Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

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  1. ISO #1

    Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    I've decided to post a few hints and tricks that I have learnt that seem to be giving me a huge edge over some of you.

    *Please note that the very existence of this guide will Screw up the Wifom for future games, nothing in this guide about Wifom can be used accurately from here on out.*

    Staying anonymous

    In recent games, we have introduced the anonymous factor. What does this do to the game?

    • Well known players are likely to be targeted by every role early game.
    • Experienced players can act dumb and get away with it.
    • Inexperienced players can look just as dumb as the pros.

    Why Experienced Players Should Stay Anonymous

    After playing a few games of mafia on the forums, you will be branded into some category.
    These categories can be anything from Lurkers, Terrible liars, Great Liars, Mr. Random, Analyzers, Captain Obvious, or even Troll.

    Lets say, you are known to be a great liar and are able to lie through your teeth without being caught. In Future games, people will be less likely to trust you even if you are telling the truth.
    Or even if you are an analyzer. Analyzers usually piece part of the puzzle together before anyone else does and are usually a great help for the town. If an analyzer isn't helping town, then that analyzer is most likely holding something back or is scum.
    Staying anonymous, no one knows who you are and you can get away with lying and holding back info.
    Staying anonymous also protects you from grudges from previous games / Priority player targets.

    Why New Players Should Stay Anonymous

    Being new to forum mafia, you might not know some of the key players from past forum mafia games and your skill in mafia might be overlooked.
    This can be a big problem if you are a town role, others will be less likely to listen to your reasoning simply because you are new.
    If you are evil, your team may disregard any ideas you have.
    If you reveal your identity, we also know that you can't be someone else and some people that want to remain hidden will hunt you down. Hint hint.

    So how do you stay Anonymous?
    Here are some key things to remember when hiding.

    Things that reveal you are online
    When you wish to be online with your FM account and do not wish anyone to know that you are online:
    Turn OFF ALL outside connections to your name. This includes but is not limited to:
    Do not post with your main account.
    Do not log into instant messengers like Skype, xfire, Windows messenger etc. Hiding online status isn't good enough.
    Do not update anything like FaceBook that keeps a time stamp of that update.
    Do not send off e-mails to other players.
    Do not upload any new videos to youtube or another site of the sorts.

    Typos and Grammar.
    If you aren't native to North American English, your grammar and typos might give you away. A good example of this can be found in FM3 when a SK death note revealed that the SK was German.
    Although that didn't help everyone, any global moderator can look up IP addresses to find out where you live.

    The tone of your post.
    Don't give off a certain tone that identifies you. For Example: I deleted many posts instead of posting them because they sounded too logical. Being an analyzer, this could have been used to pin me.

    How do you correct this problem?
    Read and reread everything you want to post. And use a spell check. Google Chromes spell check has been useful to me in this regard.

    If you are known to post in a certain manner that is different from the norm, then you have to make sure that this trait does not slip out.

    Your profile.
    In your profile. In account settings, you will find a white box that says: "Show others my online status"
    If someone starts keeping records of when you are online, he can determine your availability schedule. And might even match it up with your Main account.

    *Please note that turning this option off does not guaranty that someone can't track you. If you look at your profile, you will find a place that says: "Last Active"
    This never lies. If you log in, this will be updated. So someone can find out when you are online anyways.*

    So why turn the option off in the first place if someone can still find you?
    Searching 35+ accounts to find out who are the hidden members online is very time consuming. It was taking so much more time to track the hidden members that I couldn't keep up. After 4 hours of doing so, I gave up.

    Online times.
    If you are known to post at certain hours, do your best to avoid this constraint. For Example, people posting at 4am EDT (my time), are usually players from EU.

    The forums online box.
    At the bottom, you will also see "Users active in past 15 minutes"
    Here is something you need to know about forum mechanics:
    If you click on: "Log out" then your name disappears off that list immediately. Versus if you just close the browser, you name will stay on the list for 15 minutes.
    How did this help me?
    If I saw a Main account that clicked "log off" and saw a FM account "log in". I could assume that the 2 accounts were the same person.

    How to counter this:
    1- Using 2 different browser allows people to log in both profiles at the same time.
    2- After pressing "log out", WAIT a good amount of time before log in back in as the FM account. Waiting over an hour is recommended.
    3- Don't switch accounts when few people are online. The bigger the list of online people, the less chance of being narrowed down.

