Tower of God - 3F

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  1. ISO #1

    Post Tower of God - 3F

    Welcome again, dear regulars. It seems that some of you did not made it out though 2F safely. Damus_Graves, Bahkieh and Fatalis where eliminated on their last chance game and so will not be allowed to return back to the tower once again. Damus's case is special - he had positive points, but he chose to participate in Game of Chicken anyway, but failed to jump off in time. You thought I was easy on you when I proposed that last game? You were clearly wrong. And so, here are those 14 people who are still with us, along with their score standings:

    RLVG 450 points
    powerofdeath 350 points
    Citrus 200 points
    louiswill 200 points
    Glip 200 points
    Numbertwo 200 points
    NoctiZ 200 points
    Ika 150 points
    Tonex 150 points
    Hypersniper 100 points
    J 100 points
    100 points
    Apache 50 points
    AppleyNO 0 points

    Are you prepared now? The next test's name will be...

    Tower of God - 3F: Minority Rule

    The rules of this test will be simple. You will be presented with a YES or NO question. And in response, each regular sends me a PM with their answer. Like in the previous tests, you can do this only once - your answer will be final. After all votes are cast, they will be tallied. And those who voted along with the minority will be declared the winners. The winner will then proceed in the next round of voting. You will NOT lose any test points if you lose in voting. Howver, you WILL lose test points if you do not vote at all, so be active as much as you can!

    Of course, it is possible there there will be a tie, such as 7 to 7. In such a case, I will simply dismiss the round and ask everyone to vote again (but you'll still lose TP for not voting). And so rounds of voting will continue... until there are only one or two regulars left. You will gain 100 test points for each round of "minority game" that you managed to win. Furthermore, the winner(s) of this test will have an advantage in the next test. What exactly will be that advantage? You'll have to win first to find that out.

    The real test will begin at this time:

    But! Before the real test begins, I will allow you to participate in the "mock game". In mock game you will not gain nor lose points. The sole purpose of the mock game is to give you a better understanding of the Minority rule. Furthermore, outside communications between regulars will also be allowed, such as private messages and Skype. Now, here is a question that I will present for you in the mock game:

    Are you a woman? YES or NO?

    Wherether the question is answered correctly is not relevant. In this test, the question is just merely a show. What's important in this game is how you get yourself into minority, or, looking at it into another way - how you deceive your fellow regulars into becoming the majority! Joining the minority is all about strategy and probing each other's mind. For this purpose, you will be given plenty amount of time to place your votes. If you can completely read your opponents, and if your strategy is prefect enough - it is possible to become a victory in just a single round (such as 13 to 1). I will award such a winner with 500 Test points, or split into 250 points between the 2 winners.

    Last piece of advice. The key contolling this game is not luck. It is time. Now, go ahead, and try the practice game! The real test will start itself tomorrow, so make sure you are prepared well!
    Last edited by Fragos; March 14th, 2014 at 02:48 AM.

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