Forum Mafia Host's Guide

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    Forum Mafia Host's Guide

    FM Host's Guide

    This guide will attempt to include everything you need to know about hosting games of Forum Mafia on Sc2 Mafia.

    Hosting requirements:

    Simple Forum Mafia (S-FM)

    This section is WIP, being re-written by @MartinGG99 , if you have any questions about it reach out to him either site PM or discord (same name)!

    What does my setup thread need?

    Your setup should show all available public information, so posting a setup thread with that information is necessary. That doesn't mean everything you know about it, but what the players can be expected to know when they play it. In the spoiler we cover a few different topics to help ensure you aren't forgetting anything! Additionally, its important to note the difference between "Random" and "Hidden" roles, as some setups will say a slot is "Hidden Town" or "Random Mafia". Random means just that -- it could be anything and is frequently decided by RNG. Hidden however means this is secretly selected by the host, and (usually) is selected from a list of possible roles for the "Hidden Town" found within your setup thread.

    Spoiler : :

    1) Roles List
    A roles list shows how many players the game is intended for, while also giving structure to the setup itself. This makes it easier for players to understand what the game is going to be like. If you wish to host a game with a completely hidden roles list, it is acceptable to post a roles list that includes nothing but Hidden Any's. It is recommended, but not required, to specify the number of players in the setup thread's title. For example, a 13 players setup would have "(13P)" in the title.

    2) Possible Roles
    Lists of possible roles for every hidden category to clarify the roles list. For example: If Vigilante is a confirmed role, it should be clarified if a second Vigilante can arise from Hidden Town or not. If your game does not have any hidden categories, or the only categories is Hidden Any, then possible roles are not needed.

    3) Role Cards
    A role card is needed for every role possible in the game, showing what the action of the role is and specifics about the role. Anything unusual or optional about a role should be mentioned in the role card. For example, a Witch rolecard should say if the Witch's target is notified of being Witched or not.

    4) Win Conditions
    Clear Win Conditions are required for every faction. Make sure that these are not vague, and that there are no loopholes. For example, it should be clarified that Town must have at least one player alive at the end of the game in order to win, and not just "Eliminate the Mafia".

    5) Order of Operations
    For every night action in the game, the host must place it appropriately on the Order of Operations. Order of Operations is the easiest place to forget about specific roles. Remember that the Order of Operations should reflect your intentions about the mechanics of your game. For example, if you place Healing after Killing, a Doctor is unable to heal the same night they are killed; anything placed before a roleblock can't be prevented by a roleblocker.

    An example of an Order of Operations:
    Order of Operations
    0.1 Jailing
    0.2 Night chats open
    1. Survivor uses vest (+1)
    2. Veteran Alert (-1)
    3. Bus drives
    4. Witch manipulation (can manipulate 2 and 3)
    5. Roleblocks (can block 3 and 4)
    6. Detective/Lookout (can see all movements from 2 and onwards)
    7. Framer
    8. Investigations
    9. Bodyguard protects (+1)
    10. Kills (-1)
    11. Heals (+1)
    12. Janitor
    13. Cult conversion
    14. Mason recruits / purging (-1)
    15. Coroner
    16. Jailor executes

    6) Mechanics
    This is where you put how you intend your game to run. A host generally includes things like day length, night length, all lynch mechanics, who shares a night chat, and anything else you deem relevant.

    7) Special Mechanics
    This is where you include any unique mechanics you intend to put in your game. This includes things such as day events, lotteries, or even a game that utilizes a map with areas. Any of these, or anything else, should be clearly defined in this section to prevent confusion.

    8) Rules of Conduct
    Rules of Conduct should include all restraints you wish to place upon your players. Usual rules include: No outside communication of the game, No editing posts, Don't reveal roleplay names, ect. Other rules can include minimum posts, posting of videos/pictures, and other languages. Remember that you cannot mod-kill or replace someone for breaking a rule you did not have in your setup (note that the FM Rules are assumed to apply to your setup unless you specify otherwise).

    9) Investigator Feedback
    Investigative messages are required for all setups that include the Investigator role variant that gets a feedback along the lines of "Your target is either role X, role Y, or role Z". This can either be included in the Investigator role card, or in a section on it's own.

    10) Feedback messages

    This section isn't required, but will definitely prevent several questions being asked during the reviewing process. If you choose not to have this section present in your Setup, it is recommended to include all feedback under the appropriate role card (i.e. Doctor knows his target is attacked).

    I finished my setup, what's the next step?

    If you think your setup is ready, reach out to administrative staff such as @Lumi and @Marshmallow Marshall so that they review and approve your setup. It also wouldn't hurt to join our FM discord and share your setup there to get general opinions! Once your setup is approved, reach out to @MartinGG99 , the queue manager. They can be reached via Site PM or through Discord, of the same name. They will be able to add you to the Queue or even arrange for a (rough) specific time for you to host your game. Additionally, once you are given the go-ahead to post signups, Martin will supply with you more information about useful functions that hosts can do (such as how to use our vote bot) and arrange for you to have the website's FM Host role, which has special administrative privileges to better allow you to run your game!
    Last edited by MartinGG99; June 20th, 2023 at 09:38 PM. Reason: Doing work on the page, making it much more relevant and practical.



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