    Maximum security:
    If you really want to go invisible once the game has started, do all the above at random +:
    Never log into your main account again until the game is over.
    Use a proxy to hide your IP address so Dark Rev can't see who you are. Make him search everyone else before finding you. (I won't go into details how to do this due to security reasons.)

    Staying anonymous vs faking someone else.

    Trying to disguise your posts as someone else's is extremely hard and should not be attempted unless you know that person very well. Also, you need to make sure that the real person doesn't give himself away ruining your disguise. Killing him is a good way to shut him up.

    Here are somethings to keep in mind when trying to impersonate someone:
    • How many FM games has this person played before this game.
    • How solid is this persons reputation.
    • What time does he usually post.
    • What typos and grammar mistakes are usually found in his posts.
    • What tone does he usually have.
    • How much information should this kind of person be able to deduce at any given time.
    • How much does this person lurk.
    • Does this person usually pay attention to the game or is usually clueless to what is going on.
    • How much trickery and wifom does this person use to deceive people.
    • Is this person easy to manipulate or not.
    • Does this person manipulate others well or not.

    My honest opinion is that impersonating someone will usually fail at some point for any given reason and reveal your disguise.
    Which is why I should do it since I just told you not to. Oh wait, now that you saw this, you'll know that I'll try it and therefore I shouldn't. But then you would reach that conclusion and therefore I should. 4 layers of Wifom to confuse you. Now you shouldn't know how many layers of Wifom I'll go before deciding what to do.

    Surviving Night 1
    *Please note that everything that follows will be obsolete due to the very existence of this guide.*

    Day 1:
    Day 1 is mostly used so that everyone can set their settings like avatars and introduce themselves. Spam is the common theme to day 1.

    So how do you prevent a random death night 1? Well, the key is not to stand out. You don't want to be the blabber mouth of the group, nor do you want to lay so low that you look like you are hiding.

    I recommend between 4-10 posts on day 1. Don't make yourself look smart and don't leak out any info about your role. And of course, don't make yourself look too dumb or you might get targeted for being annoying.

    Depending on your alignment, you also might want to factor in the following.
    • Do you want investigative roles to check you?
    • Do you want to be framed?
    • Do you want masons you check you?
    • Do you want to be Role blocked, Bussed, Witched, Healed etc?

    Every post you make will add to the WIFOM for the people behind the powers of those roles.
    Try putting yourself in every role and read your own post before posting it. Try to think what that role would think when reading it.

    -Crying for a doc heal usually WILL NOT get you healed. While a mafia WILL usually target you.
    -Posting something cryptic or suspicious will attract the attention of investigations AND framers.
    -Hinting that you are not a citizen might attract Witches, Role Blockers or Cult.
    -Suggesting that you are scum might attract the attention of the Vigilantes, Jailors or Escorts.

    The thing to do day 1 is not to analyze all the posts, they'll mostly just be spam and misleading. But to analyze the game and role settings. What information will be shared and not shared at night.

    Game on!

    Once you get past night 1, then the game really starts. Everyone has pieces to a big puzzle, some have more pieces than others. Guess what those pieces are and you'll be on your way to solving the puzzle before anyone else.

    Role claim or not?

    Everyday, you should weigh in the option of role claiming. Claim to early and the people that can help you might not believe you. Claim to late and you might find yourself having to counter claim someone else or not have any protection to help you survive the following night.

    Of course, you should always weigh in the effects of your claim. Like will you be able to prove your claim or is their room for doubt. Will your claim get you lynched or will they leave you alone. Will this make you a priority target for scum or will they leave you for later.

    Keep in mind, that every role claim helps the scum narrow down their targets.

    Counter Claiming

    As town: Did someone claim your role before you? Depending on what your role is, you should consider the cost of counter claiming him.
    If he is scum, chances are he is expendable in his team. And revealing your role gives them a confirmed power role to kill the next night where as town still has a 50% chance of guessing who the real one is. Sometimes keeping quiet is the better option.
    If he does end up being the same role as you, then you just revealed a second one. And town will doubt both your claims.

    As Scum: Counter Claiming a town power is risky since you'll most likely be discovered within the next 1-3 days. However, if you see a strong town target who seems almost invulnerable, sometimes counterclaiming his role before he can prove it so you can kill him can be more beneficial in the long run, even if you end up dying.

    Reveal night affects or not?
    So, someone paid a visit to you at night. You were Role blocked, Witched, Bussed, attacked and healed, what ever.
    Now the question is should you share that information with the rest of the group?

