Are modkills instant, or do they happen at end of day/night?

Can host see night actions in time to modkill someone before they happen?

Does not revealing that you are silenced apply to the skypers chat?

Since one cannot reveal if one is silenced, does this also prohibit inquiring? (IE: "If you are silenced, please start your next post with a vowel. Otherwise, with a consonant.") How about discussion of silencing in general? IE: Can someone say, "hey, host, I think such and such is silenced, and the following players could have done it and should be watched, etc etc"

Are there any restrictions on the primary or secondary roles of the com hunter's target?

Are there any restrictions on the gamethrower's secondary role? (Can they be the neut killing?)

Can mafia factional kill target mafia?

Similarly, can vigs shoot themselves?

Does "posted less then half of the person that posted the most" apply to the previous day's posts, or to a cumulative number?

Does a modkilled rulebreaker win if host is deemed bad?

How does being modkilled interact with a luker/com hunter who already achieved their win condition?

Can you clarify as to whether the host and/or rule followers need the game to last a certain amount of time? I see it listed differently in the primary roles and win condition locations.

If they do need the game to last, is it until the start or end of day 4?

Is it possible to have more than one gamethrower? If so, can they have different alignments? (I am concerned about a situation where at least one rulebreaker winning is guaranteed.)

Given the track record of recent games, are we sticking to the 24 hour day/nights, or maybe going to 48?