Day 2: The Painted Lady - Page 23

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  1. ISO #1101

  2. ISO #1102

  3. ISO #1103

  4. ISO #1104

  5. ISO #1105

  6. ISO #1106

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    For the quick FoS
    Quote Originally Posted by FM monster View Post
    Why not telling us right now?
    (Time stamp is 11:47)
    And this (Time stamp is 11:4
    Quote Originally Posted by FM Gerik View Post
    There is no reason this player would leave at this crucial time. Tons of crazy interesting stuff is going on. Crazy FoS and he just asked a question. But yet he disappeared and neglected to make a simple Toph post.

    Past that he has little to no participation in any way. The idea that he missed that message is about as probable as his internet cutting out at the exact right moment. I am more confident that Monster is scum than I am in following Yayaps logic that Narks is scum.

  7. ISO #1107

  8. ISO #1108

  9. ISO #1109

  10. ISO #1110

  11. ISO #1111

  12. ISO #1112

  13. ISO #1113

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Why refuse to move on and say no lynch? There is an outstanding lynch target right in front of us that nobody can and will provide any logic against.

    These claims we are getting are gold. Every bit as great as the trains on them. Its a not a sexy 'right now' play but it has glorious 'later game' value.

  14. ISO #1114

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Narks View Post
    Your job isn't to believe the claim, it's to trust your town leader and investigatives decision.
    Woah there. I do not like this post what so ever. It's almost like your rubbing it in his face that you're actually scum and managed to convince Gerik to take the train off you.

  15. ISO #1115

  16. ISO #1116

  17. ISO #1117

  18. ISO #1118

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Gerik View Post
    Why refuse to move on and say no lynch? There is an outstanding lynch target right in front of us that nobody can and will provide any logic against.

    These claims we are getting are gold. Every bit as great as the trains on them. Its a not a sexy 'right now' play but it has glorious 'later game' value.
    Unfortunately, due to a very specific role that I personally like to call "The PR killer", or also known as the Mass Murderer, I don't like the idea of getting all these claims. It allows the Mafia to run around and kill TPRs while the Town can do nothing about it for fear of the MM.

  19. ISO #1119

  20. ISO #1120

  21. ISO #1121

  22. ISO #1122

  23. ISO #1123

  24. ISO #1124

  25. ISO #1125

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Gerik View Post
    Why refuse to move on and say no lynch? There is an outstanding lynch target right in front of us that nobody can and will provide any logic against.

    These claims we are getting are gold. Every bit as great as the trains on them. Its a not a sexy 'right now' play but it has glorious 'later game' value.
    Are you considering the threat the MM poses with all these PR claims out?

  26. ISO #1126

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Zack View Post
    Unfortunately, due to a very specific role that I personally like to call "The PR killer", or also known as the Mass Murderer, I don't like the idea of getting all these claims. It allows the Mafia to run around and kill TPRs while the Town can do nothing about it for fear of the MM.
    That is assuming all these claims are real. One came from BM action with no specifics, One came from Yayap's logic, One came from a misc town push (I attribute to Vornksr), And this one is all me. MM can do whatever he wants. Reds are pretty locked in for tonight so at worst theres a 1 day period to sort the information. And given the amount of information we are getting it should be cake to put us in an outstanding D3 situation. Not even including the town Kpn

  27. ISO #1127

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Gerik View Post
    That is assuming all these claims are real. One came from BM action with no specifics, One came from Yayap's logic, One came from a misc town push (I attribute to Vornksr), And this one is all me. MM can do whatever he wants. Reds are pretty locked in for tonight so at worst theres a 1 day period to sort the information. And given the amount of information we are getting it should be cake to put us in an outstanding D3 situation. Not even including the town Kpn
    I hardly see how they are locked in. From what I have seen so far they can pretty much do what they want. Please explain to me your thought process, as I really can't seem to follow you.

  28. ISO #1128

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Zack View Post
    Are you considering the threat the MM poses with all these PR claims out?
    Yes. MM poses no direct threat to PR's. ALL kills are passive. Mafia can make 3 kills tonight but we know exactly which 3. If they want to kill one of these outed claims they need 2 days to make it happen or they can sacrifice a 3 player kill to kill 1 player and prep a second. Town however has a solid 1kpn and a lynch. This puts a huge lean in our favor. MM has to go off who he thinks people will visit. Theres zero value for him knowing who will do that visiting.

  29. ISO #1129

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Zack View Post
    I hardly see how they are locked in. From what I have seen so far they can pretty much do what they want. Please explain to me your thought process, as I really can't seem to follow you.
    Maybe what I just posted will make sense to you. To kill a player they have to essentially sacrifice a .66666666 kill. Its logical to say they will not do this. (I wouldn't in their position)

  30. ISO #1130

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    All I can say is "Lynch Monster" I really am more confident in that lynch than I am in Narks (Although I 100% believe FM Yayap is a better player than I am and I am jealous of his pointed intelligence) I really believe this is the right move.

    If anyone disagrees I would like to hear it although there is little time and given the logic I presented I do not see how anyone could defend that player.

