Day 6: The Boiling Rock

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  1. ISO #1

    Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Sokka and Zuko go on a mission to find Sokka's father Hakoda, who was captured during the invasion. Zuko believes that, as a prisoner of war, Hakoda will likely be held in the Fire Nation's top prison, the Boiling Rock, so named because it is surrounded by a boiling lake. Sokka and Zuko take Zuko's hot air balloon to get past the boiling lake, but their ballon crashes on arrival, leaving them with no way to escape the prison. They decide to worry about this detail later and instead focus on finding out where Hakoda is being held. They instead find Suki and hatch an escape plan with Sokka disguised as a guard. Zuko is captured and the warden, who happens to be Mai's (Zuko's recently ex-girlfriend) uncle, recognizes him. A prisoner, Chit Sang, threatens to reveal their plans to the guards unless they let him and his friends escape with them. As they are about to escape, a new batch of prisoners arrive, including Sokka's father Hakoda. Sokka, Zuko, and Suki decide to stay to save him. Chit Sang and his friends leave without them, but make a mistake and are caught.

    FM oops_ur_dead was modkilled. He was Master Pakku, a citizen.
    FM Zack was murdered by a mass murderer. He was Aang, the avatar.
    FM Yayap was murdered by a mass murderer. She was Huu, a citizen and vigilante. She left a last will.
    Spoiler : Yayap's Last Will :
    On N5, I shot FalseTruth because I think he got disguised as by Auckmid. I find it hard to believe that someone who posted explicitly about making a probable code that isn't gibberish would take the UPC code of some catnip brand.

    I'm also avoiding the MM by not hitting Monster or Goonswarm who I think need to die. I changed my mind on Monster and don't think he's town after all.

    - Role List -

    - Fire Nation -
    Ozai (Phoenix King)
    Azula (Crown Princess)
    Hidden Fire Nation (Consigliere)
    Hidden Fire Nation (Blackmailer)
    Hidden Fire Nation
    Hidden Fire Nation

    - Neutral Evil -
    Combustion Man (Mass Murderer)
    Hama (Hidden Neutral Evil)

    - The Gaang -
    Aang (Avatar)
    Katara (Doctor)
    Sokka (Nurse)
    Toph (Truthseer)
    Zuko (Vigilante)
    Appa (Bus Driver)
    Iroh (Grand Lotus)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang (Blacksmith)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen/Vigilante)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang

    - Ember Island Informant -
    Cabbage Merchant (Hidden Benign)

    - Player List -

    FM AscendedOne
    FM Auckmid
    FM Clawtrocity
    FM Crimson
    FM divemaster127
    FM FalseTruth
    FM Ganondorf
    FM Gerik
    FM Goonswarm
    FM Illidan
    FM McPwnage
    FM MileS
    FM monster
    FM MrSmarter
    FM Narks
    FM NorthStar
    FM oops_ur_dead
    FM Ozymandias
    FM philie
    FM Procyon
    FM Raiden
    FM Rumpel
    FM S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha
    FM Severn
    FM Slaol
    FM Spy
    FM TheJackofSpades
    FM vornksr
    FM Yayap
    FM Zack

    -Dead Players-
    FM Clawtrocity - Citizen - Killed by a vigilante on Night One
    FM Slaol - Truthseer - Killed by a vigilante on Night Two
    FM Raiden - Blacksmith - Killed by a vigilante on Night Two
    FM Ganondorf - Consigliere - lynched by an angry mob on Day Three
    FM MileS - Citizen - Killed by an all powerful Avatar on Day Three
    FM Illidan - Citizen - Killed by an all powerful Avatar on Day Three
    FM McPwnage - Citizen - Killed by an all powerful Avatar on Day Three
    FM Divemaster127 - Vigilante Killed by a blacksmith gun on Night Three.
    FM AscendedOne - Nurse Killed by a mass murderer on Night Three.
    FM MrSmarter - Doctor Killed by a vigilante on Night Three.
    FM TheJackofSpades - Bus Driver killed by an all powerful Avatar on Night Three.
    FM Auckmid - Phoenix King - lynched by an angry mob on Day Four
    FM Phillie - Crown Princess - Killed by a vigilante on Night Four.
    FM Procyon - Citizen - Killed by the Crown Princess on Night Four.
    FM Northstar - Blackmailer - lynched by an angry mob on Day Five.
    FM Gerik - Citizen - Committed suicide on Day Five.
    FM Yayap - Citizen/Vigilante - Killed by a mass murderer on Night Five.
    FM Zack - The Avatar - Killed by a mass murderer on Night Five.
    FM oops_ur_dead - Citizen - killed by an all powerful Avatar on Night Five.

