Lateral Thinking Puzzle #3: Wheelbarrow Contest! :O (Solved ALREADY!!!)

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  1. ISO #1
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Lateral Thinking Puzzle #3: Wheelbarrow Contest! :O (Solved ALREADY!!!)

    Alright everypony, it's time to pull out all the stops with yet another PARTY PUZZLE!!!


    Okay, so these things are little riddles called "lateral thinking puzzles"!! They suggest situations that sound really weird, but make so much more sense once you explain them. Yes, YOU!!!! Your job in this fun little thread is to solve the riddle... and you have as many guesses as you like!!!

    If you were just guessing, though, we'd probably be here all day. So, you can also ask an unlimited number of yes or no questions! I will answer everypony's questions with "yes", "no", or "irrelevant", irrelevant as in you're asking something that just has nothing to do with the answer, silly!

    If nopony gets the answer for a while, I'll give you all a hint! I usually have at least a couple of juicy hints for every riddle, so feel free to ask for one if you're collectively stumped!

    Be careful, though! These questions can be really tricky, and you often have to take a step to the side in your assumptions to set your hooves back on the right path. You gotta think laterally!

    This one is a pretty neat story, not quite as hard as the last one... I think you all will love it!


    Alright, this happened last Winter Wrap Up! Applejack was wheeling barrows full of snow and ice from the ground around her barn and needed some help, but Rarity was the only one available!! So she acts her usual self about the whole thing and tries to help, but they start getting into one of their usual fights. Rarity's all, "I don't see why I have to be pulled from my blah blah blah", and Applejack's all, "You're not the only one, I could use somepony who doesn't get all tuckered out after a single bitty barrow-full of ice!". And then, RARITY says, "Oh, really? Well, I wager that I can carry something in this wheelbarrow straight to that apple tree over there and back that you wouldn't be able to so much as budge with it!", which is a CRAZY bet because Applejack's, like, the most athletic pony on the ground in Ponyville, maybe even in all Equestria!!! So she's all, "Oh ho, I'd like to see you try, miss oh-so-dainty-an'-sophisticated! But no magic allowed! If you can beat me by gettin' your hooves dirty, I have three whole bushels of apples with your name on 'em!"

    And Rarity actually WON! But how??

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #3: Wheelbarrow Contest! :O

    Applejack was the something in this wheelbarrow

  3. ISO #3
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #3: Wheelbarrow Contest! :O

    Well that didn't take very long at all!!!

    Congratulations, though! I underestimated you ponies... it's time for a harder one!

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5
    Ming Vase of Hitler

    Re: Lateral Thinking Puzzle #3: Wheelbarrow Contest! :O (Solved ALREADY!!!)

    You still had to think a BIT laterally to realize the contestants qualified as barrow-ables, even if it was easier than other puzzles! Lateral thinking means paying CAREFUL attention to the assumptions you're making, and knowing when to toss them aside!!!

    "Barrow-ables"? Is that the right word? Or is it "barrowees"?

    "Barrow-fodder"? Nah, that's too old fashioned. Hmm....



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