    If you decide to reveal to everyone the info you have, then everyone can know what you know, including the mafia.
    You'll be helping everyone fill in the blanks to a role list if some roles are "random". Sometimes, this helps the mafia more than anyone since they know it wasn't them.

    Depending on what info you have, consider the following:
    Who else knows about the PM you got last night?

    For example, an entire mafia team would know if they attacked you, blocked you, framed you or what ever other power they have.
    A Doctor would also know if he healed you if he gets feedback on his target.
    A bus driver would know who he swapped.
    The other person swapped would also know of the existence of the bus driver.

    If you can find out who else knows of your condition(s) you might be able to piece them into a roll without revealing any information you don't want the enemy to know.

    You can also end up having cryptic conversations with the person who targeted you if you conceal the info. Gabriele/Hannelore conversation in FM4 day 2 is a good example.

    In my opinion, hiding information should always be the preferred option unless it would hurt the town not to reveal it.

    For example, in FM-V someone else claims to be blocked and an escort claims to be the one who blocked him. If you were also Role Blocked, you help the stripper present his case that she is not the consort. On the other hand, you also reveal that there is another role blocker in the game to both mafias.

    The only thing that you should always reveal is if you were attacked and healed. You don't want the doc to expose himself. And doing this lets power roles such as escorts and bus drivers know that the missing kill was not of their doing.
    Why would you do this if you were scum? Because you'll look scummy if you expose the doc.

    There is a saying: Lynch all Liars!
    I find this funny because even Townies should lie every now and then.

    Lying is a great way to expose people who know the truth. You can even piss off a few people if they know you are lying but can't tell anyone since they are scum.

    A good example of lying for information can be found in FM-3 day 2 when Claw lied about not getting items. He exposed the armor smith when that person called him out for it.

    Does this mean that all liars are scum? Not really, a town might set a trap for a mafia to call him a liar just to pin instead.

    Lying in Night Chats
    Just because you are all on one team doesn't mean you always should tell them everything. Especially if Cult are in the game. You never know what information might get leaked to another team later on in the game. Sometimes, it's best to just shut up. You might even catch someone who isn't on your team thinking that you did a certain action that you didn't.
    Although usually, it doesn't help if your entire team hides everything they know. So consider the importance of the information you found out.

    Town Leaders

    If someone seems to be driving the conversation, a question you should always ask is what role he is. If he still hasn't role claimed or given any evidence of his findings, then always question the motive of controlling the conversation. He might end up being a scum or neutral himself and is looking to divert any conversation away from himself.

    Please note that there are some town sided people who like the spot light, not everyone that takes the lead without claiming is bad. Usually, results of a lynch might give you some insight on these peoples intentions.

    Codes and Secret Messages

    Ah, something we all hate if we can't understand it ourselves but usually love if we do.
    Keeping an eye out for weird posts and typos might reveal scum talking to each other during the day or someone revealing a night action/role claim to someone.

    If you can guess what info is being swapped around, you can usually figure out what roles or alignments are talking to each other.

    Consigs seem to be the most guilty of this. Mafia teams seem to be really impatient to get their info. Culted consigs are even worse.

    When deciding on talking in code, always remember that if your coded message is spotted, a single mafia will inform an entire team vs a townie won't be able to help anyone but himself.

    There is always a risk of being discovered when sending secret info to someone during the day.

    Analyzing Posts

    This is much more complex than you might think depending on how much you want to look into it.
    When reading a post, if you want the full analysis, read it over and over from different viewpoints.

    Read it as a citizen who knows only what has been revealed publicly.
    Read it as a mafia member and knew the other mafia names and their actions.
    Repeat from the other mafias viewpoint if there are more than 1 mafia team.
    Read it as each power role.
    Read it as if that person was lying.
    Read it considering information only you know or a select few.

    Find out who / how many agree with the thought presented.
    How does this affect the current topic at hand? Is it a defense, diversion, attack or neutral support/rejection.

    Find out the purpose of that post and motive and you might find yourself catching hidden lies in other posts or even understanding a secret conversation that wasn't intended for you to know about.

    Lists and Notes

    When someone posts his notes or a list with roles on it. Analyse the list and notes and compare it to your own notes. Usually the accuracy of the notes is a tell to that persons alignment.
    Take note of everything that he has noted down that you didn't notice.
    Take note of things that he has wrong.
    Take note of the people he is giving wrong info about.
    Take note of the tone of the post, is it an attack, diversion or neutral.
    Take note of information that he has that isn't public knowledge yet.