    -Last Wills-
    Spoiler : Procyon's Last Will :
    I was a Citizen. Since I am dead, I want to tell you all the I believe Philie, Goonswarm, Monster, and Severn are probably scum, and would look closely at them. Also, possibly Northstar.

    Good luck town.

    Spoiler : Gerik's Last Will :
    In favor of keeping direction My LW today is focused on what I think the D4 lynch should be as opposed to giant read walls on everyone. My other reads are kind of vague anyways.

    Spy 100% team scum. You have to really look hard to find to find any original contribution or any effort at all to scum hunt. Plenty of bussing Ganon and more than enough for everyone to agree on this guy for the lynch.
    Spoiler : D1 :

    5 posts. Only real post he just voiced what others were already saying. Dirty lurker right here with soft attempts to look town
    20:44#10 (Fluff)
    20:44#11 (Toh post)
    10:40#229 (Fluff)
    12:14#236 (Soft Fos me/Anti Lynch)
    01:17#251 (Mechanics Fluff) So he knows his mechanics..

    Spoiler : D2 :

    For D2 his actions could be summed up as a slight push on Ganon, Then jumping over to the Narks train without pushing on narks, Then jumping to Raiden and pushing on him, Then sheeping the monster train. Inbetween there was a soft poke on alpha (After he claimed neutral) with a bunch of fluff and mechanics talk.
    I read it as bussing Ganon with zero real scum hunting. Plenty of soft attempts to gain town cred in there.
    20:10#3 (Questioning the vig kill on Claw) Fluff
    16:18#5 (More on vig kill) Fluff
    20:57#12 (Justification) Jumps out of chat quick
    11:48#283 (Votes Ganondorf)
    11:50#286 (Justifys vote) No questions but adding pressure? Are you lazy or bussing?
    04:42#350 (Logic/Fluff)
    19:37#429 (Logic/Fluff)
    19:41#430 From #250 (Orginizational/Fluff) Zero value at all. Just helping someone find useless information
    19:42#431 (Justifies vote) Pushing on Ganon calling his claim reflexive.
    08:52#702 (Bussing Ganon but pushing Narks) Strong potential for bussing there. He softly pushed him earlier and jumped over to narks when the lynch got real
    08:57#706 (Voteing Narks) Insinuating he may be inclined to switch his vote back. Backtracking?
    10:22#730 (Votes on Raiden)
    10:54#745 (Pushing on Raiden)
    11:01#750 (Calling alpha Hama)
    11:08#755 (Logic on Alpha Push)
    11:22#759 (Withdraws alpha push)
    12:30#794 (Mechanics logic)
    12:35#799 (Mechanics Logic)
    13:52#847 (Desire to not lynch Ganondorf)
    14:26#907 (Votes Narks)
    14:38#925 (Pushes on narks) Desire to make him look scummy? Jumped to the conclusion his actions were a lie as opposed to ignorance. Twisting information or tunnel vision?
    14:44#929 (Explaining Raiden lynch)
    06:49#1092 (Votes Monster)

    Spoiler : D3 :

