Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!! (Solved!)

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  1. ISO #1
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!! (Solved!)

    Okay, time for a MUCH harder puzzle!!! >


    Okay, so these things are little riddles called "lateral thinking puzzles"!! They suggest situations that sound really weird, but make so much more sense once you explain them. Yes, YOU!!!! Your job in this fun little thread is to solve the riddle... and you have as many guesses as you like!!!

    If you were just guessing, though, we'd probably be here all day. So, you can also ask an unlimited number of yes or no questions! I will answer everypony's questions with "yes", "no", or "irrelevant", irrelevant as in you're asking something that just has nothing to do with the answer, silly!

    If nopony gets the answer for a while, I'll give you all a hint! I usually have at least a couple of juicy hints for every riddle, so feel free to ask for one if you're collectively stumped!

    Be careful, though! These questions can be really tricky, and you often have to take a step to the side in your assumptions to set your hooves back on the right path. You gotta think laterally!

    If you get THIS one right off, I'm calling shenanigans!!


    So, there's this thingy, alright? A THINGY!!! This thingy is only worth about four bits, maybe less!!

    Then, a few minutes later, somepony grabs it! But when she does, the thingy is worth over 100,000 BITS!!!!!!

    And then, even though she thinks that she is perfectly within her rights to take the thingy, another pony snatches it from her and insists that the thingy belongs to HIM!!!

    Just WHAT is the thingy??

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Is it valuable?
    Does it have a signature or writing of some sort?
    Has it been trifled, tampered, written on, torn, etc?
    Where was it when the pony grabbed it?
    Was the pony famous/ important?

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    It's the book that was mentioned in puzzle 3. It's value was equivalent to the number of bits found in the book.

    But then!!! Rainbow Dash, a ubber famous pony celebrity touched the book. Now, any pony can sell this book on ePony for lots and lots of bits.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    1) Did the thingy belong to anypony before the pony snatched it?
    2) Is the thingy literally worth 25000 times more after it was snatched by the second pony, or were you just emphasizing that it increased in value by a lot?
    3) Was the thingy worth 100000 bits before or after the pony snatched it?
    3b) Was it immediately worth 100000 bits, or did the value rise sharply?
    4) Was it still worth 100000 bits before the second pony snatched it? After?
    5) Did the second pony snatch the thingy because of its value?
    6) Did the thingy serve any purpose to either of the two ponies?
    7) Was the thingy still worth 100000 bits after the second pony stole it?
    Did either pony break any laws in snatching the thingy?

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Or... It's a lottery ticket that cost around 4 bits, but just happens to be a winning ticket worth 100 000 bits!

    Now... as to explain why there is a fight over who owns the ticket, these two ponies are going through a divorce.

  7. ISO #7
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheJackofSpades View Post
    Is the thingy a corporeal object?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    Is it valuable?
    It certainly is when the first pony took it, but wasn't a few minutes before!!

    Does it have a signature or writing of some sort?

    Has it been trifled, tampered, written on, torn, etc?
    It's been slightly damaged!

    Where was it when the pony grabbed it?
    That's not a yes or no question!!!

    Was the pony famous/ important?
    Irrelevant, but I can assure you that she was just an ordinary pony, as was the second one!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    It's the book that was mentioned in puzzle 3. It's value was equivalent to the number of bits found in the book.

    But then!!! Rainbow Dash, a ubber famous pony celebrity touched the book. Now, any pony can sell this book on ePony for lots and lots of bits.
    [color=pink][b]Nope! And Rainbow Dash isn't nearly THAT famous yet, even though she wants to be!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    1) Did the thingy belong to anypony before the pony snatched it?
    [color=pink][b]Which pony, the first one? That's debatable!

    2) Is the thingy literally worth 25000 times more after it was snatched by the second pony, or were you just emphasizing that it increased in value by a lot?
    Literally! Ponies would genuinely pay that much for it!!

    3) Was the thingy worth 100000 bits before or after the pony snatched it?

    3b) Was it immediately worth 100000 bits, or did the value rise sharply?
    When it happened, the increase in value was nigh instantaneous!!!!

    4) Was it still worth 100000 bits before the second pony snatched it? After?