  31. ISO #1131

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    For referance
    FM Raiden (5):
    FM Narks, FM vornksr, FM monster, FM Northstar, FM divemaster127

    FM Narks (16):
    FM Rumpel, FM Crimson, FM Ganondorf, FM Gerik, FM Zack, FM Procyon, FM Yayap, FM Spy, FM MrSmarter, FM Goonswarm, FM Ozymandias, FM Slaol, FM Auckmid, FM S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha, FM Raiden, FM philie


    FM monster (:
    FM Narks, FM Gerik, FM Zack, FM Spy, FM Goonswarm, FM S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha, FM philie, FM FalseTruth

    FM Narks (10):
    FM Rumpel, FM Crimson, FM Ganondorf, FM Procyon, FM Yayap, FM MrSmarter, FM Ozymandias, FM Slaol, FM Auckmid, FM Raiden

    FM Raiden (4):
    FM vornksr, FM monster, FM Northstar, FM divemaster127

  32. ISO #1132

  33. ISO #1133

  34. ISO #1134

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    All I can say is a bunch of you pushed to call me a "town leader" thats not something I wanted. But if you are going to call me a leader follow me on this. Its not something I asked for and REALLY is not something I wanted. I am sure a lot of you are much more experienced than I am but if there is anything I am confident about beyond the shadow of a doubt its my ability to draw out useful information. On that attribute alone I would ask you to follow me. Sheep my nonsense even if you see it as nonsense.

    We do have enough players online to make this happen. And the fact the vote is dragging makes me that much more certain we are on the right track. Mafia do not vote their own when they think they can pretend to not be here.

  35. ISO #1135

  36. ISO #1136

  37. ISO #1137

  38. ISO #1138

  39. ISO #1139

  40. ISO #1140

  41. ISO #1141

  42. ISO #1142

  43. ISO #1143

    Re: Day 2: The Painted Lady

    Sokka begins to feel left out as the only member of the Gaang who cannot bend. Aang encourages him to find a master to teach him. He learns of sword master Piandao, a legendary sword master, and requests to be his pupil. Piandao gives Sokka various seemingly boring tasks like painting, calligraphy, and rock-gardening in order to teach Sokka the philosophy of swordsmanship. He tells Sokka that a swordsman must trust his sword with his life, and as such, Sokka must forge his own blade.

    Sokka eagerly collects pieces of a nearby meteorite and uses them to forge his sword. When Piandao presents the finished sword to Sokka, he confesses that he is from the Southern Water Tribe, and lied about being from the Fire Nation so that Piandao would not turn him away. At this, Piandao immediately draws his sword and attacks Sokka. The Gaang prepares to come to Sokka's aid, but he tells them not to interfere.

    "This is my fight".

    Though Sokka puts up a good fight, Piandao is eventually able to disarm him and puts his sword at Sokka's neck. The Gaang again moves as if to jump in, but this time it is Piandao who tells them to back off and sheaths his sword. He congratulates Sokka on a duel well fought and explains that he knew Sokka was not from the Fire Nation all along and tells him to use a cover name next time, because "Sokka" is not a Fire Nation name. This news puzzles Katara.

    "Why did you agree to train him if you knew he wasn't from the Fire Nation?"

    "The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation. Knowledge of the arts belongs to us all".

    As the Gaang starts to leave, Piandao gives Sokka a parting gift. A white lotus Pai Sho tile.

    No one was lynched.

    - Role List -

    - Fire Nation -
    Ozai (Phoenix King)
    Azula (Crown Princess)
    Hidden Fire Nation
    Hidden Fire Nation
    Hidden Fire Nation
    Hidden Fire Nation

    - Neutral Evil -
    Combustion Man (Mass Murderer)
    Hama (Hidden Neutral Evil)

    - The Gaang -
    Aang (Avatar)
    Katara (Doctor)
    Sokka (Nurse)
    Toph (Truthseer)
    Zuko (Vigilante)
    Appa (Bus Driver)
    Iroh (Grand Lotus)
    Hidden Gaang (Citizen)
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang
    Hidden Gaang

    - Ember Island Informant -
    Cabbage Merchant (Hidden Benign)

    - Player List -

    FM AscendedOne
    FM Auckmid
    FM Clawtrocity
    FM Crimson
    FM divemaster127
    FM FalseTruth
    FM Ganondorf
    FM Gerik
    FM Goonswarm
    FM Illidan
    FM McPwnage
    FM MileS
    FM monster
    FM MrSmarter
    FM Narks
    FM NorthStar
    FM oops_ur_dead
    FM Ozymandias
    FM philie
    FM Procyon
    FM Raiden
    FM Rumpel
    FM S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha
    FM Severn
    FM Slaol
    FM Spy
    FM TheJackofSpades
    FM vornksr
    FM Yayap
    FM Zack

    -Dead Players-
    FM Clawtrocity - Citizen - Killed by a vigilante on Night One

    Night ends at this time.
    Last edited by Forum Mafia GM; January 6th, 2015 at 09:46 AM.



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