    No real desire to lynch Ganon in there and plenty of keeping ‘other options’ open. As in the last 2 days there’s pretty much no scum hunting or substance in his posts and his only original contributions seem to be mechanics related
    20:01#2 (Toph Post) With Toph dead? Post 7 suggests late realization of the grave yard.
    20:01#3 (Claims no feedback)
    20:04#7 (Who should I lynch) Why would he even consider monster as a target with Toph in the graveyard? Distancing himself from Ganon while insinuating a possible way to keep his scum buddy alive.
    21:09#74 (Votes Ganondorf)
    21:29#83 (Logic) Clarifying for Ganondorf
    21:29#85 (Clarify)
    23:31#140 (Push on Narks, Ganon and JackOfSpades) 1 scum and 2 town? Bussing at its best.
    23:33#142 (Clarifying for another player)
    01:05#171 (Defends Ganondorf)
    01:06#172 (Calls Zack a no-show) Shows how much he is paying attention and trying to scum hunt. He doesn’t even know who has been posting)
    01:13#173 (Backtracking/Push on Zack)
    08:43#196 (Pushes JackofSpades)
    10:22#220 (Asking if I was charged) Could suggest he doesn’t have a night chat. Or it could be an attempt to appear as much.
    12:12#238 (Logic)
    08:15#479 (Misrepresenting information) But 2 posts ago he was asking if I was charged N2. This is a very odd conflict. Maybe getting his lies twisted?
    08:18#480 (Not even sure what he means there)
    11:17#504 (Fluff) Referencing old games again
    13:45#544 (Pushing on JackofSpades)Real lack of any interaction with Ganon today.. Seems focused on anyone but him.
    15:17#577 (Mechanics Logic) On Phoenix King
    15:23#584 (Logic)
    15:25#588 (Mechanics Logic) On Phoenix King
    03:28#594 (Mechanics Logic) On phoenix King
    17:05#704 (Fluff) Emotionally neutral.
    18:44#720 (Insulting JackofSpades) Trying to stir him up instead of talking him down? Looks like you want him to go nuts and kill a bunch of potential town.
    19:30#729 (Push on Monster) Some hint of scum hunting. As soft as everything else and without any real substance
    19:49#740 (Anti Unvote) To see ganon lynched or coaching other scum?

    Spoiler : Yayap's Last Will :
    On N5, I shot FalseTruth because I think he got disguised as by Auckmid. I find it hard to believe that someone who posted explicitly about making a probable code that isn't gibberish would take the UPC code of some catnip brand.

    I'm also avoiding the MM by not hitting Monster or Goonswarm who I think need to die. I changed my mind on Monster and don't think he's town after all.[

    There can be no lynch today.
    Day ends at this time.
    Last edited by Forum Mafia GM; January 19th, 2015 at 08:10 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ozymandias View Post
    I had FalseTruth pegged as town, but the fact that he's alive makes me question that.

    These were my scum pegs, as of last night:
    FM Goonswarm - Hidden Fire Nation
    FM Spy - Hidden Fire Nation

    FM monster - Combustion Man
    FM Severn - Hama

    Spy, do you have anything to say about Gerik's last will?
    I'm Town, and completely confused.

    (I'm a "she" too, btw.)

    These are my Town picks:

    FM Crimson
    FM Ozymandias
    FM vornksr

    What do you think of Rumpel, Ozy?

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Spy View Post

    Anyways, I don't believe Monster was role blocked, since I'm fairly certain he's MM.

    I think Yayap was role blocked, thus preventing him from shooting False. Does not clear False of being scum, since, as Spy pointed out, False clearly has a night action that prevented him from being killed by MM (or is invulnerable at night somehow).

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Spy View Post
    If Yayap was roleblocked, Yayap would've remained at his own house. Which means the MM spreed at Yayap's house, and means Aang was visiting Yayap. (And by extension, that Iroh was most likely the one who made Yayap into a vigilante.)
    True, forgot that Yayap would have stayed home.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ozymandias View Post

    Anyways, I don't believe Monster was role blocked, since I'm fairly certain he's MM.

    I think Yayap was role blocked, thus preventing him from shooting False. Does not clear False of being scum, since, as Spy pointed out, False clearly has a night action that prevented him from being killed by MM (or is invulnerable at night somehow).
    "She" is not Scum.

    Could Aang have visited YapYap and the MM got them at YapYap's house?

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Honestly, I think that the idea that Yayap was roleblocked makes good sense.

    If Monster is the MM, he would've had enough feedback to figure out she was roleblocked from the last will and the fact he killed her, and thus enough to fakely claim he was roleblocked. (Unfortunately, whether he did this is hard to tell, since we've scarcely seen him so we have no real way to determine if he COULD have figured this out.)