    5) Did the second pony snatch the thingy because of its value?
    In part, yes!

    6) Did the thingy serve any purpose to either of the two ponies?
    Other than being extremely valuable? I suppose so, but irrelevant!!!

    7) Was the thingy still worth 100000 bits after the second pony stole it?

    Did either pony break any laws in snatching the thingy?

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Or... It's a lottery ticket that cost around 4 bits, but just happens to be a winning ticket worth 100 000 bits!

    Now... as to explain why there is a fight over who owns the ticket, these two ponies are going through a divorce.
    Very good guesses on both counts, but no to either!!

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Is the increase in value caused because of a physical change to the thing?

    Is the increase in value caused because of a conceptual change to the thing?
    Conceptual mainly, but I suppose I have no choice but to say that both were involved!!!

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Would the item lose its value if the first pony were to put it back where it originally was?

    Would the item lose its value if the second pony were to put it back where it originally was?

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Is it the fact that "somepony" (the female one) grabbed it that made it's value increase? Or did "somepony" do something to the thingy?

    Could it have been any pony that could have grabbed it to make it's value increase or only "somepony"?

    Is the gender of "somepony" relevant?

    Is the gender of "HIM" relevant?

    Is the identity of "HIM" relevant?

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    If the money was valuable AFTER somepony took it, that means that pony was famous or well known so that everyone would want to buy it.

    1). Did the pony leave a hooveprint of any sort on the money, damaging it slightly?
    2). Did the pony slobber or cry on it in anyway?
    3). Did the pony have a special residue on his hooves that had a certain significance towards the money after he had handled it?

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    does the pony that touched the thing matter? Is it that particular pony that gives it the value or would it be the same if any pony touched it?

  15. ISO #15
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Is it the fact that "somepony" (the female one) grabbed it that made it's value increase? Or did "somepony" do something to the thingy?
    No to both!!! But let's refer to her as "the female pony" from now on!

    Is the gender of "somepony" relevant?

    Is the gender of "HIM" relevant?

    Is the identity of "HIM" relevant?
    No any of those! And again, for convenience, let's refer to the second one as "the male pony"!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    If the money was valuable AFTER somepony took it, that means that pony was famous or well known so that everyone would want to buy it.

    1). Did the pony leave a hooveprint of any sort on the money, damaging it slightly?
    2). Did the pony slobber or cry on it in anyway?
    3). Did the pony have a special residue on his hooves that had a certain significance towards the money after he had handled it?

    I'm going to ignore all of these questions because the thingy wasn't money!!!!!! >

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ming Vase of Hitler View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    If the money was valuable AFTER somepony took it, that means that pony was famous or well known so that everyone would want to buy it.

    1). Did the pony leave a hooveprint of any sort on the money, damaging it slightly?
    2). Did the pony slobber or cry on it in anyway?
    3). Did the pony have a special residue on his hooves that had a certain significance towards the money after he had handled it?

    I'm going to ignore all of these questions because the thingy wasn't money!!!!!! >
    I got confused cause I read the sad money thread before this one. ;3

    EDIT: Please don't quote my entire posts!!! Only the parts that matter!

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    1). Did the pony leave a hooveprint of any sort on the item making it valuable?
    2). Did the pony slobber or cry on the item in anyway?
    3). Did the pony have a special residue on his hooves that had a certain significance towards the item after he had handled it?

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Would it be more proper to say the actual value of the item was always 100 000 bits; but unknown until the female pony saw it and grabbed it?

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Would it be more proper to say the actual value of the item was always 100 000 bits; but unknown until the female pony saw it and grabbed it?
    He already answered a question very similiar to that. He said the money was NOT valuable before the ponies had handled it, but it had increased in value sharply AFTER they had handled it.

    That narrows it down to many possibilities which lead me to ask the questions if I have asked (first 3 above your post)

    vvv not questions - statements

    The ponies had to have left of some sort of identifaction marking or factual comprensation on the money, increasing it in value.

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Did the damage done to the item by the first pony reveal something about the item (thus making its value increase)?
    This was my first clue, but when I thought above and beyond about some other possibilities, I thought that it would be irrelevant due to the answers already provided

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    I am trying to differentiate the meaning of "cost" and "value" pedobear. An item sold by someone who doesn't know it's "value" can be sold at a very low "cost".

