Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!! (Solved!)

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  1. ISO #1
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!! (Solved!)

    That's right everypony, it's PUZZLE time again!!!


    Okay, so these things are little riddles called "lateral thinking puzzles"!! They suggest situations that sound really weird, but make so much more sense once you explain them. Yes, YOU!!!! Your job in this fun little thread is to solve the riddle... and you have as many guesses as you like!!!

    If you were just guessing, though, we'd probably be here all day. So, you can also ask an unlimited number of yes or no questions! I will answer everypony's questions with "yes", "no", or "irrelevant", irrelevant as in you're asking something that just has nothing to do with the answer, silly!

    If nopony gets the answer for a while, I'll give you all a hint! I usually have at least a couple of juicy hints for every riddle, so feel free to ask for one if you're collectively stumped!

    Be careful, though! These questions can be really tricky, and you often have to take a step to the side in your assumptions to set your hooves back on the right path. You gotta think laterally!

    This one should hopefully hold you guys over until my forum reign is underway!


    Twilight once told me about this little old eatery in Canterlot called "The Nine Cowbells"!! It's quite famous, I hear, and has been around for years and years! She ate there all the time as a kid, but always wondered why there were actually ten bells hanging outside the shop!!! TEN!!!!!

    So, WHY were there 10 bells?

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    Church bell.

    Dinner Bell

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    Somepony's name was bell. One of the staff maybe or the owner.
    Or 9 bells and the one in the name.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    Simple. 9 cowbells represent the eatery. The 10th one belonged to the cow that is now the steak served in front of you!

    Do they serve horse too? MMMmmmmm... Can't wait till you grow up Twilight Sparkle and Friends...

  8. ISO #8
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    Quote Originally Posted by philie View Post
    9 were for decoration and one to alarm the staff?

    Quote Originally Posted by S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha View Post
    Church bell.
    Dinner Bell
    No and no!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by monster View Post
    It was named when it had 9 bells. Someone added the 10th later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick. View Post
    Somepony's name was bell. One of the staff maybe or the owner.
    Or 9 bells and the one in the name.

    Still no!

    Quote Originally Posted by nanosystem View Post
    The 10th bell wasn't a cowbell.
    Nope! They were all cowbells!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Simple. 9 cowbells represent the eatery. The 10th one belonged to the cow that is now the steak served in front of you!

    Do they serve horse too? MMMmmmmm... Can't wait till you grow up Twilight Sparkle and Friends...



    I am quite frankly shocked and disgusted, sir! Nopony in Equestria would feed stuff like that to anypony!!!

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    1) Were all the bells the same type of bell
    2A) If not, were the first 9 bells the same type and the tenth one being a different type
    2B) If not, were they all different types of bells
    3) Is the position of the bells relevant or not?
    4) Do the bells all belong to the same person?
    5) Are they all used for the same purpose?
    6A) If not, are 9 of them used for the same purpose and one of them used for somthing else?
    6B) If not, are they all used for different purposes each?
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  10. ISO #10
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deathfire123 View Post
    1) Were all the bells the same type of bell
    Yes, but irrelevant!

    3) Is the position of the bells relevant or not?
    Nope, not relevant!

    4) Do the bells all belong to the same person?
    Um, not relevant!

    5) Are they all used for the same purpose?

    Ooh, seems like you're all hitting a whole buncha dead ends! Don't let it discourage you, though!!!!

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    1) Were all of the bells attached to something?
    2) If so, were all of the bells attached to something different?
    3) If so, was one of the bells attached to something alive?
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    The shop that was next to the eatery was called [u][b]The Ten Cowbells

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    They must all be the same type of bell, or your friend wouldn't have wondered why there were ten when the place had 'nine' in the name.

    The place has been around for a long time, and many people have likely pointed out the discrepancy — but the owner has chosen to leave the ten bells in place.

    So - there are ten bells because it is a marketing ploy.
    Either the number of bells began as a mistake, or the owner purposely created the discrepancy.
    They remain because many people come to the restaurant to point out the mistake (or to find out why there are ten when the name says nine), which is good for business.

  14. ISO #14
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deathfire123 View Post
    1) Were all of the bells attached to something?
    2) If so, were all of the bells attached to something different?
    3) If so, was one of the bells attached to something alive?
    All irrelevant!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    The shop that was next to the eatery was called [u][b]The Ten Cowbells

    Quote Originally Posted by Tesseract View Post
    They must all be the same type of bell, or your friend wouldn't have wondered why there were ten when the place had 'nine' in the name.

    The place has been around for a long time, and many people have likely pointed out the discrepancy — but the owner has chosen to leave the ten bells in place.

    So - there are ten bells because it is a marketing ploy.
    Either the number of bells began as a mistake,
    or the owner purposely created the discrepancy.
    They remain because many people come to the restaurant to point out the mistake, which is good for business.

    SOMEPONY happens to be VERY clever, and VERY correct!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! <3

    Sweet first post, and WELCOME to the forums!!! Even though you came in during wartime, I'm sure you'll have TONS of fun! In fact, since you're new, we should throw you an ENORMOUS PARTY!!!!


    I'll have a new puzzle up later today! <3

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #6: The Nine Cowbells!! (Solved!)

    I'll volunteer to do the cooking!



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