. MVP only really means something when a neutral without teammates gets it (or when a Mafia team wins due solely to the actions of one good player on a team of inept ones).

    That said, I totally want to hear an analysis of my night actions next, since I didn't have any. xP

  7. ISO #57

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    oh oh do me next
    - FM Narks

    Night 1: Ganondorf Watching a Scum is definitely not going to be good. However, it actually does allow for the contesting of fake feedback claims. Neutral.
    Night 2: Self (Blocked) Well you watched a Town, but it's not optimal, and obviously you were blocked.
    Night 3: S.A.S. Knocking over that cabbage cart was strong. He'd've gotten 3 cabbages later on i'm sure. TBH this might have impacted his overall interest in not solo-winning.
    Night 4: Gerik Watching a Town leader, good. However no real result.
    Night 5: Retrain Rumpel as Kidnapper This appeared to be against Town's win condition. Not really sure why you didn't lynch Rumpel if you knew he was Mafia.
    Night 6: twiddle thumbs Waste of a night action.

  8. ISO #58

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Lord Slaolzin View Post
    - FM Narks

    Night 1: Ganondorf Watching a Scum is definitely not going to be good. However, it actually does allow for the contesting of fake feedback claims. Neutral.
    Night 2: Self (Blocked) Well you watched a Town, but it's not optimal, and obviously you were blocked.
    Night 3: S.A.S. Knocking over that cabbage cart was strong. He'd've gotten 3 cabbages later on i'm sure. TBH this might have impacted his overall interest in not solo-winning.
    Night 4: Gerik Watching a Town leader, good. However no real result.
    Night 5: Retrain Rumpel as Kidnapper This appeared to be against Town's win condition. Not really sure why you didn't lynch Rumpel if you knew he was Mafia.
    Night 6: twiddle thumbs Waste of a night action.
    Do meh
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  9. ISO #59

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by NoctiZ View Post
    I have amazing night actions, you should totally do me next.
    Night 1: No Vesting (1 vest)
    Night 2: No Vesting (2 vests) (+Cabbage)
    Night 3: No Vesting (2 vests) (-Cabbage)
    Night 4: Vest (1 vest)
    Night 5: No Vesting (1 vest) (+Cabbage)
    Night 6: No Vesting (2 vests)
    Night 7: Vest (1 vest) (+Cabbage)
    Night 8: Vest (0 vests) (-Cabbage)
    Night 9: No Vest

    Mostly methodical.
    Gaining a Cabbage was good.
    Using a Vest was good.
    Not using a vest was bad, unless you had none or it was night 1 when chance of dying was lowest.
    Vesting on night 4 should get extra credit as chance of death was the highest chance of the game.

  10. ISO #60

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Do meh
    Night 1: Rumpel: Real bad, like revealing the Town leader to Mafia on night 1 bad.
    Night 2: Vornksr: Real good, communication between 2 best Town roles good. Conveniently he became a Bodyguard that could protect you.
    Night 3: Ozymandias: Real good, clearly a Town leader and he used it well, sadly he did not meet with you like we expected.
    Night 4: Narks: Good intention, heavily unfortunate turn of events.
    Night 5: Falsetruth: Good itention, help a brotha out and all, but clearly awful on several levels. Luckily 1 of those levels was not your doing, but still. We all saw it, we all know.

  11. ISO #61

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysergic View Post
    That said, I totally want to hear an analysis of my night actions next, since I didn't have any. xP
    Night 4: Protegee Vornksr: Steller
    Night 7: Last Will: Final plan of action for Town to clarify. Might have been obvious, but still good.

  12. ISO #62

  13. ISO #63

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Were the roles randomly given out to people?

    Might have been said earlier but pfff...