    There are multiple ways to understand WIFOM and many ways to manipulate people with it.
    Anything and everything posted will change the WIFOM. Keeping track of it can be very hard to do if someone else understands it to.

    For example: A known pro-town player asking docs to heal him might have various effects on the other players.

    -A simple minded Doc might just do what he says without thinking much more of it.
    -A WIFOM understanding Doc might take a risk and not heal him thinking the mafia will not attack someone that should be healed.
    -A Double layered WIFOM understanding Doc would heal because he would think that the mafia will think that he would take that risk.

    So keeping the above in mind, during the day, when you see people say stupid stuff or give dumb ideas, don't jump to conclusions. The person doing the suggesting might just be protecting that person by adding a layer of WIFOM to him.

    Understanding who you are up against can help you decide how many layers of WIFOM you should go into when deciding on a night action. Thus bringing us back to staying Anonymous.

    Different styles of play

    The Town Leaders

    Town leaders usually dominate the conversation and thoughts of the group in general. Usually get to decide who gets lynched at the end of the day.
    Of course, Investigators, Sheriffs, Mayors and Masons usually have an easier chance to take command of the town when needed, but you don't need a special role to be the leader, sometimes it just requires good speaking skills. If you wish to be the town leader, your logic must be sound when making your move against someone or so confusing that no one wants to try to understand you to argue with you.

    There can be more than one Town Leader at the same time, but usually one will be more dominant.

    Pros: You'll decide who you want to lynch and usually are safe from being lynched yourself as long as you have that role.

    Cons: If you make a false move and get an innocent lynched, you'll be the first person to be questioned. Note that this does not mean auto-lynch, but getting back to town leader status will be hard unless you have a role that can be trusted as pro-town.

    The Manipulators

    These are the ones you have to look out for. If you don't, they'll make you think what they want you to think and do what they want you to do.

    Pros: You have all the advantages of the Town Leader without the spot light.

    Cons: High difficulty level. Speak too little and other Town Leaders will change the topic on you. Talk too much and you become a Town Leader.

    The Town supporters

    Don't usually dominate the conversation but still keep up with it. Usually hands some supporting evidence to the Town Leaders claims.
    This is the most common style you'll see.

    Pros: You'll blend in if you don't slip up.

    Cons: Scum have a hard time not slipping information about their team.

    The Town Voters (aka Sheep!)

    You know, those guys that just vote with the current idea but offer no explanation why. Usually don't follow the full discussion.

    Pros: You can't slip what you don't say.

    Cons: Can be trapped by experienced players who try to do something stupid to expose your lack of thought.

    The Lurkers

    The ones that never say anything useful or so little that no one takes note of them.

    Pros: The easiest way to avoid slipping information

    Cons: People will start noticing later on. Breaking free from that lurking state with important information can also be hard.

    The Trolls

    The ones that look so retarded that people overlook them.

    Pros: Unpredictable, might get overlooked by many and underestimated early on. Can give away critical information for people to find later. Usually aren't considered as a threat to killing roles.

    Cons: Late game, no one will trust a word you say. Will be extremely difficult to avoid being lynched if a town leader points a finger at you.

    The Monkey Wrench!

    Just when you thought you had the puzzle solved, these guys offer something you never expected. And now adds doubt to everything you thought you knew.

    Pros: Can have a huge impact on WIFOM and might delay the inevitable. You end up being the wild card in the puzzle.

    Cons: Extremely hard and usually doesn't last more than a day or two before people understand the new piece to the puzzle.

    More to come later... can't reveal all my tricks when I'm still playing this.
    Last edited by ; January 28th, 2013 at 03:29 AM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    WIFOM Part 2 a.k.a. Common Knowledge

    I highly recommend watching both videos in their entirety but due to length, if you want to skip to the more important parts, watch the second one in full. Pay attention to Game #2.

    1. Introduction: five first lessons

    2. Putting yourselves into other people's shoes

    If you don't see how this ties in directly into mafia then see it this way: a troll will pick a # 67-100, Claw will pick #1 (thus has a weakness against troll actions).

    Depending on who has what role will determine what action you should take against him and how much you should trust that person.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    More to come...
    Last edited by Damus_Graves; April 22nd, 2013 at 02:45 PM.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Perhaps we can get this moved to FM subforum and stickied or something of the sorts, very nice. Metaplay tips to fight against metaplay itself. There's quite a few typos and consistency errors you've done but I'm sure you'll sort them out later if you even bother.