    If the female pony revealed it's "value" to the male pony, it's cost would also increase.

  23. ISO #23
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    1). Did the pony leave a hooveprint of any sort on the item making it valuable?

    2). Did the pony slobber or cry on the item in anyway?

    3). Did the pony have a special residue on his hooves that had a certain significance towards the item after he had handled it?
    No– wait, "he"? Which pony are we talking about here?? Either way, those answers of mine applied to BOTH!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Would it be more proper to say the actual value of the item was always 100 000 bits; but unknown until the female pony saw it and grabbed it?
    Nope, the actual value changed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    He already answered a question very similiar to that. He said the money THINGY was NOT valuable before the ponies had handled it, but it had increased in value sharply AFTER they had handled it.
    [color=pink][b]Whoa, whoa, hold on a minute!

    I never said all that exactly!!!

    You should probably take a closer look at what I said! You're missing something very important, here (besides the 'money' mistake)!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Was the item a container?

    Was the item in a container?

    Did the damage done to the item by the first pony reveal something about the item (thus making its value increase)?
    No to any of those!!!!

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    If it's not any of those, then I am officially stumped.

  25. ISO #25
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    If it's not any of those, then I am officially stumped.
    That's because you made a mistake!!! You're assuming something from my wording that is definitely not what I said! See if you can find it:
    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear
    He already answered a question very similiar to that. He said the thingy was NOT valuable before the ponies had handled it, but it had increased in value sharply AFTER they had handled it.

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    The thingy is their baby Unicorn.

    A baby unicorn used to be worth about 4 bits to the local zoo. But then! An evil Gorilla went on a unicorn hunt, killing all other unicorns except these 3. Their rarity caused their value to increase to 100 000 bits. Since they are both parents, they can both claim they own the baby unicorn.

  29. ISO #29
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Was the item physically difficult to pick up?

    Was the item large?

    Was the item small?
    It wasn't all that big. Smaller than a breadbox, in fact!!

    Aaaand now I'm confused again.

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthStar View Post
    The item's worth slumped to an all time low on the markets after she found it.
    Definitely wrong, and I'm not sure it's all that relevant, either!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    The thingy is their baby Unicorn.

    A baby unicorn used to be worth about 4 bits to the local zoo. But then! An evil Gorilla went on a unicorn hunt, killing all other unicorns except these 3. Their rarity caused their value to increase to 100 000 bits. Since they are both parents, they can both claim they own the baby unicorn.

    I think you've had a little too much punch, mister!!

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Was the thingy the actual item that had a value? (ex of it not: lottery ticket, land deed...)

    Are we on the right track?

    btw, pedobear's mistake is saying "AFTER", i believe. The original post says "when" she grabbed it, meaning it was at that value BEFORE she touched it.

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Was the thingy the actual item that had a value? (ex of it not: lottery ticket, land deed...)

    Are we on the right track?

    btw, pedobear's mistake is saying "AFTER", i believe. The original post says "when" she grabbed it, meaning it was at that value BEFORE she touched it.
    no, he said that it didn't have much value before they touched it.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Was the item rare?
    Was the item common?
    Was the item important?
    Did both ponies knew it was valuable?
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  34. ISO #34
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Was the thingy the actual item that had a value? (ex of it not: lottery ticket, land deed...)
    That's a really poor way to phrase it! Are you asking if it's an item that represented ownership or was redeemable, but it... see, now I'm getting confused again!!!

    Are we on the right track?

    Looks that way from here!

    btw, pedobear's mistake is saying "AFTER", i believe. The original post says "when" she grabbed it, meaning it was at that value BEFORE she touched it.
    Yes! It was at that value before she got it!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Was this item used in a sport or competition?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Was the item rare?
    Was the item common?
    It was normally common, but quickly became extremely rare!!!

    Was the item important?
    Depends what you mean by important!

    Did both ponies knew it was valuable?

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Clarification: A land deed is just a piece of paper. It's not very valuable in itself. The land it represents is what really has the value.

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    The item was a baton/trophy won in a competition.

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    The item is a baton. The first pony was involved in a race.