    Who pays attention when the game's over amirite?
    Players were randomed into their roles, but just looking at that spreadsheet thing you can see that roles were somewhat thematic and methodical.
    Crier / Journalist
    Doctor / Doctor
    Lookout / Detective

    For Aang he got Mayor and Survivalist. Mayor is his Avatar State, and Survivalist is his being killed by Azula but coming back.
    Iroh had Bodyguard for his protection of others, and Beguiler for his lightning redirection
    etc etc

  14. ISO #64

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Lord Slaolzin View Post
    Players were randomed into their roles, but just looking at that spreadsheet thing you can see that roles were somewhat thematic and methodical.
    Crier / Journalist
    Doctor / Doctor
    Lookout / Detective

    For Aang he got Mayor and Survivalist. Mayor is his Avatar State, and Survivalist is his being killed by Azula but coming back.
    Iroh had Bodyguard for his protection of others, and Beguiler for his lightning redirection
    etc etc
    Yeah, I had figured the Avatar-GL given roles were based on what they were in the show. That's what made me assume originally Katara would be a Witch for example. Dat blood-bending.
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  15. ISO #65

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Yeah, I had figured the Avatar-GL given roles were based on what they were in the show. That's what made me assume originally Katara would be a Witch for example. Dat blood-bending.
    You were correct. I was happy when we came up with the triple role thing, it allowed us to do things thematic without the setup being too blatantly forced.
    Hama being not a Witch was shmexy. Magician was great.

  16. ISO #66

  17. ISO #67

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    What did you think of my day play this game? I personally felt it was lacking early on, and I died right as I was kicking into gear personally.
    Your rundown is reasonable, but lacking is an unnecessary negative attitude on it. You did fine and then began to pick up.

  18. ISO #68

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by NoctiZ View Post
    I have amazing night actions, you should totally do me next.
    My night actions were more pro than half the town : P
    Intellectual growth comes from discussions, not arguments. If you are unwilling to change your position and hear the other persons side you are closed minded and wasting your time.
    If you can not clearly explain what the other sides reasoning is you can not disagree with their position because you do not understand it.

  19. ISO #69

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    I never had any clue about FM Auckmid being the Phoenix King
    FM philie looked pretty scummy here and ther although I do not think he ever caught my attention enough to push on him.
    I think FM Ganondorf had me fooled early on but I was all for the lynch because of the Toph flip.
    FM Goonswarm looked scummy as hell the entire game. I am disipointed I did not push on him harder. At one point mid game I think I even said if given a gun he would be who I would shoot.
    FM Northstar got me pretty good. I really wish my edit post had played. Would have been the most epic blackmail ever without that post. I think I baited him every day past D2 to blackmail me and then failed it. Although it did get him as well.
    FM Rumpel Totally flew under my radar. I do not think I ever really played him much mind.
    FM Falsetruth did a really good job avoiding attention. I was pretty public that I scum read him every time I looked at her yet I never pushed. That RL issues thing payed out. Lesson learned there.
    FM Spy looked pretty town to me most of the game. Played a little passive but was on point more than once in a critical way.
    FM Zack did a great job looking town. Strong plays all the way though. I think I town read him the whole game.
    FM MrSmarter Got a scum peg from me at some point. I believe I would have lynched him if it came up.
    FM AscendedOne stayed pretty far off my radar. I never really paid that much attention to him.
    FM Slaol looked pretty good. I was disappointed to see him killed.
    FM divemaster127 I scum read this player more than once
    FM TheJackofSpades I was pissed. But I guess I understand.
    FM vornksr Really badass. Hardly posted but had so much content. I made an effort to scum read him and always came up to a town read.
    FM Ozymandius A lot of people pushed that he was neutral as hell. I never saw it. I do not think I ever really thought he was
    FM Miles Never really got on my radar either way.
    FM oops_ur_dead I think I scum read him. Never enough push hard though.
    FM Raiden Also a light scum read. Did not expect him to scum read.
    FM Narks Town read him after the ozzy interaction. I was really wondering when he took so long to post but did not see the disguise because of the
    FM Illidan Never really had a read of any value
    FM Crimson Townie as hell all the way through
    FM McPwnage Also never really had a read
    FM Yayap 100% town I went out of my way from time to time to keep her reading me as town. Strong plays.
    FM Monster I am glad my D2 lynch failed. I had a stronger town read on a few other players at the time.
    FM Clawtrocity Cit all the way through.
    FM Procyon Kind of read this guy as neutral.
    FM Severn Finished it for the town. I did not understand all the scum hard reads
    FM Gerik Noob. Wormed out on a blackmail
    FM S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha Made me laugh all through the game. Fun player
    Intellectual growth comes from discussions, not arguments. If you are unwilling to change your position and hear the other persons side you are closed minded and wasting your time.
    If you can not clearly explain what the other sides reasoning is you can not disagree with their position because you do not understand it.