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM monster View Post
    Well, my role claim won't help us too much, so I'll be honest with you. I'm just an ordinary citizen. If you thought that I could be the Mass Murderer, then you'll have to search somewhere else. Someone else who you thought is town could be your worst enemy instead.
    You're not Citizen.

    Hidden Gaang - Crimson
    Hidden Gaang - Narks
    Hidden Gaang - Ozymandias
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang

    Only two more Citizens are possible, and I'm far more inclined to believe even severn over you, monster.

    Rumpel, False, vornksr, and severn are all more likely to be town than monster. So unless you want to try a better claim, I'm going to say you just confirmed yourself as scum in my eyes.

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    I'll be straight with you. Someone tried to roleblock me tonight thinking that I am the Mass Murderer or some other killing role.
    Unfortunately for us, after I was roleblocked, the killings still did NOT stop. I have no idea who is the Mass Murderer, but I believe that he is the preson who managed to deceive all of us for quite a long time.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ozymandias View Post
    You're not Citizen.

    Hidden Gaang - Crimson
    Hidden Gaang - Narks
    Hidden Gaang - Ozymandias
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang

    Only two more Citizens are possible, and I'm far more inclined to believe even severn over you, monster.

    Rumpel, False, vornksr, and severn are all more likely to be town than monster. So unless you want to try a better claim, I'm going to say you just confirmed yourself as scum in my eyes.
    That's where the problem is. I am really a citizen, and this is why I am afraid that the real killer is a dangerous person. How about asking the one who roleblocked me? Are there any other roleblock claims? So far, I am the only one.

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM monster View Post
    I'll be straight with you. Someone tried to roleblock me tonight thinking that I am the Mass Murderer or some other killing role.
    Unfortunately for us, after I was roleblocked, the killings still did NOT stop. I have no idea who is the Mass Murderer, but I believe that he is the preson who managed to deceive all of us for quite a long time.
    So your theory is that the roleblocker thought you were Mass Murderer and intentionally targeted despite the fact that MM kills roleblockers?

    Jeepers, I think you solved the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by FM monster View Post
    That's where the problem is. I am really a citizen, and this is why I am afraid that the real killer is a dangerous person. How about asking the one who roleblocked me? Are there any other roleblock claims? So far, I am the only one.
    The other roleblock "claim" is the missing night kill from our Vig, whose will told us who he was targeting.

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    [QUOTE=FM Ozymandias;472342]So your theory is that the roleblocker thought you were Mass Murderer and intentionally targeted despite the fact that MM kills roleblockers?

    Well, the fact that the roleblocker is still alive means that I am not the Mass Murderer anyway. The roleblocker could have already prepared his last will in case if he tried to roleblock Mass Murderer and died.

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ozymandias View Post
    Also, monster, if you're Citizen, what's your reason for being under the minimum post count for over half the game?
    The main reason for that is that I was really busy with my real life. Even now, I barely have enough time to answer your questions. I have roughly 30-40 minutes left before I leave again, so if you want to ask any other questions, better do it fast!

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Goonswarm View Post
    Sorry I was afk the last day, I had a lot on my plate.
    Role claim?

    Quote Originally Posted by FM monster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ozymandias View Post
    So your theory is that the roleblocker thought you were Mass Murderer and intentionally targeted despite the fact that MM kills roleblockers?
    Well, the fact that the roleblocker is still alive means that I am not the Mass Murderer anyway. The roleblocker could have already prepared his last will in case if he tried to roleblock Mass Murderer and died.
    One: I don't believe you were roleblocked period.

    Two: The "roleblocker" is Consort. You'd know that if you'd participated on the other days.

    Three: Only Citizens leave public last wills. Again, you'd know this if you'd been participating / had read the setup.

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Day 6: The Boiling Rock

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ozymandias View Post
    One: I don't believe you were roleblocked period.

    Two: The "roleblocker" is Consort. You'd know that if you'd participated on the other days.

    Three: Only Citizens leave public last wills. Again, you'd know this if you'd been participating / had read the setup.
    Yeah, sorry, I tought that If I could leave last will, then the other could leave their wills too. But because roleblocker can be consort that brings us to another problem - you.

  50. ISO #50



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