Character Sheet

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Thread: Character Sheet

  1. ISO #1

    Character Sheet

    Name: Barbra Streisand

    Current Health: 12/12
    Current Charge: 2
    Charge Generation: 2 per 24h gt

    Race: Vulcan

    Racial Flaw:
    -Healing reduced by 50% from humans due to different anatomy

    -Charge Generation reduced by 50% for every Romulan lynched (and yes, this can mean less than 1 per day)

    Race Abilities:
    -6c: mind-meld - You may mind meld with any player creating a private chat that is always open. You may stop or change who you are mind melding with at any time, but the new person will see all the previous chat you had before.
    Can use any time. PM the GM with the name of the person you are mind-melding with.
    Current mind-meld: Tim Howard

    -3c: Vulcan Pinch - Renders victim unconscious (Roleblocked and prevents other feedback for 24 hours gt)
    Can use any time. PM the GM a number between 1-100 and the name of the person you are pinching.

    -Passive: Unarmed combat deals 3 damage instead of 1.

    -Passive: Immune to negative effects of Alcohol

    Class Abilities:
    -3c Attack: (Anytime - Same location as target or living quarters)
    Fire your weapon at target dealing x damage. (no weapon = 1 damage) Everyone in the room will see you attack. Except if you attack him in the living quarters while he sleeps.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate who you are attacking and specify with which weapon if you have more than one.

    -1c EM Heal
    : (Anytime - Same location as target)
    Perform emergency healing on target. Giving him +2hp to target.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate who you are EM Healing. You must be in the same location as your target.

    -2c Mayor
    : (Evening/Night action - Anywhere)
    Double your vote power for the next day.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate that you are using the mayor ability. No one will be notified that your vote is doubled.

    -1c Trade
    : (Anytime - Same location as target)
    Anyone may give an item to anyone in the same room.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate what item you are giving and to who. And yes, you may trade money.

    -4c Jailbreak
    : (Evening/Night action - Must be located in the Brig)
    If you find yourself alone in the brig with only those in jail present, you can attempt to disable the force shield. Your success will be determined by a coin flip.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate that you are trying to break people out of jail. This is an all or nothing, if successful, everyone escapes jail, not just who you wanted to free.

    -3c Doctor: (Anytime - Same location as target or living quarters)
    Diagnose + heal: Perform healing action and learn of the nature of the wound. +10hp to target. Cures poison.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate who you are diagnosing and healing.

    -2c Doctor
    : (Anytime - Same location as target or living quarters)
    Create and Distribute 1 shot medkit - heals 6hp (does not cure poison)
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate who you are giving the medkit to.

    -2c Doctor
    : (Anytime - Same location as target or living quarters)
    Create and Distribute 1 shot antidote - (cures poison)
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate who you are giving the antidote to.

    -2c Coroner: (Evening/Night action - Sickbay)
    Learn cause of death, real alignment.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate who you are examining (dead players pls, we have learnt that living players don't like autopsies performed on them).

    -3c Coroner
    : (Evening/Night action - Sickbay)
    Requires live Journalist - Learn and post the cause of death, real name and real alignment in the day RP.
    To use this ability, PM the Host with the title "Action" and indicate who you are examining and specify that you are sending the info to a Journalist for publishing.

    Current Items:

    $: 125

    Win Condition: You are in agreement with the decision made by the Leaders of the Federation, Klingon and Romulan Empires, help them restore the respective Empires to their original borders. Eliminate the Alpha Quadrant United Alliance.
    Last edited by Forum Mafia GM; August 8th, 2014 at 01:02 PM.

  2. ISO #2

    Character Sheet


    Signups: Character created.
    Day 1: Roles giving out.
    Day 1: +2 Charges added.

    Day 2: (+2c) Charge generation

    Day 3: (+2c) Charge generation
    Day 3: (+25$) Bounty.
    Day 3: (Bounty) role #11 is: Investigator, Deputee
    Day 3: (Bounty) you were given a recording of the Bar from Evening 1
    Day 3: (-6c) mind meld with Tim Howard

    Day 4: (+2c) Charge generation
    Last edited by Forum Mafia GM; August 8th, 2014 at 01:02 PM.



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