  20. ISO #70

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    FM Falsetruth did a really good job avoiding attention. I was pretty public that I scum read him every time I looked at her yet I never pushed. That RL issues thing payed out. Lesson learned there.
    Oh I really do have R/L issues, lots of distractions. I'll never lie about that.

    I can't believe more people didn't suspect me so much. I was totally paranoid.

  21. ISO #71

  22. ISO #72

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Helios View Post
    uhh slaol doing analysis? Me too pls.^^
    These might bug you a little bit, but.

    Night 1: Prep Gerik: Good choice, and it didn't screw you, but you wasted it.
    Night 2: Prep Zack: Sketchy choice as Zack had revealed to your mafia. Also wasted.
    Night 3: Shoot Divemaster: This was terrible, as the lack of feedback screwed you, and attacking the guy that accused you was scummy as hell. It also chose 1 kill over the 2 you could have had by igniting.
    Night 4: Disgusie Narks: Not in your control, but getting a RNG action to hit a Power Role was nice.
    Night 5: Retrain Rumpel to Kidnapper: Strong. Kidnapper is a great role, and you put it up the night when he'd have his kill guaranteed to have a chance.
    Night 6: Do nothing: Duh.

  23. ISO #73

  24. ISO #74

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Lord Slaolzin View Post
    Night 4: Neutral that was probably a bad choice.
    My opinion of this action has not changed, however I would like to comment that Avatar Roku saw this as a good reasoning behind action. In his view giving a power to a guaranteed town was a good decision. Even still the result was obviously neutral, but this was a noteable difference of viewpoint between hosts.

  25. ISO #75

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Lord Slaolzin View Post
    My opinion of this action has not changed, however I would like to comment that Avatar Roku saw this as a good reasoning behind action. In his view giving a power to a guaranteed town was a good decision. Even still the result was obviously neutral, but this was a noteable difference of viewpoint between hosts.
    The boards are dying again! We need a new FM stat!
    FMXXII (Most entertaining solo act: Bigby (FM Vrih Riuurren))

  26. ISO #76

  27. ISO #77

  28. ISO #78

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Arrow View Post
    Can I get an action analysis?
    Night 1: No Action I'd normally give this a neutral as it is no action, but choosing no action on night 1 when targets were the least predictable was the safe move that would grant you 4 consecutive nights of action later.
    Night 2: Cage Gerik Did reflect an action and; while it didn't kill the Mafia like it could have (or Blackmail them like it almost did), it did potentially construe Gerik as a Magician if Sokka had read into it incorrectly.
    Night 3: Beguile Severn Nothing occured from this, and Beguiles would be held in my head as the most valuable if they targetted a Fire Nation RP name Town member. Avoiding town investigation while playing into your win condition the most.
    Night 4: Cage Yayap Reflecting Azula on herself didn't do anything, but protecting a role that would kill Azula later was worth. I might have liked if a Beguile was saved for this night as Phoenix King disguised, still good though.
    Night 5: Beguile Ozymandius As I said, Beguiling to Town Fire Benders was the optimal Beguile, but it didn't net you anything sadly.
    Night 6: No Action
    Night 7: Beguile Crimson Technically worth as it dodged a role block, and either caging or gaining charges would have been blocked. Also effectively blocking Crimson when he was preventing the Cabbage Merchant from winning solo was good for a the 'clusterfuck' mentality of your role.
    Night 8: Cage Crimson Neutral in impact, and positive in thought process, but sadly in the end you did WIFOM the Mafia incorrectly in a situation where getting it right would have been a solo win.