    The first pony grabbed the baton with the mouth, causing some minor damage to it (due to biting it while running). This signaled the end of a major race, which the first pony won by getting the item first. This was a major race, meaning the baton that was caught became a valuable collector's item.

    The second pony was either involved in the race, too, and was a teammate (in a rally race) of the first pony. Or, if the second pony was not a participant, is a referee or other official who took the baton because he is the person who actually owns it (due to running the race).

  39. ISO #39
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    Clarification: A land deed is just a piece of paper. It's not very valuable in itself. The land it represents is what really has the value.
    Well in that case, I suppose the thingy doesn't represent any other physical thingy that holds value!

    Quote Originally Posted by monster View Post
    Were they playing a game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    The item was a baton/trophy won in a competition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    The item is a baton. The first pony was involved in a race.

    The first pony grabbed the baton with the mouth, causing some minor damage to it (due to biting it while running). This signaled the end of a major race, which the first pony won by getting the item first. This was a major race, meaning the baton that was caught became a valuable collector's item.

    The second pony was either involved in the race, too, and was a teammate (in a rally race) of the first pony. Or, if the second pony was not a participant, is a referee or other official who took the baton because he is the person who actually owns it (due to running the race).
    You ponies are getting MUCH warmer, but nope! There wasn't a race involved at all!

    Races are pretty fun, though. I don't usually enter them, but when I do I almost always win!!!!


  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Was it a football that was carried into an end-zone? The first pony scored the winning touchdown with it, and the second pony caught the ball after the first pony spiked it into the ground.
    Nope, but keep trying sports!!

  42. ISO #42

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Was it involved in a olympic competition?

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Was the second pony's snatching something that the first pony allowed happen, or was it a forceful action?

    Was the snatching a direct grabbing from the hand/hoof?

    Was the snatching a throw?

    Was the snatching a result of the first pony dropping the item and the second pony picking it up?

    Did the first pony grab the item for a sustained period of time before having it snatched?

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    was it a team sport? (football)
    was it a 1v1 or small team sport? (tennis)
    did the item become a collector's item?
    is the item directly related to the sport? (ball, jersey, etc) (indirect: trophy)

  46. ISO #46
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedobear View Post
    Was it involved in a olympic competition?
    Nuh-uh! Keep guessing!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark.Revenant View Post
    Was the second pony's snatching something that the first pony allowed happen, or was it a forceful action?
    Probably forceful, but it's somewhat irrelevant!

    Was the snatching a direct grabbing from the hand/hoof?

    Was the snatching a throw?
    Still irrelevant!!

    Was the snatching a result of the first pony dropping the item and the second pony picking it up?

    Did the first pony grab the item for a sustained period of time before having it snatched?
    Yes, but irrelevant!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    It was baseball. The ball was initially worth 4 bits, but then the catcher used and it was instantly worth 100k because it was used in a major league game. When he threw it, the batter hit it out of the park and into the stands, where somepony caught it.

    Well, you've hit the jackpot with baseball, and the thingy was a baseball, but that's not quite right!! Both ponies are claiming ownership of the ball; why would the catcher claim it?? It doesn't explain their disagreement! Also, not just any old ball would be suddenly worth over a hundred thousand bits (~>$400,000) just from being used in a major league game at all! It'd have to be a little more special than that!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CptGorilla View Post
    did the item become a collector's item?

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    This "ball" isn't what you think it is... It's actually a pony's... well... ball!

    Since girls don't have balls, it was obviously the males.

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    The ball was hit on the last inning of the game, on the last at-bat of the championship game of the year. The score was tied and a pony was on the third base. The hit was a bunt; the pony manning the third base ran to the ball, grabbed it and threw it to the catcher at the home-plate just in time to call an out on the running pony, winning the game for the outfield team. The catcher is the first pony. Later, the pitcher (second pony) comes up and takes the ball, claiming it is his instead of the first pony's.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #5: The VALUABLE Thingy!!

    The ball was hit by a pony whose last game was this one, on his last bat. He hit a homerun and somepony caught it so the ownership was theirs but since it was the pony's last homerun of their career they wanted it as a momento to remember their career by.

    It was worth so much because the pony was a famous baseball player.



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