    There's the italics green with inconsistent periods at the beginning which seem to disappear the further you go down but that's mainly just nitpicking.
    for the moment I can only recall "therefor." missing an e at the end as well as a few others I forgot.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Quote Originally Posted by S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha View Post
    Perhaps we can get this moved to FM subforum and stickied or something of the sorts, very nice.
    Thats where I wanted it, but I don't have posting rights there for new topics.

    Quote Originally Posted by S.A.S.Cnl.Alpha View Post
    for the moment I can only recall "therefor." missing an e at the end as well as a few others I forgot.
    You weren't suppose to read that part... fixed :P

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    The consig code phenomena seems to have been likely caused by FM2 I would assume. The thing is, we only used it because we expected Raiden to die every night and day until the very end, and another investigation was extremely valuable to me at the time.

    There are some issues with this guide but it's a pretty good write-up. And no, I won't correct you on them.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Every blade has two sides.

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    I will be easy to find. Noted by my often condescending tone and utter lack of tolerance for bullshit.
    Player Report Guidelines: Click Here
    *Guidelines likely out of date

    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :
    | | FMVII: Citizen (W) | FMVI: Pride (W) | FMVIII: Ghost (L) | FMIX: Proletarian (W) | FMX: Student (L) | FMXI: Co-Host | FMXII: Fool (W) |
    I saw your party join...

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    If I'm citizen, I'm do whatever.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    I'm very interested where exactly I gave me away last time, cause lately I'm completely avoiding hyphens...
    FM0:orange Mafioso -- FM1: orange Mafia Consort -- FM2: Citizen/Mason -- FM3: Serialkiller -- FM4: Jester -- FM5: Godfather -- FM7: Coroner
    Killcount so far: 22

    Oh, and I sometimes use hyphens - it's a German-thing :3

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Quote Originally Posted by Rumpel View Post
    I'm very interested where exactly I gave me away last time, cause lately I'm completely avoiding hyphens...
    Improper capitalization? Your very easy to decipher playstyle? People be psychics? Dunno.
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Thank you, this was a great help...

    I don't know if i like how much metagaming is involved with forum mafia... doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose?

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Hmmm, what would I be classified as in FM5? I think I was somewhat of a town leader. Also Yayap should be forbidden from ever getting the student role ever again.

    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    I'm going to say i have a tendency to do something here, and try to do the opposite, so that i can carry on with my tendencies and avoid detection. WIFOMOMOMOMOMOMOMOM

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Wifom Part 2 is posted in 2nd post.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    The yale videos were quite intriguing, i just got done with the first one.

    Curse my indignant angel strategy! It is this i adopt a more... dominating one.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    I would have chosen 5. I guess that means I'm too trusting?
    FMIII: Citizen | FMIV: Vigilante | FMV: Bus Driver | FMVII: Godfather | FMVI: Sinner | FMVIII: Lookout | FM IX: Citizen/Proletariat | FMX: Veteran/Survivor/Framer | FMXI: Mafioso | FMXII: Coroner | FMXIII: Bus Driver | FMXIV: Vigilante | FMXV: Student

  20. ISO #20
    Voss's classic Setup

    Spoiler : Town Faction :


    • The uninformed majority, these roles must eliminate all Mafia factions, the cult, and all evil neutrals
    • Must eliminate Mafia.

    Available Roles

    • A voice of reason during the day.

    • Save someone from an attack.

    • Investigate someone to determine if they are suspicious or not.

    Spoiler : Mafia Faction :


    • The informed minority, these roles must eliminate the Town, other Mafia factions, the cult and evil killing neutrals.
    • Must eliminate Town.

    Available Roles

    • A henchman of the mafia.
    Rules of Conduct
    1. Forum Mafia Rules
    2. Inactive players will be replaced by another player, if necessary, they will be modkilled.
    3. To ask the Host a question, you must highlight the question in green, and mention the host @Voss . You may also pm me on Discord.
    4. Minimum of 5 posts per game day.
    5. English shall be the only language used.
    6. Do not post links to other websites.
    7. Pictures are allowed in moderation.
    8. Videos are not allowed.
    9. Directly quoting any feedback or PM by me is forbidden.
    10. Have Fun.
    Last edited by TheNarrator; May 14th, 2019 at 07:44 PM. Reason: Setup was updated

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Ah, i've been in the same position. Phil Hellmeuth would be displeased.