    Great performance btw.

  29. ISO #79

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Can I get people's opinions on the roles like Survivor and Magician gaining charges when taking no action? I've seen it before, but I never see much commentary on how people believe that might be for balance.

    I, personally, think it is great. However I'd like to hear those in favor of set #'s of charges.

  30. ISO #80

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Lord Slaolzin View Post
    Can I get people's opinions on the roles like Survivor and Magician gaining charges when taking no action? I've seen it before, but I never see much commentary on how people believe that might be for balance.

    I, personally, think it is great. However I'd like to hear those in favor of set #'s of charges.
    Depends on the setup I think.

    imo a set # of charge's system would be good for a small game that most likely won't last very long.

    Charges for no action is great for bigger games tho.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  31. ISO #81

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Fire Lord Slaolzin View Post
    I disagree.
    Strictly speaking from an objective standpoint, looking at your choice of action combined with your day chat performance, I can personally award you 4th best Town. I could see Roku maybe doing 3rd best, but I doubt higher than that. Definitely not first best, as we agreed on Ozymandias.

    As far as Night Actions go.
    Night 1 you chose Yayap who got Vigilante
    Night 2 you chose Crimson who got Detective
    Night 3 you guarded Zack
    Night 4 you chose Ozymandias
    Night 5 you chose Rumpel
    Night 6 you rotted in Jail

    Nigh 5 and 6 can easily be labeled as your own fault and a horrible decision. Now, obviously you can't know, and you can't be in control of what role they got. However, the choice of Rumpel on the night that you did was the worst possible night as it was a guaranteed Jailing opportunity.
    Night 4 is equally as useless. Again, you are not in control of the roles, but this night gained you no points. At most a 0 in the +/- of your performance. If we were to get into the valuing of what others might have been worth we could give this a negative as it gave up an oppurunity to get something in the hunt to get something that got nearly nothing.
    Night 3 was a good choice, especially with the high likely hood that Aang looked like he was going to go up in flames. Had this guard gone through it would have been the most influential single night action. Sadly, the value of the choice did not net the desired result, wasting an overall night. WIFOMing the Mafia, and choosing to take a different action would have been better, and especially an action of Meeting with Aang would have been amazing. You would have made a link between Town's 2 best roles, and given him a permanent vest. Like night 4, still a good overall choice of action, but clearly a less than optimal outcome.
    Night 2 was your best action by far. Crimson performed well, being one of the 3 people I have above you in the Town rankings. You may argue that "whatever Crimson did was because of me", and while you have grounds to do so you do not get ALL of the points, but an assist in what he would perform in.
    Night 1 was basically terrible. It was exciting to see a second Vigilante come out of the game, and on night 1 no less. However Yayap's choice in kills would see 1 Truthseer, 1 Doctor, Herself, and Aang all go down because of her decisions. Taking out Azula was worthwhile, but not at a 4 Power Role to 1 Scum ratio. Again, you do not get all of the credit for Crimson's success, so you do not get all of the credit for Yayap's shooting the town in the foot.... as well as other body parts.

    Simple analysis of your night performance say that of the 6 nights you were alive only 1 was a truly GOOD result.
    Night 1: Bad
    Night 2: Good
    Night 3: Neutral that was still a good choice.
    Night 4: Neutral that was probably a bad choice.
    Night 5: Bad
    Night 6: Bad
    #You are not in control of the roles, but Ozy already trusted you as far as the night 4 chat looked, and so using a night on him wasted a potential connection. Confirmation is good, but claiming Iroh can easily be countered in day chat whenever you would be lynched on. Any single person you had met could confirm you.
    *wouldn't normally factor, but you directly gave them the info that lead to it, so maybe count it like a half.

    Then, when day chat comes into the consideration you are correct to say to Roku that amount of posts != quality of posts, but you did not at any real point take a true leadership position. Both Ozymandius and Gerik did this easily and with obvious intent. Both lead early with sheer posting, and would maintain their impact. You are a good enough player to have attained the day control, you did it in FM 18, but you did not do it here. The real shame here is that your role was mainly built around revealing yourself. As can be seen, the roles that come into the game are not necessarily going to break it, and acting on night 8 of a 10 day game will get MAYBE 1 useless action out of people, but the value of your role came form confirmation of yourself. Confirmation of one's self is a mighty powerful tool in the hands of a good player, and you did not optimize it.
    this now seems more like you're deliberately trying to discredit all my night actions, so i won't go into much detail
    saying i made a bad action because the vigi failed is like saying the host made town weaker by putting a vigi in. so yes i might aswell blame you for the kills. but in fact there's only one person to blame, the vigi self. if at all i indirectly caused it. but like you're said, i'm not in control. for me it was just giving a powerful TPR to a smart person (as i knew it was clem)
    every action that lead to giving out a new TPR is a good action. cuz more TPR = better in general
    thus all my actions were good, from the think process behind it aswell as the result. only rumpel, here i made a mistake in think process thinking he isn't mafia. but the result was still beneficial in the long run, directly leading to his reveal. (also n3 had a neutral result, but good thinking because it would have made sense to burn)
    i'm also not taking credit for ika's good actions. i'm just taking credit for making a detective, who in average finds let's say 2 scums. so my credit is to have made a det and to have averagely found 2 scums. so i am able to take credit for this average 2 scums, no matter what happens. if he finds more, he did good, if less, he did bad, but it has nothing to do with my own oerformance

    day control = death. not good if you're iroh
    fm 18 i didnt really take leader position, much more i convinced the mayor who was the leader to follow my leads

    and also i disagree about iroh and aang being a role that are built to reveal. imo the whole goal is much more to stay hidden. thus try not to target any scum. get as many prs as possible before you're revealed and die. confirm to only townies so they know youre confirmed and follow you without having to reveal. get some secret society this way
    if you want someone to reveal in day chat that'd be mayor. had i done this, i'd be abusing all my powers and possibilities just to get an auto confirmable role
    you can see how much benefit aang was in this game, who did reveal

    also i wonder who is your 3rd best then, assuming ika is your 2nd
    Last edited by Apache; February 19th, 2015 at 08:23 AM.
    FM Stats: Town 8 wins of 12 Mafia 3 of 4 All 11 of 16 (69%)

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  32. ISO #82

    Re: Epilogue: Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang

    Quote Originally Posted by Apache View Post
    this now seems more like you're deliberately trying to discredit all my night actions
    Nope. Just objectively looking at the impact they had on the game.

    We did not make the Town weaker by putting a Vigilante in, but how the setup is built and how players use their powers is another story. Especially with roles like Vigilante that are high-risk/high-reward. This leads into the next part...

    Quote Originally Posted by Apache View Post
    and also i disagree about iroh and aang being a role that are built to reveal. imo the whole goal is much more to stay hidden.
    You're wrong again. You can play in any way you please, but when I built the setup they were created to do as I said they were. The information they gave out is a form of reverse information, giving rather than receiving. The added roles was something that came about after.

    The Vigilante's do not automatically get GOOD JOB on all their night actions just because they used their kill, we still analyze how that action did for the Town's win condition in the same manor that we look at yours.

    Your understanding of the game proves poor again, as you see Aang's reveal as being how it was intended. Aang's reveal came out of basic need because his first action went to Mafia. Iroh and Aang were built to confirm themselves to Town members in an attempt to turn the Day Chat into a voting block, not necessarily to come out and claim in the day.

    You say Aang and Iroh should be in the shadow, which is where TDL found himself at the time of his claim, then he was beginning to try to take lead in the day, something he is able as a player. However he died soon after, not because of the Mafia, but because of the Vigilante you made.

    Your response proves even more self focused bias since all my post did was objectively look at the things you did, and in the same manor that I treated other players.
    I'm sure your next reply will follow suit with this pattern as my response has been only about what the setup was and what events transpired.
    Last edited by Slaol; February 19th, 2015 at 08:48 AM.



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