    I refer to it at beginner's luck, though obviously theyu don't have to be a beginner to not be thinking.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    I think the OP is over thinking FM a little bit, exaggerating the importance of staying anonymous.

    For every Mafia game there should be a certain code that everyone should follow so that there should be a rational and certain outcome.

    If you assume that everyone follows this rational code A, and they know that you will also follow this code, then the outcome will depend entirely on setup.

    This reminds me of game theory. One such theory involves a group of students choosing a number 1 to 100 inclusive and that the winner will be the one closest to 1/3 of the average.

    If one were rational, you wouldn't choose a number that is more than 1/3 of 100. And if you knew everyone else was rational too, you wouldn't choose a number more than 1/3 of 1/3 of 100. And if you iterate that infinite times, also known as common knowledge, then the most rational number turns out to be 1.

    Apparently the smarter the group of people, the lower the average will be.

    So if I compare this to the Mafia game, you have to decide whether to choose the most rational path (choosing 1) or choose a slightly less rational one (a higher number) because you assume that the rest of the players are less or non rational.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    No they are not. They are called strategies. Always be a few steps ahead of your opponents. Show your possible moves so that you can predict their possible moves. Good of you to bump this! And thanks Yayap!

    Oh yea, and make statements with double/triple meanings so that your intended targets will see what you want them to see...
    Last edited by ; November 28th, 2011 at 08:00 AM. Reason: More stuff

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Old thread I know, but I have a question.
    Is lurking bad?
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    Old thread I know, but I have a question.
    Is lurking bad?
    I'll answer that after FM9 is over but before FMX starts.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    lol... ok Lurking is BAD

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Yapyap WTF
    Why did you post those videos?
    Now I'm addicted to watching this class about Game Theory.
    I'm a fucking MUSIC EDUCATION MAJOR... I have NO time on my hands. Zero. None.
    Now I'm addicted to Forum Mafia and Open Yale courses. Jesus.

    No srsly, that's some really good shit.
    I know it's good shit
    I know you know it's good shit
    I know you know I know it's good shit.
    etc etc etc.
    Now those videos being good shit is common knowledge.
    You're welcome.

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    dont post nude picz
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Tip of the day:
    Don't troll in Yayap's guide while Yayap has the power to delete your posts. =)

    time for some clean up

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Always blame the others if you lose! Some people will really believe you and think you are a great player!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Steps to MVP

    - Plug and pressure -
    1: Assume people are roles
    2: Try to figure out if people are those roles
    3: If they don't fit they aren't (repeat from step 1)
    4: If they are then lynch

    - Why you do dat? -
    1: Scum talk about their role more than other roles.

    - Oh hai! -
    1: People that enter days with general greetings and speaking of feedback are pro-town (more often).
    2: People that believe their information is something to bargain with are pro-scum (more often).

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post

    • Seeing a player take up the mantle of giving out leads and organizing a pressure train can generally be taken as a Town Tell, as scum seem to favor being out the potential limelight. These player generally fish out feedback, such as role-blocks or being bus driven, and fill up a role-list based on them and the night kills revealed. You can generally find these players being the Town Leader.
    • Another Town Tell to take note of is players who seem to provide a rational read on what other players posts. These players typically make a "wall of text" which can contain Town supportive information and can be used, sometimes, to further attempts to scum hunt. These players also tend to shine a light on players that lurk or post less than they typically should be.
    • There are a few players who have taken up creating a wide amount of communication and push others to talk by giving them a task of reading other players or giving their opinions on night actions and feedback, as well as role-list possibilities. These players offer up their own theories about the games proceedings and give others incentive to do so as well. Anyone who typically seems to be pushing for more and more communication, while giving their own, can be given an alignment of town, but remember that scum may undertake these Tells to shroud themselves as Town.

    Be on your guard and remain vigilante however

    Good luck and Fair Hunting to you,

    lol what kind of scum did u play with? btw "remain vigilante"? lol good one.
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  46. ISO #46

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Quote Originally Posted by Yayap View Post
    ***Special Disclaimer: This Section is meant to cover the very basics of tells, the most obvious of them, and should be used with caution. Do not mistake this guide for infallible and always make sure to pay attention to the littlest of things.***
    Quote Originally Posted by Ash View Post
    lol what kind of scum did u play with? btw "remain vigilante"? lol good one.

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Hints, Tips and Tricks to FM

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    Wish I knew which one you were talking about.
    I think he means this one:
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)



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